Season 9 Episode 4 – Daze of Our Lives

(Piper and Leo are in their bedroom. Leo lounges on their bed watching Piper as she stands in front of a mirror, absently brushing her hair)

Leo: You okay, Honey?

(She doesn't respond, just keeps brushing)

Leo: Honey?
(Again, she doesn't respond)

Leo: Piper!

(She drops the brush in her hand, looking as though she'd completely forgotten he was there.

She turns quickly and leers at him)

Piper: Are you trying to get blown up?

(He smiles at her, sliding out of the bed and moving to take her in his arms)

Leo: No… I'm trying to find out what's been bothering you lately.

(She pulls away from him, looking irritated, and picks up the brush)

Piper: Nothing's been bothering me, Leo. I'm fine.

(He eyes her skeptically)

Leo: (sarcastic) Really?

(She rolls her eyes, groaning and laying the brush on the vanity beside her)

Piper: Okay… so I'm worried… that's not exactly news. It's what I do.

Leo: Yeah… but this is different. You seem… distracted. Just tell me.

Piper: (sighs) I-I guess its just all that's happened, you know? With Prue being back and those demons, I mean… seriously. We defeated the Ultimate Power and that was supposed to be the last big thing we had to deal with… It's too much.

Leo: (touches her hair affectionately) I know, Honey…but, it'll be okay.

Piper: Will it? Is it ever that easy? Come on, Leo.

Leo: (smiling) You're so pessimistic-

Piper: No, I'm realistic.

(She looks down at the floor, exasperated)

Leo: Well… I think you're just-

(She waits for a beat before looking up)
Piper: Leo-?

(Leo is frozen, mid-sentence. She waves her hand in his face, looking quizzical)

Piper: Uh…(calling loudly to the door) Prue!

(A few seconds pass before a pajama-clad Prue runs in, stopping in her tracks upon seeing Leo)

Prue: Piper… why'd you freeze Leo?

Piper: Hi, I didn't.

Prue: Well then why-

(Paige orbs in, interrupting her)

Paige: (noticing Leo) Good, then its not just me.

Piper: Huh?

Paige: Well, Henry and I were in the middle of something-

Piper: Eww.

Paige: (rolling her eyes) Not that! We were talking and he just… froze.

Prue: What's doing it?

Voice: (from behind them) I did… sorry if I worried you.

(They all turn to face an Angel of Destiny.

She smiles, but they all stare at her, confused.)

(Cue credits/intro)

(All three women still stare at the Angel who waits a beat before continuing)

Angel: You look surprised.

Piper: Well… yeah, we kind of are.

Angel: Really? After all that's (looks at Prue) changed lately, you had to have expected a visit from one of us.

Piper: (sarcastic) Great… (To Paige) Go get Phoebe, she should be here.

(Paige nods and orbs out)

Prue: Wh-what is…(motioning at the Angel) this?

Angel: I'm the Angel of destiny, Prue, and I'm here to change yours.

Piper: We fulfilled our destiny already. Were done with you-

Angel: ( to Piper) You know better than anyone that things change all the time, and, in light of recent events, I was sent to offer you girls two choices, two paths.

Piper: The last time we made a deal with one of you I lost my husband and my sisters… I don't need anymore of your 'paths'-

Angel: Last time was different. There are no deals here… simply decisions.

(Paige orbs back in, Phoebe in tow)

Phoebe: (seeing the Angel) Ah, yes… Should've known… Why are you here? Which of us will be dying this time?

Angel: You know I don't decide that. Your choices mold your destinies, I only start you on your way.

Paige: Couldn't we just do that ourselves?

Angel: I'm not here to hurt you girls… I'm here to help.

Prue: Help?...How?

Angel: By offering you another chance at life.

Prue: Me? Uh… yeah, my sisters already took care of that.

Angel: Yes… but, your destiny was to die protecting innocents. By bringing you back, they affected the courses of all of your lives-

Piper: We had to, to defeat those four demons-

Angel: I know, Piper. That's why I'm here.

(The girls say nothing to this)
Angel: There is another threat ahead… and this time it will take all of your magic to survive. You will be pushed far beyond your limits; it will be one hundred times more difficult than any power you have ever faced.

Piper: (Scoffs) Of course… that's always the case, isn't it? We get it, 'this will be worse than anything we've ever faced' blah blah.

(Phoebe snorts with poorly-masked laughter)

Angel: This is no laughing matter. The coming power-

Paige: 'The Coming Power'… Who is it this time? The Triad not really gone? Has Christy Jenkins miraculously risen from the dead? We saw Cole not long ago, is it him? Or better yet, the Avatars? Zankou?

Angel: I'm not here to tell you who or what is coming… I'm here to offer you a way out.

Piper: I'm sorry?

Angel: (to Prue) You have a decision to make, and I promise it wont be an easy one.

Prue: …A decision?

Angel: Yes. You must decide whether you want to continue down this road, defending innocents and re-fulfilling your destiny to die, or, change the course of this life, towards a new destiny-?

Phoebe: Wait… you're saying sh-she's gonna die again?

Angel: It was meant to happen… Unless, that is, she chooses otherwise.

Piper: Well, obviously-

Prue: Wait. There's something else, isn't there? You wouldn't be here if my choosing to live was that easy.

Piper: Who cares? You're not dying again-

Prue: Piper! (To the Angel) What is it you're not telling us?

Angel: If you do choose this new path, it won't be without cost. It will mean giving up your magic and your past; you'll start a whole new life -

Phoebe: Wait… are you kidding?

(The Angel just looks at her)

Prue: But… what about my sisters?

Angel: They will continue to fight-

Prue: Without me.

Angel: Yes.

Prue: And you expect me to just forget them?

Angel: The change in memory will be mutual. None of you will miss anything-

Piper: You're crazy if you think you're gonna take my sister away again.

Paige: Anyway, you said it would take all of us to do face this…'coming power.'

Phoebe: Bit of a contradiction, don't you think?

Angel: You always have Ms. Jenkins and the next generation-

Piper: Wyatt and Chris? Now I know you're crazy-

Phoebe: They're just kids.

Angel: Then you'd better hope you can fend off the threat until they're old enough to face it themselves.

Prue: This isn't fair.

Angel: It never is… I'll give you time-

Prue: Wait!

(The Angel teleports out, leaving the women staring at the spot where she last stood)


(Leo and the girls sit in the living room, obviously in the middle of a heated discussion)

Leo: So what are you gonna do?

Prue: I… I don't know…. I mean, either way-

Piper: We're not going to do anything, Prue. I think we're doing just fine on our own and we don't need any Angel of Destiny to ruin that for us.

Phoebe: Yeah, but you heard what she said… if we don't do anything- (looks at Prue)

Prue: I die again.

Paige: And if we do, she basically becomes someone else.

Prue: If I do… you'll all be in more danger… I mean, without the power of four-

Piper: No, Prue. We're not letting you die again; we'll find another way.

(Stands up) I'm going to check on the boys. (Exits and heads up the stairs)

Phoebe: (to Prue) She's right… we're not ready to give you up just yet.


(A dark Underworld cave; Tephros and Orias stand facing another, yet unnamed, demon)

Demon: You're crazy.

Orias: Hardly.

Demon: You're asking me to use my power on a Charmed One… I'll be killed-

Orias: Not if she doesn't remember who she is.

Demon: But, her sisters-

Orias: Will be taken care of. We only need to separate one of them from the others, and going up against a Charmed One is a death sentence… especially with only three of us-

Tephros: So making her forget she is a Charmed One and then killing her is the next best thing. It will distract her sisters and give us time to separate the rest of them… You can do it, can't you?

Demon: Of course!

Orias: Then go. (Turns away)

(The demon looks angry, but teleports out)

Tephros: This had better work-

Orias: It will. This is our destiny… Now, go find Barbatos. We have work to do.

(Tephros teleports out)


(Prue, Paige, and Phoebe stand talking in Prue's room)

Paige: (to Prue) You gonna be okay?

Prue: Yeah, I just… I need to think.

Phoebe: You shouldn't have to make this choice-

Prue: (smiles) I know… I'll be fine.

Paige: Well… if you're sure…

Prue: I am.

Paige: We should get going anyway. (To Phoebe) Need a lift?

(Phoebe nods, moving to Prue and hugging her, then moving back to Paige and taking her hand)

Paige: 'Night.

Prue: 'Night.

(Paige orbs out with Phoebe)

(Prue moves to sit on her bed as Piper comes to her door, Chris in her arms)

Piper: I, uh, just wanted to say goodnight.

Prue: (smiling) G'night.

Piper: (starts to leave but hesitates and turns back) Uh… I just… I don't feel right just leaving you alone right now-

Prue: I'm fine… I won't be making any major decisions tonight.

Piper: (sighs) Promise?

Prue: Yeah, I promise.

(Piper nods and backs out of the room, closing the door)

(Prue climbs into bed, turning off the light with her telekinesis)

NEXT SCENE (Downstairs; living room)
(Piper sits on a couch, Chris in her lap)

Piper: (brushing her fingers through his hair in a slightly childish voice) You need to go back to sleep; yes you do. (Kisses his cheek)

(He just giggles, smacking her playfully in the face)

Piper: Of course not.

MEANWHILE (Back in Prue's room)

(Prue is asleep, the unnamed demon teleports in.

He watches her for a beat before moving slowly, cautiously towards her. He is only inches from her bedside when he steps on a creaky floorboard; her eyes snap open)

Prue: (sitting up) What the-? (She waves her hand, attempting to use her TK; it doesn't work)

Demon: (smiling) Nice try, witch.

(He leaps at her, pressing her hard into the bed and holding her head)

MEANWHILE (Downstairs, living room)

Piper: I'm serious, Young Man! Go to sleep, Mommy's tired.

(She watches him for a second, as if waiting for a response)

Piper: (frustrated) Oh! Aunt Prue is so on babysitting duty from now on.


(Prue fights against the demon holding her down, flailing her arms and legs wildly. One of his hands holds her head down and the other covers her mouth.

She keeps struggling, knocking a lamp off her bedside table; he closes his eyes as the lamp crashes onto the floor; she goes limp.

He teleports out, taking her with him)

MEANWHILE (Downstairs; living room)

Piper: (pulling Chris closer to her, kissing his head) Come on; please, baby, go to sleep-

(From upstairs, we hear the lamp crash.

Chris looks up, pointing; Piper follows his gaze, confused)

Piper: What the-?

(They orb out)


(Piper and Chris orb in to Prue's room; Piper looks at her son in shock)
Piper: Chris! You orbed! Oh, Honey- (she notices the shattered lamp, then the empty bed) Prue? (Concerned) Prue?! Oh, God. (Rushes out of the room)


(Piper hurries into her and Leo's room. She runs to the bed where he is fast asleep, shaking him awake)
Piper: (obviously trying to keep calm) Wake up, wake up!

(Leo wakes up with a start)
Leo: (tired) Piper-?

Piper: Guess what? Chris orbed.

Leo: (rubbing his eyes and sitting up) What? That's great-!

Piper: He orbed me into Prue's room to show me she was gone.

Leo: (taking Chris from Piper) What? Gone? What do you mean?

Piper: She's gone, Leo; missing.

Leo: Well… did you check the bathroom-?
Piper: Of course, Leo! She's gone-

Leo: Have you scryed for her?

Piper: (panicky) No! I… I just, I-(raises her hands to her eyes, trying not to cry)

Leo: Hey, hey… Honey- (reaches out for her hand, pulls her to him)
Piper: (sitting beside him) What if she's gone, Leo? What if they decided letting us bring her back was a mistake? What… What if we lost her again?

Leo: They wouldn't do that… The Angel of Destiny told you it was up to Prue. They cant override Destiny, it doesn't work like that.

Piper: Well, what if she did decide and she's gone-?

Leo: She wouldn't do that. She wouldn't just leave like that, and you know it… Now, I'm gonna put Chris to bed; go upstairs and scry for her. It'll be okay.


(The Demon teleports into a large Underworld cavern; lays Prue on a metal table. She is dazed and half-unconscious, but winces a little when he waves his hand, conjuring rope to bind her to the table.)

Demon: I don't see what the fuss about you was… that was almost too easy.

(He paces around her before stopping and running his hand over her head)

Demon: (inhales deeply) Your memories are delicious, my dear… but I'm gonna have to do away with you sooner or later. (Pauses) Enjoy life while you can.


(Leo enters the attic to find Piper scrying)
Piper: It's not working.

Leo: Well maybe you just need to relax-

Piper: Relax? Relax?! My sister is missing! I've already lost her once, and I can't lose her again. (Looks up) Paige?! Paige!

Leo: Piper, its three o'clock on the morning-

(Paige orbs in, drowsy)
Paige: Seriously, Piper? Now?

Piper: I need your help-

Paige: I hate the freakin' Jingle. You people have no idea what it's like to wake up to the freakin' Jingle.

(She glances at Leo who gives her 'the look')

Paige: Right. (To Piper) Anyway, I really, really haven't been feeling well lately, can't this wait until, I don't know, daylight?

Piper: No, Paige… Prue is missing.

Paige: (Suddenly awake) What?

Piper: (lowers the scrying crystal) I was sitting downstairs with Chris and then, all of a sudden, he orbed us both upstairs-

Paige: (with pride) He orbed? Aww, that's great!

Piper: He orbed because he sensed his auntie was in trouble. (Frustrated) My children tend to do that: Learn to do things because I let them get in the way of danger-

Paige: You didn't. They were after Prue, not Wyatt and Chris.

Piper: Yeah, that's not really much better… I shouldn't have left her alone.

Leo: You don't even know what happened and you're blaming yourself? Piper-

Piper: It doesn't matter what happened. Chris would not have orbed me up there if it wasn't something bad-

Paige: You don't know that. Remember when Wyatt used his powers to set off the demon alarm system just to get attention? Maybe its like that-

Piper: No, its not. I was giving him plenty of attention at the time and there was a shattered lamp on the floor when we got there. Something is wrong, and now I can't find her on the map… what if-?

Leo: Piper.

(She takes a deep breath, brushing her hair from her face)
Piper: Okay… what do we do, then?

Paige: Well… maybe the 'to call a lost witch' spell?

Piper: Oh… yeah. (Heads to the BOS)

(After reaching the Book, she hesitates, brushing her fingers over the Infinity symbol)
Piper: I am still so not used to this.

Paige: (moving to stand beside her) I know… weird, right?

(Piper shakes her head, but opens the book, flipping the pages until she finds the one she's looking for)

Paige: I'll get the candle.


(Piper and Paige stand in the attic, a white candle burns on a table and Paige holds the book. Leo watches from a couch across the room.

Piper pricks her finger with a needle, letting a drop of blood fall into the flame, then reads from the book)

Piper:Power of the witches, rise; course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here. Blood to blood, I summon thee; blood to blood, return to me. (They wait expectantly for a beat; nothing happens)
Paige: What happened? Did it work?

Piper: Does it look like it worked?

(She backs up a few steps, holding her head)
Piper: Oh, God…

Leo: Piper, Honey, calm down.

Piper: I can't! My sister is missing! I can't-

Leo: Look. You couldn't find her on the map, and I have a feeling you'd know if… if something happened to her… Maybe she's in the Underworld…

Piper: Oh, good… that makes me feel much better.

Leo: What I mean is… maybe it will take the Power of Three to call her. You're still the Charmed Ones, even if you don't have the Power of Four.

Paige: (hugging Piper) We'll find her… I'll go get Phoebe. (Orbs out)

Piper: Ugh… what is wrong with me? I couldn't even remember there was a spell to call a witch-

Leo: You're distraught; it's understandable. The Angel of Destiny put you all between a rock and a hard place; it isn't fair… But, for now, I know Prue is okay. You'll find her. It'll be okay.

Piper: You keep saying that… I just… I don't see how everything can be okay. I really don't… I can't lose her again, Leo. I couldn't handle it-

(Paige and Phoebe orb in, interrupting her)

Phoebe: (to Paige; tired) Oh, you are so lucky I can't blow you up or anything, or I swear I would have.

Piper: (wiping her eyes) let's just get Prue back.

(Piper lets another drop of blood fall into the flame while Paige and Phoebe each prick their own fingers. They add a drop each)

Paige: Ready?
Paige/Piper/Phoebe: Power of the witches, rise; course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here. Blood to blood, I summon thee; blood to blood, return to me.

(They all look up expectantly; a beat passes, but swirling lights appear on the middle of the room)


(The demon holds his hands on Prue's head; she is entirely unconscious. He inhales deeply, looking to be quite enjoying what he is doing.)

Demon: Aren't you the most delicious thing?

(Suddenly, Prue becomes surrounded in swirling lights. The Demon backs up, shocked, as she disappears)
Demon: No!


(Piper, Phoebe, and Paige watch as Prue appears on the attic floor, still unconscious)

Piper: (running to her) Prue!

Phoebe: Is she okay?

Piper: (kneeling and holding Prue) I- I don't know… (Checks her pulse) She's alive… Paige! A little healing here?

(Paige runs over, holding her hands over her sister and trying to heal her)

Piper: (After a second) Why isn't she waking up?

Paige: Shh! I'm trying to concentrate… this is harder than it looks.

(Piper and Phoebe watch anxiously while Paige focuses on healing Prue. Eventually, her eyes snap open)

Piper: Prue!

(She hugs Prue tightly to herself and Paige and Phoebe kneel beside them)
Piper: Oh, thank god, Prue… you scared the hell out of us-

(Prue looks around at her sisters as they crowd her, looking as though she has no idea who they are)
Prue: Where am I?

Phoebe: What? You're home, Sweetie.

Prue: (sitting up and pulling away from Piper) Home?

Paige: Yeah… you know the manor-

Piper: -the place you were raised… what's wrong?

Prue: (looking at Paige, Phoebe, and Piper) Who are you? Why am I here?

(She leaps up and runs for the door while her sisters stare at her in shock)

Phoebe: What just happened?

Piper: …I don't know.


(Prue hurries out the front door of the manor, pausing only to look up and down the street, then starts down the walkway.

Paige, Piper, and Phoebe emerge just as she reaches the sidewalk)

Piper: Prue! Prue! You'd better stop right there, or I swear to God-!

Phoebe: (to Piper) What? You'll go tell mommy?

Piper: Shut up. (They chase after Prue)

Phoebe: Prue! Come on, Sweetie.

Prue: (not looking back) Stop following me! And stop calling me Prue!

Piper: Well I figured it was nicer than calling you a pain in the ass.

Prue: (stops and turns to face them) Who are you?!

Paige: Uh… your sisters.

Prue: Of course you are. (Turns and continues walking) Don't follow me!

(Piper, Paige, and Phoebe all stop where they are, exasperated)

Phoebe: (calling to Prue) Come on, Prue! You cant walk around San Francisco alone in the middle of the night! (to Paige and Piper) What the hell is going on?

Paige: It would seem that whoever took her erased her memory-

Phoebe: (sarcastic) What, the Demon of Amnesia? Why would they do that?

Paige: Why do they do anything? To kill us, of course.

Piper: Okay, that's all well and good, but we need to get her home again-

Paige: (looks at Prue who is about to turn a corner and holds out her hand) Attic.

(Prue orbs out)
Phoebe/Piper: Paige!

Piper: We are in the middle of the street, what were you thinking?

Paige: I was thinking that it's three thirty in the morning and everyone is asleep…anyway, how else would we have gotten her home?
Phoebe: Oh, I don't know, we could've just kept doing what we were doing-

Paige: Right, and spend the rest of the night chasing her though the city? I think not.

Piper: Whatever. Let's just go before she escapes again. (To Paige as they start back to the manor) We will deal with you later.


(The demon who kidnapped Prue stands in front of Barbatos, Tephros, and Orias)

Orias: What?!

Demon: There was nothing I could do-

Tephros: You said you could handle it!

Demon: I did what you asked!

Orias: You dare argue with us, Kayeri?

Kayeri: (nervous) No… No, not at all.. All I meant was-

Barbatos: (creates a fireball) Let me kill him.

Orias: (holds his hand up) Don't! We'll give him a chance to fix this. (to Kayeri) You can fix this, cant you?

Kayeri: Of course I can.

Orias: Good, then go. If you make one wrong move I will personally ensure you spend the rest of time burning in eternal fire, do I make myself clear?

Kayeri: Yes… of course. (Teleports out)

Barbatos: Now, why'd you do that? He'll surely fail-

Orias: Better he is vanquished than another one of us. We have planning to do if we are to fulfill our destiny-

Tephros: If they vanquish him, her memory will be returned!

Orias: What?! Well, what are you waiting for? Kill them before they kill him!

(Tephros and Barbatos teleport out)


(Prue is in a panic when her sisters arrive in the attic)

Prue: How-?! I… What did you do to me?!

Piper: Calm down, the kids are asleep!

Prue: How the hell did I get here?

Paige: Magic.

Prue: You people are insane-

Piper: Runs in the family.

Prue: The family? I don't have sisters.

Phoebe: Okay… so… if you're not Prue… who are you?

Prue: I-…(she pauses, looking to have had an epiphany) I… I don't know.

Piper: Of course not.

Phoebe: Okay… well… (to Paige) the-the Memory spell. The one you used on Piper three years ago-

Prue: (backing away) Whoa… spell? What are you people?

Paige: Witches, duh. (To Phoebe) Like I remember it. Anyway, it was to help Piper feel again… not to restore her memory.

Phoebe: Fine, so re-word it.

(Mean while, Prue is heading back toward the door)
Piper: (watching her while Paige and Phoebe argue) Hey! Where are you going?
(Prue continues toward the door, so Piper raises a hand and blows up a chair beside her.

Prue screams and jumps to the floor, holding her head.

Paige and Phoebe look up)

Piper: Don't make me do that to you, Missy-

Phoebe: Real great, Piper. Go ahead and traumatize her.

Piper: She'll get over it. (To Paige) The spell?

Paige: I don't remember.

Phoebe: Try! And remember, switch the words around so her memory comes back, and you know… don't screw up… we don't want anyone else losing their memory.

Paige: (sarcastic) Is that all?

Piper: Yes.

Paige: (sighs, but closes her eyes, focusing) Powers and… her memories tied… a witch's… mind… is where it hides…help us with our agony, bless her with her memory. (Holds out her arms expectantly, but Prue remains trembling and balled up on the floor)

Phoebe: Help us with our agony?

Piper: This is kind of annoying.

Paige: I tried.

(Piper rolls her eyes and moves to console the petrified Prue)

Phoebe: Maybe there's something in the book.

(As she heads to the book, Leo rushes in. He notices Prue on the floor)
Leo: What happened? I heard an explosion.

Piper: (kneeling beside Prue) Oh, nothing… just trying to keep Prue from escaping. Her memory's a little… well, erased.

Leo: What?

Piper: We think that whichever demon it was that took her erased her memory… you still think it'll all be okay?

Phoebe: (looking at the Book) Here's something.

Paige: (moves to stand next to her; reads from the book) Kayeri… Upper-level demon who feeds on the memories of his victims before devouring them entirely. The only way to restore a victim's memory is to vanquish Kayeri…. (Looks at Piper) There's a Power of Three spell.

Piper: Good, find the bastard. (to Prue) I'm sorry I scared you, but you really need to come with me,

Prue: No! I need to get out of here-

Piper: (reaches gently for her arm) Please, Prue-

Prue: NO! (She pulls her arm back, sending a pile of boxes flying into a wall; she looks at the mess, terrified) What the hell-?

Piper: Great.

Prue: (panicking) what did you do to me?!

Phoebe: No, we didn't do anything to you, honey… that's your power.

Prue: Power-?!

(She is interrupted when Kayeri teleports in)

Kayeri: (to Piper; creating an energyball) I believe you have something that belongs to me.

(He throws the energyball and Piper easily freezes it, but he immediately throws two more; she has no time to react and one hits her, the other barely misses Leo as he tries to push Prue out of the way)

Phoebe: Piper!

(Piper lies unconscious on the floor and Leo, after helping Prue to a 'safe' spot, hurries to her)

Leo: (crying) Oh, god, Piper…

(Kayeri throws another energyball, aimed at Piper and Leo)

Paige: Energyball!

(She TKs it back at Kayeri, who teleports out of the way just in time. He reappears beside Phoebe who holds the book; she kicks him hard in the side and runs to Piper where Paige is already headed.

Their attempts at reaching Piper are hampered by a barrage of energy balls from Kayeri, Paige must continually divert them, so cannot heal Piper)

Phoebe: (kneeling behind Paige; calls to Prue) Prue! You have to read the spell with us!

Prue: No!

Phoebe: Please!

Prue: I can't!

Phoebe: Piper is dying! (She has to jump out of the way as a stray energyball nearly hits her) Please!

(Prue watches as Paige frantically attempts to keep the energyballs away, then looks at Leo who is holding Piper tightly, brushing her hair affectionately as he cries.

She breathes deeply and runs out from where she hides and moves to crouch beside Phoebe)

Phoebe: (reaching for Paige's free hand) Read with me, Prue-

Prue/Phoebe: You who feeds on memory

Are vanquished now

To set truth free

(The energyballs stop flying as Kayeri screams in agony and is vanquished.

Paige kneels quickly, holding her hands out over Piper's injuries and heals her.

Piper's eyes fly open, and Leo kisses her. When they part, she looks at Prue who stares almost blankly into space)

Piper: Prue? You back?

Prue: Yeah… (Turns slowly to look at her family) I don't ever want to be like that again.

(She moves to hug her sisters)


(Piper, Prue, Phoebe, Paige, and Leo are in the sunroom, talking. The first signs of daylight are visible in the windows behind them. They all look exhausted. Suddenly, the Angel of Destiny who earlier appeared to them teleports in.)
Angel: (to Prue) Have you decided?

Piper: Hello to you, too.

Angel: I'm sorry to be so brash… but this decision must be made now. (To Prue) So..?

Prue: Yeah, I decided-

Phoebe: Prue?

Prue: I did… (To the Angel) I want to stay here… with my family.

Piper: But-

Prue: It's okay you guys, really… I'd rather get to live here with you for a little while then live without you for fifty more years. Really… it's okay. I don't want to leave just yet, and I really don't want to leave you guys vulnerable.

Angel: Fine… it is done.

(Prue smiles)
Angel: Before I go… I should warn you… you will all be experiencing changes in your powers-

Piper: Changes? What kind of changes?

Angel: They'll be growing… developing into new powers which will help you in your coming struggles. Trust me… you'll need every ounce of power you can get.

Phoebe: (sarcastic) Fantastic.

Angel: (to Paige) Be well, my dear… You can handle it. You proved that today.

(Paige scoffs, then noticing her sisters looking at her, confused, shrugs)

Angel: I'm done here…

Phoebe: Wait!

(The Angel looks at her)
Phoebe: Our book… it changed… why?

Angel: To signify your new change in status. The potential for your power is limitless… infinite. Your bond as sisters is as well, as your bringing Prue back shows.(She smiles at the sisters before taking a step back from them) good luck- (Teleports out)

Phoebe: That was sarcasm if I ever heard it.

Piper: Prue. Honey… you didn't have to… I mean we would've understood if-

Prue: no, I made the right choice. I got a little taste of what it would be like not knowing who I am… and I didn't like it… Anyway, I'm not going to spend my life without you guys. I couldn't.

Piper: (smiles) If you're sure-

(Chris orbs onto the floor, reaching out for Prue)

Prue: (Smiling and picking him up) I am.

Phoebe: Chris orbs now?!

Piper: Yeah, long story… and, speaking of long stories (looks at Paige) what was that all about?

Paige: (acting confused) What was what all about?

Piper: You know what I'm talking about… all that talk about you being able to 'handle it…' handle what?

Paige: Well… you know how I told you earlier that Henry and I were talking about something when time stopped?

Piper: Yes.

Paige: Well… (Looks at her family for a beat; they stare at her expectantly)

Phoebe: What?! 'Well,' what?

Paige: Henry and I are having a baby. We found out yesterday… even after all that's happened, go figure…

(Her sisters all exclaim with excitement, rushing to her and hugging her. When they move back to give her air, Leo hugs her, too)
Leo: Congratulations, Paige.

Paige: Thanks.

Phoebe: Oh, my god, Paige! Why didn't you say anything before?

Paige: I don't know… didn't seem like the right time… you know, demons, memory loss and all… And I…(looking at Phoebe) well you know how you… I just-

Phoebe: (smiling) Don't be stupid, Paige! I'm so happy for you!
Paige: yeah?
Phoebe: Yes! (Hugs her sister)

Piper: We all are, sweetie. Congratulations.

Paige: well… our lives are nothing if not exciting.

Prue: (snuggling Chris) Absolutely.

(The scene fades out on the family hugging each other and talking)


(Orias waits by a large fire, his eyes closed. Barbatos and Tephros teleport in)
Tephros: We were too late… he was vanquished,

Orias: I know… be assured… if I did not need you to ascend, you would be vanquished as well.

Tephros: Lucky for me you do.

Barbatos: What do we do now?
Orias: Obviously, the witches are more competent than we imagined… they've managed to vanquish every demon we've thrown at them.

Barbatos: They're not called the Charmed Ones for nothing.

Orias: We must rethink our strategy… we cannot fail.

(Barbatos and Tephros nod, smiling with malice)

(fade out)