The Cult Of Chaos
Digimon Lantern 1
Chapter 1
A New Day
(10 Years Ago)
(About 1 Year After The End Of Highmiramon's Return)
Mrs. Rosaline knew that her husband wouldn't approve of what she was doing but she was desperate to have a child. It had taken some doing but she managed to be brought to the Floating Isle. According to what she had heard, it wasn't originally here in the Digital World when humanity migrated here. There is where she was told she could meet with a powerful digimon who might be able to give her what she wanted. She walked over to the fountain and marveled at beautiful garden around it. A few footsteps from behind her and she turned to see a red-haired woman was tending to the rose garden.
"Hello." The woman said. "My name's Delilah. How can I help you?"
"It's nothing. I'm just waiting for someone." Mrs. Rosaline said to Delilah.
The gardener that referred to herself as Delilah walked over and sat down on a stone bench. She put her watering can on the ground next to her and motioned for Mrs. Rosaline to sit next to her. Hesitantly, she did.
"You know," Delilah said to her with a smile on her face. "Usually when someone tells you their name, you're suppose to tell them yours."
A little taken back by her frankness, she said. "Maria."
"Well, that's better." Delilah said to her. "Now, Maria. Who are you waiting for?"
Maria felt a little uncomfortable talking about these things with a total stranger but for some strange reason, she felt compelled to tell her.
"I heard a rumor that an Arukenimon told me." Maria said to her. "You see, every doctor has told me that I'm infertile and I've tried every method to have a child. My husband has been supportive about it but I want to be a mother."
"I heard that rumor too. The Queen Sovereign is referred to as the Great Mother of all digimon. She is capable of bringing life to where there was none as well as great acts of healing." Delilah said to her. "You were hoping that she could allow you to conceive and give birth."
Maria nodded her head. For a strange reason, she felt as though she had known this woman her whole life but that wasn't possible.
"There may be a way." Delilah said. "A year ago, one of the Lord Sovereign's best friends had fell in battle. Because she died as a bio-merged digimon, the Digital World is unable to resurrect them without help."
"What are you getting at?" Maria asked.
"Her memory is lost but she is still there." Delilah said to her. "A pure human woman could allow her to be reborn. The problem is finding a woman pure enough and willing enough to do it."
"That sounds a lot like blackmail." Maria said to her.
"It's not." Delilah told her. "Without her memory, she'll be a completely different person. But she will still have the natural skills that she had when she was alive. After she's born, you'll be able to have as many children as you want. If you accept, promise one thing."
"What?" Maria asked.
"You must love this child as your very own because in fact, she will be." Delilah said to her. "That's all I can expect of any mother."
"Okay." Maria said with conviction. "Is there anything else that I should know?"
"Three things." Delilah told her. "First, take the rose that grows on that bush. Plant it and as long as you have roses growing, you'll be able to have children."
Maria was handed the tools to properly remove the rose. Standing near the bush, Maria turned around to face her helpful friend.
"What are the other two things?" She asked.
"Second, don't tell anyone of her origins. Not even her. It may be too traumatic for her to learn that way." Delilah said.
"And the third?" Maria asked understanding her instructions.
"Name her April." Delilah said to her.
(Ten Years Later)
(Take The Past)
The girl got out of bed quickly and got to her closet. Her partner digimon, Dortdramon, was still sleeping but she new that he wouldn't stay asleep for long.
(Throw It Out)
She chose her outfit. It was a green t-shirt with an Agumon on the front and a pair of blue jeans. Even though they weren't fashionable, she liked to wear brown hiking boots because in the Digital World; one never knew what could happen. Before entering her bathroom, she threw her blue robe onto her partner. Dortdramon's head lifted up a section of the robe which told her that she woke him up.
(And Let It Go!)
(Carry On!)
(I'm Stronger Than)
(You'll Ever Know!)
After getting dressed, she began to brush her hair vigorously. It had a tendency to tangle in her naturally curly black hair after she showered. Her partner was a cute little red dragon who had a bad habit of sneezing at bad moments.
(That's The Deal)
(You'll Get No Respect)
(Unless You Watch Your Neck!)
She clipped her D-Ark to the right side of her pants and placed her card pouch on the left side. Dortdramon helped her find her crest and green oval sunglasses which she quickly put on.
(I Want Domination!)
She took her backpack off of the wall and began to arrange her books that she would need for that day.
(I Want Your Submission!)
Finally, she arranged the right books and placed them in the bag.
(I Want To Roll The Dice)
With Dortdramon's help, she made her bed and tidied up her room.
(Never Look Back)
(And Never Think Twice!)
Dortdramon perched on her shoulder as he always did. Thankfully, he was small enough that his size wasn't a problem.
(Never Give Up)
(And Never Give In!)
She walked out of her bedroom and closed the door. Her backpack strap was on her right shoulder and Dortdramon was on her left shoulder.
(I Just Wanna Be)
(Wanna Be)
(Wanna Be Loved!)
"Destiny, I've got biscuits and gravy ready if you and Dortdramon are hungry." Victor said.
Her dad was a cop. One of the best on the force and also indispensable for them as he was a Tamer capable of bio-merging to the Mega-level. She knew her dad's partner digimon, Ebidramon, since she was born. The lobster was funny to watch while eating as he was able to use utensils while he ate. Her mother's partner digimon, Renamon, was never much for the more messier foods. Destiny had always guessed that it had to be hard to clean out of the fur. She sat down at the kitchen table as her dad set down a prepared plate and a glass of orange juice.
NAME: Dortdramon
TYPE: Pyro Dragon Virus Type
LEVEL: Rookie
ATTACK(S): Dragon Fire
Dortdramon wasn't keen on using utensils which is why Victor had set his plate on a place mat on the floor. He always ended up causing a mess and it was a lot easier to clean the floor than it was to clean the other things it might splatter on. Jessica was also at the table with her own plate and a hot cup of coffee.
"Mom, I was thinking about taking the Trailmon to school today." Destiny said to her mother.
"Destiny," Her mother said. "I don't think that would be a good idea. Besides, I can take you to school."
"Mom!" Destiny exclaimed getting a little riled up. "I'm fourteen years old and you've said time and again that I'm great in your combat class at school so I don't see the problem."
"Look, there's no need for you to go to school on a Trailmon." Jessica said to her daughter trying to make her understand.
Listening to the conversation, Victor set down his plate as well as Ebidramon's own plate. "Honey, let her go." He said to her. "Don't you remember when you were her age and you didn't want to depend on Mom and Dad taking you everywhere?"
Smiling back at her husband, the expression on her face trying to tell him to shut up, she said. "Back when I was her age, we didn't have wild digimon running around looking for a digimon to delete."
Taking a drink from his coffee cup, Victor smiled. "Don't worry, honey. She'll be fine." He said to his wife.
"Why do I let you talk me into this?" Jessica asked herself. "Go on, honey. Have fun."
She finished her plate quickly and set it in the sink. "Thanks Mom." She said kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks Dad." She said doing the same to her father. Destiny walked over to the door with her backpack on and turned around. "Dortdramon." She said calling her partner. The little dragon flew over from his plate and onto her shoulder again. After she left, Victor could tell that his wife was a little aggravated.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"You have to ask." She replied.
Feeling the vibes in the room, Renamon looked over at Ebidramon. "Hey Ebidramon, how about we leave these two alone to talk?" She asked him.
"I'm not finished yet." Ebidramon said before Renamon grabbed him and began to carry him off. "Well, looks like I'm done now."
Jessica was glad that Renamon had enough sense to get herself and Ebidramon out of the room.
"Victor, I just want to keep her safe." She said to her husband. "That's all."
"We can't shelter her forever." Victor replied. "I know that you're concerned but she has to be able to grow up."
Destiny had made her way to the Trailmon station when she spotted her friend, Heather, and her partner digimon, Cheetahmon, waiting for them. Heather had red hair which was pulled up into pig tails, a blue halter top, a green skirt, and sandals.
NAME: Cheetahmon
TYPE: Cyber Cheetah Data Type
LEVEL: Rookie
ATTACK(S): Cheetah Laser
"So, I see your old man caved." Heather said to her.
"I wouldn't put it like that but he did get Mom to let us go." Destiny replied to her friend's remark.
The friends laughed together and ran up the platform to the Trailmon station. It was busy today and a lot of humans and digimon were at the platform. After a while, they made it to the correct platform but the Trailmon seemed to be about to leave. Heather wasn't pleased.
"Great." She said stomping a foot on the ground. "I spent all that time waiting for you and I missed the Trailmon. Just great."
"Just wait." Destiny said taking her D-Ark in one hand and fishing out a green card out of her pouch. "A couple of weeks ago, my godfather's digimon partner gave me this card and told me to use it if I am late."
She swiped the card and a screen popped out of the D-Ark. It stated: Sovereign Level Override Accepted. A loud noise could be heard from the tracks and they saw the Trailmon backing up. They ran to the Trailmon and got onboard. The two friends and their partners sat down next to each other and Heather looked at her friend.
"How did he get that card anyway?" She asked.
"Well, you know that the Sovereign of the digimon is SovereignPaladinmon right." Destiny said to her. "He's actually a bio-merged digimon."
"You mean he's a Tamer." Heather said to her.
"Yah, my godfather is one half of the Sovereign." Destiny said with a smile. "This crest was a gift from him. According to Sagemon, one of his advisors, it was created the day my parents named Brian my godfather."
"So that's why that screen on your D-Ark said something about a Sovereign level override. You're lucky, Destiny." Heather said to her. "My father is an advisor to the Secretary General and I only have a student's travel card."
Destiny and Heather began to talk about the usual things any teenage girl would talk with her best friend. A chill could be felt in the air as another tamer and her partner digimon sat across from them. Destiny didn't recognize her digimon so she did a quick scan.
NAME: Bunnymon
TYPE: Friendly Bunny Vaccine Type
LEVEL: Rookie
ATTACK(S): Bunny Kick
The girl had dirty blond hair had blue eyes. She was wearing a black leather jacket, green camouflage jeans, and black leather boots. Destiny guessed that she was a few years older than this girl. This girl had a blue D-Ark and didn't seem all that friendly. Her partner, Bunnymon, was munching on a carrot and gazing at the scenery as it whizzed by in the window. A few bumps could be felt on the Trailmon but no one seemed concerned until the Bunnymon began to tap on the girl's shoulder.
"Yes, Bunnymon." The girl asked acting as though she didn't want to know.
"We changed tracks, April." Bunnymon said to her.
"So?" April asked her.
"The route to school doesn't change." Bunnymon reported to her.
"Maybe part of the track is out and they're detouring around it." She told her partner. "Calm down."
Destiny pulled out her D-Ark. Unlike the standard D-Arks that most people received when they became Tamers, her D-Ark had additional features that allowed her to access surveillance and aerial video. She pulled up the tracks and found out two things that disturbed her. One, there was nothing wrong with the tracks. Two, a group of digimon were following the train. Immediately, she stared out of her side of the window and saw the digimon. They reminded her of the video game character, Sonic the Hedgehog, but she wanted to be sure of what they were.
NAME: Sonicmon
TYPE: Hedgehog Virus Type
LEVEL: Armor
ATTACK(S): Sonic Charge and Super Saw
"Think you can keep up with the Trailmon, Dortdramon?" Destiny asked her partner.
"Only one way to find out." He replied.
With Heather's help, the two of them managed to open the side door closest to the Sonicmon. Dortdramon flew out the door and after the attacking digimon. The Sonicmon were too busy to notice as they began to step up their attack on the Trailmon.
"Digi-Modify!" Destiny exclaimed. "Hyper Boost Chip activate!"
"Dragon Fire!" Dortdramon attacked raining flame down on them.
The Sonicmon began to break apart as that attack had been rather effective and Dortdramon was having trouble hitting them. Cheetahmon looked up at her Tamer who nodded in approval. The cheetah digimon leapt from the train and began to charge into the battle. Just like her real world counterpart, Cheetahmon was extremely fast. However, Heather was about to increase her partner's speed.
"Digi-Modify!" Heather exclaimed. "Hyper Speed Activate!"
Cheetahmon rocketed through the group of Sonicmon and caused a few to trip in their places. The rookie-level digimon knew just when to attack.
Charging at high speed, she attacked. "Cheetah Laser!" She attacked a small group of digimon causing them to break apart into data which was loaded by her. Cheetahmon ran to get in front of the train but slipped on a sheet of ice that suddenly appeared. Destiny looked to see that April was gone. A thump on the Trailmon's roof made her check. April was standing on the roof with her D-Ark out.
"Frozen Wind!" Bunnymon attacked while flying above the Sonicmon. Once they were frozen, she attacked again. "Bunny Kick!" The Sonicmon were deleted and Bunnymon swiftly loaded their data.
April climbed back into the car with a frown on her face as her partner returned to the car as well. Cheetahmon returned as well as Destiny checked the aerial view. She watched as two Sonicmon spun like saws and destroyed the upcoming bridge. Immediately, she ran to the open door.
"DORTDRAMON!" She yelled out. "THE BRIDGE IS OUT!"
She noticed a glow envelope her partner and it seemed like she knew what was going on.
"Dortdramon digivolve to...Drakemon!"
NAME: Drakemon
TYPE: Grand Dragon Virus Type
CLASS: Champion
ATTACKS: Grand Flame and Axe Tail
Drakemon reminded her of Draco from the Dragonheart movie that she had watched a few weeks ago. She smiled.
"Go, Drakemon!" She yelled out.
Drakemon flew ahead of the Trailmon and grabbed hold of it. Lifting up with his powerful wings, he lifted it off the tracks and brought the cars with it. Almost everyone was cheering for the Tamer that saved them all except for April. A scowl could be plainly seen on her face.
"How did she digivolve?" April asked herself. "I'll find out."