Title: I Do Unto You - Chapter One - Punishment

Pairing: Vexen and Marluxia/411

WARNING: Parts of this fanfic may be non-consensual!

Most of the content was inspired by fanfics written by various other authors, many references are made to events which took place in these fanfics.

This fanfic was originally a roleplay between me and Anniexo on Yahoo Messenger. I played as Vexen and Anniexo played as Marluxia, keep in mind that this was our first time playing as these characters so forgive anything that may seem out of character.

Also, I must give credit to Anniexo for roleplaying with me.

And most of the credit goes to Silvestris, because her fanfics and art inspired me the most to write this fanfic.

Here is the list of others I must also give credit to:











some other talented writers I don't remember the names of, and once again... Silvestris


Marluxia slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he could see that he was locked in a cage in a lab. He knew only one person who could have put him here...Vexen. "What the hell... Why have you put me in a cage Vexen!?" Marluxia said slowly getting up.

Vexen stared down at Marluxia, seeing the still slightly drugged look in his eyes, figuring he wasn't much of a threat at this point, he was only just waking up after all. "Must you ask? You know that I would take any given chance to obtain you as a specimen... and you know very well the reasons why." He smirked.

Marluxia rubbed his forehead. "Wha-what are you talking about? What do you mean by calling me a specimen? I'm not a heartless or something..." Marluxia said confused.

"True." Vexen nodded in agreement, then continued. "But I would like to run a few... 'tests' on you." He put a hand through the bars of the cage, petting Marluxia as if he were merely a caged dog.

Marluxia knocked Vexen's hand away from him and moved back a bit. "T-tests...Vexen what the hell are you talking about, what kind of tests!?" Marluxia asked even more confused now as well as afraid of what Vexen was planning.

Vexen couldn't help but to let out a dark laugh as he watched his so-called 'Superior' backing away in fear. "You have no need to worry, they are merely behavioral tests. For so long you have been the one to humiliate me, but I've managed to bare your insults. Now, I would like to see how you react to the treatment you gave me." He moved closer, touching Marluxia's cheek this time.

Marluxia knocked Vexen's hand away again and pushed him back this time. "Get the hell away from me...I don't know what you're talking about!" Marluxia shouted trying to make a run for it but tripping over his own feet.

Vexen unlocked the cage, stepping inside and moving closer to Marluxia. "You probably don't realize this, but my lab is located far beneath Castle Oblivion. Even if you manage to make your way out of this cage, you will not make it back to the surface." He approached Marluxia slowly, taking his time as he was confident that he had the Graceful Assassin weakened by the drugs that were still somewhat in effect on him, so most likely he wouldn't be able to open a portal of his own to escape.

Marluxia looked up at Vexen, still feeling very weak. "What are you going to do to me, damn it?" Marluxa asked.

Vexen slowly pulled out a belt with a chain connected to it from his pocket. "Does this make it clearer for you?" He smiled as he grabbed Marluxia from behind and forced the belt around his neck, tightening and strapping it around his neck. "You're no better than a dog, so you should be treated like a dog." Vexen hissed.

Marluxia tried to take the belt off from around his neck. "Damn it Vexen, I've never done this to you!" Marluxia shouted trying to get away from Vexen.

"Maybe you've never constricted me with belts or chains... but I've felt your hands around my neck, your fingers in my hair, quite similar to this." He gripped a mass of Marluxia's pink hair in his hands, pulling his head back to choke him slightly. "The memories of being forced into your bed are still tangible... I remember very well what it felt like for you to humiliate me."

Marluxia felt a tear fall down his cheek. "Vexen please stop...let me go." Marluxia's begging becoming a bit restless. "Let me go damn it!"

"Aww, how cute..." Vexen cooed at him, but took little pity. "It's only natural for you to want to escape right now, but after awhile, I'm sure you'll change your mind. But either way, I could care less about your needs, Marluxia, as you never cared for mine." He let go of his hair after figuring he spent a good amount of time without air. Vexen then took the weakened botanist into his arms, he was much taller than him and could carry him with ease to a metal examination table, equipped with leather restraints. Laying Marluxia down on the cold surface gently, he quickly strapped his arms into the restraints before he could try pushing away.

Marluxia tried to pull his arms out of the restraints. "What the fuck are you going to do to me!?" Marluxia shouted even more restless than before.

"How primal of you, Marluxia. When you are in control, you seem so clever... yet, when you are rendered helpless, you are reduced to basic instincts, thrashing around like an untamed animal." Vexen paused, a dirty smile crossing his lips. "I suppose I'll just have to tame you then..."

Marluxia didn't like what Vexen was thinking. "What!...what do you mean tame me...what is going through your dirty mind Vexen?!" Marluxia shouted wanting to get away so badly now.

Vexen burst out into wicked laughter, greatly amused and aroused by Marluxia's reactions. "How can you call me dirty compared to some of the things you've done to me?" He pulled Marluxia's zipper down half way so suddenly to scare him.

Marluxia let out a gasp at what Vexen had done. "Tell me, damn it... what are you going to do?" Marluxia asked sounding a little scared.

Vexen slowly removed his own gloves, allowing him to trail his cold fingers along Marluxia's bare chest, earning another gasp. "I'm going to humiliate you, just as you did me... forgive me if I take it a step further though, it is a bit hard to control myself once I get into the moment. This time, it will be you who bends to my will."

Marluxia squirmed under Vexen's touch. "Stop it Vexen...damn it, just let me go." Marluxia begged even more scared this time.

"Tell me, why should I let you go? Are you commanding me to, as Lord of Castle Oblivion?... Because you believe you have authority? Are you implying even now, as you are helplessly strapped to this table, that you are my Superior?" Vexen questioned curiously.

Marluxia closed his eyes, he wanted to answer but he was just to scared, he then tied to pull his arms again knowing full well he couldn't get away.

"Hmm... the Superior refuses to speak? Then I guess I'll just have to force a sound out of you, whether it be a moan or scream." Vexen focused his element into his hands, his already naturally cold fingertips becoming even colder as they moved across Marluxia's exposed skin.

Marluxia let out a loud scream. "AAGGHH! Vexen, get the fuck off me...you're fucking cold!" Marluxia shouted trying to shake Vexen's hand off of his body.

This only caused Vexen to smile more devilishly as he removed his hand, then zipped down Marluxia coat completely, leaving it open all the way. Then he quickly did the same with the zipper on his pants. Understanding that Marluxia would most likely not be able to take it if he kept his hand in it's icy state, he let it go back to normal temperature, which was still fairly cold compared to most people's hands. He moved his hands into Marluxia's unzipped pants and lightly brushed against his groin.

Marluxia let out a pleasurable groan, "Oh, Vexen..." Marluxia sighed as a smile formed on his face.

Vexen smirked confidently. "I knew I'd eventually hear you say my name in such a disgracefully pleasurable tone, Marluxia." He continued to move his hands in Marluxia's pants, touching him gently.

Marluxia groaned even more pleasurably. "Oh yes, I like that Vexen..." Marluxia sighed feeling very aroused but still a little scared.

Vexen did in fact enjoy the pleasurable moans of the Graceful Assassin... but he enjoyed the screams just as much. He craved to hear Marluxia screaming in pain, yet in pleasure as he couldn't stop himself from liking what was being done to him. Vexen touched softly, stroking his groin lovingly. Then, making his fingertips a bit colder.

Marluxia let out a gasp then a moan again. "Don't even think about it Vexen." Marluxia said knowing full well that Vexen wanted to go colder.

"Oh, you know me well, Marluxia... but what exactly can you do about it if I choose to disobey you and go colder?" Vexen taunted as he went just the slightest colder.

"No, don't go colder..." Marluxia begged, biting his bottom lip a bit.

Vexen smiled wickedly. "I wonder... should I accept your begging?... or should I ignore them as you ignored mine?" He thought for awhile, giving Marluxia the horrible suspense as he laid there unable to stop Vexen from doing whatever he wanted to him. "You're lucky, Marluxia... for now." Vexen took his hand away and slid Marluxia's pants down his hips and off onto the floor. Now, the Graceful Assassin was completely vulnerable to just about anything, particularly 'penetration'.

Marluxia was now more scared and he didn't like how Vexen had ended his last sentence. "Wha-what are you going to do to me now?" Marluxia asked trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"Just think carefully, my dear botanist... what would you do to me after removing my pants, were I in the position you are in now and you had the control over me?" Vexen observed Marluxia's nude form sprawled out across the table.

"Damn it, Vexen... if you're going to fuck me then just do it." Marluxia begged, he wanted nothing more than to just get away.

"I suppose you could assume that. But you're more of the one who prefers to fuck your victim for your own personal pleasure, I would much rather take my time observing and watching your reactions. Remember, I'm not doing this because I want to have sex with you, I'm doing this because I was to test you." Vexen shook his head, seeing that Marluxia had failed yet another of his tests and his mind was only focused on sex like usual.

Marluxia took a deep breath. "Fine, then what's the next test?" Marluxia asked looking away from Vexen.

Vexen grabbed Marluxia by the chin, turning his head to face him again. "If you continue to insist on resisting me, you will only make this much more uncomfortable." Vexen warned him as he forced a finger into Marluxia, turning his hands cold again.

Marluxia's eyes widened when feeling something cold inside him. By this time he was scared, cold and just wanted to get the hell away from Vexen.

Vexen let his hand go back to normal as he inserted another finger and began moving them inside Marluxia. "If you obey me, I promise you, I will make this experience pleasurable for you, Marluxia." He whispered softly in Marluxia's ear, gently nibbling on it.

Marluxia just laid there knowing he had no choice but to obey Vexen, and to let him know this, Marluxia nodded.

"Good..." Vexen smiled. He pushed his fingers deep into Marluxia, slowly and gently rubbing his sensitive areas.

Marluxia softly moaned and smiled a little to show that he enjoyed what Vexen was doing to him. "Mmmm...I like that." Marluxia softly whispered.

Vexen kissed along Marluxia's neck softly, then kissed his lips, opening his mouth slightly and slipping his tongue in.

Marluxia kissed Vexen back and softly sucked on his tongue.

Vexen pushed his tongue into Marluxia's mouth deeper, as well as pushing his fingers into him deeper.

Marluxia softly moaned in the kiss and blushed a little.

Vexen pulled away slowly from the kiss, not wanting to part from his lover. He pushed his fingers as deep as he could into Marluxia, rubbing inside him lovingly before slipping them out. He then removed his own clothing, and climbed onto the table on top of Marluxia, lowering his body on top of him and slowly easing himself into the Graceful Assassin.

Marluxia was now really enjoying himself. "Oh...Vexen...is this another one of your tests on me?" Marluxia softly said.

"I have to admit... it is a bit hard not to get the urge to please myself with you. So I guess you could say this is something I personally craved doing to you." Vexen smiled sinfully, his hands working their way down to Marluxia's hips and lifting them a bit, allowing Vexen better entry into his backside.

A sinful smile was now on Marluxia's face as well as he lifted his hips to help Vexen inside him. "That's the same reason, why I always want to fuck you, Vexen." Marluxia said smiling even more sinfully.

"I guess I can't blame you..." Vexen whispered half breathless as he slipped his groin into Marluxia. "We are... nobodies after all... no hearts..." He laughed somewhat, finding it funny that they lacked hearts and technically could not feel emotions, but the feeling of being inside Marluxia was so overwhelming that he could not deny that he felt even the slightest spark for him.

Marluxia laid his head to one side and blushed even more as he felt Vexen inside of him.

Vexen took advantage of Marluxia's exposed neck and licked it hungrily, sucking on his soft flesh while he moved in and out of him slowly almost teasing him.

Marluxia moaned happily. "Oh yes...tease me, Vexen...like I tease you." Marluxia said breathlessly.

Vexen was becoming harder and he wanted so badly just to force himself in Marluxia roughly, but he stayed calm and cool, concentrating on keeping a slow steady rhythm... pushing in slowly and deep, then pulling out and waiting, teasing his partner who whimpered for him to push back into him.

Marluxia softly groaned. "...that's it...ah yes..." He was really enjoying himself now.

"Oh... Marluxia..." Vexen let out a small moan. His hands found their way to Marluxia's which were still bound by the leather restraints. He tugged at them and loosend them, releasing his hands.

Marluxia wrapped his free arms around Vexen and held him. "Mmm... yes..." Marluxia whispered into Vexen's ear.

Vexen slid his hands down Marluxia's chest, waist, and then grabbed his thighs which were spread to the sides of him. He lifted Marluxia's thighs and pushed his body forward a bit, allowing him to slide deeper into him.

Marluxia let out a small gasp. "Oh...faster...Vexen..." Marluxia moaned, wanting Vexen to go faster.

"Mmm, Marly... You always did like it rough, didn't you?" Vexen smiled lustfully, sweat covering the both of their bodies. He let Marluxia's legs rest on his shoulders as he spread them further and thrusted himself in between them.

Marluxia let out a gasp. "Ah... yes, Vexen..."

Vexen bit Marluxia on the neck, trying to hold in a moan while he continued to thrust into him repeatedly. He dug his nails into Marluxia's thighs as he gripped them hard while pounding in between them roughly with his groin. "Ahhh, god damn!" He gasped pleasurably.

Marluxia was really happy now knowing that Vexen was truly fucking him. "Ahhh...don't stop, Vexen."

Vexen drove himself into Marluxia as deep as he could, not caring whether his partner could take it all. He kissed Marluxia roughly and chewed his bottom lip a bit hard, drawing a little blood. "Marluxia... you taste so sweet..." He whispered breathlessly after licking up the blood.

Marluxia started to cry in pain and in joy as Vexen fucked him. "Glad..you like...how I taste, Vexen."

"Oh, fuck yes!" Vexen never felt more aroused than the moment he made Marluxia cry out... the one thing he craved the most. His test was finally complete, he had forced a cry of pain and pleasure from the Assassin.

Vexen rammed himself in between Marluxia's thighs, his groin even harder than ever.

Marluxia couldn't stop his tears of pain and joy, as he felt himself cum. "Vexen...please stop."

Vexen growled a bit in frustration. "What?... Why?..." He didn't stop as he asked this, he wanted a good reason before he would let anything interrupt his pace.

Marluxia started to cry in pain more then joy. "Please...you're hurting me!" Marluxia cried.

Vexen slowed a bit, trying to control himself when he could so easily ignore Marluxia's request. He sighed trying to catch his breath. "And...?" He asked and bit cold and uncaring towards his partner, but at least he had stopped now.

Marluxia cried in pain a little more. "I'm sorry...Sorry I never stopped...when you begged...Vexen."

Vexen gasped slightly in surprise. "Marluxia..." He muttered softly. He felt angry at him, felt that he deserved to be punished for what he did, yet a part felt sorry for him... after all, he was apologizing. "You're lucky... I'm not as cruel as you. I would never ignore your begging. You... you didn't care." Vexen almost cried, but held back the tears and continued to hold Marluxia in an uncomfortable position.

Marluxia was really crying now. "Vexen...I'm sorry...I won't be so cruel next time...I'm sorry, Vexen."

Vexen let go of Marluxia, letting him lay back into a comfortable position. He closed his eyes for awhile as he thought, then kissed Marluxia softly. "If I had a heart... I'd love you." Vexen whispered as he pulled away. He slid down from the table and retrieved his clothing laying on the floor, turning back to Marluxia slightly. "If you really want to leave, this portal will take you back to Castle Oblivion." He opened a portal in the middle of the room, turning back away from Marluxia with a sad expression.

Marluxia got up, but didn't pick up his clothes or go through the portal, but he hugged Vexen from behind. "Thank you, Vexen... I'd love you too, if I had a heart."

"You sure didn't show it when you humiliated me..." Vexen muttered under his breath, not letting Marluxia hear that he was still slightly untrusting of him. "Marluxia..." He sighed, not sure what to say, he was mad at him though he wanted to be with him at the same time.

Marluxia let go of Vexen and walked to the front of him, then kissed him lovingly. "I'm sorry, Vexen." Marluxia whispered, letting the tears run freely down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

"How can you be sorry?... Just awhile ago you were desperate to escape from me. Then I fuck you and now you say your sorry?!" Vexen yelled at him but feeling a little bad as he watched him cry.

Marluxia took a step back from Vexen and looked away. "Because you showed me...how much I really hurt you...that's how I can be sorry." Marluxia whispered still crying.

"You still have no idea the full experience I went through... I should have never stopped even when you begged." Vexen pulled the chain still connected to the belt around Marluxia's neck, choking him just slightly, then he let go and cried. "But... I can't stand to see you like this. I can't bare to watch you in pain."

Marluxia held his hands over Vexen's and made him pull the chain again. "Hurt me, Vexen... hurt me like I hurt you." Marluxia whispered.

Vexen gasped slightly at Marluxia's reaction. "You want me to... punish you?" He asked curiously, but almost eager to do it.

Marluxia made Vexen pull on the chain again and nodded. "I hurt you so much... Please punish me for what I have done to you." Marluxia said, who was really crying now.

"On your knees." Vexen yanked the chain, pulling Marluxia forward to make him loose his balance a bit.

Marluxia fell onto his knees and looked up at Vexen.

Vexen walked over to a table, taking a whip into his hand and returning to Marluxia. He pressed a foot against the back of Marluxia, forcing him on his hands and knees. "I'm sure you remember this whip quite well... only this time, it's in my hand."

Marluxia nodded, he did remember the whip, and all too well how he used it on Vexen. He also knew what Vexen was planning, so he bit his bottom lip waiting to be whipped.

Vexen stepped back a bit, before snapping the whip on the ground beside him.

Marluxia flinched and looked over at Vexen, he was confused why Vexen hadn't whipped him yet. "W-why didn't you whip me, Vexen?" Marluxia asked, scared again.

Vexen couldn't admit he was feeling a bit guilty about what he was about to do no matter how badly he wanted to do it. But he quickly regained his composure... wielding the whip in his hand and striking it against Marluxia's behind.

Marluxia let out a scream in pain, he wanted to get up and run away, but he knew he had to stay to let Vexen punish him for what he had done.

Vexen snapped the whip across Marluxia's thighs, he punished him exactly as he had remembered himself being punished.

Marluxia put one of his hands over his mouth to stop himself from screaming again, he was crying at full force now from the pain.

Vexen stopped himself from striking again. "Marluxia... Do you remember how you felt when you were punishing me this way?"

Marluxia nodded at what Vexen had asked him, he had felt good, but now he knew how Vexen had felt... scared. "Just do it please." Marluxia begged.

Vexen reached back over to the table and grabbed a chain, binding Marluxia's arms behind his back. He wrapped his arms around his waist and forced himself into him, remembering that he had not finished from before as Marluxia had begged him to stop... but this time, he had no reason to.

Marluxia moaned as he felt Vexen inside of him. "Oh god..."

Vexen grabbed Marluxia's thighs and spread them as far apart as possible, pushing all of his weight into Marluxia's back.

Marluxia screamed out loud. "OH GOD YES...YES VEXEN!"

Vexen thrusted into him harder even though it felt he could break Marluxia, but he didn't care, he moaned wildly as he forced it in. "DAMN YOU MARLUXIA! GOD DAMN YOU!"

Marluxia cried out in pain and tried to get his hands free. "VEXEN...I'M SORRY!" Marluxia shouted.

Vexen rammed himself into him, despite the fact that he actually did break Marluxia, the blood running down his thighs, but he didn't stop... it actually made him cum. "Please... forgive me..." He panted and cried afterwards.

Marluxia felt like he was going to pass out. "Wha...what have you done to me?" Marluxia cried.

Vexen just continued to cry, knowing what Marluxia must have felt, as he had felt the same before.

Marluxia let out a painful cry, then he lost consciousness and passed out under Vexen.
