Here With Yondaime

By: DracoAries.

Written: 8th of February, 2007.

Disclaimer: Yondaime Hokage & Sarutobi (c) Masashi Kishimoto.

Inspired by: My friend Scarlet Butterfly and other fan fictions.

Reason: She loves him an awful lot. There are so many fan fictions with ask this-and-this-person, but not with Yondaime.


We have all read ask NARUTO characters fan fictions. But this time it's with Yondaime.

Chapter I:

Yondaime puts the camera on and gets behind his desk and sits down.

"Right, that should do it..."

He looks friendly into the camera.

"Hi, everyone and welcome to 'Here With Yondaime'! I'm Yondaime. Yeah, the Fourth Hokage himself. I'm here to answer all your questions. As long as they have something to do with me. Haha! I'm kidding. As long as they have something to do with NARUTO I'll answer."

He picks up a paper.

"Aah, questions already. Well, nothing strange; they're from the authour's friend, Scarlet Butterfly.

1: Will you date me?

2: Will you be my boyfriend?

3: Will you marry me?"

He sits still for a moment.

"Oh... kaaay... well, I... um, I feel... thanks, that's nice... well, for the first question. Only if we go to Ichiraku Ramen Bar. And if you pay. Hehe! Yeah... for the second; no, because I don't know you at all. I mean, dude! For the third one. How stupid do you think I am? I said I don't know you. Bitch... Okay, okay, that was mean, I'm sure you're nice. So, Ichiraku then. Friday? That's okay? Right, I'll pick you up at 8. Happy?"

He sits there for a couple of seconds without doing anything.

"Well... this is awkward..."

He starts singing 'The Internet is for Porn' by Avenue Q

"Gaw, this is totally boring. Hey, Sarutobi!"

The other Hokage comes in.

"Could you get me a glass of water?"

Sarutobi says he's too busy, because he's the only Hokage doing something.

"Hmph! Bastard! Well... this is like so boring."

Yondaime sighs.

"Look, guys. If you want me to do something, send me some questions. I mean, that's why I'm here, right? What's that, Sarutobi? I'm here to be a Hokage? Well, yeah, but you're the one doing the work, sucker."

He flips it.

"Hehe! Bastard... so, send me questions. Just click where it says 'submit review' and ask me anything. About NARUTO. Yeah... right..."

He goes back to the camera.

"How the hell do you turn this thing off? Aaah..."

He tries to turn it off, but...


He threw it out of the window.