Let go of the Past, and Look into the Future
Was he in the right place? Remus wondered. Diagon Alley was dark, deserted, and gloomy. No one was here except for Tonks and himself. Since the death of Dumbledore, the country had been in chaos. Men and women alike, panicked because the only one Voldemort feared was dead. The whole country had sunk into a stupor, shocked, horrified, and scared. Remus knew it was going to be bad, but he didn't know it was going to be this bad. Soon, if this war didn't end, everyone would forget the meaning of hope and light, become like the very creatures they fought, and no one would resist. Darkness would rule even more thoroughly than before.
"All right, Remus. That's enough brooding and moping." Tonks shoved Remus.
Remus's mouth was pulled into a tight, thin line of worry. His already careworn face had newer lines carved into it. Tonks took a sidelong glance at him and thought that if she didn't know Remus was thirty-six, she'd say he was fifty-nine. They rounded the corner and came face-to-face with Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. It was the only bit of color on the mist shrouded street. The signs blinked and gleamed, but there were no customers to attract. Remus peered into the window and saw that it too was deserted. He pushed open the door and entered.
"Oi! Fred! Customers!"
George hurried out of the back. Remus smiled regretfully.
"I only wish it were so."
"Don't listen to him; he's been all morbid and depressed." Tonks said cheerfully.
"Ah, our favorite professor and Metamorphagus! What can I, we, do for you?"
Remus sighed and scrubbed his face. "I hate to ask this of you, since you're busy with the shop and all…"
"Rubbish! Do you see customers?" George waved a hand around the empty shop.
Remus cracked a smile.
"Congrats, George, you've managed to do the impossible. You've made Remus smile!" Tonks said dryly.
"Such an honor." George swept a low bow.
Remus cleared his throat.
"Back to business. We, that is, the Order of the Phoenix, need your help. Doubtless, your mother will oppose this but you are fully grown now and can make your own decisions. We need members. Would you, and Fred, like to join the Order of Phoenix?"
"FRED! Get your bloody as-butt over here!"
"Sorry, sorry."
Fred hurried out of the back wearing an apron that was smeared with grease and something Remus could not and did not want to identify.
Fred hurriedly wiped his hands on his apron and said, "What did I miss?"
"An offer from the desperate good guys asking if we want to join them. What do you say, Fred?"
"I don't know, George. Would we like to hear all the big secrets and kick Lord I-forgot-his-stupid-name-because-he-has-too-dam-I-mean-dang-many-names's as-butt?"
George struck a noble pose.
"To do more than annoy Lord What's-is-name?"
"To strike courage into our fellow Englishmen?"
They looked at each other in mock consideration.
"We would love to!"
"It's a deal!"
Fred grabbed his hand, while George grabbed Tonks's and they enthusiastically pumped it.
"You know where right?"
"Of course. We did spend an entire bloody summer there."
"And a shrieking, spitting, drooling portrait is hard to forget."
"Right. Be there at 4:30."
"All right, but we might be a little late. Lots to pack y'know?"
"Righto, Fred!"
"See you Lupin!"
"Take care and don't let the Death Eaters and Voldy-somethings bite!"
They vanished into the back and a few seconds later, Remus and Tonks could hear loud machinery, some booms, crashes, yells ("Watch it, Fred!") and general mayhem. With a slight smile, Remus ducked out of the store. Fred and George were a godsend in these times. They knew how to make people laugh, really laugh, and that was a rare gift.
Lost in his thoughts, Remus and Tonks strolled down the deserted street. He was startled out of them by a poke from Tonks and a whisper.
"Someone else is here!"
"I don't know…"
Remus knew what she was implying. These days, people wandering the streets were ,more often than not, Death Eaters. And recently, Fred Shear had been murdered. Perhaps this was his murderer. They exchanged a silent conversation with their eyes and swerved their path after the mystery person who was cloaked in black, unremarkable robes. The person heard their footsteps and glanced back. Remus felt his heart stop. That can't be. A part of him screamed. She's dead! The rest of him, the parts that was selfish and wanted another person to share the pain with screamed Run, run, run. His body decided to obey. Almost without thinking, Remus broke out into a full out sprint. The second the person heard him, she dashed off like a frightened doe. But Remus was on an adrenaline high and caught up easily in an alleyway. Please, please be her. Praying that she wouldn't think to apparate, Remus put on a fresh burst of speed and tackled her. The impact jarred back her hood as she pulled her wand out.
This is a preview of Let Go of the Past and Look into the Future. It's out! Please check it out and review!