Your Sweet Suicide: Okay, so this is a little early. Like, a week and a half early. But! I have a reason! Actually...several reasons. Reason one: I got this finished a lot faster than I expected. Reason two: My next week and a half is insanely busy. I have seven rifle practices, a repelling trip, lots of end-of-grading-period stuff due, and a rifle match. Reason three: The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can start posting Graim Thu (which I have been itching to get feedback on).
I'm slightly disappointed though. As I am writing this (10:11 pm, Sept. 18) I have 2 reviews and 42 hits on chapter 5. That's a slight decline from the usual 6-8 reviews and 170-580 hits...(I know, that's nothing compared to some of the stories on here but means a lot to me that my stuff is worth reading.)
Bah, I'll stop complaining and finish this little note so you can get to the story (which is quite long...). I made sure that this chapter was extra long to make up for the lack of length to the last chapter. One warning though, this chapter is a lot of dialogue. I mean, so much...I'm not sure if I wanna make them talk ever again because there's so much dialogue in here. Nah...I like making them talk.
Dedicated to: Akunen. Okay. You. Are. Awesome. I seriously love you. Your reviews brighten up my day (not that the others don't...) and make me all fuzzy happy and make me want to finish the next chapter faster. Plus, you got my super special question right. So...this chapter is for you.
Disclaimer: Sorry, still don't own Kingdom Hearts or anything of the like. I only own the games/dvds, a ring, and a cheap copy of Sora's crown necklace (which is broken...because it's so cheap).
(Last chapter)
He called out, in a half-surprised, half-questioning voice to the man across the street. "Dad?"
The man looked up and took a step back, startled. "Sora?"
"Dad!" Sora ran across the street, not looking to see if any cars were coming, and tackled his father.
His father hugged him and then pushed him back softly by the shoulders to get a better look at his son.
"Gosh, you've grown. How's life been?" He smiled while inspecting Sora.
"Not too obviously haven't heard, have you?" Sora frowned at his dad's expression. "Mom passed away...but...we have a little sister now."
"Oh Sora, I'm sorry. I heard someone at work say she was in the hospital but I didn't know if it was true or not...and I didn't have anyway to get a hold of you guys. Where are you living now anyway?" Ari crossed his arms and sighed.
"We live about three streets that way," Sora pointed in the direction, "with mom's whatever he is. He hasn't been there, though, because he's been staying at the hospital with the baby. I, um, don't like staying there. I don't think any of us do." Sora looked around and held his arms like he was cold. It was so weird to talk to someone he hadn't seen in over four years.
"Sora? Did you hear what I said?" He glanced up at his dad and shook his head. "Oh, no. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I asked you if you wanted to come inside and talk. Your stepmother would love to meet you." Sora nodded and followed his father inside.
"Ari, who are you talking to?" A woman's voice called from the kitchen.
"It's someone I want you to meet." Not long after, the woman stepped into the hallway holding a napkin holder. "Oh sweetie, is that Sora?"
Sora nodded softly and took in the woman's look. She had long, straight brunette hair and dark green eyes. She was dressed in a pair of worn out jeans and a light orange tee shirt that looked like it had been bleached a few times.
"Sora, I'd like you to meet your stepmother, Taryn."
"He does look just like you!" Taryn reached her arms out and hugged Sora. "Ari wouldn't stop talking about you. All I would ever hear was 'Sora this' 'Roxas that' 'Cloud yadda yadda.' He really loves you boys."
"Really? Um, Taryn, it was really nice to meet you but do you think I can talk to my dad for a while? Alone?" Sora smiled at her.
"Of course, sweetie. I'll just go finish putting our kitchen away and you guys can talk all you want. Do you want anything for lunch?"
"No thanks." He shook his head and looked at his dad. "Where can we go to talk?"
"I think I know where." His dad started up the stairs, and then turned to motion for him to follow, so he did. They ended up in his and Roxas' old room.
"Wow, haven't been in here in a long time. I wanted to ask you earlier...why did you move back into this house if it's just going to be you two? You could've gotten a nice, smaller house. Why this one?"
"Because if things work out right it won't just be the two of us living here." Ari judged Sora's confused look and smiled. "Sor, I'm fighting to get custody back. I want you boys to come live with me."
Letting it all sink in, Sora smiled happily. "That would be awesome but um, what about Selphie?"
"There is that extra room we always used to storage..." Ari smiled. "How's that sound, Sora? If you guys move back in it'll be just like old times."
"No. Not just like old won't be here."
"Sor..." His father's large hand reached out to rest on his shoulder, but Sora turned away.
"No, it's okay," he set his hand over his heart, "she'll still be with us."
"So does that mean you'll come back?" Ari smiled again. This was just what he had been hoping for.
"I'll talk to them about it...Do you think you could come over to the house this afternoon? I want to be able to talk to Cloud and Roxas before they see you."
"Yeah. I'll come over around seven."
"That'll be great..." Sora gave his father the address and decided it was time to get back. "I guess...I'll see you at seven then. See ya." He started to walk out of the room but turned around and attacked his dad with another hug.
"I've missed you so much..." Two tears fell from Sora's eyes.
"I've missed you too."
When Sora arrived back at the house, he found Roxas curled up next to Axel on the front porch swing asleep. His brother looked peaceful for the first time in a long time. With all the stress they'd been dealing with, he hadn't been the best person to be around.
Axel looked up and waved. "He just fell asleep about ten minutes ago. He looks different, doesn't he?"
Sora nodded and smiled a little. "Do you know where Cloud is? I need to talk to him and Roxas."
"Cloud should still be in there. Leon left a few minutes ago."
"Thanks. Could you do me a favor and wake Roxas up and tell him he needs to come to the living room?"
Axel nodded and watched as Sora bounced inside. He began to wonder what the boy had gotten into to be so hyperactive.
"Roxie, wake up," he nudged the smaller boy softly and smiled at the yawn he received in reply. "Hmm?"
"Sora needs you." Hearing this, Roxas immediately shot up with his eyes full of worry. "Don't worry, I think it's something good. He's pretty bouncy."
"Sora is always bouncy..." Roxas stretched and got up from swing. "I guess I'm needed inside, but I won't let you leave until I get something." He smirked at the look he got.
"Cloud!" Sora bounced around the house looking for his older brother. "Where did you go?"
A small laugh was followed by, "In the kitchen, Sora."
"Cloud, Cloud, Cloud...come here. Put that stuff away and come here!" Sora bounded into the living room and collapsed into one of the chairs.
"Where is here?" Cloud's voice came from across the house.
"Living room, now!" The brunet adjusted himself to sit upright in the seat and grinned.
"Okay, I'm in here," Cloud announced as he entered the room. "Now, what do you want."
"Sit down and wait for Roxas to come in. Then I tell you the AWESOME news!"
The blond twitched slightly and sat on the couch. "Did you go to Riku's? You must have. You always get like this after you see him."
"Noo, I didn't see Riku, though I'd love to. Just sit and wait. It's worth it, trust me."
A few minutes of watching his younger brother twitch in his seat Cloud sighed and called out for Roxas. "Rox, get in here before I beat your ass!"
A faint "Coming!" resounded from outside, followed by the front door opening and closing.
"What? You interrupted something." Roxas crossed his arms as he stood in the entryway.
Sora bounced in his seat before twitching. "Come and sit!"
"Yes, Roxas, please. Come and sit down before your twin explodes. I'd rather not be one brother short...even if it is Sora." Cloud smiled at the look he got from Sora.
After a bit or thought, Roxas crossed the room and sat on the other side of the couch. "Cloud, why is he twitching like that? Did he see Riku?"
Exasperated, Sora threw his hands up into the air. "No! I didn't see Riku. Just listen. This is much better."
"Better than Riku? No way." Sora glared at his twin.
"Shut up, Roxas. This is something all three of us can enjoy. Heck, even Denzel will like it! Okay, guess who I saw today! You have three guesses and the first two don't count."
Roxas and Cloud glanced at each other before answering.
"Riku, the Easter bunny, or 2Pac?" Roxas laughed at the look he got.
"Rox, 2Pac is dead. But no, no, and no."
"Um, that evil teacher you had in third grade, Oprah, or Riku?"
Roxas glanced at Cloud. "Oprah? What the hell?"
"It could happen!"
"Guys! No. You're both wrong."
"Then who did you see?" Roxas asked, aggravated.
"I saw dad." All three boys let the sentence hang in the air for a minute before anyone said anything.
Cloud spoke up first, "Sora, are you sure it was dad you saw? I mean, he's been gone for so long. Are you sure it wasn't just someone who looked like dad?"
"No, I'm serious. I sat down and talked to him. He and his new wife, our step-mom, just moved into our old house. And," Sora paused, "he wants us to move back in. He's supposed to be coming over at seven to talk to all three of us."
Roxas and Cloud exchanged looks again. "Sora, are you sure you didn't fall, hit your head, and dream it?"
"I'm sure! Guys, why don't you believe me?"
"Because, Sora, you tend to day dream a lot. If he shows up at seven, we'll believe you."
Roxas nodded in agreement.
Sora stuck his tongue out. "You guys suck. He'll be here."
Sora stayed near the door from six-thirty until seven o' five, when the doorbell rang. As he had guessed, Roxas came running and Cloud came not long after. When he opened the door, he grinned as he heard his two brothers' curse.
"Hey, boys." Ari smiled at the three standing in the doorway.
"The little shit wasn't lying." Cloud muttered. Roxas simply remained silent.
"Come on in, dad!" Sora pulled his father into the living room with the other two following behind.
They all sat down and looked towards their father. Cloud snapped out of the trance he was in and asked the first question. "Why'd you leave?"
"I was afraid of what your mother would do next. Plus, I was tired of the arguing and I knew that we couldn't afford a marriage counselor."
"Okay," Roxas spoke up, "Sora said that you wanted us to come back. Is it true?"
"Yes, I want you boys to come live with me. I already told Sora that I could even use the extra room that we had as the baby's room."
After they had cleared those two things up, the questions came more randomly.
"How would you get custody?" Ari smiled. I've been fighting for custody of you boys for a while now. While your mother was alive, I couldn't get you, but I have the feeling it'll be a lot easier now."
Cloud sat in thought while Roxas asked his questions and once Roxas seemed finished, he spoke up again.
"I have two simple questions. One is simple for all of us, and one is simple for just the three of us." Cloud sighed.
"Okay, ask away."
"First question: when would you want us to start moving in, considering you pretty much have custody of us already?"
Roxas and Sora nodded in agreement. "We've been here alone so it wouldn't be hard for us to start bringing our stuff over now." Roxas looked at Sora in surprise. He guessed they were having a twin moment because that had been the same thing he was thinking.
"I would like for you to start moving your stuff in now, but I want the move official after the funeral. When is he coming back?"
They all knew who 'he' was. "He told me he'd be back when we got home from school on Monday, but I'm not sure if he will or not. Last night when he called, he said that he had a hotel room and that the hospital needed him longer. He said he might not be back until Wednesday or Thursday."
"Good, if you want to, you can start packing things up and we'll start moving them in tomorrow. Just leave out your necessary stuff for the next week. The funeral is Wednesday, right?" Seeing the boys nod, he thought for a second. Okay then, we'll work on getting your stuff moved in. That is, if you want to."
Cloud looked at him. "This is actually more for you to decide. I know the three of us want to move back in and I know that Denzel will want to, also. The only thing us, do you really want us back?" Ari looked like he was going to say something but Cloud stopped him. "That brings me to my second question."
Sora and Roxas looked at Cloud with worried eyes. They knew what he was going to ask.
"Ask away, then."
The older blond sighed. "Dad, what is your opinion on gays?"
Ari sat stunned for a few moments while the boys exchanged looks.
"Cloud..." Roxas started, but couldn't find the words to say.
"I don't have any problem with gay people. In fact, I work with one. What does this have to do with...oh. Oh, I get it. Did you seriously think I wouldn't let you live with me because you guys don't like girls?" Ari laughed. "That's the best thing I've heard in a long time."
The boys looked at each other in shock.
"Of course I still want you back." They all sighed hearing this. "Well, since we've all agreed. You all start working on packing tonight, invite your boyfriends and your friends over tomorrow, and we'll start moving. I'll drive back over in a little while and leave you some of the boxes we used from our move."
Ari got up and started to walk towards the door. He turned around mid-step and frowned at his sons. "You're actually going to let me leave, after not seeing me long now...without a hug? And I thought you were my sons."
Sora, Roxas, and Cloud all got up at once and attacked their father. "Heh, that's what I thought."
After saying their goodbyes, Cloud assigned his younger brothers jobs to do.
"Roxas, put a bag together of what you'll need until next Saturday and put that on your bed, then start putting your stuff in piles to get put into boxes. Sora, make the same kind of bag, but when you get done with that I want you to come down and help me with Denzel's things. Got it?"
"Got it," The twins said in unison.
A/N: This chapter was going to have a huge cliff-hanger but I thought "No, that'd be mean. I probably won't be able to update until the beginning of October and that would be just mean" so...I brought it to a closing point.
This isn't going to be a long end-chapter note. I have biology homework to do from last week and Monday...and it's 12:03 AM...blah. Um, all I ask is that I might get a few more reviews on chapter 5 and a few reviews on this chapter. I just want to know how I'm doing. I don't need someone telling me how each line was or anything...just a "Good job." or a "You might want to go over ... " would be nice. This chapter is a whole 4 pages longer than chapter 5. See how nice I am? Like I said though, the next chapter should be up around the beginning of October (hopefully). I love you guys! (Please review! Not just this chapter but chapter 5 too!)