DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

WARNINGS: Male/male sex. Lime, Swearing

PAIRINGS: Kurama/Yusuke


I have to give a huge THANK YOU to Hanyous Slave aka Snowfall for editing this long first chapter. You're the best, Koi.



The Seduction of Urameshi Yusuke

Chapter 1: Dinner and a Movie

As Kurama leaned against the trunk of a tree, his fiery red tresses licked at the breeze not unlike the hungry flames of a fire. His sparkling emerald eyes gazed in awe while his team captain, Spirit Detective Yusuke Urameshi, refined his martial art skills in a field behind Genkai's temple. After drawing in a shaky breathe, the beautiful kitsune drank in Yusuke's shirtless, and sweaty muscular form as he kicked, spun, and jumped in the air.

Kurama sighed in frustration from having to hide the love he felt for the boy.

He wasn't sure when he fell in love with Yusuke. It may have begun when Yusuke offered up his own life to save Kurama's human mother. He certainly took notice of the spirit detective's selfless act. All Kurama knew was that by the end of the Dark Tournament he was hopelessly in love with Yusuke Urameshi. It was his strength and unyielding courage during the tournament that pulled at the fox demon's heartstrings, not to mention Yusuke's dark and handsome good looks as well as his drop-dead gorgeous body.

The fox demon was disheartened though, because as beautiful and alluring as the kitsune was, and able to pick and choose any lover from the hordes of males and females that continually threw themselves at him on a daily basis, the one he truly desired appeared to be out of reach.

'Or is he?' the fox mused to himself. 'Perhaps now is the time to explore the possibility of a relationship with Yusuke. It would have been inappropriate to approach him during the tournament. Any distractions, no matter how small, might have proven detrimental to Yusuke's efforts. But now…'

"I can't take much more of this, you look like an idiot," the stoic fire apparition snorted disdainfully.

Startled out of his reverie, a rare occurrence for the ever-alert kitsune, he answered flatly, "I have no idea what you're referring to, Hiei. Why don't you enlighten me?"

"Your drooling over the detective is what I'm referring to. It's sickening."

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Hiei. What makes you think I'm even interested in our young leader?" responded the kitsune with measured politeness to his meddlesome friend, who was bordering on annoying.

"Don't play the fool, Kurama. It's written all over your face," said Hiei dispassionately as he jumped down from the tree branch on which he was currently perched. "Besides, have you forgotten that stupid female he's obsessed with?"

"Why Hiei, I've never known you to string so many words together at one time. Is this a new trend we can expect from you?" Kurama shot back in an attempt to change the subject. 'And no, I have not forgotten about Keiko,' he thought privately.

"Joke all you want, Fox, but I'd rather not see you make a fool of yourself over a stupid ningen. However, who you choose to rut with is of no concern of mine, regardless how ridiculous it is," retorted Hiei curtly then flitted off.

Without batting an eye from Hiei's sudden, but expected departure, Kurama worried, 'Have I really been that obvious? Of course not, I've treated Yusuke as I always have, as a friend and nothing more,' he reassured himself. Then narrowing his eyes, he admitted, 'But soon that will all change.'

Yusuke had finished his workout and noticed the kitsune watching him while standing by a group of trees.

"Hey, Kurama!" shouted Yusuke.

Startled out of his thoughts again, he scolded himself, 'I must stop doing that,' and looked towards the voice calling him. Swallowing tightly, he composed himself slipping back into his calm facade.

"Hello, Yusuke," he greeted the spirit detective warmly.

"What's up, Kurama?" asked Yusuke as he approached the kitsune.

Yusuke's raven hair, fallen from its customary slicked back state, hung slightly over his chocolate colored eyes. His body, that of a fighter, lean and muscular, clearly defined his pecks and six pack abs. Sweat accumulating from his hairline to his neck slid down his hairless tan torso to the waistband of his low-riding faded torn jeans. He had lost the button securing his jeans causing the front of his pants to flap open, such a tantalizing indecency. Kurama jealously gaped at the glistening moisture clinging to, not only Yusuke's chiseled chest, but to the thin line of black hair just below his navel. The kitsune's playful eyes trailed the line of ebony hair until it disappeared behind his zipper just where a thick nest of curls was surely buried.

Kurama's mouth watered as it was obvious his team leader was going commando and that even in its dormant state; Yusuke sported a prominent bulge that protruded proudly from the crotch of his pants. Feeling his length swell from the wet dream nearing him, Kurama took a few deep breathes and quickly regained control over his physical response to the detective.

Yusuke cocked his head noticing Kurama's eyes glued to an area below his stomach. 'Is he checking me out? Naw, he's just spacing,' the teen reasoned.

Waving his hand in front of the kitsune's face, Yusuke shouted, "Hey, Earth to Kurama!"

Snapping his head up, the fox answered, "What? Oh, sorry Yusuke," Kurama sweat-dropped licking his petal soft lips, praying Yusuke hadn't noticed him staring.

"Kinda out of it today, ne?" chuckled Yusuke lightheartedly.

"Yes, well…I've had something on my mind recently, it's nothing, Yusuke," he answered, quickly composing himself once again.

"Oh. Ya had me worried there for a minute, buddy. So what's up? Did the toddler send you? Is there a mission? Where's Botan?" he asked a bit irritated and put out, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. Yusuke was not up for a mission so soon after having just returned home from the Dark Tournament.

Lowering his long silken lashes over his opulent emerald pools Kurama stated in a soft spoken manner, "No. It's nothing like that. My mother has left town to visit her sister and won't be returning for a couple of weeks. And since I dislike eating alone…I thought you might join me for dinner tonight and perhaps watch a movie," offered Kurama, feigning innocence while nibbling on his bottom lip.

To appease his kitsune curiosity, not to mention his lustful desires, Kurama was determined to find out if there was the slightest chance of Yusuke responding to him, sexually. However, he needed to get Yusuke alone, and his mother's departure was the perfect opportunity.

Yusuke's eyes lit up at the mention of food and responded with enthusiasm, "Dinner huh!" He knew his drunken ass mother wouldn't be making dinner and he would be lucky if there was a frozen TV dinner to eat at his apartment.

"Sounds like a plan, thanks! Are the rest of the guys coming?" he asked with innocent curiosity.

"No. Should I invite them?" the fox inquired, yet thought dejectedly, 'That's not quite what I had in mind, Yusuke.'

"Hell no, that means more food for me!" the detective beamed.

Kurama smiled brightly at Yusuke's enthusiasm and was relieved that it would remain just the two of them. "Why don't you come over around 6:30 if that's convenient for you?" he suggested.

"Sure. It's not like I gotta social calendar to check or nothin'," Yusuke laughed, scratching his head again while inadvertently flexing his arm muscles, which didn't go unnoticed by the fox.

With a naughty sparkle in his emerald eyes, Kurama joined in Yusuke's laughter. As the teens' amusement died down, Kurama lowered his voice a notch and said, as he turned to leave, "Alright then, I'll see you later, Yusuke," and waved goodbye.

'Ookaaay, that was kinda weird, but hey, I ain't passing up a free hot meal,' he thought, grabbing his shirt so he could go home and wash up.

After showering, Kurama carefully blow-dried his long, blood red silken locks and then donned a pair of tight fitting black jeans with a black button-down silk shirt that clung deliciously to his body. Standing in front of his full-length mirror appraising himself, he gave an approving grin. Kurama knew he was stunning and thought it wouldn't hurt to flaunt that fact to Yusuke. He was resolute in his decision to spark some interest from the detective and a sexy tight fitting outfit was essential.

"Now what should I serve for dinner?" the fox asked himself.

Given Yusuke's appetite the kitsune decided on a simple, yet, filling meal. 'I believe a nice salad and chicken stir fry with lots of vegetables and rice will be sufficient. I also have the chocolate cake mother baked for me before she left,' Kurama remembered with a smile as he entered the kitchen to begin preparations for his dinner with Yusuke.

Kurama also needed to plot his best strategy for feeling Yusuke out in a subtle manner. 'Perhaps I could entice him slowly, give him enough temptation to question his own feelings and sexuality. This could possibly be achieved by a slight brush of my hand over his soft tanned skin… or a lingering touch to his sexy, corded shoulders…I wonder if he'll be wearing those jeans with the missing button.' The fox groaned out loud as his length stirred within his tight black jeans from his wandering sexual thoughts of a half naked Yusuke.

After reining in his well-endowed erection, he reminded himself of something he would definitely need to find out. 'I must inquire about his relationship with Keiko, without sounding overly intrusive. Of course, that would be the least of my obstacles if he has absolutely no interest in same sex relationships at all. Hopefully, he'll simply rebuff my advances rather than killing me,' he chuckled to himself. 'It's such a pity that humans negatively label two males loving each other as something forbidden. Fortunately, demons have no such bigotry.'

Whistling cheerfully, Yusuke strolled towards Kurama's house. He liked spending time with the fox demon and was looking forward to having dinner with him. Kurama had a way of making him feel good about himself, like someone special. He didn't yell at him and put him down like his mother did and he certainly didn't nag him endlessly like Keiko.

'This'll be great! I haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time.' he thought excitedly. 'Yeah, a nice quiet evening with a beautiful kitsune…' Yusuke stopped dead in his tracks. 'Shit! Where the hell did that come from? Well… he is beautiful. Everyone knows that. Even Kurama knows it. There's nothing wrong with thinking Kurama's beautiful. It doesn't mean I'm into guys or anything, because I'm not, and neither is Kurama…I think. Although, it did seem like he was checking me out earlier. Naw! That was just my imagination…wasn't it?' Yusuke was getting confused and thoroughly pissing himself off, not understanding why these thoughts were suddenly popping into his head.

"This is stupid!" he shouted to no one but himself.

Before Yusuke realized it, he had found himself in front of Kurama's house. After taking a deep breathe to clear the crap out of his head, he walked up and knocked on the door.

Hearing the knock upon the door, the kitsune took a deep breathe as well and mumbled under his breathe, "Show time."

Kurama opened the door and felt his heart begin to race. Liquid heat slowly filled his pores as he gazed upon the sexiest creature alive.

Yusuke, clad in a clean pair of tight jeans, reminded Kurama of how well-hung the detective must be. He topped it with a form-fitting white tee shirt and his jean jacket. Yusuke had run out of hair gel and didn't have enough money to buy more so his inky black hair hung loosely around his face. He also wore a pair of mirrored shades as it was still fairly sunny outside. Yusuke looked every bit the bad boy.

Swallowing thickly, Kurama found his voice. "Hello, Yusuke, please come in."

"Hey, Kurama," replied Yusuke, offering the fox a friendly smile as he stepped inside.

While Kurama closed and locked the door behind him, he tried to slow down his racing heartbeat as it was threatening to leap out of his chest.

'Calm yourself, Kurama,' he chastised himself. 'You've seduced and bedded countless men and women as Yoko, and a few in this human form. Just act as you normally would, charming and alluring.'

Placing one of his most dazzling smiles on his face, Kurama said, "Please sit, Yusuke and make yourself comfortable. Dinner will be ready shortly."

"Cool, I'm starving. Thanks for inviting me," he said, plopping himself down on one of the kitchen chairs, tossing his sunglasses onto the table.

"It's my pleasure, Yusuke. I enjoy your company. Would you like me to take your jacket," the fox offered, acting as the perfect host.

"Uh, yeah, sure," said Yusuke slipping his jean jacket off his shoulders, handing it to Kurama.

Kurama bit his lower lip to prevent himself from groaning out loud as he visually devoured Yusuke's body.

Yusuke was masculine and rugged, from his handsomely chiseled face to his sexy, powerfully built chest and well toned thighs. The detective's physique looked as though it were sculpted out of steel.

Yusuke was the type of male, for which, Kurama would prefer being uke. He dreamed of the spirit detective roughly bending him over and fucking him into next week, while uttering dirty phrases into his ear. The fox also fantasized about being Yusuke's sex slave, calling him Master and being forced to do all sorts of naughty things. Unfortunately for Kurama, Yusuke had no sexual experience with males, and for that matter, he wasn't sure how much experience he had with females, despite the longevity of his and Keiko's relationship. Nevertheless, he was certainly willing to teach him.

'Is he checking me out again? He is!' screamed Yusuke's mind. 'Relax, he's my friend. It's gotta be either my imagination or I've just gone completely bat shit.'

"Um, Kurama, what's for dinner?" he asked, his voice meek as he tried to get Kurama's attention.

Unaware of what he was doing, Kurama slowly raised his gaze from Yusuke's crotch and found himself confronted with a pair of confused, chestnut colored puppy eyes.

Worried he had been caught staring this time, he played it off with the graceful nonchalance that only a sensual creature like himself could accomplish. "Sorry, Yusuke, I seem to be spacing quite a bit today," he said, chuckling nervously as he turned towards the stove. "We're having chicken stir fry and a salad, with chocolate cake for dessert. I hope that meets with your approval."

"Are you kidding? I love stir fry and chocolate cake!" exclaimed Yusuke; happy at having his stomach reclaiming his scattered thoughts.

Yusuke quickly accepted the kitsune's explanation of zoning out again and felt relieved that he had been mistaken about Kurama's wondering eyes. He was a little concerned as to what could have the kitsune so distracted and decided to grill Kurama later about what was bothering him.

Yusuke got out of his chair to stand next to the fox and grabbed a box of rice. Tossing it in the air, he asked, "Can I help you with anything?"

Yusuke had just caught the box when Kurama tentatively, with a gentle touch, placed his hand on Yusuke's forearm. "Thank you, Yusuke, but I believe everything is under control," he answered sweetly, offering an appreciative smile while letting his hand linger on Yusuke's arm. Before removing his hand, he slowly ghosted his fingertips over the detective's warm skin, from the inside of his elbow to his wrist.

"Ookaaay, if you're sure, Kurama," Yusuke said, feeling a warm shiver crawl up his arm where the fox had been touching him.

Giving Kurama a questioning look, the detective sat back down studying the fox while chewing on his thumbnail. 'Shit! What the fuck was that. Did he just feel up my arm?"

Looking over his shoulder, Kurama asked, "Yusuke, could you please get the salads out of the fridge? We may as well start eating while the rice boils," asked the fox, tossing the teen an innocent smile.

"Right, good idea," Yusuke answered suspiciously as he walked to the fridge, not taking his eyes off the kitsune. He then pulled out the two previously prepared salads.

"There are several dressings to choose from, Yusuke. Pick whichever you'd like," the kitsune added while tossing the stir-fry in the wok. Kurama then turned off the burner under the wok and joined the detective at the table while the rice boiled.

Yusuke was a bit quiet during dinner trying to figure out what exactly was going on with the fox.

'I don't get it. Why would Kurama all of a sudden touch my arm like that? It was like, sensual and shit. But it did feel nice…made me feel kinda warm inside. But he's a guy and I'm a guy. So why did it feel so nice? It's not supposed to feel 'nice'. This is too damn weird. Kurama couldn't really be hitting on me, could he? And if he is, what the fuck do I do about it?! I don't wanna hurt his feelings but I'm not into guys. Not that I have anything against gay people or nothin…but why does the idea of Kurama touching me make me feel all hot inside…'

"You're very quiet, Yusuke. Did you not like the meal?" inquired Kurama as he scrutinized Yusuke's demeanor. Kurama was elated that such a simple touch from him could cause Yusuke's emotions to stir so suddenly.

Startled out of his thoughts, Yusuke looked into the fox's eyes and answered happily, "Um, it was great, Kurama! When did you learn how to cook?" Yusuke tried to appear as normal as possible, even though his stomach was doing flip-flops and he could feel his cheeks heat up.

"I help my mother quite often in the kitchen. I find cooking very… relaxing, Yusuke."

"Oh, well my mom doesn't do a whole lot of cooking. She can barely pull her drunken ass off the floor to get to her bedroom," Yusuke laughed, picking up their dinner plates and placing them in the sink.

Frowning, Kurama got up and stood behind Yusuke. Placing his hands on the detective's shoulders and giving them a comforting squeeze, he leaned towards Yusuke's ear and tenderly said, "I'm sorry, Yusuke. I forgot how difficult it must be for you at home. You know I'm always here for you. If at anytime you wish to talk or need a place to stay, you need only ask."

Yusuke's body stiffened when Kurama grasped his shoulders, and then felt his bones melt from Kurama's warm breathe against his ear. Unconsciously, Yusuke leaned back into Kurama's chest. After taking a big gulp of air, he stammered, "I'm fine, K-Kurama. I'm used to it. No b-big deal. So ya wanna clean the dishes now or later?" Holding back a groan, Yusuke thought, 'Damn, he smells good.'

Kurama smiled at Yusuke's reaction to his touch again. 'This truly may be easier then I thought. His body is extremely sensitive. Now let's see what happens when…'

The fox slowly dragged his fingertips down Yusuke's strong arms, starting from his shoulders and ending at his wrists, and whispered, "Why don't we watch a movie first. The dishes can wait."

Feeling Kurama's hands on the prowl again, Yusuke clutched the edge of the sink. His mind was racing with a million thoughts and feelings and he was beginning to panic, especially when he felt his shaft begin to throb. Sliding away from Kurama's grasp as politely as he could, he quickly walked into the family room where he nervously began rummaging around in the tall DVD rack butting up against the wall next to the entertainment center.

"So whatcha wanna watch, Kurama?" Yusuke asked, wiping a bit of sweat off his brow, feeling absolutely hot and flustered. 'That was definitely not my imagination. He fucking felt up my arms. Kurama is so hitting on me. What the fuck do I do? But what if I'm wrong? What if it's just me losing it. I have to stay calm until I can figure out what the hell he's up to,' the detective decided while blindly looking at movie titles.

Kurama deepened his voice and answered in a seductive and suggestive tone, "Whatever you'd like, Yusuke."

Almost dropping the stack of DVDs he was holding, Yusuke shivered from the sound of Kurama's deep and sensuous voice and fought the urge to either moan out loud or grab his dick and start jacking off right there. 'I'm not wrong,' he whimpered inwardly and hung his head. After taking one deep breathe, his eyes tentatively gravitated over towards Kurama, who was standing at the entrance to the family room. The detective swallowed thickly as he appreciated just how totally beautiful Kurama really was, almost as if seeing him for the first time.

The kitsune's hair fell in luscious waves of deep red, framing porcelain-like, flawless features. His eyes were shimmering in emerald green, lined with long and delicate eyelashes. His bow shaped lips were full, pink and wet, and beyond inviting. The fox's stature was tall, lean, and sinewy, exuding an air of elegance that was second to none. Everything about Kurama; from his refined beauty, to his scent of succulent roses, to each graceful movement he made, dripped with sensuality.

The kitsune was literally sex on a stick, eye candy for women and men and next to impossible to resist, which Yusuke was quickly finding out first hand.

Yusuke licked his lips trying to decide if he should run for his life, or tell Kurama he wasn't interested in him, in that way, despite the fact his body and manhood were crying out for the fox's touch.

Yusuke was fighting an inner battle with himself. It never occurred to him that he could have sexual feelings for another male, especially towards one of his teammates, and it was scaring the shit out of him. Should he throw caution to the wind and follow what his heart and body was now aching for, or should he run and let his fear of the unknown and what society deemed taboo guide him? He also had to consider Keiko in the equation.

'FUCK! Why does he have to look so damn sexy and why is it so fucking hot in here!?' the detective inwardly growled.

Strolling gracefully over to the detective, Kurama kindly asked, "Yusuke, are you alright?"

"Huh. What?" Yusuke looked like a deer caught in headlights; thoroughly confused and completely unsure of himself.

"I asked you if you are feeling alright. You look quite flushed, Yusuke," Kurama inquired with a look of genuine concern on his face.

"I'm fine. I just dunno which movie to pick out is all," he said while shoving his hands into his pockets, lowering his head and finding a nice piece of lint on the carpet on which to focus his attention.

'I had better back off a little. He looks as if he's deciding whether or not he should flee,' Kurama sadly thought.

Reaching around the raven-haired boy, Kurama pulled out a DVD and asked, "How about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? The martial arts and special effects are exceptional."

"That sounds good, Kurama. Its funny watching fighting moves that we can do in our sleep while actors need special effects and wires," Yusuke joked, attempting to lighten the mood as well as cooling down his raging hormones.

"Why don't you go and sit down, Yusuke, while I pop the movie in the DVD player," suggested Kurama, pointing to the couch.

Yusuke nodded as he took a seat in the middle of the couch feeling thoroughly numb.

With Kurama's back to him, Yusuke parted his knees a little wider and quickly grabbed his sizeable dick, re-adjusting himself to hide the slight swelling between his legs.

'This is stupid. I'm not gay and I do not like Kurama like that. So why am I horny as hell and fighting back a hard-on? It's Keiko I wanna fuck, not Kurama. Awe man! I bet he wants to be the one doing the fucking. Shit!'

As Kurama bent over to load the DVD player, Yusuke whimpered at the sight and quickly grabbed a throw pillow from the couch, squeezing it against his lap so tightly that his knuckles turned white. 'Fuck, he's got a nice ass. He must have painted those damn jeans on they're so tight. Shit! What am I thinking? Stop looking at Kurama's ass and the way his hair is falling off his shoulder.' Yusuke bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes, trying to think of anything but the gorgeous kitsune and his now aching hard-on.

Kurama walked over to the couch and bit back a chuckle. Yusuke's face was flushed and he appeared to be in deep concentration with a pillow plastered to his hips. 'He's trying so hard to deny what he feels. If he was completely disgusted with the idea of two males together, he wouldn't be responding to me at all, yet he is. Then why is this so hard for him? It must be Keiko. Perhaps they are much closer than I thought, or he's too afraid of what others may think of him."

"Yusuke, is everything alright?" Kurama sat down next to the detective with questioning eyes.

"I'm fine, Kurama. Let's just watch the damn movie, okay," he said rather curtly in an attempt to rid himself of these new feelings he was having for the kitsune.

"Okay, Yusuke," answered Kurama softly with a hint of despair. 'He's trying to protect himself by shutting me out. Well, perhaps I had better refrain from touching him again so soon. But that doesn't mean I can't question him.'

'Damn, now I've hurt his feelings. He's still my friend and I don't want to hurt him, but I'm not gay. I love Keiko,' Yusuke reminded himself, again. 'Damn fucking hard-on.'

"How is Keiko, Yusuke? I haven't seen her in awhile," Kurama carefully inquired, not wanting to upset the detective anymore then he already was.

'Well shit! That came out of left field,' Yusuke startled.

"Um, she's fine, I guess. At least she was at school today."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. You know, I haven't had a chance to see Keiko or Shizuru since we've returned home," he said conversationally in an attempt to gain insight into Yusuke's and Keiko's relationship.

"I usually only see her at school, and that's only when she's dragging me to class," he laughed; then thought curiously, 'Why do I only see her at school? We used to hang out together all the time before I became a spirit detective.'

Kurama laughed as well and said, "Now that is something I would love to see."

"Oh really," Yusuke retorted playfully, looking at the fox then turning away quickly, gluing his eyes on the TV. Kurama's lips were entirely too moist and red. Yusuke hugged the pillow tighter.

"Oh yes. Seeing you, who saved us all by defeating Toguro, thus, winning the Dark Tournament, being led around by a fragile wisp of a girl would prove to be very comical indeed." Kurama was quite amused with the visual.

"Fragile! My ass she's fragile! You've never been on the receiving end of one of her right hooks. She could've been on our team," Yusuke snorted, running his fingers nervously through his hair. "Shit, she slugged me good just the other day."

"Whatever did you do this time, if you don't mind my asking?" Kurama chuckled, pleased that he got Yusuke to talk about Keiko.

"Well…" Yusuke blushed profusely, which caught Kurama's attention. "I…Uh…I tried to kiss her and she smacked me," he answered sheepishly.

"I see. I don't wish to pry, Yusuke, but I thought given the fact that she followed you to Hangneck Island, you two were…well…past the kissing stage," Kurama stated softly, fishing for more information.

"No. She's never let me kiss her," Yusuke admitted. Finally gazing into Kurama's emerald eyes, he slowly licked his lips and added, "I've never kissed anyone before," then averted his eyes from the fox. "A 1000 year old fox demon like you probably thinks that's pretty damn pathetic, huh."

Kurama was mesmerized by Yusuke's sad, deep brown eyes, then, held his breathe as Yusuke's glistening pink tongue poked out to moisten his dry lips. Slowly letting the air out from his lungs, he answered, "I believe you've hit the nail on the head, Yusuke. I have approximately 1000 years of experience. You, on the other hand, are only 15. It's far from pathetic, Yusuke. It's normal. So please don't feel negatively about your lack of experience," he responded tenderly, giving the teen a reassuring smile.

"Maybe you're right but…I bet even in your 16 year old human body, you've been around, haven't you? I mean with that whole fan club of yours and everything." Yusuke had no clue where he was going with this, but babbling seemed to be relaxing him.

"Well…yes…I have indulged myself, occasionally," said Kurama then lowered his gaze to his lap, feeling a bit embarrassed. He then realized he had an opening, a risky one but an opening nonetheless.

"But…," he paused. "I haven't found anyone special, Yusuke." He then bit his lip and added, "Until recently." Kurama then slowly and shyly raised his eyes to meet Yusuke's and prayed he hadn't frightened the boy away by openly revealing his feelings.

Yusuke turned five shades of red, feeling hot and flustered once again as butterflies warred within his stomach. Even though he knew Kurama was referring to him, he found himself stuttering, "D-Do I n-need to ask who?"

Kurama smiled seductively and slowly placed his hand on top of Yusuke's, rubbing his thumb over the taut, white fingers still clutching the pillow. "No, Yusuke, I think I've made myself fairly obvious."

The heat from Kurama's hand singed his skin, heating his body within seconds while liquid fire filled his already semi erect shaft. Panicking, Yusuke jumped up, inadvertently revealing his erection while padding towards the opened window for some much needed fresh air and stammered, "Kurama, I…I…" Yusuke was at a loss for words. He was so confused. He's supposed to want Keiko, yet his body is screaming out for Kurama.

Kurama immediately noticed Yusuke's erection. He closed his eyes briefly feeling his own sex harden in sympathy. He then walked towards Yusuke and gently turned him around.

Standing only a foot away from Yusuke, Kurama's scent of roses overwhelmed the detective's senses. Closing his eyes, Yusuke took in a deep and shaky breathe and tried to hold on to what little was left of his willpower to resist Kurama's sexual allure.

Kurama bit his lower lip, worrying it as he thought, 'He looks terribly confused and distressed. Perhaps I've pushed him too far, too soon, and have said too much. Yet, I can feel the heat coming off his body and from the size of his erection; I know he wants me as well. I need to help him cross that line he's obviously struggling with.'

Catching Yusuke's chin between his thumb and index finger, Kurama raised the raven-haired boy's head to meet his forest green eyes. The fox delicately traced Yusuke's soft bottom lip with his thumb and whispered gently, "Yusuke, don't be nervous and please trust me. This isn't going to hurt."

While entranced within the hypnotic scent of fresh cut roses, electricity surged throughout Yusuke's body, scorching him from head to toe, targeting his sex, causing it to stiffen even more as Kurama's thumb skimmed across his bottom lip. Every thought and concern Yusuke had flew out of his head at that very moment. Before he could think, he gazed up into a set of green jewels that were staring back at him, and after licking his dry lips, he whispered, "You've had this whole night planned out, didn't you, Kurama?"

Carefully cupping the side of Yusuke's cheek and jaw with his gentle hand, Kurama smiled bewitchingly as he slowly closed the distance between their bodies. Lowering his head, leaving their lips only a whisper apart, he allowed his warm breath to mingle with the boys' and rasped, "Yesss, I did," then captured Yusuke's lips with his own.

Yusuke watched breathlessly as Kurama's lips inched closer and closer to his own. Goose bumps covered his skin as the kitsune's hot breathe fanned over his face. His cock strain painfully against his jeans as the kitsune finally took possession of his moist lips. Kurama's hot and wet mouth pressing into his took Yusuke's mind to a world of blistering sensation.

Kurama's tongue skated across his lips demanding entrance, drawing a gasp from the detective's. Yusuke mindlessly opened his mouth to Kurama's, letting loose a shameful moan from his throat while the fox plunged his slippery hot tongue deep into the warm recesses of his awaiting cavern, coaxing the teen's slippery muscle to play.

'You're mine, Yusuke Urameshi. You're finally mine,' Kurama growled to himself unleashing all his pent up lust and love for Yusuke in that first kiss.

Yusuke wrapped his arms around Kurama's shoulders and held on for everything he was worth, spiraling up to a new plane of existence. His last coherent thought was, 'But I'm not gay."

The spirit detective didn't realize how skilled a tongue could be as Kurama devoured his mouth, sensually mapping out every ridge, snaking over teeth and gums, tasting and feeling the texture of his inner orifice, then dueling with his own slippery muscle in a wild and exotic dance. Their lips molded perfectly together in that unbridled passionate kiss.

Yusuke's head was spinning with lust, engulfing his thighs and groin with aching heat. As his knees buckled beneath him, Kurama's strong arm embraced his lower back, crushing Yusuke's hard chest against his own allowing him to feel the boy's racing heart. Kurama pushed Yusuke's back against the wall, forcing their erections to collide while relentlessly raping the teen's virgin mouth.

Yusuke groaned tearing his lips away from Kurama's when the kitsune's thigh wedged itself between his legs, pressing into his hardened sex.

"GOD, KURAMA!" he whimpered, burying his face into the crook of Kurama's neck, gulping in shaky breathes. The burning ache inside his loins was now bordering on painful ecstasy. He thought for sure his cock and balls were going to explode any minute.

'What the fuck is happening to me?' Yusuke's mind scrambled through a haze of lust as Kurama's hips rhythmically rocked into his pulsing shaft. However, he managed to choke out, "Why me?"

Kurama rasped in Yusuke's ear, "Because I love you, Yusuke. I've loved you for so very long," then latched his mouth onto a sensitive earlobe. Kurama was beyond excited. He finally had the one he loves right where he wanted him and wasn't about to let go. His flesh was afire in his yearning to possess his heart's desire.

After massaging and sucking the tiny lobe with his lips and teeth, Kurama proceeded to attack Yusuke's neck with his hot and wet lips, searing a path from behind his ear to his collarbone, sucking the sensitive skin mercilessly. He moved over to his throat, forcing Yusuke's head back, giving Kurama better purchase as he nipped and licked from the hollow of his throat to under his chin, then back down, moving to suckle on the opposite collarbone. Kurama's skill was unmatched.

"Please, Kurama!" Yusuke half whimpered, half sobbed. His cock was so hard it hurt. He couldn't think straight as overwhelming need for the kitsune clouded his judgment. All he could do was feel…feel Kurama's open mouth ravishing his neck like a starving animal…feel the heat generating between their bodies…feel Kurama's hard length against his own as he instinctually pushed back, grinding his own rigid member against Kurama's. He felt Kurama's hands moving over his sides to his chest, ghosting his thumbs across his rock hard nipples, rolling them gently between his thumb and index finger, stroking eagerly down his abdomen, reaching for the hem of his shirt.

'Fuck! It's too much, too fast. I have to think! Oh God, why does it feel so good!? I can't think. I have to think,' Yusuke cried out within his own befuddled mind. 'This is Kurama who's kissing me, touching me, rubbing his dick into mine, and sliding his hand down my… pants! OH SHIT!'

"Kurama stop!" Yusuke yelled grabbing the fox's wrist, stilling his hand before Kurama could explore unmapped territory below Yusuke's waist.

Kurama was lost in his desire to satisfy his long awaited craving for the detective as he ravished the teen with his lips, tongue, and hands, trying to touch and taste every inch of Yusuke's body.

He was jolted out of his frenzied pursuit when Yusuke grabbed his wrist and yelled at him to stop. Kurama lifted his head from the raven-haired boy's neck and growled, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Yusuke's eyes widened from shock at Kurama's frightening expression of crazed hunger. Panting heavily as liquid fire still coursed throughout his veins, Yusuke said breathlessly, "This is happening too fast. I can't do this! I need to think!" And with the last ounce of willpower he had, Yusuke pushed Kurama away, quickly bolting through the front door, slamming it closed behind him, leaving his jacket and sunglasses behind.

Shaking and stunned, Kurama dropped to his knees and yelled, "Yusuke, I'm sorry!" Tears rolled down the kitsune's cheeks. Yusuke was gone.


Author's Note: Sorry to leave off here but Yusuke needs to do a little soul searching. I do promise lots of hot and steamy lemons in the next chapter.

Please review and tell me what you think so far. Reviewing is what gives me that push and added incentive to make each chapter better and better or hotter and hotter.