The next day, Jackie walked into the High School with a slight frown on her face. She watched as all the couples around her exchanged gifts and kisses and the amount of love in the air was enough to make her sick. She sighed and went straight for her locker. When she got there she noticed a red rose taped to her locker. She pulled it off her locker and smelled it and smiled. She wondered who it was from since Hyde didn't go to the school with her anymore. She opened her locker and got her books and headed to class. About half way through second period, the intercom came on asking to dismiss Jackie Burkhart. She stood up slowly confused at the announcement, and started to walk outside. She didn't know who had dismissed her but she just decided to go along with it and go home, she wasn't in a good mood so going home would be fine with her. When she opened the door she saw Red Foreman sitting in her car. She walked over to him.
"What are you doing in my car?"
"Oh I'm taking it home for you."
"What? How am I supposed to get home? Did you dismiss me?"
"Yes I did."
"You'll see."
"Wait…if you take my car how am I supposed to get home."
"You'll see."
"You can't just leave me here!"
"Sure I can. Watch me."
"But Re-"
He slammed his foot on the gas of Jackie's car and sped off out of the parking lot. She cursed him as he drove off and screamed at the top of her lungs. This day could not get any worse. She turned on her heel and decided to walk back into the school since she had no way of getting home. But out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hyde standing by the El Camino with a dozen roses in his hand. She stopped dead in her tracks and he smirked at her. She walked towards him ever so slowly almost as if she didn't feel like this was real, that he wasn't really standing there.
"Steven?" She asked stopping a few feet in front of him.
"Jackie." He said nonchalantly.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well Red took your car so I figured you needed a ride home."
"And I wanted to give you these."
He walked towards her and handed her the bouquet of roses and kissed her cheek. She smiled and smelled the rose and remembered the rose from her locker.
"Is this one from you too?"
"Steven there beautiful. Thank you."
"Happy Valentine's Day Doll."
She stood on her tip toes and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
"Happy Valentine's Day to you too." She kissed him again. "So…what are you really doing here?"
"I'm here to take you out for the day."
"Come on." He started to walk to the car but she stood there.
"Or you could just stay here and go back to school…or walk home."
She smiled and picked up her things and threw them in the Camino as he shut the door once she got in.
"So…what are we doing?" She asked.
"You'll see."
"Ok see that's what Red said…is he in on this?"
"Yeah he gave me some help…"
"Steven Hyde…what are you up to?" She said with a giddy, curious grin.
Hyde laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as he continued to drive.
"Nothing doll…nothing."
Jackie smiled and slid over closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder as he drove. He flipped on the radio. The song "Be My Baby" by the Ronnettes rang through the speakers of the Camino and Hyde smiled and placed a kiss on Jackie's head.
The night we met
I knew I needed you so
And if I had the chance I'd never let you
So won't you say you love me
I'll make you so proud of me
We'll make 'em turn their heads
Every place we go
won't you please
(Be my be my baby) Be my little baby
(I want
it only say) Say you'll be my darling
(Be my be my baby) Be my
baby now
(I want it only say) Ooh, ohh, ohh, oh
I'll make you
happy, baby
Just wait and see
For every kiss you give me
I'll give you three
Oh, since the day I saw you
I have
been waiting for you
You know I will adore you
Till eternity
So won't you please
(Be my be my baby) Be my little baby
want it only say) Say you'll be my darling
(Be my be my baby) Be
my baby now
(I want it only say) Ooh, ohh, ohh, ohh, oh
Hyde finally stopped the car in front of an old cabin in the woods. Jackie took her head from Hyde's shoulder and looked around not knowing where they were.
"Steven where are we?"
"This is Red's fishing cabin he comes to."
"Oh…I didn't know he had one."
"Yeah neither did I. But he told me today so that I could use it today with you."
She smiled as he took her hand and lead her out of the car. He placed his hand on her back and grabbed a bag from the car that was filled with food and presents for Jackie. He let her in and she shivered a bit since it was so cold. Hyde placed the food on the kitchen counter and started a fire to warm them up. He handed Jackie a blanket from the couch and she smiled wrapping it around her. He made his way over to the kitchen area and started taking things out of the bag.
"What are you doing?"
"Well my dear…I'm making us lunch and then dinner for later."
"Yeah…Roy has taught me a thing or two about cooking since I've been working at the hotel."
She smiled and sat down on the couch to warm up. "What are you making?"
"Well…I'm making grilled cheese for lunch." She laughed. "And for dinner I'm making Fettuccini Alfredo and some salad."
"Wow. You know how to make that?"
"Yeah Roy taught me the other day." She smiled. "Oh. And I almost forgot…I'm making some deviled eggs for you too."
Her face lit up and she laughed slightly at him. "Really?" She said in a seductive tone.
"Yeah…I do believe you said you would "loose your freaking mind" if I leaned to make them."
"I did say that…" She smiled and put her head down.
He turned to look at her and smiled at her innocence. She stared up at him and he could see small tears building up in her eyes.
"Steven why did you bring me here?"
He sighed and walked over to her and kneeled down to be at her eye level. He lifted her chin with his fingers and kissed her sweetly.
"Because…you deserve a guy who does something sweet for you everyone and awhile. And I may not be the perfect boyfriend…but I wanted to do something nice for my chick. To let her know how important she is to me."
She smiled and kissed him passionately on the lips. "You don't to be perfect Steven. I love you just the way you are."
"I know."
He kissed her again and finished their lunches and then brought it back over to her. She ate a deviled egg and laughed afterwards.
"There good."
They ate their lunch talking a little bit every now and then. Afterwards, they sat and talked about different things, not really talking about each other or their relationship. Just their friends and different things. About two hours later, Hyde got up and went to his jacket pocket and took a piece of paper out of it. She looked at him curiously as he sat down next to her again.
"So uh…I'm gonna start on dinner…and you can uh…you can just read this."
He was fidgeting and the hand that was holding the paper was shaking slightly. Jackie took his free hand and rubbed his knuckles with her thumb to soothe him.
"What is it?" She whispered.
"It's uh…its something I wrote that I wanted you to read. It kinda…explains something's and stuff." He said.
She smiled as he handed her the letter. H e was about to get up to go cook but she pulled at his hand. He turned around and looked at her; she smiled and pulled him towards her kissing him sweetly. He smiled when they pulled apart and walked away to let her read. She sat back against the cushions to get more comfortable, she glanced at Hyde once more as he started to cook before she opened the letter. She took a deep breathe and started to read.
Dear Jackie,
As we both know, I'm not very good with words…but I wanted to write you this letter to try and explain to you how much you really mean to me. You see, it's hard for me to open up to people no matter how much I care about them. I just don't know how to share my feelings, God knows I wish I did but I just can't for some reason. But you need to know that I'm trying…I really am trying to get better at it for you. For us.
Two summers ago when you and I first got together I figured it would just be a summer fling. And once Kelso got you back you would fall back into his arms. But you didn't…you wanted me and I couldn't be happier about that. No matter how much of a hard ass I was or how much I pretended that I didn't care…I did. You mean everything to me Jackie. You really do. I don't say it enough…actually I've only ever said it once…when I cheated on you…but I love you. I really love you.
I guess…since I brought it up already I should talk about me cheating on you…I even hate writing it. I will never be able to say I'm sorry enough Jackie. It was the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life and if I could go back in time and take it back I would. I should have believed you when you said that you didn't want Kelso…and that you wanted me. I should have put all that behind me after the "Get off my boyfriend" fiasco…but my stupid pride and jealousy got the better of me. Please no that I would never hurt you intentionally, I was just so upset over the thought of loosing you, especially to Kelso…I made an impulsive decision and I'm so sorry Jackie. I really am.
And now that were back together, I'm going to try my hardest to make you as happy as I can. I don't think I have been as nice or as considerate as I should have been since we got back together. Cuz lets face it, I'm lucky you forgave my sorry ass. So I'm going to try now…I really am. Please know that I'm sorry and that I promise I won't hurt you like that again. I'm not perfect; I'm going to make more mistakes in our relationship. We both probably will…and were going to yell and scream and fight and at times we may hate each other's guts. But know that no matter what, I love you, no matter where we go in our lives or what happens with us, I'll always love you.
Steven (puddin pop)
Hyde looked over at Jackie nervously. He saw her look up from the letter and she had tears welling in her eyes. He put what he was doing down and walked over to her.
"Oh God…I didn't want to make you cry."
"No Steven there happy tears."
"Happy tears?"
"Yes…I just…this was beautiful. I…don't even know what to say-"
"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know how I fell…it was easier for me to write it all out than say it. I hope that's ok."
"It was perfect Steven." She leaned forward to kiss him.
"Oh there's one other thing."
Hyde reached in his pocket and took out a silver charm bracelet with two charms on it. One was a heart and one was a pair of ballet slippers. Jackie gasped.
"The heart is because…well I love you and I'm giving it to you on Valentine's Day. And the ballet slippers are for "Tiny Dancer", you know our song?"
A few more tears fell down Jackie's face and she kissed Hyde's lips.
"Steven I love it."
He clasped the bracelet on her wrist.
Afterwards they ate dinner and hung out for a bit before heading
home. Red had said he wanted them home by eight, and since he had
helped Hyde so much he didn't want to defy him. Hyde walked Jackie
up to her door, Jackie spun around to kiss him and than said:
"Wait here."
"Where are you going?"
"Just…wait here. I'll be right back."
Jackie ran upstairs and came down and handed him the card she had. He smiled and read the front.
"Of course I'll be yours babe." He kissed her and read the back.
"It's not as romantic and sweet as everything you did for me…actually it kinda sucks compared to what you did. But…I had it so."
She seemed embarrassed by her card and he smiled pulling her to him and he kissed her to ease her worries.
"I love it babe. Cuz it was from you."
"Hey Steven?"
"What changed your mind about Valentine's Day…I thought you hated it."
"You changed my mind Jacks…I just wanted to show you that I do care even though I can be an ass sometimes."
"I love you."
"I love you too Jacks."
She smiled at him and pulled him into the house to 'thank him'. Bob and Donna were out…and even though Red had said he wanted Hyde home…technically he was home. His home was with Jackie…
(Be my be my
baby) Be my little baby
(I want it only say) Say you'll be my
(Be my be my baby) Be my baby now
(I want it only
say) Ooh, ohh, ohh, ohh, oh
Ok that's it...I just wanted to do a cute little JH Valentine's story...let me know what you thought. I'm still doing Friends or Lovers...I just havent had as much time to write it...this didn't take me so long. Just keep an eye out for an update on Friends or Lovers. Thanks for the reviews from before. :)