Disclaimer: We all know I don't own Charmed.

Note: I also want to say thank you to goddessofthenight31 for the review, you rock!

Then next thing Bella knew Wyatt had thrown an energy ball at Chris and the sisters. Bella grabbed baby Wyatt and moved out of the way.

She popped her head from behind the rock where she was hiding. She watched a Paige was thrown up against the wall. Chris ducked as Wyatt through another energy ball.

Wyatt was thrown up against the wall by Chris. When Bella looked at Phoebe she noticed that she was bleeding and could barely stand. Everyone was getting hurt and there was nothing she could do…..Or was there. She didn't know what she could do, but she knew she had to do something. She turned to baby Wyatt.

Bella: I want you to stay here and don't move. You understand?

Baby Wyatt: (he shook his head) Ok.

Bella moved from behind the rock and watched in shock as everything seemed to move into slow motion. Chris waved his arm causing Wyatt to be thrown against a rock that was very pointed, and Wyatt had managed to get an energy ball out as he flu through the air, it was headed for Chris and there was no way he could dodge it this time.

Bella's heart almost stopped. The two people she loved more than anything in the world were about to die, and all she wanted to do was make it stop.

Bella: (She yell) STOP!

Then something happened she was not expecting.

Everyone stopped.

The whole room was frozen.

But how, she didn't have the power to freeze, and she especially did not have the power to freeze other witches.

That's when she realized it wasn't her, it was her sons. They had frozen the whole room.

Now what was she going to do. She knew that if she moved anyone the whole room would unfreeze.

Which meant she had to choice if she would save her one true love, no matter how evil, or her best and closest friend.

How could she pick…….after a long moment she made her decision.

She started running as the room unfroze and the next thing she knew she was standing in front of an energy ball. However, before it hit her a force field blocked it.

Chris stud behind Bella in shock. He thought he was gone.

After deflecting the energy ball Bella ran to where Wyatt was lying on the grown bleeding.

She looked down at him and started crying. He was still alive but she could tell he would soon be dead.

Suddenly he changed; he now had short hair and no mustache.

Bella thought Leo must have killed Gideon and Wyatt had changed back. Unfortunately, it was to late. Wyatt was dieing.

Chris fallowed Bella and looked down at his dieing brother.

He to started crying. He had done what he came there to do, but he did not want his brother to die in the process.

Bella: (looking down at Wyatt) I love you and I have always loved you. (she started to cry even more) I didn't want this to happen, but I had no other choice.

Wyatt: (gasping for breath) I know. Never forget that You are my heart and loving you was the best thing I ever did with my life. (he coughed and blood came out) (He then turned and looked at his brother) Thank you for trying to save me and take care of my sons.

Bella: (More tears streamed down her face) No, No, I can't let you die. LEO! LEO! WE NEED YOU NOW!

There was no answer, Bella screamed again.

Wyatt: I…..L…Love….You. (His dead fell and his eyes closed)

Bella: No, Wyatt, No (Her heart felt like it was breaking) LEO! LEO!

The dark cave was suddenly filled with a bright blue light, and there stud Leo.

Leo: Did it work?

Bella: Hurry, he's dieing.

Leo realized what was happening and ran to Wyatt's side. He placed his hands over Wyatt and they started to glow.

Leo: Its working.

Bella's tears came back again but this time from happiness not sadness. She put her hands over her eyes and cried.

A moment later she felt two hands grab hers and pull them down and when she looked up she was looking into the eyes of Wyatt. He pulled her on the ground with him and two just laid there, holding on to each other.

Chris: Let's go home.

Note: Yes, that is the end…..However, I have decided to write a sequel and it should be here soon. Thank You so very much for reading my story and I hope you will read the sequel.