You Left Me

Chapter 1: Frizzy's Return

Disclaimer: I don't own

A/N: This chapter was super fun to write. Dani Beck makes a short appearance in this chapter. Trust me when I say all you anti-Danis will be happy. Enjoy!

Olivia looked across her desk at her partner. He was leaning back in his chair throwing a pen into the air then catching it again. He looked bored.

"Busy day?" the Captain said loudly from behind Elliot. As a result, Elliot toppled over in his chair. His pen hit him smack on his forehead. Olivia held a folder up to her mouth to hide her grin. Elliot stood up as Munch and Fin began clapping. Elliot gave a mock-bow, but looked at the two with daggers in his eyes. Munch raised an eyebrow and Fin raised his hands in surrender. Olivia giggled before she could stop herself. Elliot looked at her, both brows raised.

"You want to add something?" He asked trying to sound angry. He failed. Miserably. Olivia opened her mouth to respond, but she suddenly lost all her breath. She was literally choking on air. 'No, it couldn't be!' Olivia thought. 'Why would she come back here?' Dani Beck had just walked into the squad room. Her eyes darkened when she saw Olivia.

"Why the hell are you sitting at my desk?" Beck asked, stunned. Olivia looked at her, fury evident in her eyes. The room had gone quiet. All eyes turned to watch Olivia and Beck.

"Excuse me?" Olivia asked; words dripping with sarcasm. "Your desk? No, you see, this is my desk. You were just keeping it warm for me while I was away." By this point everything had frozen. People had stopped talking, stopped shuffling papers, and had ceased to do anything else that made noise. Olivia stood up.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but-" Beck began.

"Benson." Olivia said, cutting Beck off.

"Huh?" Beck asked and Olivia smiled.

"Detective Olivia Benson." She walked around her desk and stood next to Elliot. "Elliot's partner."

Munch nudged Fin in the arm.

"Olivia could so take Beck." Fin nodded in agreement.

"You bitch!" Beck breathed. "Elliot's my partner." She walked towards Elliot.

"Uh- uh. I don't think so." Olivia stepped in front of Elliot, blocking Dani's path.

"Move Benson." Beck said, attempting to be threatening.

"First of all, it's Detective Benson to you. And, second, I don't want to fight. You seem like a nice person, but you gave up your job here. And even if you had stayed I would still be Elliot's partner. You were just a temp."

"Elliot didn't think so." Beck snickered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Olivia asked. Munch groaned and watched Olivia's face closely. This was not going to end well.

"Oh, I guess he didn't tell you. We kissed, Olivia."

"For your information," Olivia smirked. "He did tell me. We don't keep secrets. Especially ones that are less than important." Inside, however, Olivia was screaming. He hadn't told her! But she would not let Dani know that. Suddenly, Beck drew back her fist. Munch and Fin launched themselves out of their chairs. No way were they going to let Dani touch Olivia. She was like a sister to them. But, before they could reach her Dani had hit Olivia. The whole world stopped. Munch, Fin, Cragen, and Elliot stood speechless. They didn't understand; Olivia could have stopped her. Why hadn't she?

Dani cocked her fist again, but this time Olivia caught her wrist. Wordlessly, she twisted Beck's arm behind her back and slammed her face into the desk.

"Dani Beck; you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer." Olivia said in a dangerous monotone. "You have the right to remain silent." She continued as she shoved Beck into an interrogation room. Olivia finished reading Dani her rights then walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She took a deep breath and walked towards Elliot. When she was standing in front of him she crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her head to the side.

"Look, Liv-," he tried. He reached out his hand to touch her arm, but she jumped and backed away like she had been bitten.

"Don't." she took a shaky breath. "Don't you touch me." She continued to back up slowly, her eyes filled with tears. "Don't touch me." She whispered again. Then she turned on her heel and fled the room.

"Alright people, back to work! This is not a show." Cragen shouted walking towards Elliot. Elliot turned to Munch, but Munch only shook his head. Elliot then turned to Fin who avoided his gaze completely. "Munch, go talk to Olivia. Make sure she's okay." Cragen said. Elliot opened his mouth, but Cragen only spoke louder. "Fin go book Beck."

Elliot sank into his chair and covered his face with his hands.

"Olivia! C'mon Olivia, I know you didn't leave!" Munch called. He paused and waited for a reply. "Olivia!"

"Over here, John. Stop shouting." Munch turned around. Olivia was leaning against the wall of the precinct. Her head was down and she was using the back of her hand to wipe away her tears.

"Hey, Liv, don't worry about it. He kissed Dani…so what? I mean so what? It's not like you two are together." He put more emphasis than necessary on this last sentence. 'Might as well find out if they are.' He thought.

"Oh, shut up!" Olivia gave a tearful laugh. She looked up and Munch saw just how much this had upset her.

"Liv," he said softly, putting his arm around her shoulder. "That kiss… it didn't mean anything." She leaned back against his shoulder.

"It's not that John. He can kiss whoever he wants. It's just that he didn't tell me. Why wouldn't he tell me John?"

"Because it didn't mean anything to him. He was upset, Liv. And lonely." Olivia looked up, confused. "You left him, Liv. You are the only person he has to lean against. I mean, when Kathy left, you never left his side. You stuck by him no matter how badly he treated you. You are his strength, his connection to Earth. And then, Liv, you were gone. You, his pillar, vanished and he was left to find his own way." Olivia was in tears again.

"John…" she began, but her voice caught. "I didn't know…" she stopped. She couldn't talk. Her mouth moved, but no sound came out. She finally looked up at Munch. "Thank you, John. You are truly like a brother to me. Granted, a much older brother.

"Hey!" he laughed and squeezed her shoulder. "Now, let's go put some ice on that pretty face of yours." He paused then said, "I have to go beat up Dani for hurting my little sis." Olivia felt the tears rush into her eyes again and could only smile.

They walked into the precinct and froze at what they saw.


A/N: Let me know what you think! Please R&R.