Note: This is a longer fic (for me) and should turn out about six chapters long. I do not know if it is AU or not. Every time it hits canon, it is correct, but most of the other actions have very little canon support (especially the first chapter). I do not like OC's so I have tried to create none at all apart from the odd faceless extra. Political views are not mine, but the views of the respective characters. Rated K+ for no particular reason.
Please review. This webpage is the only place I can get feedback on my work, and this piece especially is something I'd appreciate feedback about.
Chapter one-The Imperio Defence
Bartemius Crouch passed a hand over his forehead and sighed. Why did he always feel so tired nowadays? It was the trials, he knew, and the constant worry, fear and anger.
Far too much anger. Anger against those who would attempt to destroy everything the wizarding world was, everything the Ministry stood for. The Death Eaters, they were part of it. Part of the empty rottenness of Dark Arts lead by Lord…Voldemort. It took an effort of will just to think the name. How did one man become so powerful?
And how was one man supposed to cope with all the work he had to do? Crouch felt he was working blind, in the dark, as the dreaded hooded figures destroyed one life after another. The ruling to use Unforgivable Curses on Death Eaters had helped, although the controversial step had been frowned on by some.
Frowned on! Crouch took a deep gulp of coffee from the mug resting at the side of his overcrowded desk. It was all right for wizards who lived in relative safety to look down on him for torturing the torturers but they were the last to complain when raids were averted with the information.
Mr Crouch had long ago placed his priorities neatly in order. And national defence lay far above civil liberties. Especially the liberties of the Death Eaters.
He stared at the papers piled high on his desk in neatly stacked columns that threatened to topple if they got much higher. This job was eating into his life. His family, his home, when was the last time he'd seen young Barty?
Well the boy could cope couldn't he? His high examination marks were proof of that. Mr Crouch was proud of his son, but at the moment there just didn't seem to be any time for him, not with all the work. Family also had a clear place in Mr Crouch's list of priorities.
But the wizarding world was in danger! Young Barty was sure to understand. After all, many boys would be proud to have a father who worked so hard to ensure the safety of others.
One of the secretaries appeared, hovering nervously in the doorway 'Uh, Mr Crouch?'
'Yes,' he looked up irritably, 'What is it?'
'There's been a slight problem Sir. One of the prisoners. Number 10642. His Trial is due tomorrow and he still refuses to confess.' The young man balanced a file on top of the paperwork already mounted on the desk. 'Auror Moody was going to look into it but he was detained at Langdon Herring.'
Mr Crouch frowned at the top of the file. He really did not need any more work. 'What about Lewison? Can't he deal with this?'
The secretary looked awkward, 'Umm, Lewison didn't return to the Ministry after the Birmingham Raid, Sir. They're looking into it, but there's currently no information as to his whereabouts.'
A muscle twitched in Mr Crouches left temple. Lewison had had a wife and three children. 'Very well.' He said brusquely, grabbing the file, 'I will see to it. And clear that up!' he shouted behind him as one of the columns of paper on his desk, disturbed by his sudden movement, came crashing to the floor.
The cell was dark, save for a row of candles held in ancient brackets along the wall. It was empty, apart from a high backed iron chair which held a young man, bound by magical shackles.
The man looked up as Crouch walked in, his haughty grey eyes uncowed by the predicament he was in. Despite the fact that the man was wandless, Crouch still felt somewhat nervous as he shut the door behind him. Technically he should have an auror in here with him, for safety reasons, but nowadays everyone was busy.
He stared at the man's face. It was deathly pale, and only slightly marred by a dark bruise on the side of his left cheek. His long silver-blond hair was swept back and tied at the nape of his neck with a short piece of black ribbon.
Crouch opened the file, hiding his nervousness behind formalities. 'Prisoner 10642 you are charged with the assault and murder of Edgar Bones, conspiracy to murder, gathering with the intent of causing a disruption of the peace, …'
'I've already told you.' The young man drawled, cutting him off mid-flow. 'I had no idea what I was doing.'
Crouch stiffened. 'These charges are very serious Mr Malfoy, and cannot be easily written off. You have been in custody for over a month now and you still refuse to cooperate?'
The cold grey eyes stared back at him. 'As I have repeatedly stated, I was held under the Imperius Curse by allies of the Dark Lord.' He smirked slightly, 'I am hardly responsible for my actions'
Crouch skimmed quickly through the rest of the file, then tucked it under his arm. He walked slowly over to the chair and then around it, stopping when he was directly behind Malfoy. 'Mr Malfoy, have you ever seen anyone under the Imperius Curse?'
Lucuis stared straight ahead 'I am not quite as intimately familiar with the Dark Arts as you seem to be.'
'Their eyes are clouded Mr Malfoy, and they act as if sleepwalking. Those possessing a strong mind, or have been under the influence for some time often attempt to throw it off. The resulting conflict of interests can lead to odd, unprecedented behaviour of the …victim, with uncontrolled muscle movements or incomprehensible speech.'
'Malfoy remained silent. Crouch rested his hands on the top of the chair. 'Not one of these signs has been observed in you Mr Malfoy. Despite the fact that almost all witnesses are dead, enough remain to ensure that if you do try to use the Imperius Curse as your defence, I would find it very easy to overthrow.'
Unbelievably, Malfoy chuckled at this. Still staring forward he said 'But you don't want to do that Mr Crouch.'
'Are you attempting to intimidate me?'
'Not at all' Lucuis raised an eyebrow, 'I merely feel it is my duty to inform you that if I am convicted there are several facts I may reveal that could be, shall we say, damaging to your reputation. Home truths as it were.'
Crouch was suddenly very glad that Lucuis couldn't see his face. 'I don't know what you mean.'
'When did you last hear from your son Mr Crouch.'
Crouch inhaled sharply and Lucuis grinned in the darkness. Because suddenly the roles were reversed and Crouch was the victim.
'Impossible.' But Crouch could feel the gnawing worry in his mind. It was true, he hadn't seen Barty for weeks and the boy had many school friends who'd been taken to trial recently, but still it was inconceivable that…
'How much would you bet on that impossibility Mr Crouch?'
How dare he, how could he. How dare he even think of accusing Barty? It was such an obviously worthless bluff that it…had to be true? A high pitched battle was raging in Mr Crouches previously organised mind.
Abruptly he removed his hands from the chair. He had to know, he had to find out it the awful, unthinkable were true. And he had to get out, before the venom pouring in his ears poisoned him completely.
'My trial, Mr Crouch?' Malfoy's mocking voice stopped him as he reached the door. He hesitated.
'Your trial will be suspended until further notice.'
He rushed back up to his office and, grabbing a pen, scribbled a note on the front page of Malfoy's file before rushing out of the door. The secretary had been far to busy to tidy up, and behind him loose papers fluttered to the floor.
First chapter written! The next will materialise within the week. Now please, please review. It fact, if you review I promise I will head straight over to your profile and write you a review too. Extra long review for the first person to work out the significance of Lucius' number (it's not that obscure).
Fear my cheesy attempts at courtroom drama. And apologies to those of you who might have been expecting exciting Lucuistorture. But I can't get better without reviews. Even if you don't like it, a line to say 'This is rather bad' is still better than nothing.