A/N: I know I don't support tensionshipping but my friend who does convinced me, so I wrote this with with my friend's help. So...my friend gets 50 of the credit.

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. But I do own all of the girl scouts.

May was crying on the way home from her latest failure with Drew. It had been five months since she had won a Pokemon Contest; her repetitive loses affecting both her self esteem and her mental health.

"I'll never enter a contest again! Never!" she sobbed, barely able to walk in pace with Drew, who was practically holding her up from the ground. She had been having this emotional break down for the past hour.

"You just have to practice more, you'll win next time." said Drew, though he didn't really believe it. She was getting progressively worse.

"There won't be a next time Drew. I'm never entering another contest again for as long as I live and love!" said May.

Drew nodded, pretending to understand. May was practically choking on her words. Harley had won the contest that she had just entered. May was struggling from the beginning of the contest, setting half the arena on fire during the preliminary rounds and facing Harley during the battle stages. He beat her after his first move with his weakest pokemon without suffering any damage. May had run out of the building in shame and horror while Harley accepted his new ribbon. It was after the ceremony that May hunted down Harley backstage. She demanded a rematch, which Harley denied, sending May spiraling into insanity. May insulted the cookies Harley had made, saying that she had lied when he had asked if she had liked them or not.

"I never liked your cookies! They were the most vial, disgusting things on this planet!" she screamed, in front of the judges and the last of the burnt people leaving the arena. Well, if there is one thing you don't say to Harley, it's that you don't like his food. He had slapped May across the face before casually leaving, sashaying out the door. May had to be held back by Brock, Ash, and Drew to keep her from attacking Harley. Drew kept his girlfriend inside until he was sure that Harley had made it out of harm's (May's) way.

May's crying went on until her and Drew were just down the street from May's house. May had broken away from Drew, shuffling down the street like a drunk. Keeping her eyes on the ground, she walked this way until she found herself crashing into a telephone pole. She crumpled to the ground in deep depression, while Drew took his time to see if she was alright. Her whining was getting on his nerves.

A bright neon green piece of paper on the telephone pole that sported some blood from May's nose caught Drew's eye. Pushing May over a little with his foot, he read:

Join the girl scouts today! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! We make gingerbread cookies for all ginger bread cookies out there! We offer courses like musical chairs! Because that game rocks! Weeeeeeeeeeee! So yeah! Join now you silly goose pimples! Please call: 1-800-COO-KIES today! Toodles for now!

Drew searched the strange flier of a name, but couldn't find one. It was probably put up by some old lady with too many cats and free time. Just perfect for someone he knew.

"Hey May, have you ever been a Girl Scout before?" Drew asked, looking down at the girl bleeding on the ground.

It took a minute, but May managed to pull herself up off the ground.

"A what?" she asked, wiping her bloody nose on Drew's sleeve. She had never heard of Girl Scouts before. It sounded dangerous.

"A Girl Scout." said Drew, trying to hide his disgust. "You know, they sell extremely expensive cookies and visit old people and play musical chairs. It's…fun."

"Really!" exclaimed May, gazing at the flier and forgetting that she was horrible at playing the game of life, let alone something to do with chairs. "It sounds awesome!"

"Well, maybe you should sign up!" suggested Drew, ripping the paper off of the pole and handing it to May. This could be good for May, something to keep her mind off of her contests. He guided May to her house and left her on the porch, absorbed in the flier and the new opportunity to find herself in the world. On the way back to his hotel room, Drew wondered why he was going out with May at all. Other than the fact that May was a danger to herself, Drew could care less. But the whole affair had been May's idea anyways.

I know, it was kindda boaring, but it gets more humerous as it continues. Trust me. Anway, don't forget to review! Flames Welcome!