Sakue: Doob! I mad best frendz wit Sakua and am going to kill her so I have ulimet sharengen.
Narruto thinkng reel hard smok cums out of eers: Sakue, I hav qwestin. If u want to gane ultimet sharengen then y knot do lik Kakashe-sensay and think u kill best frend an so u trick urself into ganeng ultimate sharengen?
Sakue: U iz reel genus doob! I go now to do as u say.
Sakue goz away to trick self to gane ultimate sharengen and cums bak 1 hower laitr.
Sakue: Doob! I am graytist Uchehah evr existed I have ultimet sharengen evn betr than Etache.
Narruto: Oh Sakue, I luv u so much letz have majr butt-sex rite now!
Sakue: Ok doob, butt this tim ownlee I will let u do me only becuz I reelee luv u!
Narruto: Oh Sakue, U treet me so gud.
Aftr major butt-sex iz ovr Narruto goes to all kunowchi in Konoha an tellz thim that if thy wat to hav sex wit Sakua thy hav to lern Narruto's sexe-no jutsue.
Aftr sum thout thy all agree and strt to lern new jutsue. Aftr 5 howerz thy all hav lernt new jutsue an ar all men now.
Narruto: Sakue I hav grate gif four u I teech sexe-no-jutsu to all kunowchi an now thy all men so we can hav mor major butt-sex wit!
Sakue: Doob! Thatz grate I also hav gif four u I copy Kakashi-sensay trick wit ultimet sharengen and chang it so that I can go to othr places and get mor men four major butt-sex.And ges what I found othr place that iz skool and haz a lot of people for major butt-sex marathong. Iz place caled Hogwartz and has specil student named Hairy Pottr.
Narruto: Sasuke u iz greatist uchehah evr! U gane ultimet sharengen wit out killin best frend, U defeet Akatsuke and make all members our butt-sex slavez.
U make snak frek cum bak to Konoha an get puneshmint four crimz, U show joenins that u betr ninja, I make all konochi do sexe-no-jutsu an now thy all men perminantle.
And U fin whole new place so we hav major butt-sex in skool wit Hairy Pottr an frendz.
No wundr I luv u Sakue.
Sakue: I now Narruto I am greatist uchehah evr!