Background: okay the story starts in the Future when Chris and Wyatt are in there teens. Chris is 14 and Wyatt is 16, and Chris has a best friend, her name is Bella. Okay now you can read on.

Chris: (In his room on the phone with Bella) Dude, I am so nervous about tomorrow.

Bella: Yeah, me to. I mean can you believe it we are finally freshman.

Chris: Well I really hope I don't get put in the dumpster. My brother told me that's what they do to the freshman.

Bella: Don't worry; no one is going to put you in a trash can.

Chris: Well, I hope not.

(Piper yells at Chris to come eat dinner)

Chris: My mom just called me for dinner, so I will see tomorrow morning. Bye

Bella: Bye

(Chris walked down to the kitchen where Piper is)

Chris: Hey mom what's for dinner?

Piper: Stake and baked potatoes with a salad.

Chris: (He yell a silent YESS to himself) So, I though you called me because dinner was ready.

Piper: I just wanted to talk to you about your first day in high school tomorrow. I mean it is a big day. Now you only have 4 more years until college.

Chris: I know, I'm not really that worried about it. As long as I have Bella, I know I won't be alone.

Piper: Well don't forget you'll have your brother there to.

Chris: Come on mom do you really think Wyatt is going to want to hang out with his little brother at school.

Piper: Yeah, why not?

Chris: Maybe because I annoy the crap out of him. He would probable kill me.

(Wyatt walks into the kitchen)

Wyatt: Yeah, mom his right I would kill him. So is dinner ready yet?

Piper: No, why are you in some hurry?

Wyatt: Well… you see I was going to ask if I could go to the movie with Alex.

Piper: No. It's a school night; you know you can't go out on a school night.

Wyatt: But Mom…

Piper: Don't "But Mom" me. I said no, not on a school night.

Wyatt: Well what if dad said yes.

Piper: I said no, go set the table. (To Chris) and you help.

(Chris and Wyatt walk into the dinning room)

Wyatt: Man this sucks, mom is so unfair, I mean other kid parents let there kids go to the movies on a school night.

Chris: Let me guess Alex is a girl and that is why you want to go so bad.

Wyatt: Yeah, dude she is sooo hot, and Scott said she really likes me.

(Piper walks in the room with the food and sets it on the table. Then she calls for Leo to come eat dinner)

Leo: (As he walks in to the dinning room.) Smells good.

Wyatt: (To his dad) I have a question for you.

Leo: Okay, shoot.

Wyatt: Do you think it would be okay for me to go to the movies to night with some friends.

Leo: Yeah, sure

Piper: (through he teeth) LEO!

Leo: Uh…. But not on a school night. So, Chris you excited for tomorrow?

Chris: Yeah, I guess. I just hope I don't get canned.

Leo: Why, just use your power and freeze them, then you can just walk right by. If you know what I mean.

Piper: (through her teeth) LEO!

Leo: I'm just kidding; Chris knows he can't use his powers at school.

Wyatt: Don't worry I will make sure you don't get canned.

Piper: Anyway, Chris when you are done you need to do the dishes and Wyatt you need to clean off the table and wash the pot and pans.(To Leo) I don't really feel good so I am going to bed early. Goodnight you guys I love you.

(It is 7 a.m. when Chris hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it. When he opens the door Bella is standing there.)

Chris: Good morning.

Bella: Hey you ready. We don't want to be late on are first day.

Chris: Yeah, just let me get my stuff. (He walks into the living room and grabs his back pack and yells) Bye mom, Bye dad, see you after school. (To Bella) Okay let go. So did your mom give you any words of wisdom for your first day?

Bella: No not really she just told me to "Have Fun". I must say she sure is inspirational. I bet your parents gave you some advice.

Chris: Yeah I told my dad that I was afraid I might get canned, but he told me to just….

Bella: To just….What?

Chris: Nothing, never mind.

Bella: Here we go again. One of these days I am going to find out what it is you are hiding from me.

Chris: I don't know what you're talking about.

Bella: Yeah I bet you don't.

(Chris and Bella walked the rest of the way to school in silence. Flash forward to Lunch.)

Chris: There you are, so how where your classes?

Bella: They were okay; I just can't believe we only have two classes together. So did you meet any Hot girls???

Chris: Well, yes I did. This one girl Bianca seems really nice.

Bella: I expect details.

Chris: Yeah I know. So, where do you want to sit?

Bella: I don't know, hey look there's Wyatt. Maybe we could…

Chris: No! He would kill me. He already told me he did not want to see me or even talk to me.

Bella: He was not serious, I bet he wouldn't bit my head off if I went and talk to him.

Chris: For one thing, you're not his little brother and for the second thing he likes you, he hates me.

Bella: I don't think he really said that he would kill you if you talked to him.

Chris: Fine then go ask him.

Bella: Fine I will. (She walked up to Wyatt and his friend Scott) Hey Wyatt.

Wyatt: Hey Bella, What's up?

Bella: Not much, anyway the reason I am here is well Chris said that you said that if he even looked or talked to him you would kill him, and I did not believe him so I came to ask you.

Wyatt: Yeah I said it, but I also said that if he was having any problems to just let me know and I would handle it.

Bella: I figured he was over reacting. Well thanks, guess I will see you later. Bye

Wyatt: Bye (Wyatt turned back to his friend)

Scott: So wait who was that, she was hot.

Wyatt: Yeah I guess she is, she is my little brother's best friend.

Scott: Lucky guy.

(Bella walked back to where Chris was standing)

Bella: See I knew your brother was not that mean. He said that he did not want you to talk to him unless someone was messing with you.

Chris: But he still doesn't want me to talk to him.

Bella: Yeah, but if you really needed him he would be there for you.

Chris: Oh, shut up, let's just go to class.

Bella: What?

(Bella and Chris walked to class together. At the end of the day Chris walked Bella home and then he walked home. Bella said she would be over in 10 min., after she told her mom.)

Chris: (When he walked in the door) Mom! Dad! I am home.

Leo: Hey, we are in the living room.

Chris: (He walks into the living room and sees Phoebe.) Aunt Phoebe

Phoebe: Hey Chris, so how was your first day of school?

Chris: It was a lot of fun. I meet some new people. The only bad part is, I only have two classes with Bella.

Phoebe: Well, now you can…Watch out behind you (a warlock blinked in)

Chris: (He turns around quickly and three more warlocks blink in. That's when he hears the front door open)

Bella: Chris, hey where are you?

Chris: (He runs to the door and pushes Bella on the ground when two warlocks come around the corner. He uses his powers to throw one of the warlocks against the wall. Wail the other blows up. Chris looks around but doesn't see his mom anywhere. So he turns around and looks at Bella, who has her hand up.) Did you just…. Blow him up???