Winchester Apologetics

By Maygin

Summary: "Thoughts could leave deeper scarring than almost anything else." –Madame Pomfrey. Young Winchesters story from Dean's POV.

The Blah-Blah Section: Holy crap guys… some of your reviews just totally rocked my world!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!! That was AWESOME! I'm so freakin glad it turned out people enjoyed this one! As for this last chapter/epilogue… I didn't realize it was so short, so I apologize if I made it sound like there was a lot more to come. This is it. I hope you guys have had fun reading!!

Spoilers Ahead - For Born Under a Bad Sign

Winchester Apologetics


A lot of shit has happened the past few weeks. Sammy disappeared for an entire week and then winds up he'd been possessed by that psycho-bitch, Meg. She used his body to kill other hunters and apparently to test me… see how far I'd go to protect him; if I'd keep my promise and kill him. That wasn't all though.

I didn't realize it either until this morning when I walked into our hotel room after grabbing breakfast; Sam was in the shower. I noticed there was an faded looking book laying somewhat covered beneath my pillow next to my knife. I picked it up and realized it was the journal I'd given him all those years back after the Pariah incident. The same damn journal that I wasn't sure had really helped at all. But I had a sneaking suspicion so I flipped the book open to the last entry and noted the date – it was today's date. I sat down on the bed and started reading.

It looks like when Meg was exorcised from him, she'd pulled a lot of buried thoughts and emotions to the surface. The Pariah was gone… but those feelings and thoughts from Ryan's personality never disappeared; Sam just learned to recognize them and was able to bury them. But now, Meg had dug them up and scrambled them with Sam's own thoughts and feelings again. It's like we were back to square one. This time would be different though… this time I'm gonna pull a page from Jessica's book; I'm gonna talk to Sam… hear him out, and offer some sincere comfort. No joking around when it comes to trying to differentiate your feelings from someone else's in your head.

I'm not losing Sammy again… and thank God, if the reappearance of the journal means anything… Sam doesn't want to be lost.

So I snagged a pen from the night dresser and started writing beneath Sam's latest entry of confused thoughts.

This time would be different.

The End

(I couldn't help but pull in BUABS to tag onto the end. Hope it complimented it in some way. Now what am I gonna do? Guess it's back to reading everyone else's fics until inspiration hits again ;) Thank you again SO STINKING MUCH for all the reviews! They really make it all worth it!)