Disclaimer : I do not own any of GW characters and it's my first time.

Authour's Note : For the time being will be rated PG-13.



Wufei was currently seated on a chair at the dining table with a bowl of green soup placed in front of him and he eyed at it warily. The said soup stares back at him innocently by popping a bubble. His whole body tensed at the display like it is alive and might jump on him and drown him. God knows what's in the soup.

"Well?" Duo was standing in front of him on the other side of the dining table and looked at him expectantly while fidgeting with his bright pink apron he currently wear with the big bold letter printed 'Kiss The Cook' on it.

"Maxwell, you expect me to eat this so-called soup you made?" Wufei sounded horror and eyes twitching. "What the hell did you put it in or did you just scoop it up from a swamp?"

"I did not!" Duo protested. "I followed exactly the ingredients and the steps of the recipe I found at the website. It supposes to be tasty and healthy and full with nutrients."

"Then, have you tried it yourself."

"Um… nope." Duo give out a cheeky grinned. "I'm giving you the honour to be the first person to taste my soup."

Wufei DID not like the look on his face. He must think fast and find a way out of this situation. He IS not a guinea pig.

Wufei try to smile politely. "Well, it's a dishonour of me to taste it before you since you have put all the hard work to prepare this soup. Why don't you have a taste first?" He pushed forward to bowl of soup to Duo.

"No, no, no, no. It's very rude of you to reject the chef's offer and it's an honour to a chef to be able to let someone to have it taste first before him." Duo pushed back the soup to Wufei.

Wufei was stuck. Damn his honour philosophy. Swallowing hard, he slowly picks up his spoon and dug out the contents of the soup. Few more bubbles popped. A bead of sweat rolled down from his forehead. His hand was shaking lightly. He closed his eyes and takes a deep breath while praying to his ancestors above for blessing for his health. Exhaling his breath, he opened his eyes to look at the spoon of soup again. His back of his mind was screaming but his honour would now allow him to cower. With the count of three, he quickly hold his breath and shoved the spoon in his mouth with his eyes squeezed shut.

Duo during all that time was amused at looking Wufei display his emotions on his face and body but he also feeling antsy for his soup. Duo was holding was holding his breath when the spoon was finally shoved in his mouth. The air was tensed. He can hear Wufei swallowed the soup and that when his eyes got wide and all colours drain from his face. Three words flow from his mouth before he was out cold. "Oh, my god…" The air once again broke with a loud thump.

Heero, Trowa and Quatre has just finish their assignment and they have just reach at the front door of the safe house when a sound of wailing could be heard from the other side of the closed door.

"Did you hear a kid crying?" Quatre asked. Three of them looked at each other dumbfounded.

Quatre quickly opened the door and all three of them rushed inside and was stunned beyond words. There was Duo sprawled on the floor out cold and a kid looks like 4 years old who is way looking way too familiar sitting on the chair wearing the familiar looking shirt way too big a size on him was crying.

"I must be dreaming or I'm still in the Zero." Quatre mumbled. A hand hover over his face and pinched hard. "OW!" Quatre yelped.

"It's not a dream." Heero confirmed.

"You should pinch yourself. Not me." Quatre complained and cupped his abused cheek.

Trowa said nothing. He gracefully walks to the crying kid and knelt with one leg to have the same level with him. Heero and Quatre gets Duo and try to wake him up to get a clear picture of what has happened. Trowa scrutinized the crying kid in front of him. Still hard to believe it's him.

"Wufei?" Trowa called up in a very soft voice which he only used to soothe animals.

The said kid looked up with eyes overflowing tears and he wailed out before he launches himself in Trowa's arms. "T'owa "
