Author Notes
I don't own anything blah blah. Um, the two characters in here are dedicated to my two best friends. I love 'em to death. Okay, I just kinda came up with this. And no, it's not Eliza Dushku's character from Tru Calling, I just thought that if their mother would name Faith, 'Faith', that if she had a sister her mother might name her 'Tru'. Okay, please review.
"Tru! Come on! We gotta go!" Yelled Faith as she stopped at the door to look back at her younger sister. Tru ran up to her sister.
"What now? What about daddy?" Asked the six year old Tru, Faith looked at her sister with tears in eyes. Faith looked at the door that led to the small apartment. Then she tore her gaze away and looked back at her younger sister by two years.
"Tru, Daddy, he." Faith couldn't finish her sentence because of the large piece of burning wood that almost fell on top of them. "We gotta find a way out of here." She said as she took her sleeve and opened the door that led to the stairs. She took her sisters hand and led her down them. A burning piece of the stairs fell off and tumbled towards them. Faith grabbed her sister and jumped down the rest of the stairs. She maneuvered them, so that she would get the blunt of the fall. Faith faintly heard Tru trying to get her to get up but, everything went black.
8 years later
Faith jolted up in her bed. She was blanketed in a thin layer of sweat. In the bed next to her, Tru stirred. She sat up and seemed disoriented for a second but, it passed and she looked over at the reason for why she had woken up. Faith was sitting up in her bed staring and the wall.
"Faith."Tru started softly. "Another bad dream?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Faith just shook her head slowly and slowly turned to look at her fourteen year old sister.
"I keep seeing it in my head. I can't get it out." Tru climbed out of her bed and climbed into her sisters. Faith laid back down and got comfortable while Tru did the same.
"It's okay. Just go back to sleep. I'm right here." Faith chuckled slightly. "What?"
"It's just that I'm the oldest. I should be comforting you from your bad dreams."
"Yeah, well, right now you're the one that needs comforting. You've had to wake me from plenty bad dreams before." Tru said smiling. "Now sleep. Ms. Patterson and the others will be waking us up and 6:30 and it's 5:00 right now." Faith shook her head and snuggled into her sister. Soon the two were asleep.
Tru woke up first, happy that her sister hadn't had anymore bad dreams. Faith was comfortably snuggled up in her shoulder, sleeping. Tru heard the door click. Once it opened another girl from the orphanage named Taylor, peaked her head in through the door. Taylor was a nice girl that was the same age as Tru. She also had a sister that was sixteen like Faith. Her name was Lindsey. The four were best friends. They always hung out.
"Hey Tru, there's people here. They're looking to adopt. There's two different couples. Each are looking for two kids that are a little bit older." Taylor said excitedly. Lindsey showed up behind Taylor.
"You guys have to come now. Hurry up get dressed." She said and as quickly as they had shown up they were gone. Tru looked down at Faith and tried to wake her up.
"Faith, wake up. There's people here." Faith began to stir. She opened her eyes and looked up at her sister.
"What?" She questioned.
"Get up and get dressed. There are people her looking to adopt." Tru said getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. Faith got out of bed and picked out an outfit.
45 minutes later
Once both girls had showered and gotten ready, they went downstairs and joined the others. They stood next to Lindsey and Taylor and wondered where the people were.
"So what's the what?" Faith asked Lindsey.
"Well, there's two different couples and both want two girls that are older. We have a pretty good chance we're gonna get adopted. I mean everyone else is between six and ten. We're the oldest I mean it's a possibility." Lindsey explained very excited.
"Yo, chill Lulu." Faith told Lindsey with her nickname for her.
"Sorry, it's just that, well, we're getting older and every day there's a less chance everyday that we're gonna be adopted." Faith put her hand on Lindsey's shoulder.
"Hey, I get that. I totally do."
"Hey, guys, there they are." Taylor pointed out Ms. Patterson and two other couples coming towards them. Ms. Patterson walked past all the kids and towards Faith, Tru, Lindsey, and Taylor.
"Would you four please come with me." It was more of a command than a question.
"Yeah, sure." Tru answered for all of them. All of them, including the two couples and Ms. Patterson, walked into Ms. Patterson's office.
"Well, hello. I'll do the introductions. Children, this is Mr. and Mrs. Summers and Mr. and Mrs. Rosenburg. The blonde one is Lindsey, the tallest is Faith, the shortest is Taylor, and the other one is Tru. Girls, these people would like to adopt you. They live a little south of here in Sunnydale.They don't want to split sisters up, and since all four of you are best friends you'll be able to stay together.They also have kids of their own." Ms. Patterson explained. "Why don't you girls go get your things together. You're leaving in 30 minutes. All the paper work has already been done. Go and pack." The girls nodded and went upstairs to get ready and pack.
2 and a half hours later
They arrived at Sunnydale by midmorning. It turned out that their new 'parents' lived right next to each other. The girls looked around. Faith was the first to speak.
"Well, looks like Sunnyhell is gonna be a lot of fun." She said with a smirk. And that it was, a lot of fun.
Author Notes
If you like this, let me know if I should go on. Thanks.