Disclaimer: I do not own one Harry Potter, nor do I own Harry's friends.
A/N#1: this is an answer to the Challenge issued by Cap'n BlackRose
Chapter 1
A pair of pale white hands relieved the newspaper's weight from the tired owl and paid the Knut owed. Taking flight the owl left as quickly as it came. Glancing at the headline of today's paper he sighed, catching the attention of his roommate. Seeing as he'd caught his friend's eye the pale man began to read aloud.
The Anniversary We All Craved
Today marks the one year anniversary of the death of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. He was defeated by none other than our one and only Boy-Who-Lived or rather should it be the Man-Who-Lived-Again? You-Know-Who was killed on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, when a ball was meant to take place. This sacred night also happened to be the very night seventeen years ago that our Hero's parents lost their lives to protect their most precious treasure. We hope to get an interview with our young star and how he feels one year later. I personally take on this challenge since he has become somewhat of a recluse. Read tomorrow and see if I succeeded….
The voice trailed off as it heard a low growl from his companion. Looking over silver eyes met emerald. With a quirked brow Silver asked.
"Tired of the story too, Harry? I myself find it rather over dramatic."
A soft sigh escaped the emerald eyed man as he growled frustrated.
"I just wish they'd leave my parents out of this. They wouldn't want their deaths to be anything but what it was."
"What it was? They died for you, Frosty."
"I know that, but now their deaths will always be associated with Moldewort's. To me it's a bit degrading."
Draco started to comment when a tapping on the window drew his attention. Walking over Draco threw the large tower window open to allow the bird's entrance. Leaving the window open Draco flopped gracefully into the plump winged chair and commented.
"I'm so glad Albus talked us into staying after graduation. Even if it was as just substitute teachers."
Harry chuckled at Draco's careless posture and as he relieved the owl of its burden replied.
"I am too. I've never thought of anywhere else as home and truthfully, I had no idea where I was going to go…"
"Me neither. I mean my mother is dead; my father is Merlin only knows where and I had no idea where to go or what to do next. Besides…"
He walked to the window again and waved his arm.
"We've got an awesome view of the grounds to ease our rather paranoid minds."
Harry smiled as he unrolled the letter and read it aloud.
Harry and Draco,
Please come by my chambers after dinner. I found some fascinating news that involves you two, Severus, and Remus. It's not just anything it's something big. Right after dinner be there.
Love always,
The two men stared at each other a moment before Draco asked
"Was it me or did the letter sound a wee bit panicked? I mean come on when have you ever heard Hermione say 'it's not just anything it's something big.' "
Harry shrugged, but was cut off from answering as a shrill alarm sounded letting the two confused men know it was time to get to DADA since they were supposed to help Tonks demonstrate some techniques. Grabbing their dueling robes the two men hurried from the room and took a short cut down a back corridor. Just before they made it half way there the bell rang and the two men heard mumbling coming from around the corner. Being the slightly paranoid wizards they are (come on they survived a war) they drew their unneeded wands and stormed threateningly toward the sound. Just as they cleared the wall the voices came into view. Three students, one from Hufflepuff, one from Slytherin, and one from Gryffindor walked slowly into view. The Slytherin drew to a quick stop just as the two subs cleared the wall and had her wand drawn. Her two companions quickly followed suit. Draco was first to recover and quickly stowed his wand, with a raised brow he asked
"Aren't you three supposed to be in class?"
The young foolishly brave Gryffindor stepped forward.
"We got lost, sir…we..."
Harry interrupted with a growl.
"Well we'll just have to escort you, so you don't get lost again now won't we? What class?"
The Ravenclaw spoke up.
"Defense, Professor."
Harry gave a smirk
"Well, What a coincidence we are on our way there ourselves. Come along."
The three young girls had to run to keep up with their Professor's swift gate once they got to the large doors the three stared in awe. On the grand French cut oak wood doors depicted a battle five hooded figures stood united, but apart as they battled what looked to be monsters. Their stares were interrupted when the two professors pushed open the heavy doors. Once inside the three students quickly joined their peers who stood in various styles of relaxation as they waited for the arrival of the two professors. At the front of the room stood a male and female, with a smile the female pushed away from the wall. Draco motioned toward the three and commented.
"Sorry we're late, just escorting some stragglers."
The woman smiled as she shook her head.
"Points or detention, which was it?"
Draco mocked a hurt look.
"Here we thought having to enter a room with us was punishment enough."
The man at the front of the room chuckled and stepped forward.
"Like that would ever happen."
Harry gave the man a rare smile.
"Too true, my friend, we're taking ten points each."
The woman nodded at the two men before turning to her class. Raising her hand the students quieted.
"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts. I am Professor Tonks and I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor this year."
The Class shouted
"Good morning professor Tonks."
She grinned widely.
"What a welcome. This Year we shall be having many guests with various degrees of knowledge on Defense coming in and sharing with us. I want you to show them the utmost respect. The three gentlemen here today are three masters in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Not to mention a few other areas. Class, I would like you to meet Professor Malfoy, Professor Lupin, and Professor Potter.
The morning drug on as the three men demonstrated their techniques to the fifth year Slytherin/ Gryffindor (The Apocalypse shall happen) the sixth year Ravenclaw/ Hufflepuff and the seventh year mix of all the houses. Finally after a very interesting morning of endless questions the bell signaling the end of class rang. This meant the three men had a short break since it also meant lunch (Awe one class I never failed)
As they entered the Great Hall the men quickly made their way to their seats next to a very excited looking Frizzy haired witch at the teacher's table. As they seated themselves the witch started chatting a mile a minute.
Remus raised a brow at his two fellow male companions.
"Did anyone get that?"
The both shook their heads dumbly. Harry chuckled
"Hermione, Hermione, Hermione."
When the witch continued he merely covered her mouth. When she glared at him he chuckled.
"We can't understand you when you go a mile a minute."
The Witch blushed slightly.
"Sorry guys I just found out some fascinating stuff."
Draco raised a brow a stated blandly.
"So your letter said. What is it?"
Hermione looked around herself; then stated.
"I can't tell you here and not without Severus. Meet me at my office after classes are over."
The three men chuckled as Harry joked
"Yes, we could have Professor Granger miss teaching her students more History."
Her mock glared as the three men carried on their teasing. Once the bell rang a warning the stood and agreed to meet her after.
The day didn't end soon enough for the three tired men. They waited quietly outside the potions classroom for their final companion. Severus opened the old door and locked it behind him. Looking to the others he asked
"Well, are we going?"
The four handsome men made quiet a sight as they walked shoulder to shoulder down the damp dungeon halls. They made their way to the fourth floor where Hermione's office sat and knocked. Moment later the door was pulled open by a frazzled looking Hermione.
Severus asked in his mocking like voice.
"Did we come at a bad time?"
Used to his tones Hermione just opened the door farther and stated.
"Your timing couldn't be better. Crookshanks decided to redo my room by knocking my papers everywhere. You may have saved his furry life."
the four men chuckled as they seated themselves in the chairs around the cramped office.
They watched as Hermione pulled a thick book from a nearby shelf and sat before them.
"Okay guys this will be hard to hear, but you don't belong here."
A/N#2: I promise not to stop my other stories but I am a born procrastinator and it takes time.