Harry Potter and the Pirates of the Caribbean

Here it is... after a year of waiting, here is the end of Harry Potter and the Pirates of the Caribbean.. This monstrous fanservice fic is now over. It was fun spending a year of my life thinking about this fic and all. 3 Thanks everyone for reading, I'm glad I had such wonderful readers! This is my longest fanfic that I have ever completed. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way.

Dahsia, Brittany, Imperator Gnome, irony is my game, Alana, and many, many more.. Without them, there would be no wonder fanservice fic! Thank you all!

Chapter 21- The End.

It was several hours later that Nicholas Flamel walked down into the cave, much later than the time Adele had specified.

The immortal wizard shot into an immediate interrogation about what had exactly happened and how Adele emerged from the room, but Harry didn't feel interested in talking. He merely picked up the fallen wizard's wand and looked up imploringly at the man to as if to ask him not to question him further.

By the time they reached the surface once more, the crew had disposed to Sirius's body. He had been the only person that Adele attacked; everyone else had been kept safe. Harry felt his chest tighten even more. He could have prevented this.

Without any words, the crew packed up and returned to the Black Pearl. Harry decided against helping, only going to his place in the Captain's quarters to be alone.

This whole adventure had been for nothing.. Sirius was the reason he jumped though the veil in the first place. He sighed, had he not been so headstrong, Sirius would still be alive. His memories would have been forever gone, but at least he wouldn't be dead. This was all for nothing. It wasn't even worth it.

He began to try to keep his mind off of what had happened. He wondered briefly about how the events in the ministry had turned out. He wondered if the dream he had in the cave had had any basis in fact. Hermione might not have become a deatheater at all.. No, if it were true, they would have just killed her.

And what of the others? Luna, Neville, Ron, and Ginny had all been there as well. Did they manage to return home safely? Were they with their families trying to get away from the Deatheaters. Did the followers of Voldemort see Harry falling through the veil as a win for them? As a sign that things were going to turn out in their favor?

The questions that plagued his mind were baffling him. So much so that he rarely left the Captain's quarters over the never few days. He had become aware that at one point Flamel had come in to see him.

"Harry, I know it's difficult to talk after losing a loved one.. Merlin knows that I know that pain. But.. It does help to talk about it.. I am leaving in a few hours time. I'll be apparating back home. So, if you want to speak to me, please do it before then. However, Captain Sparrow needs to know your plans."

Harry looked up at the man from his cot on the floor, "What plans? Even with my memories back, I still have no idea how to get home. I don't have any clue as to what I should be doing... and even if I did, I don't know if I want to return home.. I.. The bubble was not the only dream I had, Mr. Flamel."

"Oh? What was this other dream? The one you told me seemed to be quite prophetic."

Harry looked away, down at the covers over his lower extremities, "Before I fell through the veil, I was in a fight with several bad people called Deatheaters.. They work for a man named Voldemort, who is trying to take over the Wizarding world from behind the scenes. No one believes he is alive because it is a widely known fact that he killed himself trying to kill me.. However, he was resurrected about a year ago from my time and is at work again... There was some prophecy that was to get when I was in the ministry.. It had something to do with my connection to him."

He stopped for a moment and took a breath, "In this dream.. My friends reported that everyone had lost hope for beating Voldemort.. That since I fell through the veil, the Deatheaters took it as a win for their side, since... Since no one ever returns from the veil."

Flamel nodded for a moment before conjuring a chair to take a seat in, "And for you all know, there is definitely some truth in that dream... There is not a possible way for you to know for sure."

Harry sighed and nodded his head, "For argument's sake, say I can return.. I've been gone for over a month now. What if the fight is over? What if he has won? They lost their savior.. Will they really accept me back?"

Flamel thought on this for a long moment, "Well.. Think of it this way.. It seems as if they are dependant upon you... What greater sigh of hope would it be then to see someone they were sure to have fallen to rise up again? Obviously, you weren't meant to die when you fell through the veil.. Just forget everything and start anew."

Harry thought on this for a moment. He understood the comparison being made, but he was in no way as important as a general of an army of some kind of leader he was being compared too. Would people still see it as a beacon of hope if he returned?

The black-haired wizard sighed, "You may have a point, but how do I get back?"

Flamel thought for a moment, "Well, since you have your memories back, I see no reason why you can't side-apparate with me to the British Ministry and you explain your situation.. Perhaps they'll know how to get you back home."

Harry nodded slowly, it was the best idea he had heard so far.

"Very good, once we reach the outside of the barrier, we'll leave.. You best go and say your goodbyes then.."

Harry nodded. He stood and, for the first time since boarding, he emerged from the Captain's quarters. It was only when he placed his feet on the deck did he realize that this was probably the last time that he would ever see Jack Sparrow again.

As he searched out the man to say his goodbyes, he began to wonder whether or not that was a good thing. The man seemed so fickle about everything. He went from attempting to win over Sirius to winning over him, or trying to get Will back. The man was not the type to have a long last relationship with.. But he was someone you couldn't help but want to be around.. Even if he did drive you insane.

He soon spotted the man talking to Will on the deck. He was unsure as to what they were talking about, but he began to feel strangely sad.

"Ah, Harry! Glad to see you up and about, love. Have you decided what your future plans are going to be?"

Harry nodded slowly, "Yes.. Mr. Flamel is going to take me to London.. We're going to talk to the Ministry and see if they can get me back home."

Jack looked him over for a moment, "Is that so? Does this mean that once you leave with him, I'll never see Harry Potter, defeater of Adele 'Black Death' Blair, again?"

"Yes.. Unless you'd care to come with me to my time.." For some strange reason, even though he knew the man was going to turn him down, he couldn't help but feel strangely hopeful.

Jack smirked, "No, I am best suited for my time.. Besides, I am nonmagical. There is no guarantee that I'd be able to go.. Plus, I have my own adventures waiting on me. I still have to deal with Davy Jones... Going a few centuries into the future won't deter him any." He shurgged his shoulders nonchalantly. It was quite obvious

Harry nodded, "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Sparrow.. I won't forget this.."

"Yes, you will," Jack said without hesitation.

Harry looked up at him, incredulous, "How could I?"

"You'll have other adventures. You'll meet others.. Think I remember everything that has ever happened to me? No, I will fade in your memories, I am sure of it."

Harry felt saddened at the man sureness of the situation. How could he forget? Losing his memories had made him realized how dear they really were. He would forever strive to make sure that they wouldn't leave him again.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Sparrow... At any rate, I want to thank you for all of your help. I would still be on Tortuga if it weren't for you. You have helped me way more then you realized."

Jack picked up a bottle of rum he had at hand and took a drink, "Don't get mushy on me, boy.."

Harry blushed slightly and nodded his head. Without another word, Jack went back to his conversation with Will and Harry bid farewell to his other shipmates. The smelly pirates had almost become family to him. He was sad to see them go. However, he would be glad to get back home, where there were showers and soap.

The teen had lost track of time and before he knew it, Flamel had approached him.

"Ready to go? We must make haste."

Harry nodded his head as he walked over to the man. The man placed a hand on his shoulder and suddenly his surroundings of the Black Pearl, the pirates, and Jack Sparrow disappeared.

The End...

Thanks to all of those who have been with this prose from the beginning. It's probably not the best thing ever written (It had too much fan service if you ask me) but thank you for reading nonetheless.

Take the ending as you will have it.. However, I see Harry going to Ministry, pleading his case and letting him return to his time. Story will pick back up from there.. I decided to go with this more ambiguous ending because I got lazy... I didn't feel like writing about the pleading with the Ministry and everything... It would have gone away from the Pirates of the Caribbean part of the fic and it would have been boring.

Also, the "You'll forget this" reference made by Jack.. The original ending was to have him go through the veil once more and the parasite living within erases the adventure he had with Jack. That ending finished with Hermione and Ron finding him. Harry didn't remember what happened, but as they walk away, he began to whistle the Pirate song Jack had taught him.

Thank you once more for reading my Mega-Uber Badly-Written Fangirl Crossover Fic!! Yay!