Harry Potter and the Pirates of the Caribbean

Author: Spamilla

Rating: T

Summary: This is a HP/PotC crossover. Harry follows Sirius into the veil, and they end up together in land of Tortuga. Sirius has lost his memories and a certain pirate is interested in him. Can Harry help get his memories back and find their way home or will the draw of the mysterious Jack Sparrow be enough to get him to stay??

Pairings: None yet

Look out for: Nothing yet.. This will be edited when something does happen.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling and Pirates of the Caribbean belongs to the Disney corporation. More or less, if you recognize it, it's not mine.

Yeah! It's time to start!

Chapter One: Welcome to Tortuga

Harry watched around him as the Order were still fighting the Deatheaters that had just been hot on their trail. His gazed was then squarely on Sirius. He seemed ecstatic to be out of the house and into some trouble. He was joyously fighting his cousin, Bellatrix, having just dodged an unknown spell that sent out a large red flare at the scraggily man.

"Come on! You can do better then that!" Sirius said with a laugh, echoing in the vast room.

The second blast hit him squarely in the chest.

Sirius's face immediately lost all emotion. It was obvious to Harry that he had been stunned. Sirius began breathing hard and stumbling backwards, towards the large grey coloured veil that was flowing from some nonexistent wind behind him.

Harry watched as Sirius passed through the veil. It seemed like ages to Harry before he fell through the tattered curtain into the archway behind it. It didn't matter however. Sirius would just get up as tactful as ever from the other side of the arch and rejoin the fight.

In spite of Harry's hopes, Sirius did not rise back up.

'Well, he must have just fallen beyond the veil. He might need some help! And those brain leech things could be holding him down!' Harry thought as he rushed towards the wispy drapery before him.

"Harry! No!" he heard a voice from behind him yell. Harry was stopped just before he made it his destination. "He's gone. He's not coming back."

Harry shook his head, "No! He's just behind the curtain! I can reach him! Let me go, Professor Lupin!"

"No! No one comes back from the veil!" The past-professor yelled, trying to get a grip on the young wizard to stop him from continuing on.

"I can't lose him! He's just behind it!" Harry yelled as he broke away from Remus's grip and dived head first into fluttering veil in front of him.

A strange sensation passed over him as he passed through the billowing drape. He felt as if he were being wrapped up in ice, as if caught in a Dementor's gaze. He realized it was getting harder and harder to breathe as the binds tightened. He cried out as he felt the sensation of a freezing hand on the crown of his skull, digging into the consciousness, tearing away at who he was.

'No.. Stop! ..Get away.' he thought fiercely as he struggled to get away from the grasp of the frigid binds around him. He felt as if he couldn't break free. This is how the veil killed all who passed. He was a fool to run after Sirius. He tried to take in a breath, but it was almost as if there was no oxygen to pull into his lungs. He heard a loud groaning noise reaching his ears from his mouth as he tried to bring in one last breathe before the world around him turned black.

The young wizard felt himself lose consciousness until he impacted on a hard surface. He laid there for a moment, his mind fuzzy, unable to focus on his surroundings. Where was he? His eyes fluttered around as he tried to take in everything around him from his spot on the ground. His perspective showed him he was laying on a rather hot, sandy beach and it was late in the day. He had the sudden urge to strip off his robe, but he couldn't find the energy.

Harry jumped when he felt a foot nudge his shoulder. He gave a groan and turned his head to see a tall, slovenly looking man in front of him. He noticed quickly that the man seemed very dirty and was missing several teeth.

"Eh, boy.. You alive? Why you laying dere like that?"

Harry didn't answer immediately. He shook his head and stood to face the voice in front of him. He saw that the man had the appearance of a pirate. This confused him even more. Why were to many people dressed so strangely? He looked up on the boardwalk and took note that everyone seemed to be dressed in attire not of the time he could remember.

The uncleanly man waited for an answer, but since he didn't seem to be getting one, continued to wallow in his own crapulence.

"You is the second soul that's washed up on these beaches in the last two days, you is. ..'Except the other one ain't got no memory... Say, what's your name, boy? Or do you not know either?"

Harry thought for a minute. He knew his name, Harry James Potter. How could he forget? He had been named after someone important in his life. But who? He realized then he did not know.

"Boy! Did you hear what I say? What is your name?"

"Uh, It's Harry Potter." Harry said as he tried to shake some of the damp, gritty sand off this robes he didn't quite remember why he was wearing.

"Where do you come from? Did your ship crash? Who be your captain?" The man shot at him in quick succession.

Harry was quite unsure about how to answer any of this. His ship? His captain? What was the man talking about? Where exactly was he? There were no more pirates around Britain anymore. Was he even in the same time period? As far as he could remember, he was looking for Sirius and he needed to get back home.

But where was home?

"Erm, I'm not sure.. I don't think I'm from here."

"Well, that's bloody true.. You ain't dressed like no pirate I ever seens. Thought you might some kind of upperclass." The pirate was quiet for a minute. "Hows about I take you to see that other chap that washed up yesterday? He was dressed like you, he was. Joined my captain's crew, he did. Must've been some mighty powerful magic that hit you's ship for everyone to forget whose they is."

Harry looked at the man apprehensively. The man did not look like a respectable member of society. His closes had holes and smudges of who-knows-what all over it. He had the appearance of a homeless man. Should he follow this man at all? How could he even trust him?

"Show me I can trust you.." Harry said after a minute of thought.

"Ah! A good lad you be! I am not armed except for a dagger I keep in me breeches. If you be like the other man, you have nothing I want any way. Besides, if ye have lost yer memory, who else have ye got?"

Harry nodded and followed the man off the beach. He felt extremely uncomfortable in his clothing as they were taking a street towards the location of the man's ship. It was hot, but he felt as if he shouldn't take off his robes. The sun was high in the air, beating down on the brow of the young wizard as he shifted around his clothing.

Harry was surprised to notice that everything seemed much more primitive that he remembered. There was absolutely no sign of electricity. There was also no sign of running water, that was made clear when he caught a man relieving himself in an alley.

He also quickly saw that no one spoke very good English, made excessively clear

"Er, we gonna make a stop 'fer we go to de ship. Oh, by the same, name's Buck'n Bill McCarthy, an' welcome to de Isle of Tortuga." The man said reaching a filthy hand.

"Tortuga? What's that?" Harry said, not particularly wanting to shake the man's hand.

"You 'ave no idea what Tortuga is? Why, it's de most famous pirate Isle there is in the Atlantic! Advice be to you if you've never been to Tortuga. Watch your back. Man can be robbed and killed by his brother here." He said with a shrug. He reached up and pulled off a bandana he had been wearing and wiped his forhead.

"It's hot as Hades out here, it is. Don't rightly see how you is wearing that black cloak. But to each his own, am I right?"

The two made their way down the street. Harry was extremely anxious being here now. He took the man's advice and was careful to watch over everything around him. He realized that he must've not even been in the same time period he had been in before.

Buck'n Bill stopped short in front of a repugnant building with vines that slithered up the side. He ushered Harry to follow in front of him, which he quickly did. He did not trust his guide, but he did not know anyone else. Besides, as far as he knew, there was nothing to gain from robbing Harry.

Harry watched in anger as he saw the man walk up to the bar and order a whiskey. 'Some help Buck'n Bill McCarthy is..' Harry thought with a scowl.

He sighed and looked for a chair to sit in close to the pirate. He watched as he walked through, a brawl broke out. He saw a man with long, stringy, dingy hair stand up and pull a sword out on the man across from him.

Harry jumped slightly and tried to get out of their way, he didn't want to be a part of anything these men were fighting about and decided it would be best to leave them to their business.

However, his neutralism quickly changed when he was grabbed and used as a human shield by the man opposite the one with the sword.

The young man's eyes widened and fear filled him as he saw the dingy man prepare to charge at him with the sword.

"Hey now!" Harry heard from behind him. The man using him as a shield turned to look, and Harry saw a rather tall, handsome man with long hair man standing behind him.

"What do you thing you're doing there, Mr. Stokes? Are you planning to charge at this young man Mr. Bettingsfield is using as shield?" he asked as he sauntered over towards him.

"Er.. Well, yeah, I was," said the man Harry now knew as Mr. Stokes.

"And why were you going to do this?" the tall, tan man said, lifting a hand to his chin. He took a staggering step towards the conflict. Harry noticed, briefly, that everything around him had stopped. This was being watched by everyone in the room. Who was this pirate that came to his aid?

"Well, John cheated at cards, he did! I saw fives aces, I did!"

"Yer a filthy liar! I always play fair!!" Mr. Bettingsfield cried, pulling Harry closer.

The mysterious man raised a hand in the air, his body swaying slightly. "Well, as I can see, this is an argument between Mr. Bettingsfield and Mr. Stokes. The young man has nothing to do with it, and I am sure he would appreciate it if you would release him. Here," the man pulled up the table that had been knocked over when beginning their fight and handed it to Mr. Bettingsfield.

"There you are. Now, I will take the youth and you two gentlemen may continue," the man said with a slight bow, grabbing Harry by the arm and pulling him with him towards the bar.

Harry felt extremely grateful to the handsome man that had just saved his life. He felt sure that he was staring death in the eye and this pirate-angel had swooped down and plunked him from certain death. 'However, I've been in this situation many times. I've been extremely lucky people are always to willing to help.'

"Now, that I've saved your life, we need to talk about payment. I usually charge 20 doubloons, but in your case, I'll make it fifteen."

"What? You're charging me for saving my life?! A-and what's a doubloon?!" Harry yelled suddenly, regretting thinking all those wonderful thing he had about the pirate. Buck'n Bill was right. People will screw you over anything here.

"Well, you look like a young man with some money, so I assume you will show your gratitude by helping a poor man, such as myself, out. I risked my life helping you out up there. Had those men or myself been any drunker, you would be a dead maggot," the pirate said, leaning in on the young man. Harry curled his lip as he received a grin and a face full of rum-soaked breath.

"Well, sorry to inform you, but I don't have any money. I was just on my way to find someone, but my guide came in here for a drink. I thank you for saving my life, but I really have nothing to give you in return."

"Is that so? Cheeky, aren't you?" The man raised a hand up and began stroking his bread. "Well, I see it differently. I see a young virile man that could work pretty well on a ship for payment. Besides, coming to work for me would keep you safer than wondering around Tortuga, since you don't seem to know your way around here," the older man said in almost a threatening manner.

Harry felt immediately intimidated. He had just witnessed that no one was afraid to kill another around here. He needed to get away and find Sirius as quickly as possible. There's no way he was even in the same century that he had been in when he fell through the veil. He needed to use his knowledge of whatever history he knew to get him through here.

"Well, my good sir, I would certainly love to go and work on your ship, but I am on a mission at the moment. I am looking for my partner that has gone missing. If you help me find him, I will give my service and his on your ship as payment for a month."

The man stared at him for a moment, considering Harry's offer. Harry hoped desperately that he would buy it.

"Just who are you, love?" the pirate said after a moment. "Who is this man you are looking for? Your lover, perhaps? Aren't you a bit young?" He gave a smirk.

Harry gave a bright pink flush, "No! We're not lovers! ..He already has someone. We're family. He is a man of about thirty-five years, messy black hair, and dressed almost as I am."

"Ah, I may know who you are speaking of. I had a man of that description join my crew last night. If it is this man, you are out of luck, he has lost his memory of even who he is."

Harry gave a hard gaze, "Are you the captain of Buck'n Bill McCarthy?"

"That drunk? Aye, he is in my crew. He's not the guide that you spoke of, is he? The drunk would lead you astray in a moment if there be bar around. Well, come along, boy. I will take you to your consort. He doesn't remember his name, but he's been calling himself Black." The man hopped out of his seat and began leading Harry out of the door.

Oh! By the way, name's Sparrow. Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy?"

Harry nodded, "Uh, nice to meet you, I'm Harry Potter."

Jack Sparrow reached out a hand and gave Harry a simple handshake and pulled the boy out of the bar. As they made their way towards the docks, Harry noticed the man was staggering slightly. Whenever he would sway, he held up a hand caught himself. Always muttering things like: "Opps! Careful Jack.." or "Bugger.."

The ship turned out to be a bit of a distance from the bar. Jack took Harry up a plank onto a ship with black masts. He noticed that the ship didn't seem to be too well taken care of. There seemed to be some mold and algae stuck to the side of the ship that gave it an unsightly appearance.

"Welcome to my ship, Black Pearl. Yada, yada, Black is just downstairs in the cabins. Chap maybe asleep, however," the captain shrugged. He walked over to a door and kicked a large bag of some rubbish out of the way. "Ah, here we are," he muttered as he led Harry through a door into the back.

Harry walked through and approached the man that seemed asleep in a hammock towards the rear of the room. Harry noted quickly that Sirius seemed a bit more worn than he had when he had last seen him fighting with Bellatrix. He seemed more tired and his five o'clock shadow seemed denser. His hair also appeared to have grown a bit.

"Sirius!" Harry said as he bent down, shaking the older man's shoulder lightly. "Are you awake?"

"I wasn't." Sirius shook his head and rose up on his elbow and looked at Harry, with sleep in his eyes. "Who is it? What do you want?"

"Sirius.. It's me, Harry."

"I don't know any, Harry.. And I'm serious, name's Black. Now, bugger off. I'm tired. Captain, take the kid out of here." Sirius said with a mutter as he flopped back down the bed and quickly fell asleep again.

Harry started to reach for the man again, but he was stopped by Jack, "Come on, boy.. He said he was tired. Bothering him now won't help things."

The young man, however, did not listen. "Sirius! Get up!" He reached over and grabbed the man by the arm. "Don't you remember? The veil? Don't you remember Remus?"

Sirius, by this time, was sitting on the edge of the bed, "You're really bothersome, you know that? I told you I don't know anything. What veil?" he growled, rubbing his face.

Harry was silenced for a moment. He knew he didn't remember everything as he had before he went through the veil and was having a hard time compiling facts. He knew that the man was his Godfather, but he could not remember his parents. He remembered that Remus and Sirius had a blossoming relationship. He remembered he was a Wizard. He remembered Lord Voldemort. He remembered being attacked in the Department of Mysteries, although he didn't remember why.

"Sirius.. Your name is Sirius Black," Harry said softly. "Don't you remember this?" Harry said as he remembered his wand in his back pocket. He reached under his cloak and pulled it out.

"Nice stick. What does it have to do with me?" Sirius asked with irritation dripping in his voice.

Harry searched his mind for an incantation. He couldn't think of one. He almost wanted to say 'Abracadabra!' and have flowers spurt from one end, anything that would prove that he had some magic in him. That's when a spell hit him.

"Lumos!" Harry yelled excitedly, the tip of his wand lighting up with a flare. Sirius jumped and quickly pulled out his own wand that he had had in pocket as well. The black haired remembered waking up with the stick and unintentionally placing it in his back pocket. Like a bad habit.

"Believe me, Sirius," Harry said as he shook out the wand. "I'm not here to screw you over. I jumped in the veil to come get you. I don't know why, but I know I can't go back without you."

Sirius nodded his head slowly. He raised his wand and tried the incantation himself, and to his delight, it work just as well as it had for the young wizard.

Jack Sparrow had been watching this encounter with interest. It was obvious to him at this point that his two guests were more than what they seemed. His thoughts were confirmed when he saw the small glow from the tip of the young boy's wand. A wizard or two would be greatly helpful in his next mission, whether or not they remember their magic or not. Sacrifices were always good as well.

"Now, that you have your partner back, I do believe you owe me a month of service on my ship." The captain said with a grin, reaching out a hand to Harry.

The brunette had completely forgotten about his offer. However, maybe working the ship would give him the opportunity to figure out how to get their missing memories back and find a way back home. Besides, the captain didn't seem like such a bad guy.

"Okay, you're on. One month of service." Harry said with a nod, slipping his wand back under his clothing.

"Welcome to the crew of the Black Pearl," Captain Sparrow said with a grin.

To Be Continued...

A/N: To those who are wondering: When you're reading the first chapter and notice how Harry seems to remember some things and not others and Sirius remembers nothing, it's because Harry was able to fight against the binds that held him when he fell through the veil. He wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he knew something was wrong when he felt the icey clutch on his skull. Sirius, however, was unconscious when he fell through, and could not fight against anything. I believe that the veil doesn't necessary kill all who pass, just wipes their minds and sends them to another time to start life over. Sorry, I went ahead and wrote this because I know there are eventually going to be questions. If you see anything else funny, please let me know!