Between You and Me

Chapter 1

A Long Summer

Robin sat quietly in the Tower living room couch, slowly browsing through the channels on the remote to see if anything good is on. He finally gave up and just tossed the remote to the coffee table in front of him after switching the TV off. He let out a long sigh and thought to himself.

Man, I never thought it can be this boring in the Tower, or this quiet.

It's been a day since Starfire, Cyborg, and Beastboy took off for the summer. Star went to Tamaran to spend time with her family, Beastboy came to see the Doom Patrol again, and Cy decided to just chill out with Titans East, leaving Robin and Raven in the Tower by themselves since Raven didn't have anywhere else to go.

Robin recalled the last thing they said to him before they left.

"Now, are you sure ya'll cool here all by yourselves in the Tower?" Cyborg asked.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I'm sure me and Raven can take care of things around here," Responded Robin with confidence.

"Glorious!" Starfire added.

"Well c'mon you guys, let's go already!" Beastboy complained.

"See you in a couple of weeks." Robin bid a farewell.

Ending his flashback, the masked teen then slumped on his seat in the couch.

I was planning to go back to Gotham.

I haven't been there myself in quite some time.

I wonder how things are going in the manor.

I sure miss that place a lot.

But after finding out that the others had plans of there own, I can't just leave the city unprotected. They deserve a vacation much more than I do.

And Raven…

Raven…hmm…wonder what she's doing right now?

Robin got from his seat which left an impression on it since he was there for quite some time. He strolled to Raven's room and decided to see what she was doing since he didn't have anything better to do, maybe even strike up a conversation with her. She has always isolated herself from the team, normally just spending her day in her room. Beastboy sometimes try to lighten her up by paying some visits here and there, but by the looks of things, none of them really got through her. Knocking at her door, he heard the familiar voice of his friend speak from the other side.

"Robin, what do you want?" Raven questioned with her typical dry tone.

The door then partly opens, leaving only half of Raven's face visible.

"You know, just checking up and all." He tried to answer nicely.

"Well, I'm fine, if you don't mind." She responded back and shuts the door in his face.

"Ok then…" he ended in disappointed.

Knowing that he was unwanted, Robin decided to just walk away and leave her be.

That didn't turn out as planned. I guess she was busy.

Returning to the room he was in before, he sat on a stool next to the kitchen counter. He put his head down and gave another long sigh.

This is going to be a long summer…