I don't own Zelda: TP


"Link!" Llia called out, "Help me harvest these pumpkins!"

It has been four months since the day evil was slain, a mirror was shattered, and a kingdom restored to peace, and yet something was still a miss. Our "Chosen Hero" should have been happy but something lingered in his mind.

"Link … I … See you later"

Midna was trapped in the webbings of Link's heart. So many feelings and emotions shared between the most unlikely pair. Two different realms and yet they shared the same fate, only to be parted forever. A single tear of the Twilight Princess shattered Link's hopes.

Chapter One:

Gathering Thoughts

Link rolled over in bed on a wonderful Saturday afternoon, he was sore from yesterday's goat herding, and Fado was useless. He was tired and didn't feel like dealing with Llia's demands at the moment.

"I saved the world, well two worlds, isn't that enough?"

Link sat up and rubbed his fingers through his messy golden hair. He was once again wearing his village clothes. Suddenly knocking came on the door. Link turned and frowned, because he knew it was an impatient Lila.

"Link let's go!" she called out.

Link huffed and made his way to his basement ladder. After dipping his lantern in oil and sparking some flint he made his way down and found his boomerang. He then turned and held the lantern high into the air and revealed the different Tunics and other weapons he had collected over his journey. Thoughts of Midna and their experiences flashed through his mind. The Master Sword was the only thing he couldn't keep and he had returned it to the Sacred Grove. Ordon Village was peaceful once again now that things were back to normal.

More pounding rained from upstairs and Link strapped his custom made sword Rusl made him to his back. It favored the Master Sword's size but was shaped more like a razor sword with a curved tip. Carved into the blade is a detailed vine pattern that starts about mid-blade and continues up to the hilt. The hilt is made of a pearl white color and shines brightly in the sun.

"It's about time," Llia grumbled as Link passed through the door.

"Well I guess it wasn't enough," He thought.

After a long day of running the errands of what seemed like every inhabitant of Ordon, Link lay out in the pasture with Epona grazing beside him. The sun was setting and the twilight glow filled the sky. Link's thoughts once again dwelt on Midna, and how he missed her.

"Am I so beautiful that you've no words left?"

Just as the sun fell past the horizon Link smiled and stood to his feet. Leading Epona back to her stable he gained an idea. Would it be so wrong to try and visit the other side? Why couldn't it happen? Would the goddesses make a mirror the only way to gain access to that realm? These questions boggled in his mind. Link balled his hand into a fist and his Triforce pieced started to glow.

"I must find out!"
