Swordsman of Mizuho

By: Taitachi

This is my first ToS fic so I would appreciate you (the reader's) input. Alright on with the story! (I do not own Tales of Symphonia and/or it's scenarios and characters)


The under brush clawed and scratched at him as he dashed through the dimly lit confines of Gagorrachia forest. His breathing was heavy and his mind was in turmoil.

'How the hell had Kvar found them!? They had purposely slipped into Tetha' alla hoping to elude him, so how had he discovered their location!?'

This thought kept pounding through his head as he desperately searched for his wife and son. He had sent them on ahead when they had been attacked by Kvar's men, while he stayed behind to fend of their pursuers.

'They should be around here somewhere!' He internally cursed himself for not having been here in centuries to review the terrain.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a cry from the bushes to his left, a group of Desians jumped out and came at him. Drawing his sword faster then lightening he struck them down just as fast, the blood trickling down the edge.

"Sorry, I don't have time for you."

And with that Kratos plunged back into the darkness of Gagorrachia forest, intent on finding his loved ones.


Kazuma (because I cant remember his name or he doesn't have one) Fujibayashi, Chief of Mizuho, along with Tiga and other ninja of Mizuho, sped through the canopy of Gagorrachia forest. One of their sentries in the surrounding area had reported a disturbance within the forest and ninja were quickly sent out to investigate. Dropping through the trees, they arrived at what appeared to be a battlefield. Bodies lay strewn everywhere and the ground was scorched black. The corpses wore clothing similar to that of the Renegades, a mysterious group that had appeared in Tetha' alla not long ago but remained hidden from the public's eye.

Kazuma began to call out orders, "Alright, search the surrounding area for survivors an-"

"Sir!! Over here!!"

Urgent cries cut in and Kazuma and the rest of the group dashed over to where the shouts emanated. There, stretched out on the ground, was the grievously wounded body of a large humanoid shaped monster.

"Is it some kind of demon?" Whispers of speculation ran through the gathered crowd of ninja.

Kazuma alone stepped forward to inspect the creature. However as he reached for it the creature suddenly rose up and began to flail it's arms wildly, forcing the ninja to maintain a safe distance. Tiga looked towards Kazuma.

"Your orders, sir?"

Before Kazuma could decided a raspy, feeble voice of a women reached his ears.


The gathered ninja were shocked to find that the voice was coming from the creature


" Pleeeeaaase, heeeeelp meee...!"

The creature was bent over in pain and it's voice was growing more distant and weak. Warily, Kazuma approached.

"There now, take it easy, what happened to you?"

"Desians...attack...exsphere...activate...son hidden...help.."

The creature doubled over in pain and fell to the ground. Kazuma supported the creature as it layed were in fell.

"Please hang on. Tiga get the medics out here!"

"Sir are you sure that is a good idea? What if this creature is a -"

"Tiga this creature is obviously a victim, get the medics here now!!"

"Ye-es Sir!"

And with that Tiga dashed off back to the village with some of the ninja, the rest stood around the creature and listened as it conversed with their chief.

"Now, please start from the beginning, why are you like this? What's your name?"

The creature took in great shuddering breaths as it answered.

"My name is Anna Aur cough, my husband and I were cough traveling through the forest with our baby boy cough when the Desians attacked. My husband Kra cough stayed to fight the Desians and sent me and our son on ahead with Noishe cough, but the Desians were catching up. I sent Noishe ahead with Llo cough. I stayed to delay them but they activated my exsphere and I turned into what you see before you cough. "

Anna began coughing violently, the last of her blood draining away. Kazuma could sense the woman's life fading rapidly, urgently he asked, "Where is your son now?"

Seconds passed slowly before Anna answered "Noishe is close, Lloyd is with him cough."

"Lloyd, is that you son's name?"

"Yes, it is. And when he is old enough give him cough this."

Before Kazuma could stop her Anna ripped off the exsphere that was imbedded in her arm. Kazuma could only watch on as Anna slowly died and uttered her death wish.

"Please, keep Lloyd safe..please..."

The body of Anna began glowing. Sensing the unstable mana, the ninja jumped back as the body exploded, showering them with earth. Gazing at the bloodied ruby orb in his hand Kazuma ordered his men to begin searching for the child.


Kratos was desperate now, he could find no trace of Anna, Lloyd or Noishe anywhere, and it was growing dark fast. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves he tried using his angel senses. Still nothing. He once again began his search. It was completely dark when he reached the area where Anna died. It took only moments to know what had become of his beloved wife. At first Kratos could only stare in numb disbelief at the spot where his wife had passed away. All thoughts of Lloyd and Noishe fled from his mind as one thought repeated it self. "Anna was dead." A fever began to spread through Kratos's body and he felt as if he were choking. "Heavens no...not my wife..." Slowly he sagged to his knees, tears dropping to the forest floor. And then, like some broken animal, he screamed to the star strewn heavens above.


Kazuma looked down at the bundled child he held cradled in his arms. Brown locks tumbled down over peach skin and brown eyes. Kazuma could only ponder at what the child's father must have been like, assuming he was dead. Kazuma found this twist of fate rather ironic.

'This makes two children Mizuho has taken in from Gagorrachia forest.' he thought with a mirthful smirk. He couldn't wait to see what his adopted granddaughter would think of her new baby brother.

Because of Kazuma's burden, he and some other ninja's returned to Mizuho just as night fell. As they entered the village, many gazed at the second child from Gagorrachi, though Kazuma excepted that it was also because of the green and white...dog, that was with them. When they had found the child, they were surprised to see that Noishe was not a person at all but was instead a large-eared green and white dog. It took nearly half a hour before the creature trusted their good intentions. Kazuma stopped in the center of the village as all of it's inhabitants gathered, and of course the child (who was sleeping at the moment) was passed around to all the mothers of the village who squealed at the young child (as all mothers generally do, I speak from experience). The men poked and prodded Noishe wondering (as one young man put it) "What the hell is this?!" When the child went full circle and Noishe was relieved from further analysis, Kazuma reiterated the story to the villagers. Afterwards, Kazuma declared that he would take in the child (much to the disappointment of the mothers).

"But what's his name?", one young lady chirped up.

"Lloyd, his mother said his name was Lloyd. Although I don't know his last name. So for now, he is Lloyd Fujibayashi."

Tiga spoke up at this time "And what of this...thing..." pointing at Noishe.

"I believe that he...or she, his property of Lloyds parents as such...(Noishe thoughts: WHAT??!!) I believe he should stay here." answered Kazuma.

"Don't let them stay here, they're from Gagorrachia! It's bad enough we have Sheena!!"

The crowd parted to show a disgruntled group, mostly superstisous people who believed Gagorrachia brought bad luck.

Kazuma boiled with rage and shouted out at the top of his voice "BE QUIET!! I am chief and I shall decide! Lloyd stays here!!!"

With a huff and a "You'll be sorry" the group dispersed. As for the rest, they headed home for the night, leaving Kazuma with Lloyd and Noishe alone in the twilight. Kazuma glanced to his quadruped companion.

"Shall we go?"


"I thought so."


Sheens Fujibayashi, age three, sat at her bed room window watching the night sky. Since her grandfather had left this afternoon he had not been back and she was worried. When the door creaked open she was up at a flash and into the entrance hall where her grandfather stood.

"Grandpa!!' With a squeal she latched onto to his leg, much to his chagrin.

"All right, you little ankle biter let go!"

Kazuma playfully tried to shake her off, knowing that was half the reason she did it. When Sheena did finally let go she noticed that her grandfather was gently holding something in his arms.

"Grandpa, wuzzat?" Kazuma smiled down at his little granddaughter, crouching down as he unwrapped the bundle a little.

"This is you new baby brother, Lloyd."

Sheena's eyes grew big with amazement as she watched the little sleeping face.

"Where'd ee come frum?"

"The same place as you, little kunoichi, the forest."

Sheena gasped in amazement.


"Really, really."

For a moment Sheena was deep in thought, then her face broke into a huge childish grin.

"Yay!! I'm gonna luv hm, an hug hm, an nam hm Gorge! Where gonna play, an eat and play an-!"

Kazuma had to hold down his granddaughter to stop her from jumping in excitement.

" Whoa now, there will be time for that later, now go on to bed."

"Yes grandpa, goonite Lloyd."

Kazuma chuckled as his granddaughter sprinted off to bed.

"Now let's find a place for you tonight little one."

Scratch scratch

Before Kazuma could do that though there was a scratching at the door. Just as he opened it to peek outside a green and white blur rushed past. "Noishe, what are you doing?!"

Kazuma hissed in a whisper so as to not alert his granddaughter.


"No you cant stay in here to night"

Whine whine

And with that, Noishe promptly sat on the floor.


Setting aside Lloyd, Kazuma tried to lift Noishe.

"By the spirits, how much do you freaking weigh?!"

Noishe just kept panting happily, his plan succesful.

"Fine, you can stay here tonight."


"Yeah, yeah , yeah. Just keep quiet."

End of Ch One

Please, reviews would be most appreciated, I am after all only a rookie writer, and if any of you have constructive criticism, comments, or suggestions please let me know. I would like to thank my editor for looking this over and I thank you very much for reading, now onto Chapter Two! (hopefully it will be done soon)