Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the authors. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

4 Months and counting!


Thank you Stephenie Meyer

-Thank you for all your kind reviews – fan fic bear hug – please keep reviewing-

I am looking for beta readers for my Twilight fic and my Superman Returns fic, let me know if you are interested

Warning – there is a fairly sexy scene in here, but I don't think it is over the top to change the rating of the story (clothes stay on) – but be warned – it is a little sexier then some of the other scenes in this story

Chapter 7 –

Bella's POV

A few days after Jake had text me, Edward and I sat watching the sunset outside the house. It was a nice evening. The air was dry (for Forks anyways) and the sun was reflecting nicely off the exposed areas of Edward's skin. He was sitting on the top step of the porch and I was one step below leaning back onto him. His legs were spread to either side of me and I rested my arms along side them. His hand was playing with my hair.

"Part of me is still angry with you for leaving me – but not for the reasons you think" I paused and tilted my head back he was looking down at me, quietly his eyes told me I should continue and his arms tightened their grip around me.

"I am angry because you made an important decision about us without considering my opinion, as if my thoughts or feelings don't matter to you, you never weighed my opinion, it was really quite disrespectful. As much as I don't want to be angry with you anymore, I am, I am mad as hell about it – about the fact that I still feel you don't consider my opinion to be equal to yours."

The anger was free flowing from my mouth, I untangled myself from his embrace and started pacing back and forth on the porch, he sat there still intent on my words, "we are a partnership, the two of us, you and I, no matter what happens I am on your side – I am on 'team Edward', and you need to be on 'team Bella' not just 'I am going to save Bella's life, and prevent her from falling, Team Bella', no that is not enough – you need to be on team Bella 'the I support Bella, and her opinions, and respect her decisions, team Bella' and I am not saying that my decisions will always be the right decision or even good decisions, but they are mine and you need to get behind me even when you don't agree."

"… and going forward you can no longer make long-term decisions about us while you are sulking in your head starring at me sleeping, you need to open yourself up to me and share your thoughts and share your fears, you need to talk to me about important things, things that matter "

I inhaled sharply and said the end "and finally, you need to stop trying to give me the world, and start sharing your world me. I am sorry if I can't articulate this last part any clearer, I hope you understand my meaning – I just want to be with you, to enjoy things with you." This last part was very critical that he understand but I didn't think he did, I had to say more.

I said it all. I breathed in deeply, just by putting the words out there I felt lighter.

Edward's POV

I never thought she could look sexier then she did five minutes ago, but she is so sexy when she is angry with me. Is she yelling at me? She really is yelling at me! How incredible, I have to kiss her, I can answer her questions later, but now I have to kiss her.

I jumped up and scooped her into my arms, pushing her back against the house. She gasped surprised by my reaction. I put my mouth onto hers and pulled her body tightly against mine. We both moaned. It was passionate. Her hands were clinging onto the back on my shirt pulling me close to her. I leaned in and felt every part of her body against mine. I was determined to restrain myself, to give her what she needed, but we needed to go somewhere slightly more private then the front of the house.


It would be wrong to interrupt the moment; it had to be now, before I lost my nerve.

I put my hands on her shoulders and trailed my fingers down her arms.

She shivered.

She lifted one leg around me "please Edward, don't stop" and I wasn't going to.

I put one hand around her waist and pulled her even closer to me, her hips were moving against me. I am not sure how I did it, how I kept control, holding her close to me, without using excess force, without biting her, while I myself was lusting after something which would be unanswered while she was still human, but I did.

And I held her and kissed her neck, and mouth and shoulders while her hips moved. I felt her hands playing with my shirt and I realized she craved what I craved, skin to skin contact.

How I wanted to feel her warm skin against mine. I growled lustfully in her ear, trying to restrain myself, find composure.

I knew that would put me over the edge and I would loose control. I had to keep her hands busy without breaking her moment. Her breath was harder and her hips were grinding against me. I swiftly took her arms in one hand and pinned her hands behind her back while my free hand firmly placed on her back drawing her closer to me, if that were possible. She moaned, softly, erotically.

My kisses on her neck, urged her to continue.

And when I felt her rigid pose relax and she went limp in my arms, I scooped her up and swiftly carried her to our bedroom.

Bella POV

He laid me on the bed, and laid himself down next to me so we were facing each other. He pulled me close to him and kept his arms around me. I felt relieved, light and happy. I think it was the combination of the words I had finally spoken and the passion that ensued. I felt there was so much I wanted to say, but didn't want to speak at the same time. Our eyes were burrowing into one another and that said it all. "I love you Edward."

He buried his head against my heart as he spoke "you are my world".

I must have drifted off to sleep because I woke with the feeling of soft cool kisses against my forehead, "Bella, if you want to eat dinner we should leave now, as it is I think only fast food places will be open."

I was hungry we both heard my stomach growl.

At the same time I felt energized. I got up and we headed down the stairs. Edward was walking in front of me, this is odd. What could he be up to? When we arrived at his car, he walked to the passenger side and got in. Maybe he did understand what I was trying to say earlier. I cautiously got in the car, behind the drivers side, and adjusted all the settings.

I started the engine, and I felt exhilarated. I am not sure if it was the car or the physical release that finally occurred earlier. Perhaps it was a little of both. I think Edward was feeling it too, he had a smile on face as he was starring at me. I pressed some buttons and all the windows in the car lowered and the sunroof opened. The damp night air filled the car, and the scent of it was warming. Once on the road that would take us into Port Angeles, I increased my speed to 65 mph – fast for me – even Edward smirked at the realization.

It was so easy being in the car next to him, it felt like this was a normal routine for us – although driving into Port Angeles at 9pm was anything but a normal routine for us. I parked the car in front of a pizza joint and a coffee shop.

Edward took my hand as I crossed in front of the parked car to the sidewalk. I stopped. Inwardly deliberating – I was torn between the coffee shop and the pizza place – both would be closing in minutes and I really wanted both. Edward, as if he read my mind solved my puzzlement "I'll get you a slice a pizza and a coke, while you go into the coffee shop and get what you want there."

Twenty minutes later we were sitting on the docks, my pizza and coke finished, gingerly sipping the venti vanilla latte. He began the discussion "What are your big plans for tonight Bella?"

"I don't have any idea what you mean?"

"I am guessing that Latte is full caff – so you must be planning a long evening?"

"Well, now that you mentioned it, being this is a rare night when it is not raining out and all the members of your family are preoccupied with each other, I was thinking that you could take me and my fully caffeinated self to the meadow tonight and we can watch the stars."

"Okay, but you have to answer one question first?" He leaned into me as he spoke and the coolness of his breath stunned me.

And I should have known better, but the breath, those eyes, I always forgot everything when looking at him "Yes" I responded, and when he leaned away, I realized that indeed I was a pushover and mentally cursed myself.

"What do you want more, my bite or my body?"

Author's Note: I love this last line!!!!!!!!!! Please review