"You feeling any better?" Roy asked as Edward entered his kitchen.
"Yeah, fine." Edward blushed slightly. He had been wearing nothing but boxers when he had woken up earlier, but after that he had had a little…excursion with Roy and had lost them. Thankfully the colonel had set out his clean shorts but apparently his own pants had been destroyed so he was wearing the colonel's too large pajamas.
Roy was standing by the stove. The smell of something good wafted through the air. Roy was cooking something that was making Edward drool.
"Alphonse stopped by."
"He did?" The blonde perked up.
"Yes but after you slept for so long he decided it would be too late to move you to your hotel so he left you in my care. I hope you like Chinese food." Roy added some sort of sauce to whatever he was making.
Edward sat at the kitchen table. Standing hurt, and walking hurt even more but he couldn't deny that he was very hungry and the food smelled good. He sat watching the raven haired colonel as the older man focused on preparing the meal. Damn he's sexy. Whoa! Did he just think that?!
Edward was trying to tell himself that he did not want the colonel to touch him the way he had earlier that day ever again- and he didn't want to give the colonel a blow job like he had before. He especially didn't want the colonel to screw him. But a little voice in the back of his head told him he did.
So deep in his denial was Edward that he almost jumped in surprise when Roy put a plate of steaming chicken, vegetables, and rice in front of him.
"This looks good- what's in it?" He said, sampling a piece as the colonel went about getting out drinks for them.
"Chicken, onions, water chestnuts, green beans, broccoli and soy sauce." Roy said, setting down another plate and a beer for himself.
"I thought soy sauce was Japanese?" Edward asked, munching down on the meal without the older man.
"I don't know- it's Asian." Roy shrugged and set a glass of milk in front of Ed. The younger boy glared at the intruding white liquid like it was the devil. "It's good for you." Roy said, sitting down and tucking into the meal.
"I hate it." Edward growled, eating more.
"It'll make you taller."
"I'm not short!"
"Of course not." Roy chuckled,
The two finished their meals in silence. When he was done, Roy guzzled the last of his beer and took his plate to the sink before turning on the faucet. Grudgingly Ed drank the whole glass of milk and grimaced. He took his plate to the sink and Roy commanded, "I'll wash, you dry."
Edward obeyed and the two stood in silence, cleaning dishes and acting as if everything were normal.
After dinner Roy went into another room with lots of books. It wasn't big enough to be called a library- more like a study. There was a fireplace and with a snap of his fingers Roy lit it. The room became bright and warm.
Edward curled up catlike in a big comfy chair. Roy sat on a couch and read his book. Edward expected to fall asleep, he was so warm and so comfy, but sleep did not come- he merely stared into the fire and listened to the quiet of Roy's breathing and the soft sound of pages being turned.
After a time he realized that the pages were no longer turning and the breathing had grown faint. He turned to look back at the colonel only to see that the man had fallen asleep. His hand still held his book and his arm lay across his stomach.
He'll catch cold…Edward thought. There was a blanket lying over the back of the chair he was sitting in. He stood up, stretching as he did so and collecting the blanket. He approached the older man and spread the deep blue blanket over him.
Roy's dark hair was in his face and Edward delicately brushed it aside. Roy looked so sweet when he was asleep, almost innocent…almost. Blushing Ed suddenly felt a very powerful urge. He stared down at the older man before kneeling uncertainly and then, placing a soft kiss on the older man's lips.
When he pulled back he almost cried out at the sight of familiar, dark eyes looking at him.
"You were supposed to be asleep!" Ed squeaked with a red face. But the raven haired colonel paid him no heed and pulled him in for a long deep kiss. Edward wanted to gasp aloud from his lust and love but could not, so drawn in by the kiss was he.
Edward moaned as the colonel pulled him up to his chest. Their kiss was broken for a moment as Edward lay across Roy's body and then they were together again. Roy's tongue came out; begging for permission to enter, Edward nervously opened his mouth and moaned as he was fiercely ravished.
The older man pulled open Edward's pajama top and began to kiss downward, he stopped at the boy's Adam's apple and sucked. Edward swallowed and the apple moved. The blonde boy moaned at the tender feeling that Roy's mouth was providing. The older man's hands moved down and stroked delicately over the blonde's soft nipples, hardening them and then tweaking them slightly.
Edward squeaked at the feeling, his face burning. He looked down at the colonel, lust in his eyes. He was in a better position too. Frantically he unbuttoned Roy's shirt and stroked the soft pale skin along his collar bone.
Pushing the older man away from his neck, Ed kissed him and then proceeded to move downward and lick and suck at his partner's earlobe. It was Roy's turn to moan and squirm.
In an attempt to best Edward's advances, the raven slipped his hand down between the two of them and delved into Edward's pajama bottoms. He could feel the younger boy's shaft getting hotter, pulsing even, as it became harder and harder. He grasped it at the hilt and gave it a good pump.
Edward let out a moan, pausing in his work with Roy's ear. But the feeling of his aroused hot breath blowing on the raven's ear and neck worked just as well. The two were panting heavily with pleasure and the more Roy pumped Edward the more the younger boy began to tremble.
He was making those mewling noises again and at the sound of them Roy couldn't help but let out a moan. Edward bucked against him and he moaned again at the friction it caused against his own member. Edward looked down towards the raven's member as if remembering it was there, and his face flushed as he realized the close proximity of their two throbbing shafts.
His hand shaking, much as it had during the lover's first encounter, Edward unzipped Roy's pants and pulled out his hardened member. Edward shook his head, flicking his blonde hair over his shoulder so he could concentrate on his task, his automail was still trashed and so he would have to do this one handed. Roy's eyes seemed filmed over with lust as he saw the boy's brow harden in attention.
The blonde pulled himself closer, fully onto his lover's lap. His legs were bent to either side of the older man and he brought their members close. The two men basked in the feeling of heat coming off the others' member and affecting their own. Edward pulled their two shafts together in his hand and began to pump both of them at the same time. He was slightly put out that the older man's member was larger than his own, but he supposed it might have been due to age difference.
Roy trembled slightly at the contact of Edward's hand and his hot sex pumping his own. As Edward continued to work he leaned forward and began to kiss along the boy's collar bone, Edward tipped his head back to give him better access, but he did not slow his pumping, in fact he sped up.
The two began to moan loudly as they came closer to their climaxes. Unconsciously Roy bucked against Edward and precum dribbled down the side of his straining organ onto Edward's. "Aah…Edward…I want you…!" Roy cried out as he pulled Edward close to his chest and ravished him. But the kiss only lasted a moment as Edward's head threw back, with an unearthly cry, he came. Roy shortly followed and the two panted softly, Edward threatening to fall backwards, had not Roy had such a grip on him. Pale, white cum glistened softly on Edward's stomach, dotting Roy's white shirt and black pants.
"Roy…" Edward murmured, righting himself, before he fell forward onto his lover's chest. He listened to the sound of the raven's pounding heart and cooed as the older man began to gently play with his hair. He looked up and saw Roy's face flush and his mouth open slightly.
The light of the fire reflected off of Edward's hair making it look golden and radiant. His skin glistened with sweet, his lips pink from kissing, and his face flushed. His intense eyes looked up at Roy tenderly and the raven couldn't help but gape a little at him. "You look beautiful."
Edward's face flushed at the comment and he felt something poke him down below. He looked down with wide eyes. "You're already up again?" He asked in surprise. He looked up to see the raven haired man smiling sheepishly.
"It's partly your fault," Roy reasoned, "you're so damn sexy."
Edward made a 'pfft' noise, not accepting Roy's excuse. "So what are we going to do with this?" He asked, poking the tip of the older man's member softly. It twitched in response and Edward felt a flush of lust building in him. He couldn't believe that not long ago- only a few days in fact- he had been so frightened and disgusted at the sight of this pleasurable little organ (not actually so little though…).
"Same thing we'll do with this, I suppose." Roy poked Edward's hardening member with a chuckle. "Do you think you might be up to something a little bigger tonight?" He asked his softest, huskiest voice ever.
Edward gulped, slightly nervous. He wasn't so lustful that he could just forget the other night with Envy. And just because it hadn't actually been Roy didn't mean that he wouldn't be terrified should the real Roy try to mount him. He tried to force back his fear and looked instead to those deep, coal-black eyes, glittering in the fire light.
"If you want to wait-" Roy began.
"No, it's fine but…not from the back, okay?" Edward said nervously.
Roy's eyes sparkled as a smile lit his face. "And miss out on this face?" He caressed Edward's cheek. "Never."
Gently, ever so gently, he lifted Edward from him and lowered him to the floor. The fire flickered softly, throwing distorted profiles of them up against the wall as the two of them kissed passionately. Edward moaned and arched his back into the older man, feeling the raven's hard member press into him. One of Roy's strong, pale hands reached down and began to pump Edward. The boy moaned and then let out a cry of protest as Roy pulled away completely, standing above him.
Roy pulled off his soiled pants, boxers, and shirt and flung them aside. He bent and pulled off Edward's pajama bottoms. And then, feeling the strain in his groin, groaned something about getting lube. "You can take care of yourself for a moment." He said reassuringly, panting slightly. He took Edward's hand and brought it to the boy's shaft.
He hurried to his room where he had had Edward sleeping earlier and pulled out the vanilla smelling lotion he had used earlier.
He returned to find Edward sprawled across the carpet just as he'd left him. His pajama top was open; leaving his bare chest out so Roy could see him heaving slightly. His golden hair was similarly splayed out in a golden mane around his head. His eyes were closed as his hand pumped himself. He stopped and opened his golden eyes to stare up and Roy and the older man gulped. This was like something out of the best wet dream ever.
Edward waited patiently as Roy dropped to his knees and squeezed a little lotion onto his fingers. He imagined it like it had been in his dream the other day, and drove what Envy had done from his mind. The older man still seemed unsure though, so Edward helped him, he opened his legs to give him better access. "Roy…" He said, with genuine pleading. His member was so hard he almost couldn't stand it.
Roy resisted the urge to gulp again. Edward had opened his legs to reveal his small pink hole. It seemed to have recovered from its earlier abuse. He reached a lotion covered finger towards in and was surprised when it twitched at his touch, but that only made him more aroused. He slipped the finger in and felt the muscles tighten around him. Boy was this going to be tight. He took a glance towards Edward and saw the boys face was flushed, and he had a slight grimace but otherwise he seemed fine.
He began to move his finger, in and out, in and out. He caressed the insides of the moist cavern and added a second finger. The boy's hole was getting slick, but Roy wanted it to be as painless as possible, he lathered some more lotion before he added the third finger. Edward moaned from the pain and pleasure as the three fingers began to move in a rhythmic motion. He arched his back, as was his custom when he was enjoying something and Roy smiled. He bent down and licked up Edward's shaft.
"Are you ready for me, Edward?" He cooed.
Edward let out a breath he'd been holding in. "Y-yes…"
"Fast or slow?"
Edward thought morbidly of how Roy had asked this same question in his dream and he'd said 'fast'. Envy had moved fast.
"Slow." He cringed as Roy's lotion covered member began to press into him-slowly. He gasped raggedly. His vision seemed clouded as pleasure began to ripple in with the pain. But it went on forever! "I-I changed my mind. Faster, please."
Roy didn't need telling twice. He slid in to the hilt and Edward almost screamed with the pain but then the tip of Roy's member hit something in him and all pain dissolved. "Ooooh, ROOOOOY!" His back arched, his head fell back and his legs wrapped around the older man's waist in an attempt to pull him closer in.
"Found it." Roy said in a husky, satisfied tone. "First try."
"More, Roooy." Edward's hand dug into his lover's back as the older man began to move inside him. Having found Edward's pleasure point, Roy struck it again and again, trying to hit it as hard as possible. Edward began to thump against him to push Roy further into himself. He moaned, Roy groaned and the two went at it. Pushing and pumping and moaning.
"Ah…Roy!" Edward reached up and kissed his lover. Brushing sweet from his forehead as his tongue dug in. Roy groaned into his mouth, his body trembling as he pumped into the blonde's tight, virgin folds.
The two worked to their climax, Roy hit Edward hard on his spot and didn't pull away, but pressed in as far as he could. With a scream of pleasure Edward came. His whole body contracted so suddenly and tightly that Roy's hard member couldn't take it, and the older man came as well.
Panting fiercely, the two pulled away only to lie next to one another. Too exhausted to clean themselves, or raise themselves for that matter they simply lay on the carpet.
Like their arousals the fire was dying down to a dull glow. But it was still warm and the two had each other's heat as they lay on their sides, curled together. "I…love you…Roy." Edward said, while trying to catch his breath. Roy stared into the boy's golden eyes and purred with delight.
"I love you too, Edward."
OMG the end!! To all the people who've been watching this I'm sooooo sorry about taking so long!! I hope it was well worth the wait!