
Well-the first day was...hectic to say the least. you would know-since you read it and commented like a nice person-right? Anyway,the sun rose and a new day called..."our heros"(as the narrorator on Poke'mon would say...sweat drop) back to the world of childhood wonder.

Hinata woke with an adorable yawn, that if anyone else had been awake to hear, would have cried "KAWAII!!". But no. Everyone was lazy tired. But Hinata was productive! She gingerly tiptoed over everyone else, going to the computer-trying to get to her internet journal/blog of doom! Yesterday HAD to get put in! HAD TO! It was amazing-and she was still having chills where Naruto actually put his ARM around HER! Hinata internally squealz

She went to the keyboard and started typing (something involving NARUTO-KUN!, hearts, obnoxious IM smiley faces, and rabid squirrels becuase no one can forget them!!!!!)

Ino then suddenly woke up with a jolt, saying something like "FOOD! NEED FOOD!" then she ran outside, down to the complimentary continental breakfast (say that three times fast:I DARE YOU!!!! megumichan's pointing finger of DOOM!). Sakura then woke up slowly, saw HInata at hte computer, then dropped back to sleep.

Tenten was cuddling some plush (?! WOAH-it oddly resembled Neji...HMMMMM...), muttering in her sleep something like, "Lee-get away from those mushrooommmss...DONT EAT ONE YOU RETARD!" she punched Sakura in her sleep, thinking it was lee. Her once BIG forehead was now...HUGE! She screamed, and HInata nervously flipped around inteh swively chair. Temari magically woke up from the corner, where she snuck in. She saw this fight, and was entertained, so she threw some conveniently placed popcorn at Tenten's head. She didn't like Tenten.

Ino came back up in a dash, five donuts in her arms (choji's habits rubbed offon her...) Choji was followingher from behind like some stalkerish dog-"Please Ino-I only had 10...just one more...?"

"MINE!" She said savagely, cradling her precious chocolate sprinkle donuts. He pouted.

She opened the door to find hinata screaming and tryingto pull Sakura and Tenten apart as they had gotten into some crazy fight, while Temari threw popcorn at them.

... oO Ino stared for a while, wonderingwhether to laugh at the big bump on Sakura's forehead, or to kick Temari out the window. Hm...tempting...temptinng...stinkin choices. Why?

"Forehead girl, stop hitting Tennie-chan,"

"TENNIE CHAN?!" Tenten shouted, rather offended.

"Yes, you are Tennie-chan."

"Hn." She said in a Nejiish tone that only SHE-being Neji's ONLY STALKER could imitate.

"Ino-pig," Sakura scowled.

"SHIKA STEALER!" Temari added, pointing an accusing finger at Ino. Poor Ino chan. HUG

"SAND STALKER!" Ino shouted back. Temari was taken back , very offended.

"Hinata!" Hinata shouted out of place innocently. Everyone stared at teh adorable Hyuuga heiress.

Popcorn littered the floor, and Temari would not take blame. So, Choji started to eat it. Why was...Choji still there? Ask me not-I am mearly the writer! (evil laugh)

"Choji. Out. NOw. This is the GIRLS room," Ino glared.

"But--" he whimpered-still like a little dog. "Food---"

Temari threw the bucket of CALORIECRAP (this is unofficially a brand name now, declares Megumi-chan) popcorn. Choji fell back into the hallway, when Sakura slammed the door.

" what's the plan, Sakura?" Hinata asked, wondering if today could be as great as yesterday.

"I'm...not quite sure. Do you guys want to go to Disney again? There's more to Florida than Disney.."

"But its fun!" Hinata protested.

"I liked it..." Ino was reluctant to admit.

"UHHHHH-" Temari hit her head on a chair. "You little children-you still want to go to the theme park?"

"...why are you still here, Temari?" Tenten asked.

"...My brothers are boring after a while.." she muttered truthfully. "..Yah know, with the blood lust and all. It's annoying. And obviously I can't just say, 'Hey guys-lets do karaoke!' They'd kill me. Perhaps literally..." she said under her breath. Hinata was teh only one who looked fully sympathetic. Tenten almost did, but then she remembered the chonin exams and lost every ounce of pity, maintaining a Nejiish stoic expression.

Hinata got up and hugged poor Temari-chan. Temari was very surprised by this, but it was adorable! Though Temari was tough in nature, she didn't seem to mind. She hugged Hinata back. "Thanks, Hinata-chan,"

Sakura's inner self shouted, "YAH! HUGGING!" and joined. Reluctantly, Ino got up too, dragging Tenten. RANDOM GROUP HUG!!! YEA!!!!! (megumi seriously bored...)

Now, there was a mass blob of Konichi in the middle of the hotel room.

...oO "wHAT do we do now?" Ino asked.

"I guess...we get the boys, somehow..." Sakura mused.

"TENTEN! Since you're the tomboy here, go wake up the boys!" Tenten stood there, thinking, You must be jesting..

"You must be joking.." she said, annoyed at Sakura. "No. I'm not going in there."

"Well-who else will?"

"Can't Temari? She's all tough-she BEAT me-remember?"

"..." Temari looked at the carpet, her blonde ponytails bobbing.

"No-We're going to be friends with Temari-chan from this point on-thanks to Hinata's inspirational hug!" Sakura declaired. Hinata did a little Victory dance in the corner. Temari smiled.

".." Tenten was defeated, until she saw unconscious Choji. "Um..hello-why not Choji?"

"Oh yah..." Ino muttered, thinking about how pathetically stupid they all were when it came to NORMAL things. She kicked Choji from off his stomach. "Get up, lard,"

"Neyahhhh-" Choji muttered under his breath. "I..Ino?" He slowly opnened his eyes.

"Wake everyone up, Choji kun-" Ino gave a stern look, like a mother to some evil little child who just ate a handful of mutant worms oO...

"HEyokeah..." Choji got up lazily, walkign ot the door. He walked into the guy's room, and did his magical BIG STOMACH OF DOOM! Juditsu whatever. Everyone woke up as he rolled over sleeping bags. And the girls got to watch. That was fun, especially when Neji screamed. And Shikamaru screamed. Then there was Shino, who screamed, and a bug flew off his face. Darn it-he was still wearing his glasses. Tenten and INo were ROFL. Then Sasuke screamed totally OOC. Sakura and Ino were gagging in laughs.

"CHOJI YOU MORON!!!" someone (most likely Kiba) threw a pillow at his big head.

"OHWWWWW!" Choji whined as he changed to normal size.

Shika and Sasuke went back to sleep. So Ino walked over and screamed intheir ears, when they screamed again. Tenten was still ROFL. That is, Until Neji glared at her w/o a shirt may I add, which only made Tenten get bright red and stop.

In fact, this sudden noticing of the girls lookign through the widelly open door seemed to get all the guys glaring, until Sasuke (beign the only one with a BRAIN) slammed the door, and beat up Choji (poor Choji, tear)

Tenten was still on the floor, but now in a commaish state, bright red with distant chocolate eyes. Sakura rolled her eyes and went into the girls room, getting ready. The others followed suit.

"LEt's go!" Sakura shouted triumphantly five minutes later. Rock Lee agreed, much youth in his step. He had a new snazzzy outfit that Sakura picked out for him, kindly disuading him from the jump suit. It was still green-but a turtle neck top, with black jeans! To think that Lee could look as though he! GASP!

She and Lee led the way, dashing down the hall. Slowly, Shikamaru and Ino followed, and Naruto and Hinata, a random group of Shino, Kiba, a beaten up Choji, Sasuke, Temari, and...wait, that's it. I think.

Tenten decided to wait for neji, who was the last one in the guy's room. She knocked, but no one answered. "..Neji?" she asked, a little worried. Had something happened to him? So she burst the door off its hinges, to see Neji with a stuffed Monkey. She tried to supress her laugh. "Neji? Is that from when we helped Lee with a gift for Sakura? You still have that?!"

"my monkey!" Neji looked at her as though she were insane.

"what is it with you and MONKEYS?" she asked, getting very troubled about this new neji. "Does Hinata know about this? Or Lee? Or A THERAPIST?!"

"..." Neji just stared for a moment, wondering what to say.

"Hey, Tenten-are you ready?" Hinata asked looking back, but then she noticed the door that was now on the floor, and Neji with a monkey, and Tenten, pointing at him with an odd look on her face.

"NEJI! You still have that monkey!" Hinata laughed.

"MEH!" he threw the monkey at Hinata, knocking her down. "I told you they hated you," he glared, back to himself.

Naruto saw Hinata fall back from teh impact of...a monkey? He ran back to Hinata's side.

"NEJI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR COUSIN!" he shouted protectively.

"Oh---Na..Naruto-kun-It's nothign-don't worry!" Hinata got up and smiled. But Naruto wasn't convinced.

"GOSH, Neji! Stop being mean to Hina-chan! Why do you pick on her? She could kill-" Naruto was interrupted by Neji's threatening stance.

"None of your business, Uzimaki."

"YEs it is!!!! Now that I'm Hina-chan's boyfriend-"

"NARUTO Kun?" Hinata looked up with bright big eyes, shimmering in esctasy. " mean that?"

"Well, hehe-" Naruto shrugged, embarrased, "I was going to ask you-and I was hoping you'd say yes-"

"Of course, Naruto kun!" She smiled and gave him a big hug, ignoring Neji's inconvenient presence. Tenten just stared and watched.

Naruto smiled hugely. "Believe it!" ...oO Tenten and Neji stared at each other for a moment, then turned away red. Neji prayed he would never be that stupid around Tenten. Ever.

"If you hurt her--" Neji pointed a finger at an UBER happy Naruto. "You..." He thought. "There won't be anythign of you left..." wow that sounded so retarded. Tenten laughed. sighs

"Neji-san, stop it!" Hinata frowned as she returned to Naruto's embrace. AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! SOO...KEUWT!!! writer falls to floor in NaruHina dreams

Ok, so they all travel to disney world again. This time, in the well thought out TWO taxis. Still stuffed, adn Shino still on the roof (this was a naive and innocent taxi driver who had no idea what he was getting into...)

So-at Disney worlld!!! Ye! Naruto was sort of in some happy trance thing. Shikamaru looked concerned. Turning to Temari, (not Ino, to Ino's frustration) he asked, "What's with Naruto?"

"It's Hinata's Inspirational Hugs!" Temari cried totally OOC. Shikamaru stared at her for a while. ...oO

"Try it on Neji! Let's see what happens!" Tenten thought excitedly, telling Hinata as she heard Temari's reply.

"um..Ok-" Hinata reluctantlly walked up to her cousin, who gave her the eye that read, "you're still alive?"

Then, she spontaneously wrapped her arms around his neck in a happy hug, as she said, "You're the bestest cousin evah, Neji-NIIIII-san!" Again, TOTALLY OOC!

Neji seemed unmoved by this for a moment. Then, as hinata let go, he said in monotone. "I feel very complete and happy now." Turnign to Tenten, he suddenly kissed her.

oO Rock Lee twitched, yet with utter happy...Youthness! Tenten-well, what to say? She kept that kiss as long as she could-until Kiba hit Neji over the head, apparently annoyed he was one of the few without an eternal love...Tenten then gave out a little kidish cry. Then Neji gave her a big cute hug! AWWW... Sasuke walked to the side, and threw up on some innocent chipmunk.

Well...then there was that awkward moment of silence when NEji and Tenten realized that NO-they were not in some unknown woods alone, where they could be all happy and train and...whatever. No. THey were in Disney land, where lots of little children stopped, and either

1) poked them

2) asked, "MOmmy who are the wierd people?"

3) asked, "Mommy? Why are those two hugging? Do they like each other? Where do babies come from?!"

4) tried to pull Akamaru's tail. Kiba had to restrain him as the little children ran away, screaming about suing the scary boy who had red marks on his cheeks.

"Um..." Neji muttered, trying to reluctantly push Tenten away. Then he magically returned to his stoic self.

Well, everyone now had to get over the fact they just saw THE stoic Neji Hyuuga passionately kiss Tenten-the weapons mistress. Hinata laughed. Manipulating people's minds was fun-especially since it was utterly unintentional.

"Well-where shall we start today?" Sakura asked the group to break this piercing awkward silence.




Well, so much for that. Tenten was looking at the very facinating, trash littered ground. Her face was cherry red. Neji looked up at the sky, no emotion readable. Sakura really didn't like this silence.

"SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING TO MAKE SAKURA NO LONGER SAD!" Rocklee said very lamely. Just for that, people started to talk again. Sakura smiled and gave Leekun a hug! YEA!! HUGS!!! (Sasuke: what the crap is with this writer and hugs? Author: SASUKE SPEAKS! ITS A MIRACLE!)

"Let's do the teacups again!" Ino suggested. Neji frowned at this suggestion. NOt again. Sasuke twitched at this suggestion. But that was just a normal Sasukeish thing to do anyway.

"NO." Shika muttered.

"Well...what rides didn't we see?"

Shikamaru's eyes got wide as he saw the evil smile on Ino's face grow. He hid behind Temari, who pulled out her fan, ready to hit Ino...or whatever.

"WE didn't-" But Temari covered her mouth.

"Wha-" Sakura asked, curiously. "What were you thinking, Inochan?"

"We didn't do-" she wrestled out of Temari's hold, "that ride-"

oO Wow-real specific there. But then they saw her pointing at the little kid ride of DOOm where you would drive Dumbo...whatever that was called.

"You' to be kidding," Shino spoke at last!

"Oh-It looks like fun!" Ino shouted.

" it doesn't" four guys muttered at the exact same time.

Wow-Ino knew how to pick the...nice rides...Sakura thought, glaring at the stupid Dumbo elephants of DOOM.

"Too youthful..." Rock lee cringed. Ino apparently was the only one who wanted to go on, though Hinata had to supress a smile. So kewt...the elephants...she thought.

"NO." Tenten finally loooked up, at teh obnoxious little kids area of the park, where Ino was now dragging her and Neji. Why-I don't know. She was pulling Neji by his SNAAZZSZY long hair, which made him freak out and try to murder Ino.

"Comeon!" She grabbed Shika's hair with her teeth oO and he started shouting at her to let go. Temari ran after her beloved Shika. Choji muttered something and followed.

...NO. everyone else thought, and walked on.

The epileptic lights and crack head-happy music songs made Neji REALLY want to kill himself. But of course, being the Happy Little Kid section, there was nothing that he could remotely hurt himself with. Just a tree. A tree he could bang his head against, until some ingenius idea would over power him. SO he stood there for a while, banging his head in an emo way against a tree. Tenten looked worried.

"Why do you want to go here, Ino? This is such a drag...It's not like we're kids anymore..." Shika muttered lazily, leaning against the tree Neji was mutilating himself with.

"Because! Its somethign that doesn't let us remotely think about the fact that we're shinobi!" was her reply.

Temari had to admit-this was so much different than the places she had intreagued her. That's when a big yellow bear with a red shirt walked by.

"What's that?" she said in a calm voice, pointing at the bear.

"ITS POOHH!!!!" Ino screamed and glomped the innocent bear. Temari's eyes were huge, as she now began to look around the park. Choji was thinking for a moment, "Pooh..."

"Why, hello, somebody-" Pooh greeted in an obviously MINIMAL WAGE TEEN BOY voice. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ino!" Ino smiled, her arms around his neck. Shika was getting bothered by this.

"Troublesome Ino, getting us in freakin' troublesome places..." he muttered.

"Why then, hello-Ino," Pooh kept his best "I am Winnie the Pooh-FEAR ME!" voice.

"I LOVE YA!!!" She glomped him again, her blonde ponytail fluttering in the wind. Shika freaked out at this (as if Shika could freak out)

"INO?! What are you saying to that bear?!" He shouted. Temari was poking things at the nearest stand.

Pooh bear would be red if he wasn't in that suit, so he just stood there "..." "Is this your boyfriend, Ino?"

Ino cringed at the term, as did Shika. But for the sake of argument, Shika replied, "Yes-let's go, Ino-" and grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the bear.

"I need a small smakeral..." Pooh muttered as he walked off.

Choji's eyes turned at this, "YOU HAVE FOOD?!" Choji ran after the bear.

"CHOJI! GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!" Ino screached. A little child cried somewhere. Temari was poking the big model of Muphasa that was conveniently placed.

"What's this, Shika-kun?" she asked, having heard none of the above conversation (good-b/c Ino would be dead if she had).

"That's called a tree, Temari.." he glared.

"OH!!" She said as though she were some four year old in another country. "What's this?" she pointed at the Peter Pan ride.

"Some crap," he replied.

"OH!!!" she thought. "What's that?!" She pointed at Chip and Dale, walkign by in costumes. Shika was about to strangle her, when the evil chipmunks came up to them.

"Welcome to DisneyLAnd!!!" They smiled and handed Temari a balloon. She giggled and began to poke it. Ino was trying to hide her utter excitement, as Shika was trying to hide his bloodlust.

"Isn't it so bright and happy?!" Chip asked in a hyper, high pitched voice.

At long last, Tenten ripped Neji from the tree, saying, "PLEASE NEJI! DONT DIE!!!! DONT DIE!!!!!" as if this were a very angsty fanfic. They hit the uber high priced souvenier shop that sold useless crap. But then they saw Chip and Dale.


"No." Shika replied to the chipmunks.

"Why not?" Dale asked, still very youthful. Gai-sensei would have been proud.

"NOne of your FREAKIN BUSINESS!" Shika glared. Ino slapped him.

"Stop that, Shika-kun!"

"What're you doing now, ShikamarU?" Neji muttered.

"Oh-are these your friends?" Chip asked, still in a fast high voice.

"Friends?" Neji looked. ""

Ino glared,and slapped him too. Tenten screamed.

"That's not nice!" Dale shouted, and hit Ino over the head with a hammer.

"WHAT. ARE. YOU. ON?!" Neji shouted over the din of staring children, some of whom were shouting "FIGHT! FIGHT!" (the only words they had learned so far in elementary school)

"WE're on CHILDHOOD HAPPINESS!!!!" They replied in unison.

"Gai-sensei...' Tenten and Neji twitched at the same time.

And they were right! Dale pulled his head off to reveal that familiar bowl cut. Tenten screamed, her eyes popping out of her head.

"Wow-of all the people to see, I would least expect the unyouthful Neji and Tenten," Gai sensei gave a smile. "It must be Lee's doing-I'm proud of you!" He did a magical YOSH! sign.


"If you're...gai...then, whose-" Ino asked as she pointed at Chip. Chip took his head off to reveal...


Ino's jaw dropped, and Shikamaru stared.

"Kaka...shi sensei?! What are you doing here?"

He gave a bored look as he replied, "Long story..." Gaisensei gave an evil laugh.

"?!" Shika asked. Choji ran back with a big pot of Honey in his arms, courtesy of Pooh Bear. Oo

"Oh, Hi, Kakashi sensei-Gai-sensei" Choji muttered, his mouth covered in honey.

"..." Gai and Kakashi stared.

"Well..we must spreaad the Youth to more children!" Gai sensei added happily. Kakashi was picked up a book, when Gai grabbed him and pulled him off.

"...Ok, that was seriously wierd." Shika muttered. Ino saw some shiney ride, grabbing Shika's arm pulling him off that way. Choji reluctantly followed, throwing some honey into his mouth.

Neji and Tenten were already off in some other direction. Oh well...

Shika's eyes grew large as Ino led him to the Dumbo Ride. "NOOO!!!" he shouted. "I REFUSE TO!!!! I WONT!!!"

"Aw, come on Shika-kun!" Ino said sweetly. "Its a short ride!"

Shika had a permanent twitch. No matter how many times Ino snapped her fingers, it wouldn't go away. Some random kid began to poke him. He was above the height limit. Perfect.

Ino pouted and decided to drag him on anyway. So she did. That still brought a security guard, chasing them, shouting, "YOURE TOO TALL!!!!" So now, Shika and Ino were in a blue Dumbo the Elephant, that rose no higher than 7 feet into the air. Shika was about to fling himself out, hoping it would do something bad, but it was too short. He ended up crying. Ino gave him a hug, which only made it worse.

"GET OFFF TROUBLESOME WOMAN!!!" he shouted at her and she let go. Temari was in the one behind them, giggling and laughing. her childhood youth was renewed!!!! ♥

Meanwhile, Choji ate and Neji and Tenten began to aimlessly wander. Holding hands♥ Awww-how cute. Well, apparently a fan girl thought it was too cute, stalking them, shouting "NEJITEN FOEVAH!" Neji got seriously annoyed, punching the lights out of the girl. She obviously stopped stalking them.

Oh yah-the others.

Well, Shino found this 3D show about Bugs, and sat in for maybe...10 times, until a security guard with a princess tiara kicked him out.

Kiba and Akamaru angrily stalked Hinata and Naruto, who were walking hand in hand, towards all the loveyDovey rides-like...I have no idea...but yah, they were in love..and it was so cute!!!! . Well, not to Kiba, but to everyone else it was.

Sasuke watched Lee and Sakura suspiciously, who did the swing ride...20 a row. Lee thought it was the most youthful ride there, and Sakura...had to agree. OOH was Sasuke-kun jealous?!

Lets see...HMMM ...who else?! Oh wait-that's everyone. I guess.

Sasuke was uber bored, so he took this hobby of stalking. That's when he ran into kiba-kun. Woah-they were both stalking people. So they decided to collide and make the SUPER AWESOME...STALKERZ team!!!! Chwahchwing! They decided to be like TeamRocket-Meowth played by Akamaru, who admittingly could not say "MEOWTH-THAT"S RIGHT!", but he had his signature "WAN!"

"BLASTING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT!" . Kiba shouted, a wig eerily like James on his head.

"Shuddup." Sasuke said lamely, a red wig on his head. Yes. He was Jesse. Don't ask.

Gai and Kakashi spontaneously find them COUGH I mean...chip and dale. Chip started to laugh, totally OOC. A furry woodland creature giggle.

"?!" Sasuke glared.

"SASUKE!" Kakashi threw his head off. Sasuke screamed.


"YEP." Kakashi muttered, bored.

"You of all people-experiencing youth!" Gai threw his head off. Sasuke's eyes popped out of his head.

"MY...SISTER?!" Kiba just processed teh whole "Hana Inuzuka is Minnie Mouse.." part.

"Wow! You're dressed up as Team Rocket in Disney World!" Gai sensei said in his Green BEast of Konoha voice .

"WAN!" Akamaru concented.

"Of all people, the Utachi Sasuke!" Gai examined Sasuke in the wig. He twitched and fell tot he ground.

"OH NO! NOW HOW WILL THE STALKING TEAM OF DOOM GO ON?!" Kiba shouted, pulling his hair.

"We could help in your youthful quest to stalk!" Gai said, nudging Kakashi, who growled at him. Kakashi was reading a book.

"Who are we stalking?" Gai asked.

"...Naruto and Lee..."


"Naruto with HInata and Lee with Sakura..."

"OH-ok. So Lee won her heart with his youth...I'm so proud!" Gai's tears were literal waterfalls. Kiba drowned.

Sasuke woke up, as he was kicked by the magically appearing Shino.


"...Not the last time I checked..." Shino muttered sarcastically.

"GOOD! SANITY!!!" Sasuke hugged him, as though that were teh sane thing to do.

"Get off me, Uchiha!" Shino said through grated teeth, the Jessie wig falling to his shoulder. "?!"

"Don't...ask..." Kiba said, exhausted.

"I'm not."



"HELP ME STALK HINATA!" Kiba cried at last.

"...Why?" Shino raised an eyebrow.


"...Well? Why are you stalking Hinata-chan?!"


"You'd better not have some evil plan..."

"How did you know, Shino?! HOw do you always know?"

Shino pushed up his glasses dramatic sheen "I'm an Aburame."

Sasuke looked at him annoyed. "Well-what about Lee and Sakura/!"

"..What about them?" Shino asked.


" dig Sakura, don't you?"

"..." Sasuke got red.

"Well, youdo, don't you?!"

"...Shuttup." Sasuke got angry. His eye glinted red. Sharingan was coming. Shino twitched. The lasat thing he wanted was to see his bugs burn to a crisp.

"We could...plant my bugs on them..."

"YES!" Kiba and Sasuke shouted in unison. TOTALLY OOC. well...except for Kiba. So that just Leaves Sasuke...never mind...

Gai and Kakashi stood there, well, Kakashi began to walk off. Gai was so proud of this abundance of youth, that he did his youth dance...oO Kakashi would...rather not take part in that. Rather, he found someone to his Chip suit, novel in hand.

So Shino gathered his bug minions, sending one after Hinata and one after Sakura. He thought of all of this as rather stupid, but played along since Kiba threatened him with a mask of Wobbuffet. Glomping people was...not Shino's thing...sweat drop

Naruto and Hinata searches, not sure herself) were heading towards the water December...oO oh well-they're special and magical like that. They were holding hands, romantic music in backround CHWAHCHWINGA!!!! Shino's bug ran after them, jumping onto Hinata's back...which crawled to Naruto's hand.

"THAT WAY!" Shino pointed a dramatic finger. Sasuke, Kiba, and Akamaru followed faithfully.

"So what do you want to do, Hina-chan?" Naruto asked, that crazy Naruto-fox-demon-boy smile on that HInata loved so much X3

"Oh-it doesn't matter!" Hinata gave her adorable patented smile that made Naruto melt everytime X3

Kiba saw and was instantly disgusted. He started crying, "WHY?!!!!! WHY?!!!"

"Will you SHUT UP?!" Shino began to raise his voice. Sasuke began to grow concerned...

" you care?" Sasuke asked casually. (who pairs Sasuke with Hinata?! twitches to floor)

"---" silence was Kiba's answer. Smooth, Inuzuka.

"Ah-Just as I expected," a girls voice was behind them.

"HENA?!" Kiba turned to see his older sister.

"Stalking the Hyuuga chick again, bro? Just ask her out-" Hena was annoyed by her brothers...degrating behavior.

Kiba froze.

"Yah, just ask the Hyuuga chick out," Shino reflected in a sarcastic voice. He was answered with a strong whack in the head by Hena.

This caused a rustling in the bushes. Sasuke got annoyed, strangling all of them to shut up. Naruto and Hinata were turning that way.

"...Somethign wrong, Hina-chan?" Naruto asked casually, seeing HInata stare at a bush.

"I thought I heard..." she did the gestures for Byakugan. "BYAKUGAN!"

"CRAP-" everyone in the bush thought...

Hinata's eyes grew wide into a WHATDACRAP face. Naruto noticed.

"...What is it?" Naruto asked.

"Sasuke, Kiba, Shino, and Hena---" Hinata was pointing her finger in a "THE GRUDGE" way.

The foursome tumbled out of the bush, along with Akamaru.

"WHAT ARE YOU-" Naruto shouted, pointing his finger at Sasuke.


Sasuke's eyes grew wide. "WHAT?! NO YOU RETARD!!!!!"


"I DONT WANT HINATA"s HEART YOU MORON!!!" Sasuke shouted. "I WANT SAKURA CHANS!!!!" ooopsss...

Everyone stared at him on cue. He sank into the shadows.

"Kiba's the one that's stalking Hinata-chan," Shino pointed an incriminating finger at Kiba. His jaw dropped.

"He's been stalking her for a while..." Hena added.

"WAN!" Akamaru affirmed.

"Well, thanks for the help," Kiba glared at everyone, except emo corner Sasuke.

Hinata was trying to take this in.

"WHA?!" she suddenly bursted out after a few moments of silence.

Kiba was red. "HEHE-well..."

"YOU'LL NEVER WIN HINA-CHAN'S HEART!!!" Naruto shouted...again, "BELIEVE IT!!!"

Hinata blushed. "It's fine, Naruto-kun. I only love you!" she smiled an adorable smile that made Naruto stop.

"...Really Hina-chan?" -blink-

"Un!" Hinata gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Kiba's jaw dropped. NOOOO!!! inner kiba shouted.

Hena laughed. "Ha, little bro-too late..."

"NOO!!!" Kiba grabbed his hair and joined Sasuke in the EMO CORNER GROUP!!!! Oo

So, there was Shino-who now was despirately trying to call the bug that was now on Naruto.

"TONBO!!!" he shouted, hoping no one would notice that he...named his bug. ... dragonfly of all names...oO


Everyone turned to Shino.

Hinata giggled, Naruto laughing with her. Hena decided to laugh for the heck of it. Shino also joined...THE EMO CORNER OF DISNEYLAND!!!! Eeyore accompanied them, saying that when he lost his tale, he lost the meaning of life. Kiba nodded as though that had some deep meaning, humming "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" (Akamaru's his shadow! . ). Sasuke jumped at the reappearance of Eeyore, shouting "NO HUGS!!! NO HUGS!!!!!". Shino bumped into Gaara, and borrowed some of his EMO BLACK EYELINER...which is funny, since you can never see Shino's eyes anyway...muses Gaara began to talk about his emotional problems. The magical Disney fairy godmother told him that a therapist...was just a tear drop away (ref. to Shrek!!!!). This made absolutely no sense to anyone but Kiba, who began to cry waterfalls like Rock Lee, saying that that was deep...

"Ha! I, Inuzuka Hena, is the only SANE person here!" but then, of course, Itatchi walked by and she lost all interest in sanity to GLOMP him. Sasuke turned at the horror of romance, and shino was poking some bug with Gaara's eyeliner.

author is typign at 11 PM, having nightmares about scary stalker teen boys going outside the house, pretending to be cats mearly to get her to go outside so they can BANG her upside the head with metal baseballbats and steal all her Valentine's Day chocolate...oO long story-don't ask...

Meanwhile, Lee and Sakura, the other youthful love birds . were going to the rides Lee had dubbed "most youthful". Sakura didnt really care which ones they went on, as long as it was with LEE and NOT SASUGAY . She laughed at her own pun...Sasugay...oO Lee was a little, confused (but that's normal for him...) but laughed it off, dragging Sakura to the teacup rides----again (author: limited memory of different rides...) well, and then they went to...some uber slow ride...which apparently was...youthful?!

Gaisensei took up the hobby of stalking them-just in case Lee needed a handsome heeding counciler in the world of romance. He was good with stuff like that (...?! Gai never had a girlfriend...)

He was so proud of his student Lee's work. Impecible, to say the least. Sakura couldn't stop looking into his eyes smiling.

"I like you, Lee!" she said spontaneously, as they took a break on a park bench.

"Sakura-you-you mean that?" Lee's bushy brows went up in utter surprise and joy.

"M-hm!" she smiled as she nodded her head cutely, resting it on his shoulder.

YEA!!!!!!!!!! inner lee shouted. The beautiful youthful flower sakura loves me!!! its a miracle-a dream come true!!!!!!! He...didn't even know what to say!

"Oh, sweet Sakura! THANK YOU!!!" Lee was over emotional, and picked her up into a hug. She was at first completely surprised, then she reasoned-this was lee.

Sasuke, having left the EMO CORNER OF DOOMM!!!!, decided to return to his quest of winning Sakura chan's heart! ♥ . First, to beat Lee to a bloody pulp author refuses to allow this-this---violence! G RATED!!!!! )

Sasuke ran through the park, running over random little children, to find Sakura in Lee's arms, them spinning around in some happylala land of YOUTH!!! Gai was cryiing-it was so...beautiful!!!

"I want to be the one in happylala land with Sakura chan..." Sasuke pouted to himself, TOTALLY OOC!!!!!

"ROCK LEE!!!" Sasuke shouted, pointing a finger at the green beast of Konoha...Junior.

"Uchiha?" Lee stopped, Sakura still giggling, until she saw Lee stopped spinning and...whatever oO, so she turned to face her former crush.

"Sasugay..." Sakura muttered. WTCRAP?! Sasuke's face read. Sakura giggled. "SASUGAY!!!!!!" she hit him upside the head with a bulletin from the park. Lee smiled. Somewhere, Ino screamed.

"" Sasuke's head drooped.

"You-you like the fair Sakura-chan too, Sasuke-san?" Lee asked, completely surprised. Sakura was a bit surprised at this revelation also.


"I WILL DEFEND SAKURA-HANA WITH ALL MY HEART!!!" Lee vowed in response. Sakura gave him a hug. Sasuke raged inside.

Gai was on the edge of his seat when Kakashi returned.

"What's new?" Kakashi asked, uninterested.

"Your Uchiha and My Lee are about to engage in a most youthful tournament for the Haruna Sakura's heart!"

"?!" Kakashi dropped his novel about...(thinks)...MAGICAL PANDAS!!! oO

"You've got it!" Gai did a yosh.

"Not Sasuke. Maybe Naruto, but not Sasuke..."

"Uchiha's had a youthful love for Sakura burn in his heart for a while!"

"...How did I not know this? I was his sensei..."

"You are blind, Kakashi..."

"At least I look in the mirror in the mornign..."


"Take it as you may..." Kakashi flipped a page of MAGICAL PANDAS!!! oO

"Well, Kakashi-you know that you are no match for me…"

Kakashi snickered. As if. So the challenge began.

It was interesting; in the Middle of Main Street, a curious crowd gathered to see a raven haired boy wrestling a kid that looked like he belonged in the Beatles…along with some grey haired guy beating the crap out of an older version of the poser Beatles kid. (I always thought Lee looked like he should be in the Beatles…sweat drop)

Meanwhile, Shikamaru had at long last gotten off the freakin' stupid Dumbo ride. Ino was laced around his arm, laughing heartily. Temari followed behind like some obnoxious pet dog. Choji was just…a fourth wheel (well, that's not really….bad, but oh well…), eating the never ending pot of honey he stole from Pooh.

They lost Neji and Tenten ages ago, and didn't really care. They could get lost…whatever.

They passed by the Magic Princess area, where Temari started to squeal OOC. Ino eyed her oddly. What was wrong with this chick?!

"PRINCESS JASMINE!!!!" Temari screamed, hugging Jasmine from Aladdin.

The teen dressed like Jasmine thought, "This chick is WAY too old for this…"

"I LIVE IN THE SAND TOO!!!" Temari squealed. Shika was about to find something to kill himself with. The once admirable opponent Temari was now reduced to the behavior of a three year old…..

"Oh, really?" Jasmine tried to sound interested. But she sighed, grabbing onoe of the 50 cent tiaras she was supposed to give every girl that came up to her. "Well-you're a princess too-" not very enthusiastically. But Temari felt UBER special with her magical plastic tiara. Shika cringed, Choji still eating.

"WHATS GOTTEN INTO YOU TEMARI?!" Shika had to shout after Temari began humming Disney songs.

"Oh-" Temari seemed to maintain composure. "I'm just doing what I wanted to about…10 years ago….." she shrugged. "GAARA WILL PAY FOR MY UNHAPPY CHILDHOOD!!!" Temari vowed. Shika cringed, Choji still eating.

"STOP EATING!" Ino whacked Choji's honey pot.

"MY HONEY!!!" Choji screamed, but then instantly stopped, grabbing a 20, heading to a snack stand.
Well, I guess I have to get back to NejiTen….sighs Well, after running into Gai and running for their lives, they decided to find the most terrifying rides in the park, which they decided were rather pathetic. Bored, they decided to aimlessly wander.

Out of the corner of Neji's eye, he glimpsed Naruto with his cousin. Hinata was…giggling. Neji twitched. WHATTHECRAP?! Naruto swooped her into a kiss. He was watching all of this with his Byakugan. He wished he hadn't. That Uzimaki kid…with his cousin….

"Is something wrong, Neji-kun?" Tenten asked sweetly.

"Uzimaki----" Neji glared through a tree.

"Neji." Tenten turned to the tree. "That's a tree."

"ON THE OTHER SIDE!" Neji shouted, surprising Tenten.


"He's kissing my cousin!"

"????!!!!!! -0-"

"She's a Hyuuga! She can't be with that—that jerk!" Neji decided, dragging Tenten with him.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" Neji shouted, seeing Hinata's arms sweetly around Naruto's neck.


"?" Neji asked.

"First, Shino stalks us with his bugs, then Sasuke was trying to win Hina-chan's heart-"

Oo "That's…unbelievable…" Neji thought.

"And then, Kiba admitted to stalking us-oh, and then Kakashi came by, surprised, and Gai gave us a lecture about how…youthful we were."

Tenten laughed. Neji glared at her. "DON'T. ENCOURAGE. IT!"

"But-" Tenten reasoned. "They're so cute!" Hinata and Naruto blushed.

"Something bad's going to happen-I know it!" Neji pointed an accusing finger at Naruto.

"..." Naruto glared. "DO YOU HONESTLY THINK ID DO ANYTHING WEIRD TO HINA-CHAN?!" Naruto shouted, Hinata surprised.

"...MAYBE!" Neji shouted back, lamely.

"I'LL PROTECT HER WITH MY LIFE!!!! BELIEVE IT!!!" Naruto shouted back. Hinata smiled sweetly, and he got red.

"Neji, you're just jealous!" Tenten laughed.


"You just can't believe that she's-happy!" Tenten stuck her tongue out playfully at Neji.

"NOT TRUE!" Neji retorted like a little kid.

"Well, I think Naruto's great for Hinata-chan!" hinata smiled at tenten's words. "And that you need a better hobby than stalkign your cousin!" Tenten pulled her eyelid down.

"HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE STALKING HINA-CHAN?!" Naruto was outraged. His poor HInata-chan...

oO Neji was at a loss for words...

"Come on, Neji-kun, just leave them alone!" Tenten suggested, walking away. Neji grumbled something to himself, following Tenten.

"Ok..." Hinata was most terribly confused at this point.

So Neji and Tenten wandered off still, Neji uncomforably looking at Tenten's hand...

"...Neji-kun?" Tenten asked, smiling at him. He looked up surprised.

"What?" Neji asked, trying to sound uninterested, though it was hard for him to hide that he liked hearing her voice.

"What's gotten into you?"


"You're not usually like this-" she frowned. "I didn't know you were so---defensive over Hinata-chan.."

"..." Silence was Neji's response as his face flushed red. "Its...a long story."

"I can listen!" Tenten smiled again. (author: cough BIPOLAR!!!)

"I guess...its about the exams..."

"? Oh-you mean how you fought against Naruto?"

"I guess..."

"Well, that's not really a long story..."

Neji looked to teh ground. "I guess I wouldn't usually care..."

"Well-what brought this sudden interest..?"

Neji smirked slightly. Tenten noticed, a confused look on her face.

"Well, you could say that...I actually like someone?"

Tenten froze. THE Neji Hyuuga? Admitting he liked someone? And...he was telling her this?! Then she recalled Hinata's words. Her face flushed-could it be her? She doubted it, but she had to wonder...

"Really?" Tenten replied casually. "Who?"

"Why should I tell you?" Neji replied in his usual tone.

"I don't know..." Tenten smiled. "Who would you tell?"

"..." Neji thought about that for a moment... "I can't really think of much of anyone that I'd tell..."

Tenten's head drooped. This was going to drive her insane all day. Perhaps that was Neji's plan...the plan of DRIVE TENTEN TO INSANITY!!!

"Well," Tenten thought, two could play this game. "I like someone too..."

Neji's ears pirked at this. "Really?"

"Yep! He's really handsome-"

Neji's eyes grew large. No way was he going to let Tenten crush on some guy. He wanted her to be his. ONLY.

"Who?" Neji asked, sounding a little too interested.


"Who is he?"

"Well...why would I tell you?"

CRAP. Stupid mouth...Neji whacked himself in the head. "BECAUSE I"M TELLIN G YOU TO!!" Neji got annoyed, grabbing Tenten by the shoulders.

She froze, bright red. "Neji...why do you care so much?"

Neji had to think of a good excuse. "You're my teammate-"

Tenten looked up at him. "Then why don't you pester Lee about things like this-"

"Ignoring that the whole flippin' world knows that he loves Sakura, you're my only sane teammate..."

Oh. Tenten's hopes dropped. Just a teammate in his eyes.

"Well-do you think of me as just a teammate?"

Neji's eyebrow raised. CRAP.






Tenten dropped her head. Well-so much for high fantasies. Remembering last night, she wondered what that was all about...(author: IGNORING THAT!!!! . )

"Oh," Tenten accidently said outloud.

Neji smirked. "Does that...disappoint you?"

Tenten blushed. "Well-"

His face got closer. "I wouldn't want to...disappoint you," he added.

Tenten got red. "Neji-kun...?" he was still gripping her shoulders.

He leaned in, giving her a passionate, yet utterly sweet kiss! . Tenten's wondering-where did this come from?, but she had learned long ago that one should not question Neji Hyuuga's ways. Besides, why would she want to go against this???2


"Ne-neji-kun?" Tenten whispered once she pulled away. 4


"?" he was looking into her eyes-HER eyes!6


"I------" she looked at the ground, "I love you, Neji..." her face grew an even brighter red as she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him again . (don't worry-nothing weird...)8


It just so happened that at this precise moment in time, Shikamaru had had more than enough, dragging Ino and Temari by their hair (hey-he knew from experience that this hurt...) out of the magical kingdomish kid part of DOOM, Choji the faithful follower. On their way to Main Street, they ran into Neji and Tenten...kissing...sweat drop10


"?!!!???!!" Shikamaru had the most funny expression EVAH. Ino laughed at that, then seeing Tenten kiss her eternal love, shouted for the whole world, "NEJITEN FOWEVAH!!!!!" Neji hit her upside the head with a hotdog! Choji grabbed the hotdog and ate it. Temari giggled, and Neji and Tenten stopped simply at that to stare at her and twitch. 12


"What's...with Temari, Shikamaru?!" Neji asked...14


"?" Shika brought his head up. 16


"...Temari?" Neji pointed at the spastically spinning in place Temari with a plastic tiara on her head. 18


"oh. That..." Shika shrugged. "Its a drag trying to understand women..."20


Neji nodded. Tenten hit him upside the head with one of Temari's fans. Temari was still spinning, singing "A Whole New World," Ino was...ROTF oO22


"WhAT THE CRAP WAS THAT FOR, TENTEN?!" neji shouted at tenten-24


"Its you MEN that are IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND!!!!" oh crap. Neji had awakened the inner wrathful feminist Tenten. he shrunk back, knowing this was...not good. 26


Ino wholeheartedly agreed, hitting Shika upside the head with...a spoon oO 28


"TROUBLESOME WOMAN!!!" Shika shouted at her. Tenten hit him upside the head with Temari's fan. 30


"SHUDDUP, INFERIOR!!!!" Tenten's eyes grew large with HATE. Shika shrunk back into the EMO CORNER. HE ran into Kiba and Shino there.32


"..Why're you here?" he asked. 34


"My obsession of bugs..." Shino cried. 36


"HINATA LOVES NARUTO!!!! NOOOOO!!" Kiba cried. 38


"how about you?" Shino regained composure. 40


"Ino and-no, women in general are a drag..." 42


"NO!!!!!!!" Kiba threw akamaru at him. "HINATAS AMAZINGG!!!!!!" oO Shino cringed, petting Tonbo the beatle. 44


Meanwhile, NOT in the emo corner, Tenten began to shout at Neji...for no apparent reason. He retreated to the EMO corner. So, Tenten resorted to trying to regain Temari's sanity. Ino followed along in the quest. 46


"...Why're you here, Neji?"48


"...I love a bi-polar girl..." Neji cried TOTALLY OOC.50


Naruto and Hinata...OH YAH-forgot about them. They were walking...still, though now drenched since Naruto decided to jump into the water park, hinata following shouting, "NARUTO KUN!!! WAITT!!!!" SO now, they were both wet head to toe, but...oh well...52


They stopped when they thought they saw a Sand Village girl with a shimmering tiara, shouting, "GAARA's A BIG MEANIE!!!!!!!" and giggling. Gaara magically appeared, saying in his monotone, "I take that as a personal offense, sister" Tenten tackled her in an attempt to restrain her. Ino decided to watch. Gaara felt a sudden twitch of "TEMARI WILL PAY!!" but decided to let this crazy girl Tenten do something about it, and magically disappeared. Again. 54


"...?!" hinata asked innocently. 56


"...Isn't that that girl...Temari or something?" Naruto asked. 58


"What's...she doing?" Hinata asked, a shiver ran down her spine. 60


"SHUTTUP!!!!" Tenten shouted, it ringing throuhg the park. They were all in front of the Peter Pan pirate ship ride. Little kids screamed. One mother hit Tenten upside the head with her purse, shouting, "LEAVE THE POOR CHILD ALONE!"62


"Tenten-chan!" Hinata ran from Naruto, very concerned. "DONT KILL OUR NEW FRIEND TEMARI-CHAN!!!" Naruto was confused, but decided to follow his dear Hinata. 64


"She's acting..." Tenten huffed. "Like she's three..."66


"Hinata chan!" Temari said hyperactively. "I met a princess! She made me a princess too!!!'68


oO HInata just stared, that is until Naruto grabbed her shoulder gently, askind, "Hina-chan-what's wrong?"70


Temari giggled in a little kid way, making Naruto twitch, especially when she started singing in a high pitched voice, "Naruto and Hinata, Sitting in a tree-K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"72


Naruto and Hinata turned bright red, with ?! WHATDACRAP faces. 74


Tenten put all her weight on Temari's stomach, "RETURn-TO-NORMAL!" she shouted. She'd rather Temari try to kill her than degrate the race of women oO ... 76


Oh yah-we forgot about Choji! Well...He tracked Pooh bear down, then threatened him to give him more honey...78


"I feel left out..." Ino muttered, joinging the EMO CORNER OF DOOM!

"AH!" Shika shouted at the presence of INO! "What are you doing here/!"80


"...I feel left out..." she put her head between her knees. Shino and Kiba could relate, so they sympathized. Neji, however muttered, "HN.." in his uninterested tone. 82


In Main streeet, the two battles insued. Cartoon artists were getting twice as much money as usual, being commissioned to draw the crazy kids fighting, and the even more insane grown men chip and dale costumes...oO. Well-it wasn't what they were used to-but ok!84


Sakura watched her old love, and her new yet eternal love fight, chewing on her fingernails. "LEE!" she shouted. 86


He turned to her for a second, and did his UBER snazzy "YOSH!' sign.88


That's when Sakura realized-where the heck was everyone else?! How would they all meet up?! OH---SNAP!!!!90


"OH NO!!!" she unintentionally screamed. 92


Lee knew that this meant-something was..bad. ANd his naive love for Sakura chan made him walk away and ignor eSasuke, saying, "SAKURA HANA!!! WHAT"S WRONG?! "94


Sasuke twitched with rage. 1) lee didn't take this fight seriously. 2) he was giving sakura sweet nicknames?! 96


"Where is...everyone?!"98


"Sakura hana ga...they left at the beginning..."sweat drop100


...silence..."WHAT?!" Sakura outburst at this realization. "I was----"102


Lee cocked his head, confused. "We'll meet up with them...eventually-I'm sure, Sakura ga! If not, I will search all over the park until we find everyone! And If I can't do that, I shall run 600 laps-" Sasuke tackled him from behind. 104


"NO ONE TALKS TO SAKURA HANA LIKE THAT!!!!!!" Sasuke shouted. "...BUT ME!!!" he added, ruining the dramatic moment .106


"...' Sakura watched, not sure how to react. Was this a dream or a nightmare?! "Sasuke-kun..." 108


He looked up. "Sakura hana?" 110


"...Please don't call me that." she glared at his onyx eyes. 112


"?!" Sasuke's eyes grew large. 114


"I--don't like you, Sasuke kun. I used to, but...I didn't know Lee-kun. He's twice the ninja you'll ever be-and he has a heart" she said with no compassion. 116


Sasuke broke down into OOC tears, rejoining the EMO CORNER 118


"..Sasuke?" Shika said uninterested. Everyone knew Sasuke was emo, so it wasn't like WOAH!120


"Sakura doesn't like me..." Sasuke broke into waterfalls of tears. Shino simply pointed a finger and laughed. HAHA-he got dumped. 122


"SHARIGAN!!!" Sasuke shouted, pointing at Shino. He instantly stopped, defending his precious TONBO the BEETLE. 124


" least you aren't in love with a bi-polar girl..." Neji slumped against the black wall. 126


"???" Sasuke stopped, staring at Neji..."...Who?"128


"Tenten." Neji glared back at Sasuke, making him jump. 130


"At least someone loves you, Neji-kun..." Ino cried. Shika felt bad, and comforted her. 132


"CUTE LOVE!!!!" Kiba cringed. "YOU CAN NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE EMO CORNER OF DOOO!M!!!' Akamaru chased Shikamaru and Ino out. 134


"Thanx, Ino," Shika said sarcastically. 136


Ino pouted. "You're the one who put your arm around me!"138


He turned red. "WELLLLLL-" he was interupted by a glomp by Temari. 140


"TEMARI!?" he shouted. 142


"HEHE-I love you, Shika kun!!!!!!! ♥"144




"I LOVE YOU!!! You're so CUTE!!!!!" Temari squealed. 148


Shika was about to DIE. This was the WORST DAY EVER...150


"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Ino shouted, grabbin gher convenient 10 ton hammer. 152


" I GOT IT!!!" Tenten returned to her normal composure. Choji was running across the park, entertained by spontaneously runing over peopel with his rolling stomach attack of DOOM. 154


"What?" Ino asked. 156


"You can go into Temari's brain and straighten everything out!!!"158


"?! WHA?!"160


"Your mind transfer jutsu!" Tenten smiled. 162




"But what?" Tenten frowned. 166


"I don't...have enough.,...chakra..."168


Tenten fell tothe ground. Temari laughed and spun, singing "Under the Sea."170


"SHUT UP, TROUBLESOME TEMARI!!!" Shika shouted, and hit her with a giant souvenier bag of doom. It was Choji's but oh well. 172


A huge bump appeared on Temari's head. "AAHHH!" she screamed. "MY HAIR!!! MY HAIR THAT MOMMY"s DONE FOR ME SINCE TEH DAWN OF TIMEE!!!!!!" Ah-so that explains a lot...(Julie: Ha! I knew it!!!! )174


She ran to the emo corner and hugged the first person she saw-who happened to be...KIBA!176


"SHIKA"S BEING MEAN TO ME!!!!" She cried, throwing her arms around Kiba's neck. He turned red, wondering "?!"178


"And----why are you telling Kiba this?" Shino asked, rather disturbed. 180


"I DONT KNOW!!!!' Temari cried on Kiba's shoulder. Well...he could get used to this. 182


"I'm sorry, Temari chan..." Kiba sympathised. "Hinata chan was mean to me today..." he started crying. 184


SO theere was now this mass of Temari and Kiba crying over unrequited loves in the EMO CORNER OF DOOM!!!!186


Temari's ears pircked. "HInata chan?"188


"SHE DOESN"T LOVE ME!!!!" Kiba cried. 190


"I'm sick of this crap..." Shino muttered,getting up from teh EMO Corner, "Come on, Tonbo-lets go..."192


"YOU ARE BANNED FROM THE EMO CORNER, ABURAME!!!" Neji shouted after him. Shino shrugged. 194


Shino began to walk when he saw two chipmunks wrestling on Main street. It was getting out of hand. King Mickey Mouse himself was tryng to stop it. 196


"Come on, Fellas!" Mickey said encouraging. "This is the magical land of youth!"198


Gai did his snazzy "I'm the green beast of Konoha!" pose. "I know! And this one does not wish to preserve the youth!"200


All eyes fell on Kakashi. "KAKASHI?!" Shiino thought. 202


Tenten, Ino, Shika, and Choji-oh and Naruto and HInata were now walking away, relieved that Temari was...gone. Naruto and Hinata were bright red, but everyone stopped when they saw...Kakashi and Gai in chipmunk suits, wrestling. 204


"KAKASHI SENSEI!!!" Naruto shouted, runnning like a lost puppy to Kakashi, dragging Hinata along with him. 206


".. GAI?!" Tenten cringed. She turned around, expecting Neji to say something. But...Neji wasn't there. "NEJI?!" she shouted, scared. "NEJI KUN WHERE ARE YOU?!" 208


Ino and Shika turned at this. Choji was leaving a wounded Pooh Bear in the middle of the ground, where some preschool children tackled him. Choji's honey pot fell to the ground, as little children stabbed him with Crayola crayons. 210


"...Neji?" they asked in unison. "He's in the EMo corner..."212


"?!" oO Tenten stared at them. 214


"OH NO!!!" she gripped her hair. "HE WONT BECOME EMO AGAIN!!! I WONT LET HIM!!! I WONT!!!" she ran to the emo corner. 216


"What're you here for, Tenten?" Sasuke asked. Neji looked up, surprised.218


"NEJI HYUUGA-You get out of here! I wont let you become emo again!!!' she shouted. Neji cringed. 220


"Tenten-get a life!" he shouted back. 222


She then-living up to being bi-polar, broke down into tears. "NEJI KUN!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!" she cried. Temari tried to comfort her. 224


Ino and Shika, meanwhile, decided to watch the fight. King Mickey was bringing out his Keyblade...this would not end well...226


"KAKASHI! You'll show Gai-sensei, right?!" Naruto shouted, Hinata looking..unsure. King Mickey was approaching with a Keyblade. If she knew anything about Kingdom Hearts, that would not...end well...228


Sakura was helping Lee up in the foreground, kissing him on the cheek. "I love you!" 230


Naruto turned to see Lee's eyes grow large in amazement. Before, he woudl have probably gone to the EMO corner. But now-he couldn't care less...232


"Naruto-you probably should get out of here," Kakashi said, dramatic emotional music in the backround. 234


"BUT-" Naruto protested. 236


"Naruto-kun, I think we should go-" Hinata was eyeing King Mickey's approach carefully. 238


"I told ya fellas to stop fighting-it disrupts the youth!" King Mickey went up to gai. 240


"GAI SENSEI! HOW COULD YO!!!!!" Lee cried in the foreground. Sakura stood there, looking at Lee's sensei. 242


"ITS NOT ME THATS DISRUPTING THE YOUTH!!!' Gai protested. "ITS HIM!!" he pointed a finger at Kakashi. "You should punish him!" 244


"Stop trying to put off the blame, " Kakashi had his usual tone. "You know you're the one that's trying to ruin this childhood haven," Naruto could pick up the sarcasm in his voice as hinata dragged him away. 246


"Hinata-chan - I want to see Kakashi beat up Mickey-" but as he spoke, there was a HUGE explosion in teh backround. 248


"See?" Hinata smiled in a 'see I told you so!' way. Naruto's eyes popped out of his head. 250


The explosion blew up the EMO CORNER OF DOOM-making Temari, Tenten, Neji, Kiba, and sasuke fall to the ground in one big THUD. 252


Shino's eyes popped out from behind his glasses. Only Ino saw, and she was thinking, "Shiney eyes..."254


Well-no, Gai was a green blob, that Lee was despirately trying to speak to, and kakashi became his book-the novel on MAGICAL PANDAS!! King Mickey walked away dramatically, saying, "When you wish on a star, your dreams will come true..."256


"WHATS THAT GOT TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!" Kiba shouted. Mickey Mouse hit himwitht eh keyblade. 258


"I'm magical-don't mess with me." he walked away. Gaara magically appeared in front of Kiba, replying, "That's right-don't mess with us magical people." ANd with that, he disappeared. Kiba's eyes popped out of his head. 260


"This is such a drag! Let's go!" Shika was getting seriously annoyed. Ino giggled to herself. 262


Choji was still a mass...being mutilated by under 5 year old children...oO poor Choji. 264


Naruto and Hinata were about to walk off when Lee grabbed them by the collar, saying "SAKURA HENA GA WANTS EVERYONE TOGETHER!!!!" 266


Neji and Tenten made up for their stupid outbursts...while Shino was hugging a tree..oO

Sasuke and Kiba were crestfallen-alone. AWWW...268


And temari at long last snapped out of her childhood trance. "??" she stared at the pandemonium around her. "What's been...happening?"270


"Temari?" Shika looked at her, she stared back, a bit red. 272


"YOUR SANE AGAIN!" totally OOC, he hugged her (friend to friend!)274


Temari turned red. "Ponytail boy-what are you-"276


"You were in some childhood trance thiing!" 278


oO she felt a tiara on her head. "?!"280


"You said soemthign about talkign to a disney princess.. "282




"Never mind," Shika resolved. Ino glared. 286


"I think that's everyone!" Rock Lee announced to Sakura. 288


She smiled. "I don't know what I'd do with out you, Lee-kun!" she hugged him. It was the best day of his life:D290


Some security guards came by, dragging King Mickey, 292


"WHAT ARE YOU FELLAS DOING?!" Mickey shouted, way too much liike Itachi...(author: Itachi says 'fellas'? ...)294


"ITACHI!!!" Sasuke shouted like some death cry, attacking King Mickey. Itachi had a keyblade! . 296


Hana Inuzuka walked by, still wearing Minnie Mouses' annoying red dress..298


She saw her beloved Itachi at the hands of Pluto-eared security guards.

"WHAT-" she asked, Kiba looking up.300




"...Following Itachi..."304




Itachi attacked all the security guards in one snazzy blow. Hana had stars in her eyes. 308


"...pathetic..." he threw the mickey mouse head off. Those who had not learned earlier that this was Itachi screamed. 310


"I..ITACHI?!" Sakura pointed a finger. 312


Sasuke glared. 314


"Not in the mood, bro," (Author: well...whatever with itachi's diction...don't care anymore...) Itachi walked away with Hana.316


oO Tenten fell backwards, overwhelmed by the days insanity. And it wasn't over!!!!!318


Choji returned, crayons in his hair. 320


"THIS IS YOUR FAULT INO!!!" he shouted for no particular reason, throwing crayons at her. 322


"STOP!" Tenten muttered, throwing a kunai at him.. 324


"?!" Neji thought. 326


(Author: ok, I'm seriously bored of this and tired-so I shall end this quickly...over 10 k words-I' think that's enotuhg...)328


So, though it was still day light, and they hardly went on any rides, and they spent over $500, Sakura decided it was tiem to go...and no one objected. Shika led the way, running out of the gates, grabbing Ino's wrist. 330


Not much has been said about Akamaru...well, Don Patch (BOBOBO!) ate him, that's why. Don Patch came to the park earlier, eating Eggplant singing "Eggplant is delicious-and so is seaweed-they're both nutricious!!!" 332


Kiba wondered where his shadow (akamaru) went, so he felt even more gloomy when he saw Hinata and Naruto walk out, holding hands. Temari walked behind, downcast. (author: ok, I would so hook up Kiba and Temari-but that would be seriously...weird, and make no sense with the story, Megumi chan would kill me-OH YAH-megumi chan! I forgot!)334


Megumi -chan magically appeared, much to Hinata's pleasure, though it was a bit...late. Megumi saw that Kiba was sad and gave him a big hug. Temari cried, thoguh Kiba turned bright red, confused but ok with thtat. 336


Shino was petting Tonbo the beetle, and as Megumi saw her older brother , she shouted. "SHINO NI SAN! BE MORE ASSERTIVE!" and whacked him upside the head with Don Patch's green oninon. 338


Kankuro, sensing Temari's sadness, magically appeared too! YEA! (author; everybody ♥ s KankurO!!!!!!! . )340


So...I think that explains everything...or at least, everythng that I feel like explaining. 342


Author: YES! I can at long last escape the bondage of NARUTO LAND!!! TIS OVER!!! OVER!!! 344


Authors Consciousness: its not346


Author: WHAT?!348


A.C: just finish the blasted story...350




A.C : Not like you actually do anything with that life!

Author: frozen THATs...not true!354


A.C : YOu read too many fanfics...356


Author: BUT---NaruHina and NEjiTen are adorable!358


A.C.: You need a boyfriend...SERIOUSLY!!!360


Author: twitch EWWWW NOOOO!!!! SR guys are WEIRD!!!!! I WONT DATE!!!!!362


A.C.: sighs Well, you realize you'll NEVER date Kiba Inuzuka...364


Author: frozen AGAIN DONT REMIND ME!!!! breaks down into tears366


A.C.: I win...Wait! (pause) Why am I arguing with myself?! I need to finish this story for teh incompitent author!!!! grabs keyboard and starts typing368




There was only taxi left, and thousands of people chasing the ninjas at this point, tryiing to kill them for various...things. Itachi and Hana had escaped...somewhere...and the blob that was named Gai sense, along iwth Kakashi's book, were left behind in the rush...oh well...372


SO everyone stuffed into the taxi. Again. This time, Choji joined Shino on the roof. Tonbo the beetle flew away as they drove. "NOOOO!!!" Shino screamed. Tonbo hit hte car behind's windshield, SMOOSHED. Shino cried in a very unmanly way. Megumi hit him upside the head. 374


Inside, tehy somehow also got Temari and Megumi.and sasuke (who was smart enough to not walk this time...)..and Kankuro squished in. Poor driver...376


They at long last got to the hotel, and had to pack up their junk. What a short lived...vacation? 378


The airplane flight was again...very long...Kiba wasn't in the back with a straight jacket this time though! But, Alas, Akamaru wasn't with him. That's when Akamaru magically appeared! Kiba cried tears of joy. 380


Don't feel like explaining what everyones doing, but oh well...382


Choji ate, as Ino and Shika played Go. Ino was horrible, but Shika was despirate for an opponent, so he taught her... What a drag...384


Naruto and HInata...who knows. I think they were talking. Megumi was next to Kiba, and Akamaru kept licking her face everytime she tried to sleep. Neji and tenten - well, Neji was reading somethign or another, and Tenten was crying over her lsot knives...386




flash back390


In the air port, Tenten carried her kunai and shuriken, as usual. They had to be on hand. 392


Well, teh security guard did not like this very much. Weapons...394


"FEMALE TERRORIST!!!" he shouted, getting ten 6.5 feet tall men to jump Tenten. 396


"GET OFF ME!!" she shouted. Neji freaked out. 398


"GET OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" he shouted. Tenten blushed. Neji started to hit their chokra points with his Byakugan. 400


Once they were all gone, Tenten gave Neji a hug, making him turn bright red. 402


"THERE SHE IS!!! AN D HER TERRORIST BOYFRIEND!!!!" so this time, neji AND tenten were jumped. Her kunai and shuriken were taken away. 404


author: flaw of why this did n't happen on their way to florida...oh well...shrugs 406


end of flashback!408


Sasuke stared at Sakura and Lee, who were sharing some ramen. Lee ended up just kissing Sakura, which made her turn bright red. Sasuke was about to strangle lee when Naruto jumped him, shouting, "LET SAKURA CHAN BE HAPPY!!!!!!!"410


Well, a stewardess saw Naruto jump Sasuke, and called security. The pluto eared security then grabbed Naruto.412


"NARUTO KUN!!!" Hinata screamed. "LET GO OF HIM!!!!" she gained some boldness, facing the big men wiht pluto ears.414


they laughed at first. "Oh-whatcha gonna do?"416


She kicked them all in the crotch. Naruto hit them upside the head. 418


"Thanx, Hinata!" he gave her a hug. 420


But then, the plane went into turbulance, making the plane jerk. Sasuke hit a window, and Hinata's head fell onto Naruto's chest. oO422


Temari and Kankuro talked casually...for 14 hours...0o And at long last, the ninjas were back in Japan! YEA!424


"RAMEN!" was the first thing Naruto shouted, grabbign Hinata's hand, dragging her off the plane. 426


And well...yah...everyone got home, now relaxed and refreshed...except Choji and Sasuke. But oh well...428


The lesson learned: Never Let Itachi masquerade as Mickey MOuse...(well, I can't think up a good moral, so OK! . )430


end as proclaimed by Pegleg