Title: When Freddy Met Angie

Summary: Fred and Angelina's relationship from first year on.

A/N: Well, it's back: The story that everyone seemed to like better than my second one. To tell the truth, I liked this one better and that's why I've decided to bring it back and keep writing it. It turns out, though, that I'd accidentally deleted chapter one and I had to rewrite it, however there are only a few minor differences. Read and review please!

Chapter One

"Alright Mr. Weasley, you just stay in here and keep quiet!" Professor McGonagall scowled down at eleven year old Fred Weasley, and then smiled up at Professor Binns, who was enjoying a light nap beforehand. She pointed a waving finger at Fred and then shut the door.

"Just sit anywhere you want boy, but just don't….say…anything…" Professor Binns then dosed off in a drowsy sleep as Fred looked up at the History of Magic classroom to see anyone to sit with.

He went up the stairs silently searching until he found a girl in his grade with dark skin and long brown braids going down her back. She was sitting down, staring at the chalkboard, so Fred assumed she wouldn't care if he took a seat.

A few moments passed by and Fred was getting quite bored. He looked over at the girl a few times to see if she was still breathing due to the fact that she was in the same position when he first sat down.

"Um—excuse me…" Fred started. The girl blinked in notion that she was listening. Fred let out a relieved sigh.

"Well, at least I know that you're breathing!" He laughed. The girl's eyes shifted towards the floor. A few more silent moments came by and went. Fred looked around to see if anyone was looking at the same thing that the girl was intently staring at. He leaned in next to her.

"So, what are you in for?" He whispered.

"Do you mind?!" the girl hissed.

"Sorry, just asking a question." Fred told her defensively. A few more moments went by.

"Note passing." Fred told her.

"What?" The girl whispered.

"That's why I'm in here. So I'm sitting in potions class one day, listening to ol' Snape talk about Merlin knows what, and then that old prat Warrington sends me some note to pass and—"

"And then Professor Snape goes 'Mr. Weasley, passing notes are strictly prohibited. Detention and twenty points from Gryffindor." The girl finished in an annoyed tone.

"Wow you must be a really good guesser, eh?" Fred grinned at her.

"It's because I was there!" The girl turned her head around and looked at Fred straight in the eyes. He was quite taken aback, her eyes were a light, and almost unusual, but brilliant brown and he found himself staring at her.

"I didn't realize you were in my class." Fred said to her.

"I'm in all of your classes! You're Fred Weasley; you have a twin brother George and a bloody brilliant quidditch player of a brother Charlie." Angelina told him.

"Well, of course." Fred playfully grinned. "And you are—er—you are…" Fred really was unsure of this girl's name.

"Angelina Johnson!" she sighed.

"Right, I knew that Angelina!" Fred grinned.

"Do you mind, I'm trying to stay out of more trouble." Angelina went back to staring at the board.

"You never told me what you were in for, though, Angelina." Fred asked her. Angelina sighed and turned her head around, nearly knocking Fred out with one of her braids.

"For your information I am in here because I fell asleep in this class."

The two remained silent for a few more moments.

"So why are you—"Fred began.

"Why do you keep asking me so many questions?!" Angelina hissed at him. Fred this time was taken aback.

"I was going to ask how you know about my brother Charlie…"

"Well for your information, Fred, I know Charlie because I'm a huge follower of quidditch. I even plan on joining the quidditch team next year." Angelina said matter of factly.

Fred laughed at her condescendingly. "How? The only first years my brother would even associate with are George and I!"

"Not from him. I'm talking about Oliver Wood."

"OLIVER WOOD?!" Fred shouted in the classroom. The whole class turned to the two, including Professor Binns, who after a few moments of awkward silence went straight back to sleep.

"The fourth year? How do you expect to be on great terms with Oliver Wood?"

"Well, it happens that Oliver and I got into talking and he managed to give me a spot on the quidditch team for next year. Now would you stop asking me so many questions?"


"Because this is detention. Besides, we're not even friends."

"And, we can't be friends?"

"Well first off, Fred, in detention you're supposed to be quiet and second off, how do you expect to be friends with someone that you don't even notice is in all of your classes?"

Fred scoffed. "Angelina, I told you, I know who you are, and why can't we be friends? I'd like to be your friend."

"Well, I'd like to get out of here. Don't you have any tricks or pranks to get us out of here? Why do you stay here?"

"Well, I think of it as this way: A good friend helps out of detention while a best friend is sitting in there with you saying 'Bloody hell, that was fun'." Fred grinned.

Angelina stared at him blankly. "What does that have to do with me?"

"I just meant that I like detention, because it's another time for me to talk. But you know what?" Fred stormed off down to the door while Angelina quickly followed.

Fred was very annoyed by this girl and he didn't want to stick around her for long.

"Alohamora" Fred recited as the door quickly unlocked, and he escaped. The other students went rushing out of the door as Professor Binns woke up to the ruckus.

"Er—is detention over?" Professor Binns asked. Nobody answered, and he quickly went back to sleep.

"You're getting out of here?" Angelina asked him. "But I thought you liked detention."

"I do," Fred said, trying to locate his wand out of his pocket. "But I'd rather be back in the common room—or even in Snape's dungeon cleaning than stay here with a know-it-all prat like you!"

Angelina seemed taken aback by his comment, and then became angry. "Well, at least I know how to keep myself in trouble. You and your twin will land yourselves straight into Azkaban with your unfunny jokes!"

"Gee, Angelina, you really got me." Fred sarcastically told her, he went past her and walked off to the common room.

From that moment on, Fred Weasley and Angelina Johnson hated each other. Fred hated the way that Angelina would always answer questions in class, and get them right. He hated how she thought that she knew everything about quidditch; he even said behind her back that she probably couldn't play very well! Angelina hated that Fred thought he was so funny and along with his twin, ruled the Gryffindor first years. And how he thought just because his brother was a quidditch legend, he would be able to play very well.

The truth is thought, that the two didn't know each other at all. And this is the beginning of their story of learning to understand each other, and falling in love.