A Month or so ago…

"Harry! Ah!" Draco screamed as he fell into the bed. Belting out laughter, Harry grinned and tried to pull himself and Draco farther up onto the bed. "No, Harry!" Draco giggled. Harry put his finger to his lips and shushed him, trying to get at Draco's belt at the same time.

Draco giggled and tried to free himself from Harry, who happened to be lying on top of him. "Harry! We can't, it's the…" He let out a bark of laughter as Harry's hand dipped into his pants. "It's the hospital wing… Harry!" Draco let out a yelp of shock, as he felt Harry's hand close around his cock.

Draco groaned and Harry smiled, capturing his lips. "I really don't think we should…" Draco stopped as Harry thrust against him. "Oh…" Draco threw his head back. Harry moved away, suddenly.

Draco made a squeaky sound of protest.

"Draco." Harry said.

"Oh… What, Harry?"

"I think we should have sex."

Draco's head shot up. "What?"

Harry bit his lip. "Fuck. Umm… I.. er… FUCK!" Harry hit himself on the forehead with his hand. Draco found it hard not to laugh, but, he charitably restrained it. Harry was so cute…

Harry groaned from behind his hands. "Draco, would you mind if I made love to you?"

Draco's mind went blank and he couldn't think of a goddamn thing to say. His mouth was somewhat dry as he fought with himself to say it. To just SAY IT.

Draco watched as Harry's hands retreated closer to his face, and it was then that he realized Harry was probably just as nervous as him.

He laughed and Harry peeked from behind his hands, horrified that he'd done something wrong.

"You're laughing!"

"I'm sorry." Draco said, wiping the smile from his face. "It's just you're-"

"You're laughing!"

Draco laughed again, he couldn't help himself.

"Stop laughing!"

Draco managed to control himself. "It's just, Harry, you're so sweet."

Harry looked incredulous as his mouth dropped. "I am not sweet! I am dark and dangerous! I am smoldering!" Draco's hand flew to his mouth as he tried to hold back laughter. Harry was so wonderful when he was like this, it was positively delightful.

Draco took a deep breath and lowered his hand. "Of course you are, sweetheart. –Harry looked slightly miffed at that, even though Draco always said it- In fact," Draco smirked. "Sweet guys get me hard."

Harry's eyebrow's shot up. "Really?"

Draco nodded.

Harry grinned. "Well, in that case, would you mind it if I held your hand?" Draco laughed as Harry lowered himself onto Draco again.

Harry landed, his head inches away from Draco's, and he smiled, a heart-breakingly honest smile.

"Harry…" Draco breathed.

"Yes?" Harry said clearly, brushing his hand against Draco's face. Draco didn't know how Harry was so confident, didn't really understand it and wanted to be that way himself. Instead of this insecure mess that he was now.

He wanted to be sure.

Draco began to sob, suddenly the hardships gained a grasp on him and they were real once again, real even though moments before he'd been able to block them out. Draco hated the fact that he broke down, that he had to pretend to be happy so he wouldn't break down. Harry wiped a tear from Draco's cheek.

"I'm s-scared," Draco sobbed. Harry frowned, cupping Draco's face in his hands and running his thumbs over the smooth skin. Harry looked at him for a long moment, his resolve never seeming to waver.

Suddenly, though, he spoke, and his voice did more than quiver. "I'm scared, too," Harry's face screwed in on itself and Draco let out a sob, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Harry and holding onto him desperately. Harry held on just as tightly, squeezing the air out of Draco and leaving him breathless.

"Please don't leave me…" Draco half whispered, half sobbed.

Harry nodded violently. "I won't, I won't, I won't…"

Draco took in a very big, quivering breath through his noise. "You promise?" He asked frantically.

Harry nodded again. "I promise."

"If you die…" Draco's voice raised and left off on an unsaid note.

Harry pulled away and looked into Draco's eyes. "If I die, I'm dying with you," Draco smiled and laughed breathlessly, before pulling Harry in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.

Harry kissed back, breathlessly, desperately, franticly, everything and anything and wanting to hold onto Draco while he could because he was scared it was going to be over so very soon.

Too soon.

With Draco, any end was too soon.

Draco sighed softly and pulled away, his hands coming to rest by Harry's face.

"Harry," he said breathlessly.


"You can do that thing to me now."

"What thing?"

"Make love to me," Harry stared down at Draco's lips, which were wet and parted. He nodded profusely.

"Okay," he said, nervously, and leaned forwards, pressing his lips to Draco's. Draco whimpered, though Harry wasn't sure if it was because of the kiss or because of their impending doom.

Harry found he didn't really care though.

Pushing Draco back down onto the bed, Harry bit alternately at Draco's neck, pleased with the little marks left on his skin. Harry grinned as he remembered all the times he'd been in this room with injuries. It seemed strange that this would be the place they'd have their first time.

Or, maybe it was fitting. Romantic even.

Draco closed his eyes. This was where people healed, where they got better. Draco desperately wanted to get better, and so did Harry. They both wanted to get over their past, their scars.

Maybe this was the best place to do it.

Draco let out a moan as Harry began to strip off his shirt, casting it to the side and placing a hand on Draco's chest, smoothing it over his soft skin. Harry smiled at the quick rise and fall of Draco's chest.

Leaning down, his eyes on Draco's and Draco's on his, Harry kissed Draco's chest. He opened his mouth and timidly inched his tongue out, pushing it slowly against Draco. Closing his eyes, Harry felt a sudden salty caress on his tongue, revelling in it and smiling as Draco began to fidget restlessly.

Harry swallowed uncomfortably, feeling something in the bottom of his stomach churn, or spasm, or just burn. Opening his eyes and taking in a deep breath, Harry fumbled clumsily with the button on Draco's trousers. He cursed himself, hoping that Draco wasn't going out of his mind with impatience; and, upon looking up, Harry saw that Draco was going insane, yet Harry was sure it wasn't from impatience.

Draco felt the give as his trousers came down, and the rough pull as they were dragged down. He groaned weakly as he heard the pants come to a slide and stop on the floor. Opening his eyes, Draco groaned yet again, as Harry was just at the point of pulling his shirt over his head. Draco's eyes glazed over slightly as he watched Harry pull off his pants as well.

And then Harry reached for his boxer shorts and suddenly Draco's eyes weren't so glazed over, Curiosity and anticipation mixing and becoming one. Gulping loudly, Draco watched as Harry slowly slid the damp material off.

Harry's prick was something of dreams, and Draco couldn't decide between sighing or sitting up and grabbing it. It was just… beautiful, he supposed. Though it seemed strange to be describing something like that as beautiful. Its head was red and wet and Draco found himself wanting to touch it very badly. And Malfoy's always do what they want, so…

Draco tentatively stretched out his fingers, barely brushing against the tip and Harry closed his eyes and groaned, flexing instinctively and grinding into Draco's legs. Draco slid his finger through the pre-come and brought it up to his lips. Harry's eyes were now open and slid so close to being closed that Draco wasn't sure if Harry could see him anymore, as Draco parted his lips slightly and slowly slipped the finger in, licking at the tip.

Harry pulled at Draco's boxers quite suddenly, and Draco let out a yelp as his body was thrown about quite harshly, and Harry pulled the boxers off and threw them away, glad to be rid of the meddlesome things.

Draco felt his cheeks go red as Harry stared down at him, or, rather, a certain part of him.

"Umm… Harry?" Draco asked uncertainly after a long silence.

"Yes?" Harry said, not looking up.

"Is there… umm…" Draco's head sunk against the pillows and his voice trailed off as he felt Harry's hand trace a slow trail over his prick. "G-god…" Draco shut his eyes flexed his hips upwards slightly.

Harry stopped all of a sudden and Draco groaned. Casting a lubrication charm (Harry had looked into this before hand), Harry took a deep breath and, lifting Draco up slightly, he placed a finger inside of him. They both shared a simultaneous groan as Draco felt the stretch and Harry felt the enclosing heat sucking him in.

Pulling out and placing another finger in, Harry glanced up briefly, taking in Draco's enrapt, careless expression. Harry grinned. He liked that look on Draco. Perhaps he'd make it happen more often.

Pulling his fingers out, Harry bit his lip and looked down. Trying to take a calming breath, Harry told himself to calm down and relax; this wasn't anything to be frightened of.

Harry looked up one last time at Draco's face and… Draco was beautiful, Harry thought very suddenly, as Draco's thrown back head moved anxiously and his body quivered. Harry decided very quickly that he liked that, Draco quivering. It was kind of intoxicating.

Like Draco. Like Draco's face that was so perfectly flawed, in the way it was almost too pointy but could never actually be too anything, because this was Draco and Draco was… perfect. Draco was so fucking perfect. But Harry had taken too long in thinking this and now Draco was staring at him with a scared expression, as though he thought Harry had found something wrong with him. Draco could just be so wrong about things sometimes. It infuriated Harry because so much about Draco was wonderful and Draco would never accept it.

"Harry…?" He said, softly, scared, apprehensive.

Harry stared up at his face, his beautiful face, and said, without the slightest hesitation, because there was no reason to hesitate when he was so sure, "I love you."

And Draco froze, his body stopped quivering for a moment and his face looked so very shocked. Then his body started quivering again, only harsher, more pronounced this time, and Harry got the distinct impression that Draco was trying not to cry.

But Draco was trying to not to cry. Because they'd never said they'd loved each other before. It'd been assumed, unsaid between them, but having it out there, in the open, actually saying it, was something that seemed so very strange and foreign and Draco wanted to hear it a million times over and it would never be enough because he wanted so badly for Harry to love him and he loved Harry and he… he didn't want Harry to die.

And he thought, suddenly, that, maybe, Harry understood that.

No one had ever really understood Draco before.

"I… I-I love you too." Draco said, his voice faltering and then taking a great, rough swallow as his throat felt so very dry all of a sudden.

And Harry smiled, grabbing Draco's hand in his, curling his fingers amazingly in a connecting sort of way that made Draco dizzy, and thrusting, oh so of a sudden and the next thing Draco knew, there was someone inside of him.

No matter what, no matter if they're lives ended and they never saw each other again. They both knew it and felt it and maybe they didn't understand it fully yet but there was enough comprehension of it to know this one thing for ever and ever and even after the end, for second chances do come and even if they don't, some things need to last after the curtains close. Things like this.

There was someone inside of Draco. Someone thrusting, coming, making love in a beautiful way that was heart-wrenching and wonderful, in a way that only one thing can be. And Harry was inside of him, Draco. In more ways than one.

Harry would always be inside of him.

A/N: It's over! Oh my goodness, I'm not sure whether to cry or jump for glee. Please tell me what you think! I really do like this; I've had this last scene in my head since when I first started writing this fic. I knew this was how the very end was going to be. sigh Unconditional love, eh?