I hope you all enjoy this one. A new story just im time for Valentine's Day. As always, I do not own HSM. Please review and tell me what you think.

I had been three years since they last saw her. Three years since she was taken from them. They all missed her smile, her friendliness and her beautiful personality. Troy Bolton missed her love most of all. He always got this way this time of year.

"Come in." he called when he heard someone knock on his door.

"Troy, man we've got a plane to catch." Chad Danforth told him.

"I've changed my mind. I don't want to go." Troy told his best friend.

"No way, you're coming with us."

"I can't. What if she comes back and I'm not here?"

"Troy, it's been three years. I don't think she's going to be coming back."

"Don't even say that!" Troy shouted angrily. "Don't even think it! She promised to marry me!"

"I'm not trying to be mean, but the police don't think she's alive anymore."

"I don't care! Until I see a body, she's alive!"

"Do you think she'll want you to live your life like this? She'd want you to move on with your life."

"She was my life! She was my everything!"

"I know, Man. But she wouldn't want you to be miserable."

"If I go with you, will you let me be miserable in Hawaii?"

"It's a deal."

Troy stood up and grabbed his suitcase. It was next to his dresser, where many pictures were. Among the photos were several of him with a gorgeous brunette. Troy piked up one of the photos and remembered it being taken just hours before she disappeared.

"I miss you, Gabby." Troy whispered. "Please come bak to me."

Troy placed the picture of him and his girlfriend into his carry-on bag. The others may have given up. The police may haven given up. But Troy Bolton would never give up. He knew that somewhere out there waiting for him to find her was Gabriella Montez.