Dear Wally,
I know it's kinda silly, and pretty dumb, to be writing a letter to yourself (especially your younger self), but it was Kuki's idea, and you know how she gets. I figured that if it would get her off of my back, I might as well.
She's actually reading over my shoulder right now, and says that I need to tell you that I'm 20 years old now, and this letter is addressed to me when I was 10. I know how bad at math you are (even though at that age you still think you're some kind of genius kid), so I'll tell you that that means it has been 10 years.
I just asked Kuki why she doesn't have to write a letter to herself, and she said that she was going to do hers after she made sure that I did mine the right way. Yeesh! She also told me to stop stalling and write.
Her idea was that I was supposed to be telling you things I wish that I had known at your age. How pointless is that? Still, by now I almost wish that you could read this letter. Then you would actually know all of these things, and so I wouldn't have to write you a letter about them and-never mind, I'm just confusing myself.
I guess the first thing I want to tell you is that you don't have to be afraid of being afraid. I know right now you're thinking, I'm not afraid, but see, that's what I'm talking about. Remember, I know exactly what you were like at 10. You've got to know that none of your friends will think any less of you for showing a little fear. True bravery is being afraid and going on anyway, remember that.
Okay, Kuki's gone, so I can stop all of this sappy nonsense and tell you the only thing I really wish I had known. KUKI LIKES YOU! If only I had known this before, she wouldn't have had to shout it in my face at the 12th grade Valentine's dance. My childhood would have been a lot happier.
Oh, crud. Man, that girl has eyes like a hawk! She says that she really wishes I had known too, because shouting at your crush isn't exactly the most romantic way to spend Valentine's Day. Just remember to bring flowers to the dance, okay?
Anyway, you should know that she and I are getting married next week. I'd invite you to the wedding, but then you're already going to be there, aren't you? Ugh, this is too confusing!
Good luck,
P.S. Kuki also says that she never really liked The Kid, she just flirted with him to make you jealous. Give him a sock in the nose for me, will you?