(Disclaimer: I do not own Hannah Montana.)

(A/N: Please R&R and tell me if I should keep going.)

"Students!" Mr. Corelli announced. "Since our homeroom collected the most donations for the United People's Relief Fund, thanks to Amber and Ashley, our class gets to take a little field trip to celebrate your moving on to highschool!"

Miley, Oliver, and Lilly looked at each other. They all remembered that fundraiser. They would have won, too, if Oliver hadn't bragged to Amber and Ashley about the amount of money they collected.

"Where are we going?" Ashley asked. "I'm up for anywhere as long as it isn't gross like that stupid camping trip we took before."

"Agreed." Amber said, looking at her freshly manicured nails.

"We are going," Mr. Corelli said dramatically, "to Colorado. We will be staying in log cabins at a ski lodge."

The class erupted with comments about their destination.

"Woah, Colorado? I've always wanted to go there. I bet snowboarding down the slopes will be just as fun as skateboarding." Lilly said. "What if it's better?"

Miley rolled her eyes. "Then I guess you'll have a new hobby, huh?"

"Umm, excuse me? Isn't Colorado like, freezing? Why would we want to go somewhere cold?" Ashley said.

"But, Ash, we'll get to go shopping for cute ski clothes!" Amber pointed out.

Ashley's eyes lit up. "You're right!"

They did that little "Oooh, Ssss" thing next.

"Anyway," Mr. Corelli said, "I'm going to be the chaperone in the men's cabin, but we need someone's mother or aunt or somebody to volunteer for the girlie's cabin."

"My mom's out." Oliver said. "I think she'd scare you girls with her 'man voice'."

Lilly laughed. "So is my mom. She's a neat freak. She'd probably stay in the cabin all day, dusting or something."

Dandruff Danny raised his hand. "Mr. Corelli? How much is it gonna cost?"

"Well, my little Daniel, it will probably cost around 500 dollars for each of you."

"Woah. I can't afford to go." Oliver said.

"Me neither." Lilly said, pouting. "No more snowboarding."

"Guys," Miley whispered. "I think I could probably pay for you. 'Hannah' got a huuuge check from the record company."

"Really?" Oliver asked. "You'd do that for us?"

"Yeah. You're my best friends. I wouldn't want to go skiing with out you guys."

"I don't know, Miles." Lilly said quietly. "I'd feel funny about taking money from you."

"Lilly. It's free money. How often do we get the chance to go on a free trip to Colorado. Ne-ver, that's how often." Oliver said.

"Seriously, Lil. I'll ask my dad. He'd be cool with it."

"Okay." Lilly said. "You're the best, Miley."

They hugged, and Oliver tried to join.

Miley and Lilly pushed him out of the hug, and he fell off his chair.


Miley and Lilly laughed and then pulled him up.

"Thanks," He said sarcastically.

"So, umm, when are we going?" Sarah asked.

"We're going to leave on Saturday, at 10 am sharp. We'll get back around 9 pm on Wednesday." Mr. Corelli said.

"We get to miss three whole days of school?" Oliver asked.

"Yep. So enjoy it while you can. Because you don't get Thursday off. I know we're getting back late Wednesday night, but apparently the school board has this thing about kids going to school. I don't really get it, but hey, I'm just a teacher." Mr. Corelli shrugged.

"You got everything need, Miles?" Robbie Ray asked on Saturday morning.

"Yep. Jackson's bring it down for me." Miley said as she quickly gulped down a glass of orange juice.

Jackson came down the stairs loaded with three suitcases, and he was kicking a duffelbag down the stairs in front of him.

"Sweet nibblets, Miles. You're leaving for five days, not five years." Robbie Ray said.

"Hey, what can I say. A girl needs to live out there in the cold, ya know."

Jackson tripped over the bag and fell down the rest of the stairs. "I hate you, Miley."

Miley giggled, and answered the door. Lilly and Oliver just got dropped off by Oliver's mom.

"He's right, ya know." Lilly said as the two dropped the suitcases and bags down on the floor. "His mom's man voice is creepy."

"Thanks for helping us pay, Mr. Stewart. I don't know if we could've gone without you." Oliver said.

"It's my pleasure." Robbie Ray smiled. "My pleasure to know that I'm gonna have two free workers to wash my car this summer."

"Man. Shoulda seen that one coming." Oliver said.

Okay, lame first chapter, I know. But it will get better as soon as they get to Colorado, I promise!!