A songs/ a person singing
Disclaimer:I own absolutely nothing in this story except for the plot and that's barely mine.
A/N Well this is my second story but my first full length story so have fun reading.
Sad Songs and a Guardian Angel
On a cold winter day, a bushy haired teen took refused in a snowy white garden at Hogwarts. She moped around the frozen snow covered flowers,while singing a sad heart crushing melody. Dusting off the snow off a flower ever so often as she sang the chorus.
I can't believe i believe
Everything we had would last
So young and naive for me to think
She was from your past
Silly of me to dream of
One day having your kids
Love is so blind
It feels so right when its wrong
She felt so betrayed, how could he do this to her?She had trusted him,they had been friends for almost seven years now. She knew she should have said no when he asked her if she would be his girlfriend. She knew he fancied her and she him but they were just friends and should have stayed that way.
I can't believe I fell for your schemes
I'm smarter than that
So young and naive to believe that with me
You're a changed man
Foolish of me to compete
When you cheat with loose women
It took me sometime but now I moved on
Almost everyone had heard of the famous Golden Trio break up. She did get it, they hadn't all broken up sure she had broken up with Ron for cheating on her with Lavender Brown of all people;but she is and all ways will be Harry's friend-no matter what. Ron, she was sure she would never talk to again. Unless she had too;which she still wouldn't talk to him. He was and still is a pig. Now she can't even see what she ever saw in him to begin with. She is starting to get over him. He is not worst the hours she spent crying over him and now she knows it.
Cuz I realized I got
Me,Myself and I
Is all i got in the end
That's what i found out
And ain't no need to cry
I took a vow that for now on
I'm gonna be my own best friend
Falling down limp into the snow, unaware of the pair of sapphire eyes on her. Waiting to see if the girl would move but she didn't;knowing that she would not be able to survive the cold winter night by her self he slowly, but swiftly emerged from behind his hiding place to check the brown haired girl. She had pasted out. He bent down and look at her tear stained face; she was beautiful. He would never under stand why Weasley would ever let her go, or for that matter cheat on her with that bigged mouth Griffindor Lavender Brown.
He slowly wrapped his arm around her and picked her up. Carrying her up towards the castle, her stirring ever so often. When he reach the hospital wing he sat her down softly and call upon Madam Pomfrey.
"Madam Pomfrey, Madam Pomfrey!",yelled the sapphire eyed boy into the darkness. A small women came from out of a curtain and comforted the young man.
"What is it boy?", she asked.
"It's Hermione Granger I found her outside, I bought her here because she might have caught a cold."The boy explained. She nodded towards the door.
" You may go, I will take care of her" she said. He nodded in return and headed for the door. Before he turn and asked her not to tell anyone about this.
"Okay, but you know she will want to know how saved her."
"I know but she might be a little upset that it was me"
" I under stand, I'll say I couldn't see you face."
"Thanks" he said before heading out the door. Heading down towards the dungeon, to the Slytherin common room. Saying the password and going in to the the common room. Taking a sit next to the blond haired boy siting on the couch.
"Blaise, where have you been all day. I have been looking every where for you?"Said a very pissed off Draco Malfoy.
(A/N) So how was it? I know ;at first I wasn't going to put who saved her but I thought about and put it anyway. I know if I was reading I would want to know. So what do you want to find out in the next chap. Maybe you'll find out why he save her or maybe not.
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