Yay! Chapter 3! Never thought I'd get this far. For legal reasons, I own nothing related to Star Trek: Voyager, or the game Halo.

"Humans? Did I hear you right, ensign?" the captain inquired.

"Yes, ma'am. Sensors clearly indicate human lifesigns on that ship. I am reading several different lifesigns on the other ship. They both seem to be heading for that ring."

"Are you getting a transponder signal from the human ship?" asked Janeway.

"Yes, ma'am. It is reading as the Pillar of Autumn. It's not a ship I'm familiar with, Captain." he answered. He wasn't even aware that there were ships of that design in use.

"Not one I am familiar with either, Ensign. Hail them." she ordered. "Let's see if they can shed some light on this conundrum."

"They are responding, Captain."

"On screen," she commanded, "Hello, I am Captain Janeway of the starship U.S.S. Voyager."

"This is Captain Keyes of the UFSC Cruiser Pillar of Autumn. How did you get alll the way out here? And what class ship is yours?" answered the Captain of the Autumn who was apparently just as surprised as Janeway at finding another human ship.

"We aren't sure, Captain Keyes, and we were hoping you could answer some of our questions."

Suddenly a voice was heard in the background. It sounded like a female's, but it sounded more synthetic than a normal human voice. It was saying something about the other ship. Captain Keyes suddenly yelled, "Red Alert, get those MAC cannons online! Captain Janeway, might we request your assistance in our fight with the Covenant destroyer?"

Janeway was unsure what to do, until Tuvok informed her, in his usual monotone matter-of-fact dialect, that the alien ship had scanned them and targeted weapons on them. Then her duty was clear.

"Red Alert, shields up, arm phasers, and load all torpedo bays!" exclaimed the Starfleet captain as she took her seat in her captain's chair and prepared for the ensuing engagement.

Please review for the same reasons as the previous chapters. For the same reasons, I own nothing related to Star Trek, Halo, or their affiliates.