Megumi: I always get confused if its Disney World or Disney Land

Shino: World is in Florida. Land is in California. Even I know this. RETARD.

Megumi: glares I went when I was 6. I had chickenpox. I BLAME YOU!
Shino: How would I give you chickenpox?

MegumI: Well...you summoned all those caterpillars on me..

Shino: laughs at memory Oh yah...chichi-san just taught me that...

Megumi: Well, it wasn't very amusing.

Shino: For you, maybe. Everyone else thoguht it was impressive that an 8 year old could do that...

Megumi: You're so mean. No wonder you're single.

Shino: glares So are you...

Megumi: That's because Kiba my love has not whisked me away yet!

Shino: stares I think I'll gag and throw up now.

MegumI: Well, I dont' own Naruto so it doesnt' matter really, does it?

Shino; I guess not. But shut up and get this stupid story over with before I kill you.

Megumi: I love you too, Shino-ni-san!

Sakura had had this idea for a while, but she didn't know how to explain it to anyone else. She had seen adds about DisneyWorld-and it looked like a nice place to just...chill out. Everyone could use that after all the vigorous training they'd been going through-right? She thought so. BUt she wondered what everyone else would say. So first, she decided to ask Hinata Hyuuga. Hinata would give her a nice-possibly USEFUL answer. Ino wouldn't help-even if she was Sakura's "best" friend.

So one day, Sakura walked over to the Hyuuga mansion and knocked on the door. Usually, a maid came, so Sakura was very surprised when Neji, Hinata's cousin answered the door. His lavender eyes glared at her with utter annoyance at her very existence.

"I'm...uh, looking for Hinata?" Sakura asked.

Neji didn't move, still glaring. "N..." he muttered, turning around, walking a few steps down the hallway, leaving Sakura out in the cold, confused.

"HINATA!" he shouted, making even Sakura's hair stand up on end. Hinata was red in the face, running down the hall, as Neji lazily continued his way to the kitchen.

"Oh-Sakura! Sorry-Neji can be so rude," she tried to say quietly, though for the first time Sakura had seen, Hinata almost looked angry. "Come in!" she said warmly, suddenly changing mood. They walked over to the sitting room, where a maid brought them some nice green tea with honeydew.

"So-why did you come...Sakura?" Hinata asked.

"Oh-" sakura had almost forgotten. "You see, I had this idea-and I thought you'd be the only one who would actually give me an honest opinion."

HInata beamed. No one had ever said something so kind to her. She replied, "What is it?"

Sakura then explained her idea about bringing everyone to DisneyWorld. When Hinata looked unsure for a moment, she whispered "Naruto's invited," which made Hinata glow a bright shade of crimson, but then she replied breathlessly, "That sounds like a great idea!"

"What does?" Neji walked by with a cereal bowl in hand (Neji likes cereal since he can't cook. OK?!)

Hinata smiled slyly. "Your worst nightmare," Sakura's eyes opened wide. Since when had sweet little Hinata had such contempt for Neji? Neji apparently was surprised too, his Hyuugan eyes getting larger than usual. But he gained composure, saying, "Whatever," walking away with his CEREAL! "The monkeys still hate you, Hinata," Neji muttered, referring to his plush monkeys that he was oddly attached to (READ 20 LOTUS PETALS on - Story #3-its AWESOME!), and that Hinata was very curious about. Her guess was that they were a gift from Tenten. When She had asked Neji if that was so, he simply glared at her, and threw one at her.

Hinata pouted, but then turned back to Sakura. "When? Now, I'm really excited!"

Sakura sighed. She hadn't thought that far ahead. She mainly wanted to go to see if 1) she could "accidently" get stuck with Sasuke, and 2) she if she could "accidently" hook up her blonde friend Ino with Shikamaru. She knew that Ino truly liked him-not HER Sasuke.

"I Have no idea," Sakura replied at last.

"How about next week?" Hinata smiled calmly.

"NEXT WEEK?!" Sakura bursted out, Hinata shuttered for a moment. "We've got to get plane tickets to Florida, Book a hotel, see how many people can come-all in ONE WEEK?"

Hinata poked her fingers together, from this moment on counting the moments until she could see her crush Naruto Uzimaki's face. "Well...I'm sure if we got TenTen to help-we could get it all done. She's good at stuff like that."

Sakura hadn't thought of that. "Well-I don't know TenTen's number. Do you?"

Hinata giggled. "I don't, but NEJI does!"

"HEY NEJI!" she shouted unnaturally loud towards the kitchen. Wow, Hinata-chan's grown out of her shell, Sakura thought to herself.

"WHAT?!" Neji said half as loud, obviously not interested.

"WHAT'S TENTEN'S CELL NUMBER? I'm sure YOU of all people would know it!" Hinata smiled. Apparently, she had taken to the hobby of torturing her cousin Neji. Sakura still looked surprised. Ever since her match against him in the exams, she thought, Hinata has changed. I didn't know that she changed this much, though.

The long silence between made both Sakura and Hinata laugh, picturing Neji a bright red, trying to think of a response. Even the prodigy Neji couldn't think up replies to HInata's love remarks.

"301-256-8743" he muttered, knowing that he was defeated. Hinata laughed out of character, writing the numbers down. "THANK YOU, DEAREST COUSIN!"

"That solves it!" Hinata seemed all quiet and polite again. "Let's go call Tenten!"

They ran to the nearest phone (down five corridors), punching in Tenten's number.

It rang only a few times, when they heard Tenten's voice, suddenly very sweet.

"OH, Neji! I thought you'd never call!" Sakura and Hinata supressed laughs, deciding to play on this.

"Hey, Tenten-chan," HInata tried to make her voice carefree and deep like her cousin's. Sakura was about to choke she was restraining her laugh. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to DisneyWorld with me...you know, like a-"

"Date!" Tenten finished, in total esctasy of the moment. Hinata almost chuckled.

"Yah," she continued, still trying to be Neji. "But-if you do want to go, could you do me the favor of reserving rooms and some tickets for us? You're good at stuff like that," she tried to say casually, but then she remembered that unlike her, her cousin never gave away compliments. Apparently Tenten also noticed this, and it sounded as though she were about to faint.

"Uh-sure, Neji!" Tenten replied. "Oh-I can't wait!!! When is it that we're going?"

"...Next saturday," Hinata thought up.

"Wow-that's short notice, but ok!her voice sounded way too bishoujo cute to be tenten... See you then, Neji!" Tenten hung up. HInata and Sakura fell on the floor in laughs. That was so great.

"If you're doing anything to Tenten-" Neji said, getting very annoyed at this point. I mean, these girls didn't even let him finish his CEREAL.

"No,but you are, Neji-ni-kun!" Hinata barely was able to say before laughs engulfed her.

"WHAT?" he said, striding down the hall, not afraid to grab his cousin by the collar, even if she was a girl; this was too far.

"It was an accident!" Sakura tried to explain,but started laughing. Hinata was still laughing as she said.

"Apparently, you're bringing Tenten on a date to Disney World! In Florida! HOw romantic!" She laughed until Neji almost turned on his Byakugan.

"What-did-you-do?" he spat out, bright red. Apparently, he had wanted to ask Tenten out for a while, so wasn't terribly angry that this had happened. But he didn't want his cousin to knwo that.

"I was tryign to plan a trip for everyone to Disney world-" Sakura began, hoping Neji wouldn't kill her. "But We needed Tenten's help-and apparently, she thinks its a date with YOU!" She couldn't help letting a few laughs out.

"You don't expect me to go on some GAY KID RIDES with her, do you-Hinata?!" he shouted.

"Well-you won't be alone-we're going to invite all the teams!" Hinata smiled happily.

"Oh-so we can all just DIE TOGETHER, HUh?" He still tried to look annoyed.

"Oh, come on, big brother!" she chuckled. "It'll be fun! Please?"

He didn't see this as remotely funny, so he dropped Hinata, then put his hands together, shouting, "BYAKUGAN!"

Sakura looked scared. Could Hinata fight that? But to her surprise, another quick "BYAKUGAN!" followed, but by HInata. Just then, Lord Hiyashi (...oO pegleg doesn't know his name...), Hinata's father walked in, to see the two about to try and kill each other. "Not again," he muttered angrily.

"WHAT'S THIS ABOUT THIS TIME?!" he shouted, surprisingly at Neji. This is why Neji tries to not get angry at HInata, Sakura supposed, Hinata's got the advantage here...

"I'm sorry, Hyuuga-sama! I didn't mean it to go this far!" Sakura tried to explain, but he ignored her. Wow-what A DYSFUNCTIONAL family.

"Hinata's trying to hook me up with some girl-" Neji realized how stupid that sounded.

"It's a vacation for our whole squad!" Hinata explained cheerfully. "We all need a break-especially Neji-san! We were just asking his GIRLFRIEND for some help planning!" Wow Hinata was bold.

Hyuuga-san looked at surprise at his once timid daughter, then tried to restrain Neji from charging at her. "You two STOP!" They both fell silent at his voice.

"I agree with Hinata-chan, Neji. You all should take a break. What's the whole thing about this girl, Neji? Is there a reason you're so offended by the mentioning of her?" Hinata smiled, looking at her cousin.

"IT's a long story..." he muttered, bright red, "It's NONE OF HER BUSINESS!" he shouted again.

"Stupid kids," Hyuuga san thought. "Just go, Neji. Take a break from training. I'm sure HInata's got this under control...she's good at stuff like this," Hinata beamed. Her father...complimented her. Two compliments in one day-Neji lost to her-Sakura was being her friend-she was a bout to hang out with Naruto-this was the best day EVER!

Neji muttered something that probably was unnecessary, wobbling down the stairs with his now rather soggy cereal. "The monkeys will kill you, little sister...they will..." he said in a barely audible voice.

"YEa! This is awesome Sakura!" Hinata smiled. But then she saw the problem. "Wait-isn't Tenten goign to only get TWO tickets-since she thinks its just her and Neji?"

Sakura frowned. "Good point-maybe we should explain-"

"Ooh. I was hoping to see Neji's face when she put her arm around his..." Hinata was quite the romanticist.

"Maybe we should pretend to be the obnoxious stalker people-who decide to make this into a partY!" Sakura thought, thinking particularly of Ino.

"Convoluted..." Hinata muttered, but said, "Great idea-ok!"

So she dialed Tenten's number, this time using her own voice.

"Hey, Ten..ten!" Hinata tried to sound like her usually timid self.

Tenten was silent. Apparently, she expected it to be Neji again. "Hinata? HOw did you get my number?"

"Oh-you know me!" she said brightly, living to her name HInata-meaning sunshine. "Stalker-ish - I over heard him talking about bringing you to Disneyworld-and I was wondering - you wouldn't mind if we brought the whole gang-you know - like a huge partY!" Hinata could tell Tenten sounded disappointed, which made her sad, but she couldn't prevent it.

"Oh...If that's what Neji wants..."

"Great! So can you reserve...12 tickets-airfair and Disney world? OH-and 2 hotel rooms- and muttering to the side anything else, Sakura?" when sakura nodded, she continued, "That sounds right! Thank you Tenten! Neji can't wait-believe me!" she could see him still muttering to himself about monkeys killing her, but she ignored that.

Tenten seemed to cheer up, "Really? That doesn't soudn like Neji-"

"Oh-you've changed him Tenten!" Sakura laughed, "Just between you and me-I think he loves you..."

Tenten squealed in an unaturally feminine voice. "Really? Oh-thank you Hinata! Oh-now I can't wait!" she hung up-mission accomplished.

"Now-we've got to make sure everyone can come..." Hinata muttered, wondering how they could guarantee everyone could come. Especially Naruto. What if he didnt want to go?

"Let's call Naruto-and tell him to invite everyone!" Sakura grabbed the phone.

"Na-Naruto?" Hinata's timidity coming back.

"Yah!" Sakura replied; she always got Naruto to call people. He may have been annoying, but he was persuasive. "Would you like to tell him?"

"OH-No thank you, Sakura!" Hinata stuttered.

The phone rang. "Here-Hinata!" Sakura handed her the phone.

"NO! Don't make me! Please!"

"Come on, Hinata!"

"...Hello?" Naruto picked up causiously, seeing that the caller id read- Hyuuga. "Hinata?" he asked, knowing that Neji didn't call him. It had to be hinata.

"See?" Sakura said, forcing the phone under Hinata's chin,

"Na-Naruto-" Hinata studdered. "Hi-"

"Hey, HInata!" Naruto sounded like himself again. "What's up!"

"Oh-you-you see, Naruto-Sa-sakura and I are pl lanning a trip- To Disney..world," she poked her index fingers together. "We...we wanted toknow if you could-tell everyone - it's next Saturday."

"Next Saturday?" Naruto's eyebrow went up. "That's quick-but OK! I'll go let them know! Thanks, Hinata! You're great!" he hung up, Hinata bright red, in a sort of trance. Three compliments. Wow-today was great. And she just-talked to Naruto! Wow!

"That wasn't too hard, now was it, Hinata-chan?" Sakura smiled, since she was the only one who had figured out Hinata's secret crush. It was a while back. She wasn't sure when-but it became obvious. And now-Sakura wanted to try and hook the two up. Hey, it would get Naruto out of her hair...

"No-no it wasn't!" Hinata sounded better. "Oh-wait-don't we need to call Ino?"

Sakura froze. Ino...Ino..."Oh, yah..." Sakura said, totally having forgotten her original plan-to get Sasuke. Ino would probably ruin it, but then again, she remembered her ShikamaruxIno plan...Reluctantly, she picked up the phone and dialed her friend's number. She explained teh whole thing.

Then, not to her surprise, Ino asked, "Will Sasuke be there?"

Sakura frowned. "Yah, but SHIKAMARU will be there too!"

"..." "What's that supposed to mean, Sakura?" Ino hung up.

"Well...that takes care of everything. I think," Sakura almost sounded tired.

"But-what about food and the airplane times and- packing? How longs this goign to be-do we need to tell the Fifth?" Hinata began to ask all sorts of logic questions. Though Sakura was smart, she was feeling lazy after everythign so far.

"we'll ... deal with that later. I think its fine though. We should only be gone a couple days...Tsunade (sp...?) shoudln't care. I think I should go...see ya later, Hinata!" Sakura crawled to the door and walked out, leaving Hinata with lots of thoughts and dreams for next Saturday.

Next Saturday came unnaturally quickly. Sakura packed her bags tightly, thinking excitedly about a weekend...with Sasuke. She was determined that this would go right. To her, this was an A rank mission. It WOULD succeed. She and Hinata decided that they would all meet at the airport at 8 in teh morning, since that was right before the flight Tenten booked.

It was all coming together. Everyone was able to come-Kiba, Shino, Choji, Shikamaru, Ino, Tenten, Rock LEe (author: SQUEALZ -LEE! oO), Neji, Hinata, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto (...that is everyone, right? oO). Everyone got in line, talking about Disney Land. Choji heard that amusement park food was good, and Lee knew that it was the place of YOUTH! Sasuke and Neji looked liek they were about to kill themselves. But Shino didn't mind-there were going to be lots of bugs there...

They all laid their suitcases on the scale for an obnoxious attendant to bring them over. Kiba was carrying Akamaru in a kennel, since dogs weren't allowed with the passengers. "If they knew Akamaru, then they'd let him on..." Kiba muttered to Hinata. The waxy faced stewardess tried to grab Akamaru from Kiba, saying, "Thank you, I'll take your dog from here!"

"NO YOU DON"T! AKAMARU"S MINE!" Kiba shouted, and it echoed through the whole airport as he wrestled with the stewardess. A few security guards came on at this point to tie up Kiba. "RESTRAIN HIM! HE MUST HAVE DRUGS!"

Neji snickered. Hinata had the gayest friends, he thought, then looking at Shino, who was poking the metal walls-looking for bugs. Kiba was now on the floor in a straight jacket, Hinata almost screamed. Akamaru barked, "WAN!" in an almost possessed way. The stewardess looked scarred, but grabbed the kennel, putting it on the conveyer belt, with all of Ino's random makeup crap.

"..." everyone thought as they looked at Kiba, now trying to gnaw through the straight jacket. HInata was on the virge of tears, but Naruto gave her a hug, and she instantly brightened up.

"Um...how do we get Kiba on the plane now?" Sakura asked awkwardly to the waxy faced stewardess.

"Oh-we'll deal with him, thank you!" she smiled, about to gnaw through her own face.

"But-he's our friend!" Hinata looked very sad yet annoyed at all this. Akamaru was part of Kiba; it was no wonder he didn't want some creepy woman taking him away.

"We'll take care of him, dearie. Thank you!" she twitched, then dragged Kiba away.

"FLIGHT 276-to SANFRANSISCO departing shortly," the whole crew then ran to flight 276.

The flight was very long. And then they had one to get to Florida.. Which was even longer. Neji didn't mind-he had ways to entertain himself. And Shikamaru played Go against the computer for nearly 5 hours straight. Shino twitched frequently-not liking being off the ground. Hinata gave him a hug-thinking that was right-but then he stared at her the whole time, which kind of creeped Hinata out...

Sakura and Ino sighed and looked at Sasuke, who kept his eyes closed the whole time. "Kawaii, desu ne?" Ino giggled. "So desu ne!" Sakura squealed, then realized that she was AGREEING with Ino. That was creepy.

"Thanks for inviting me, Sakura!" Ino smiled. "I thought you'd want me gone-so I couldn't hog up Sasuke-but you invited me anyway. Thanks!"

Sakura stopped and looked at her friend. She hadn't thought of that-but it was nice that she and Ino were getting along-and taht Ino was nice enough to say that. That must have taken guts. "Un" Sakura smiled.

Lee swore to Neji, as he often did, that today would be the day he would show Sakura his immense love for her, then went on about how DISNEYWORLD would renew Neji and Tenten's youth. Neji muttered to himself, a little red, continuing to read some magazine. Tenten sat next to Lee, and kept smiling at Neji, which kind of got on his nerves, though at the same time, he liked it. He tried smiling back (this is neji-so that was a feat in and of itself) and she blushed a deep crimson, turning towards the window.

Choji ate all the free snacks, much to shikamaru's annoyance, and Naruto had nearly 20 things of ramen. Hinata looked at them with wide eyes; she loved ramen too. Naruto noticed and gave her one, but only having one pair of chopsticks on him, he fed them to her, which in and of itself made Hinata's cheeks a bright rose colour. If Kiba had been there, Naruto might have been half dead at this point.

Nobody knew, but Temari snuck on the plane. She heard that Shikamaru was going, along with Ino. To her, this was a bad combo which probably meant that Ino was goign to hit on Shikamaru. HER Shikamaru. Temari wouldn't let this happen, so she disguised herself with a fake mustasche with glasses (the ones you find in teh dollar store), and no body noticed. She hid behind her fan, and watched him play Go. SIGHS He's so cute when he thinks...Temari thought to herself.

At last, the long flights of DOOM were over, and they landed in Florida, in a different time zone.

"AND STAY OUT!" someone screamed, throwing Kiba and Akamaru out of the plane, much to HInata's surprise. Poor Kiba, she thought, He was stuck in the bottom this whole time?

"So degrating.."Kiba almost barked.

"Maybe its because you look too much like your freakin' dog..." Neji muttered. Ok-this is why Neji hated Kiba...


"Oh-Hihi, Kiba," Hinata muttered on the phone, when she still had her timidity.

"Hey Hinata-do you want to train today? Shino can't come, but we could-just the two of us..."

Hinata blushed a little, "Um, ok-Kiba-sounds great!"

Neji overheard this, and concluded that his cousin liked Kiba. (She didnt by the way; Kiba was hitting on herag's belief) He hardly knew anything about Kiba, but he assumed the punk didnt have as noble of blood as the HYUUGAS! CHWAH! So, he didn't want his cousin getting hooked up with some unknown guy. It would degrate the whole HYUUGA! chwah house. Plus, it would make Hinata miserable-an added bonus.


"What?!" Kiba got ticked off by this guy. He was nothign like HInata; how were teh two related?

"Hmn," Neji muttered, continuing on, Tenten following behind, sticking her tongue out at Kiba. She didn't like him...just because.

"We're here!" Hinata smiled, looking up at the bright blue sky. It was still warm here, unlike in Japan, where snow had covered...everywhere. Shino collapsed on the ground, finding bugs. Good.

"LET'S GO GET RAMEN!" Naruto shouted, running out of the airport.

"NARUTO! WAIT! WERE NOT IN JAPAN ANYMORE-" Hinata shouted, running after him. She eventually grabbed his arms before he got too far, smiling, "Let's find the others!"

He shrugged, forgetting the ramen, but looking at the pretty girl grabbing his arms, saying "Ok,"

"... " Lee and Sakura looked off, when Lee asked, "So Sakura, what is it that we do now?"

"I guess, we go to our hotel rooms and drop our stuff off...TENTEN!" she shouted. Lots of American tourists were staring at the twelve oddly clad, shouting ninjas.

"WHAT, SAKURA?" She shouted back, running past Neji.

"What hotel did you book?"

"The DisneyLand Resort!" she replied simply. "That's ok, isn't it?" she looked unsure as Sakura's face drooped, hoping maybe something more...romantic.

"Ok, I guess we need to find a taxi..." She walked out the door, shouting.

"CHOTTO!" A scared looking man stopped.

"How ma..many?" he asked, as Naruto and Hinata came back, Naruto staring at her Hyuugan eyes, which he suddenly noticed were very prettyauthor-SQUEALZ!.

"12!" Ino said as though it were so simple. The man's eyes grew huge, especially seeing the nearly evil Akamaru go "WAN!" Then he saw Neji's clear eyes, stare, "You will drive us,"

The driver shook his head, "But...youyou might want...another taxi too-"

"It'll be fine," Tenten said plainly, climbing into the taxi.

"LET"S STUFF KIBA IN THE BACK AGAIN!" Neji said, making Hinata look sad.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru muttered. "So many freakin' people in one taxi..."

To say it was crowded was the understatement of the year. Sakura convinced Ino to sit on Shikamaru's lap, much to his displeasure, well...I guess everyone else sat on each other. Except Kiba, who was stuffed in the trunk with Akamaru and everyone's small bags. Shino decided to sit on the roof...because he could, and everyone else double buckled. Sasuke decided to just walk, which was stupid, but oh well oO. Naruto convinced Hinata to sit with him, which made her very red, especially when Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist. Sakura smiled, which made Hinata even more red-Sakura knew. Somehow, with Tenten forced over Neji, and Sakura pushed over Lee, (don't THINK TOO MUCH INTO THIS! PLEASE! INNOCENT!!!!!!), everyone red on the face, and Choji...where did choji go? Oh well, the taxi moved on, weighing over 2 tons at least (with choji, that is).

The ride was very awkward and long, though Naruto seemed to be liking it. Temari followed, somehow with her snazzy fans of DOOM authorfault in plot-IGNORE IT! But eventually, it was over. And even later of an eventually, Sasuke came, dragging choji who fell...out the window...oO Everyone fell out at the same time, which was kind of funny, and the driver demanded more pay, to compensate for the crazy guy on the roof, who put a fake spider through the window, just to see Ino scream and grab Shikamaru. Who would have guessed.

Reluctanly, Sakura pulled out her card, constantly looking at Sasuke, hoping he would be manly enough to offer to pay. But nope. He stood there, glaring at the bright facode of teh Disney resort. She moved the card closer, still watching Sasuke. He didn't notice. But then, ROCK LEE! theme music came and gave the driver twice as much as was owed. In Cash. Sakura looked at him, first wondering where the heck he got $200 or so dollars. In Cash. Then, she wondered why he was being so nice.

"Thanks, Lee!" she smiled. He almost melted, seeing her adorably sweet smile. That alone, to him, was worth far more than $200 dollars. In Cash.

"No problem, Sakura!" He replied, smiling back.

Everyone grabbed their things, and Hinata, seeing that no one would help Kiba out, grabbed him and pulled him out. He accidentaly...fell on her. Ok, maybe to KIBA it wasn't accidental, but either way, Hinata was very red and so was Kiba.

"Oh-thanks, Hinata," he said, instantly jumping up. Naruto looked back, a bit suspicious. Hinata smiled in a friendly way, then followed Naruto into the hotel.

There were two rooms-one for GIRLS one for GUYS. Nobody messed with that. Nobody had any objections. author-YEA FOR G RATED FAN FICS! Everyone unpacked, then got ready for going to Disney World. You see, since they came from Japan, the confusing time zones of DOOM gave them an extra day, so it was like...10:30 in the morning, though their bodies felt like it was...night. Everyone was tired (except Naruto!), but everyone was crazy enough to go to Disney world anyway.

When they got there, Neji and Sasuke were teh first two out of this cramped taxi. You think they'd learn. But no. When Neji and Sasuke walked into the Disney land resort, they saw some evil looking mouse with red pants and yellow shoes. He ran the place. "Orochimaru..." Sasuke thought right away. "Something I can kill..." Neji thought right away. So both were determined to find this so called "MICKEY MOUSE" and kill him.

They ran off to the castle, the girls callign for them to stop. "YOU NEED A TICKET!" TENTEN screamed at Neji. But neither of them stopped, determined to crush this "Mickey MousE".

Everyone else followed the rules and showed their tickets to the ticket ladies. But as Kiba walked through, another smile plastered woman stopped him, saying, "I'm sorry-no pets allowed!"

"AKAMARU"S NOT SOME FREAKIN PET!" Kiba shouted at her, Akamaru looking like he was about to kill her. "HES PART OF ME!" Cant anyone get it?

She looked terrified, and just let them through. Hinata was getting a little creeped out, squeezing Naruto's hand tighter (oh yah-Naruto's been holding Hinata's hand for a while. "Hey," Naruto reasoned, "Unlike Sakura, she doesn't hit me when I try to grab her hand. SO I'm not letting go,")

"Ooh!" Tenten was different. She was wearing a pink tanktop, rather than her usual Chinese top, and a black skirt. Tenten in a skirt. Something was wrong. Plus, she didn't have her hair in the usual buns, but rather, in two thin braids. It looked really nice. "Where do you want to go, Neji?" she smiled in a very girly way. This threw Neji off for a moment, but then he replied, "MICKEY MOUSE!"

Tenten was thrown back for a moment. Neji wanted to see Mickey Mouse. This was wierd. But she was going to roll with it. "Ok! Let's go!" She grabbed his hand and ran off towards the Magical Castle...thing (ok-haven't been to disneyworld since I was 6. ANd I had chicken pox. So I'm ignorant about DisneyLand...whatever itscalled)

"WAIT!" Sakura shouted after them. This was so not going according to plans.

"Do you need them back, Sakura-hena?" Lee asked. Cherry blossom flower? HE was calling her flower? Since when had Lee given her affectionate nicknames? WHAT WAS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?!

"Um-Well," Sakura was very confused. Now Naruto and Hinata were walking off somewhere, about to walk into some tree, staring into each other's eyes. She drooped her head. "It's ok, never mind"
But it was too late. Lee wanted to do anything and everythign for his beloved Sakura, so he ran at lightning speed, grabbed Neji from behind, draggin Tenten too, saying "Sakura hena-I mean, Sakura-san needs you!" while Neji shouted, "BUT I NEED TO FIND MICKEY MOUSE!"

Apparently, Sasuke was thinking the same thing...Orochimaru-It had to be him. This place was too happy. It was suspicious...Just then, he got tackled by some guy in a costume. HE thought his name was something like...oh what did Sakura call him? It was Eeyore.

"You look almost as Emo as me," Eeyore replied in a meloncholy voice. Sasuke was on the ground, so surprised by that sudden tackle by some guy in a blue donkey costume.


Eeyore looked dully at him, "I don't know no Orochimaru. But I lost my tail. Will you find it for me?"

"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU STUPID TAIL! I'VE GOT TO KILL THE ONE THEY CALL MICKEY MOUSE!" Sasuke was back on his feet, ready to use his sharigan on this guy.

"I think you need a hug," Eeyore came to him, trying to grab him.

"LET ME GO! I NEED TO FIND MICKEY MOUSE!!!" Sasuke shouted. A little girl with cotton candy said to her mom, "That boy's not very nice, is he mommY? He doesn't like Eeyore..."

Ino heard Sasuke and then decided to use her mind transfer jutsu thing, so she'd be the one hugging Sasuke.

"LET GO!" He screamed. Ino was liking this a lot. That's when Sakura saw Ino's body drop, and she knew what was happening. Shikamaru was up against some tree, asking some lady at a stand if she sold any Sake. The girl was some student in training, and asked him in a preppy voice, "What's Saki?"

"It's Sake," he said dully. "Uhg...can I just have a Coke?"

"Here! That'll be $5!"

"Five Bucks? You've got to be kidding me! What a drag!" he didn't feel like doing anything to get one, so he wandered off by Choji, who just spent $20 on a bag of popcorn, a hot dog, and a drink. He didn't mind. It was his dad's cash, after all.

"I brought them back, Sakura!" Lee smiled as he dragged Tenten and Neji towards her.

"AAHHH!!" Sakura screamed, pulling on her beautiful yet short peach hair. "ITS ALL GOING WRONG!!!"

Lee looked sad, as though this was somehow his fault. He dropped Neji and Tenten, then said to Sakura, "If I have done something wrong, I'll run 300 laps around this park!"

"EVERYONE, SHUT UP!!!!" SAkura's inner person screamed out through her. Naruto and HInata stopped. Neji and Tenten stopped. Even Ino stopped hugging Sasuke, and returned to her own body.

"Let's just go together-on some ride..." she muttered, very annoyed.

"Ok..." everyone muttered, except Shino, who had lots of beetles on his hand. He had never seen this type of bug before...

So, Sakura led the group to random rides. Neji and Sasuke kept their eyes peeled for Mickey MOuse, as though they were on some A rank mission. Tenten laughed, which made Neji turn around, red in the face, especially as she said, "Relax, Neji! This isn't a mission-just enjoy it!"

He had never seen Tenten like this. Then he remembered what Sakura and Hinata had said-something about that she thought this was a date or somethign...I guess I'll play along with it...Neji thought reluctantly, grabbing her hand as he muttered, "Alright," reluctantly. Man, girls are beating me-what's wrong with me? He asked himself. Tenten got very red, staring at his hand holding hers.

First, Sakura decided the teacup ride would be good. Sasuke shuttered every time the mouse popped out of the teapot, thinking it would throw shuriken at them, or something. Sakura laughed, trying to get him to relax. He didn't know the meaning of the word. Ino laughed and gave him another hug, which disturbed both him and Sakura. Shikamaru was sure the mouse was in a hangover. If a robotic mouse COULD be in a hangover. Choji sat, trying to still eat, but failing miserably.

Hinata kept on sliding into Naruto, since he was spinning their tea cup so fast. "This is awesome! Believe it!" he kept on shouting, much to the annoyance of some poser skater elementary school kid in the teacup next to him.

Neji span his and Tenten's too hard, causing the metal wheel to fly off. It hit a guy dressed up as Peter pan upside the head. Tenten's eyes widened, wondering what they were going to do as the teacup began to spin unnaturally fast. Then, the teacup fell off of the track, rolling into the fence that enclosed the teacup ride. Tenten and neji fell out, the teacup falling on top of them, bumping into Naruto's cup, causing Naruto and Hinata's to suddenly stop, making Hinata ram into Naruto by accident.

The whole ride then stopped, a little three year old girl started crying. "MOMMY! I DON"T WANT IT TO STOP!" She saw Sasuke's head, then hopped out of her teacup, and hit him upside the head, saying "MISTER! YOU STOPPED THE RIDE! MAKE IT WORK AGAIN!"

Sasuke was very annoyed at this point, and went to hit the little girl, when Sakura went, "NO! Don't hurt her!"

The mother quickly came to grab her child, saying to Sasuke, "DONT HURT MY LITTLE GIRL

"YOUR ACCOMPISE!" Sasuke screamed as he ripped off the head of Minnie. It was Hana.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!!!!" Both Itachi and Sasuke shouted.

"Because Itachi's here!" she smiled and gave Itachi a kiss. This was too much for Sasuke to handle.

"GAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Sasuke shouted, about to go insane. If he hadn't hit that point already.

So was Sakura. She found Hinata, who was being offered by Naruto, in far more gentlemanly of a way than Sakura found possible, some cotton candy, which Hinata blushed and took a bite of. Now both of them had bright blue dye all over their face. author-YEA HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! "What do I DO?!" Sakura cried to her friend.

Naruto looked confused. "What's wrong, Sakura-chan? Do you want some Cotton Candy too?"

"NO I DON"T NARUTO!" she whacked him, which made Hinata almost angry at Sakura.

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked, "I was having a great time!"

Sakura tried to breathe calmly. "Sasuke's about to kill Mickey Mouse, Neji and Tenten are wandering off WHO KNOWS WHERE, and Shikamaru's trying to get high on CokeCola...and Choji's spending all our money on food.., and now Ino's depressed-and Lee's being overly nice-"

Hinata blinked. "What's wrong with that?"

"It's just-" Sakura was about to cry- "This is totally not what I thought-"

Hinata laughed, "What did you expect? Our team is crazy! They're always like this!"

Sakura hadn't thought about that. "But still..." she said lamely.

Hinata ignored her, looking over her shoulder, laughing. "Did you see where Shikamaru wandered off?"

"Huh?" Sakura turned around to see him with a GIANT plush bear for Ino, which made Ino turn bright red and give him a hug. "I'd bet he's not saying that that was a drag..." she laughed.

Temari, who was now above a parkbench with a hyperactive squirrel, saw the whole thing-how Ino hugged Shikamaru, and he got a bit red. GRRRRRRRRR...she said through gritted teeth, scaring off the squirrel.

Somehow, everyone wandered to the same rollercoaster-which made Hinata a little freaked out, and Choji reluctant to eat much more. Kiba and Akamaru suddenly appeared again. They were...somewhere. I don't know where. And Shino was covered in beetles-enjoying the moment.

Everyone got in, except for Akamaru, who watched their stuff (especially Ino's bear, which he thought was real, and growled at it), and the coaster began with a sudden thrust forward. Hinata screamed for a moment, but Naruto put his arm around her and smiled, which made her smile. Kiba looked at Hinata and Naruto jealously. Tenten and Neji looked bored, until the coaster plummeted down the steep track, when Neji grabbed Tenten's hand. Shikamaru's eyes got wide, and Ino put her arm around his, a little scared herself. Choji leaned over the side, and Shino was sad to see some bugs fly off of him. Well...as for Lee and Sakura-Lee was enjoying it very much-shouting over the roar of the tracks that rollercoasters were very youthful, which brought a smile to Sakura's face. She was nervous herself-since this was a wooden coaster that felt liek it would burst at any second, dropping them down hundreds of feet. Lee seemed to pick up on this, but unsure of what to do, he held Sakura's hand (seeing that Neji was doing that-it seemed right), which made her look up at him, totally forgetting the ride.

So wow-it was an actually normal ride. Amazing. Nobody tried to kill anyone. Well, Sasuke apparently didn't at least, looking very bored as he walked off. Everyone continued on through the park-the guys twitching at the disney princesses who looked at them oddly. Tenten, on the otherhand, hugged all of them. Neji, for some reason, got very annoyed by this, and grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her away.

As they walked on, Sakura saw a karaoke place. Wow. Even Americans liked those.

"Hey-let's do karaoke!" Sakura said to everyone, who seemed a little surprised by this sudden outburst.

"I...I don't know..." Hinata stuttered, looking at the stand. "I've never been good at karaoke..."

"Sounds like fun!" Ino replied, her arm still around Shikamaru.

So Sakura and Ino ran into the karaoke place, dragging Hinata, and finally found Tenten, dragging her in too. The guys stood there for a moment, very confused at what the heck was going on. None of them could sing, so karaoke seemed like a total drag. But Naruto, always being hyperactive, replied, "KARAOKE! YAH!" and ran off after the girls. Reluctantly, a few guys followed.

They flipped through the song book, and noticed that they were ALL IN ENGLISH...oO. That could be a problem. They didn't recognize a single one.

"Sumimasen-" Sakura asked the guy at the counter.

"Wha...?" the guy asked, obviously on a winter job shift, earning minimal wage.

"Oh-Gomen! I mean-sorry-do you have any J-pop?" Sakura blushed.

"Yah-like Love ♥ Shine by BeForU?" Ino asked.

"Or KiraKira by HeartsGrow? Maybe KoinoKlutch by Noria?" Hinata asked.

"No-do you have any CherryBoom songs? OR LARCENCIEL? " Tenten asked, liking HongKong pop more.

The guy stood there as though there weren't three hyper girls around him, and one that was just very happy. "Wha...?" he asked again.

"Do you speak English?" Ino spelled out.

"...Yah," he replied.

"Then-do you have any songs NOT in english?"

"...Yah," he replied as he pulled out a karaoke book in Spanish.

Ino pulled on her platinum blonde hair. "NOT SPANISH! DO WE LOOK LIKE WE"RE SPANISH?!"

"...Dunno" he replied, lazily chewing gum. "Are you french?"

"NO! WE"RE NIHONJIN!!!!!" Sakura screamed. "JAPANESE!"

Hinata stood awkwardly for a moment, thinking "I know some songs in French..." That's when Naruto bolted in, seeing Sakura hold this minimal wage guy by his collar.

"Got any Ramen?" He asked as though nothing was happening.

"..." the guy looked from the peach headed girl to Naruto, then to Hinata, Tenten, and Ino who were fighting over who was the hottest guy in LarcenCiel. "...Are you foreign exchange students?"

"We're here to do KARAOKE-which is Japanese!" Tenten shouted. Neji then walked in, wondering what the heck was going on.

Naruto scratched his head. "What kind of karaoke place doesn't have ramen? America's wierd..."

"Oh-I know some English songs-" Kiba said as he walked in too.

"..." The girls all turned around. "Conformist," they muttered.

He pulled out some cash (getting confused about the exchange rate of YEN and Dollars), and walked into a booth. "...ok then"

"Oh ya!" Tenten pulled out her CD player, "I've got a CD with LarcEnCiel songs on it! There's an instrumental track on it!"

"...Then what's the point in paying, Tenten?" Neji asked. Tenten frowned.

"Whatever, let's get out of here..." Sakura looked disappointed as the guys were thinking "YEA! WE don't have to sing!"

Well, the day was wearing off, and it was time that they ate...some sort of dinner. So they went to the Pinochio restraunt above the "Its a Small World" ride.

Sasuke, Neji, and Shikamaru were ready to jump through the glass and break every single one of those stupid dancing dolls that constantly sang "ITS A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!" Lee didn't seem to mind, almost beginning to sing along, when Neji grabbed him and said, "Sing and You'll DIE" Sakura gave him a glare, but he ignored it.

The rest of the day seemed almost-normal. Oh-except that Neji noticed some plush Chip and Dales, which were almost as addicting as the plush monkeys, and Tenten had to drag him out by the ear. Kiba had Pluto ears-which Hinata had to admit, were kind of cute, though she thought Naruto was far more cute with Mickie Mouse Ears. What was most entertaining was seeing Sasuke's face when Naruto put them on. "MICKIE MOUSE!" he shouted, charging for Naruto, making Naruto and Neji twitch at the same time.

But night fell, and fireworks filled the sky over the Magic Kingdom. The girls sighed to themselves-this was so romantic. This kind of thing didn't happen every day when you were a shinobi.

Hinata had a really cute plush of Pooh bear (that Naruto bought her ) cradled in her arm as her eyes opened wide to the brightening sky. She couldn't think of a more amazing day in her life. Ever. Now-Naruto had his arm around her. NARUTO! She would have never been so daring to dream that one day-one day so soon-he would be like this. "Hinata-" he said in an almost serious tone, which woke Hinata up from her thoughts. "You're really...beautiful" she seemed in a trance for a few moments, just looking into his eyes-her face frozen in utter surprise and esctacy.

Kiba looked bored, though his eyes kept wandering to Naruto and Hinata. He didn't like seeing Hinata with some...guy besides him. It was annoying. Akamaru apparently agreed, his worn voice barking "WAN!"

Sakura smiled. This was how she hoped it would end. They would all look at the stars-hoping it would never end. The only difference was that she had hoped that Sasuke would have his arm around her. But now-it was Rock Lee-and she liked it that way.

Shikamaru decided that after all, this trip wasn't a drag. Ino looked so happy...that must have been worth something. He didn't know however, that Temari was watching from some tree-angrily looking at Ino. She had had enough of them. Man, she muttered to herself, why didn't I get my brothers to come? This isn't going to be too easy to separate them...she grumbled. Why did she even come-halfway across the world-just to see her LOVE (now whether Shikamaru would agree with this...) with some other girl??????

That's when she sprang from behind, her fan ready to whack Ino upside the head. But Shikamaru saw her first. "Temari?" he asked, and she fell right where she was.

"Shikamaru!" she said, trying to sound happy and innocent. Ino looked suspiciously.

"Why are you here?" Ino asked bluntly.

"Um-well-" Temari was ready to strangle this girl. She was so annoying... "I just wanted to talk to Shikamaru..."

"..." Ino looked at her suspiciously. "You like him, don't you?"

Temari froze, growing beet red, trying to think of a comeback. "WELL-"

"What?" Shikamaru turned around, caught off guard, "We were on one mission together-and you like me after that?"

Temari was still frozen. It was like her fight with him at the exams. What was there to say-Oh hey-I've been stalking you and your girlfriend all day??? No. That wouldn't work. Well.. what was there to do? She didn't have much chokra left for KICKBUTT moves. Plus, would she really want to hit her LOVE with them? Maybe his girlfriend...but, that was a whole other story...

But that was when Choji had to look at his watch (duh-since he had no girlfriend to stare at..and the fireworks bored him...), when he belted out-fracturing everyone's thoughts. "NO! It's almost 10! I'm gonna miss my show!" and he ran towards the parkinglot. Reluctantly, Shikamaru parted from Ino, chasing after Choji. "Choji-COME BACK HERE YOU IDIOT!"

"YES!" Temari thought, as she grabbed her fan, and whacked Ino upside the head with it, her big head going through the paper of the fan.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR????!!!!" Ino screeched, making everyone else turn their heads.

"...Temari?" Tenten asked, wondering what her rival was doing here, trying to kill Ino, "Why are you trying to kill Ino?"

"DIE!" Temari screamed, doing all sorts of Sand Village moves on Ino, Ino falling to the floor soundlessly. Neji glared, his arm protectively around Tenten, thinking "she'd better not try that stunt on Tenten..." Tenten grabbed some spare shuriken from her pocket...just in case...

That's when chaos resumed. Kiba decided to then shout at Naruto, who looked like he was about to try and kiss Hinata. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. But either way, Kiba didn't like it. Akamaru bit Naruto's leg, and he freaked out, dropping his bag of popcorn, which spilled all over Hinata, who looked very stunned about all of this.

Shino was on the ground for no apparent reason, KOed, and Sasuke was looking for Micky Mouse with a paranoid glare, muttering "ITACHI " under his breath. Sakura screamed-everything falling apart before her eyes once again.

Lee then got annoyed-determined to do whatever he needed to to make Sakura happy. So he used his lightning speed to grab Choji and Shikamaru, which somehow made everything else go ok, especially when Shikamaru used his shadow juditsu thing on Temari, and Naruto used shadow clones to chase Kiba away, much to Hinata's delight this time as Naruto went to kiss her. This time, no one tried to stop them.

"Oh..." Sakura finally stopped, realizing that that all happened outloud, looking embarrased at Lee. "Thank you Lee! I don't know what I'd do without you!" she smiled, and Lee knew that this whole trip was worth it. He wrapped her in a hug, and she didn't try to kill him! YES! This was something Gai-sensei would be proud of! YOUTH RENEWED TO EVERYONE!!!!

Neji and Tenten decided to ignore the pandemonium, sit down, and just stare at the sky. Choji tried to tell them to hurry up, but Neji just hit him. "Neji..." Tenten began, Neji a bit confused.

"Thanks! This has been the best time I've had...ever!"

Oh yah, Neji thought, she thinks I set his up. Oh well-it makes it look like I did something great-so ok! "Will this make it even better?" he asked, SMILING! (woah...Tenten sure can work wonders!!) , giving her a quick kiss. She looked like she was about to faint, which was very rare for Tenten.

After a while, some security guard people dragged Kiba and Akamaru over to where the group was, and said that they had found this dog looking kid chased by loads of Blond kids...that all looked the same. They looked at Naruto, then said, "Kinda like that guy-" Hinata laughed awkwardly. Man, Americans were stupid. Then someone Ino called "Donald Duck" came, with a squeaky fake voice, to tell them to leave. The park was about to close. Everyone looked reluctantly at DisneyLand they had all started to like it-even Sasuke was beginning to enjoy himself, finding a wooden standup of Mickie Mouse to punch.

"Well," Sakura began, looking mainly at Lee, "I guess we do have part of a day tomarrow-and if Choji hasn't spent all our money-we can come back!" Everyone agreed to that. Except Temari, who was kindof stuck behind a tree. Some security guards with Mickie Mouse ears later came and dragged her out of the park. But now, Some people dressed in stuffy costumes of CHIP and DALE came, and grabbed the twelve ninjas, dragging them to the gate.

When Naruto was spotted on some roof, with Hinata shouting at him to get off, some guards with Pluto ears came with a straight jackets and bound Naruto. Poor HInata. She must have looked like she was crazy.

So-the lights of DisneyWorld dimmed, and the music began to slow down, but everyone had hope that they could come back (if the security guards would let them back in...)-to a place they didn't have to think about the fact that they were ninjas. So there were some places left in the world without someone trying to kill you. Unless you're Kiba.


The next day, tenten decided to check on neji, who was the last one in the guy's room. She knocked, but no one answered. "..Neji?" she asked, a little worried. Had something happened to him? So she burst the door off its hinges, to see Neji with a stuffed Monkey. She tried to supress her laugh. "Neji? Is that from when we helped Lee with a gift for Sakura? You still have that?!"

"my monkey!" Neji looked at her as though she were insane.

"what is it with you and MONKEYS?" she asked, getting very troubled about this new neji. "Does Hinata know about this? Or Lee? Or A THERAPIST?!"

"..." Neji just stared for a moment, wondering what to say.

"Hey, Tenten-are you ready?" Hinata asked, but then she noticed the door that was now on the floor, and Neji with a monkey, and Tenten, pointing at him with an odd look on her face.

"NEJI! You still have that monkey!" Hinata laughed.

"MEH!" he threw the monkey at Hinata, knocking her down. "I told you they hated you," he glared, back to himself.