Natalie took one look at Curran and burst out laughing. He was acting as their mascot that night and he had gone all out to look the part. He was wearing a chainmail shirt that hung to his knees covered by a white tunic emblazoned with a red cross.

"What? I thought I cut a rather dashing figure."

"Oh God, would you look at that." Jonas muttered and Natalie couldn't be sure if he was happy or irritated. He was standing in front of the lobby doors staring out at the crowd who had lined up for his Grand Opening. "Do you think they understand that this is a revival house because if they think they're getting Lucas Sound and . . ."

"We've been advertising this for weeks, the posters are up and the marquee clearly states what is playing. What makes you think they don't know what they're in for?' Natalie asked.

"Have you read any warning labels lately? The average person doesn't understand the applications of Preparation H."

"Well, maybe the average person doesn't have a constant pain in the . . ."

"Isn't it time that we opened the doors." Abigail interrupted.

"No." Jonas gave the crowd a dubious glare. "We just waxed these floors."

"Would you listen to yourself?" She rolled her eyes. "We waxed the floors for them, now open the doors.'

"I've changed my mind. I don't want to do this anymore."

"I'll do it." Curran offered, reaching out to unlock the door.

"Don't touch that." Jonas swatted his hand away like a petulant two year old. "I'm the owner and I'll unlock the doors." He stood in front of the doors like a brave matador facing a charging bull. He squared his shoulders and reached back with one hand, "Curran hand me your sword."

Curran winked at Natalie as he moved to her side without relinquishing his blade. She could understand Jonas' nervousness and without thinking she reached for Curran's hand as Jonas finally threw open the doors.

The moment people begin to file into the theater she started to relax. They had opened the doors early in the name of PR and they would be doing drawings for vintage movie posters and season tickets. Everywhere she turned people were commenting on what a good job they had done restoring the theater to the way they remembered. She had several people share fond memories of first dates and she could see grandparents with their grandchildren sharing stories about what it was like going to the movies here when they were kids. Natalie knew that he would never admit it but everyone could see the pride on Jonas' face.

Curran was obviously enjoying himself too. He was passing out inflatable swords to the kids. She still didn't know how they had talked Jonas into that one, and greeting the customers as they came in.

Natalie laughed as she saw Curran being accosted by children and women alike wanting to have their picture taken with the noble Paladin.

"Curran, look, Richard is here." Natalie pointed when she saw him walk in with his family.

"Hey, I'm thinking it's safe for you to call this a success." He greeted them. "How's Jonas holding up?"

"He wanted to barricade the doors so the customers couldn't come in and mess up his newly waxed floors." She answered.

"So, he's being his normal self."

"He'll be so happy that you came."

"I wouldn't miss it." He said, surprised she would even consider it. "It's all pretty amazing, don't you think. I mean, if he hadn't decided to open this place we might not have ever met. What are the odds?" He laughed before walking over to Jonas and Abigail.

"It is funny, isn't it?" Natalie said, turning to Curran.

"That by mere chance they found their son after all these years and became friends before they even knew the truth."

"That too, but I was thinking it was funny that the most well adjusted person I know drives a plane to work."

Natalie paused, taking a moment to look around the room. It was only about half an hour before the movie started and the lobby was still packed with people. She found herself smiling as she realized how many of the faces she recognized, friends, family, people from the neighborhood . . . and John. She was surprised to find him here. He looked almost embarrassed as he crossed the room to her.

"Congratulations. You've done a really good job here, Natalie."

"Yes, we did." She agreed with a smile.

"Look, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened the other day. I shouldn't have been prying into your life."

"You mean like going behind my back and making decisions about my life." She pointed out.

"I am trying to apologize here. You know, just in case you've forgotten." He smiled and she felt herself begin to relent.

"You're right, feel free to keep going."

He shook his head and sighed. "I'm sorry, it's just I get this feeling about the guy and . . ." He stopped when he saw the look on her face. "I didn't stop caring about you just because we broke up."

"Yeah, me too." She said softly. He held her eye for a long moment until she finally had to think of something to break the silence. "I'm surprised to see you here. You were never a big cinema fan." She said, almost nervously.

"Well, I . . ." His words were interrupted by his cell phone and he quickly glanced at the number. "I've got to take this. Can you give me just one second."

He turned his back as he answered the phone but she heard him say the name Cole first. She knew from Starr that John had developed a friendship with the boy, was even becoming a kind of mentor to him but she couldn't deny that it was hard to be put aside so that he could talk to Marty Saybrooke's son. She glanced around uncomfortably and she saw Curran waving to her. He was standing in front of the doors and she saw him open the doors with a flourish and bow as Perry and Sarah walked into the theater. She hurried over to greet them.

"Natalie!" They greeted her with an affectionate hug.

"Hey, I was beginning to worry that you weren't going to make it."

"Well, we just did, no thanks to her." Perry gestured toward Sarah.

"We would have been here in plenty of time if it weren't for that unreasonable police officer. I still say he only pulled me over because of the car. Isn't that profiling or something?" She asked but didn't wait for anyone to answer her. "Anyway, I still say the speed limit was not clearly posted."

"You knew it wasn't the autobahn though." Perry muttered.

"Just be glad you weren't in a carriage crossing." Natalie said sympathetically.

They spent the next few minutes catching up until Jonas flashed the lights in the lobby, signaling the start of the movie.

"I guess we should take our seats. We brought you a little Grand Opening gift." Sarah said, handing her a brightly wrapped package.

"You shouldn't have done that." Natalie said.

"Oh it's nothing, just a little something to remind you of us and how much we appreciate all that you did for us."

"We didn't do anything."

"Don't be silly." Sarah patted her hand. "We'll see you after the movie."

Natalie turned to Curran after the last customer finally wandered off to the theater with his popcorn and found him struggling to pull of his costume. She resisted the urge to laugh and helped him get the heavy suit off. "Where did Jonas rent this?" she asked, surprised by how heavy it was.

"He didn't. I already had it."


He looked at her and smiled. "It's for my "knight" job. Get it."


"Come on. That was funny." He protested."So, what did we get?" He asked

Natalie opened the box and pulled out the infamous humidor. She gingerly sat it down on the counter and then stepped back. "You open it."

"Why? Is it ticking?" Curran laughed.

"No, but it felt heavy. Make sure there's no one in there."

Curran eased the lid open and peered inside the humidor. "You'd better take a look at this."

"Why, who's in there?" She stepped up behind him cautiously, holding on to his arm as she tried to peek over his shoulder. "I think its aunt Becky!" He said and abruptly yanked the lid off of the humidor. Natalie jumped before she realized that all that was in the humidor was some pictures and she slapped his arm playfully

Sarah had filled the humidor with pictures of Aunt Becky as well as pictures of her and Perry. There were also tickets to an upcoming car show that she was entering her Camero in. Natalie looked through the pictures while Curran was trying to find somewhere to put the humidor.. He finally settled on a shelf behind the concession stand next to the Singin' in the Rain ice bucket.

"You're not really going to put it there, are you?"

"I think they kind of go together." He shrugged.

"I'm sure it violates some kind of health code to have an article that formerly housed human remains within so many yards of Goobers and Raisnettes."

"I won't tell if you won't." He said but she gave him a doubtful look. "Just come here and look." He took her hand and pulled her in front of the shelf. "Now look up at that and tell me what you see."

"His and hers?"

Curran shook his head. "No, it's like looking at our lives, two completely unrelated things but yet they're connected."

She stared up at the cheap humidor and the tacky ice bucket and tried to see them through his eyes. She felt as if she almost grasped what he meant but she just couldn't see it as clearly as he could.

John had hung up with Cole and felt a stab of irritation at finding that Natalie hadn't waited for him. He wanted to finish their conversation but when he got off the phone he found her behind the concession stand with Curran. He watched them as they laughed and talked together. He couldn't help but be reminded of what it was like when he and Natalie had worked together, when they had known everything that was going on in each others lives. She had changed. He sensed it every time that he talked to her. She wasn't the same person he had been fighting with ever since his accident. She wasn't even the same person she had been before his accident. He wondered just who she was becoming.

John saw Curran gather up the costume and walk outside to his car. He carefully stowed away the suit in the trunk but John noticed that when he shut the trunk the latch didn't catch. Curran had already ran back inside and, as a police officer, he felt that it was his duty to ensure the safety of Curran's belongings.He lifted the trunk and took a quick peek inside; just to make sure everything was all right.

"I tried to warn you." Natalie said as she and Curran stepped out of the darkened theater into the lobby. "I don't know why you do this to yourself."

"I thought I could handle it."

"You know how you get when . . ." She was surprised to find Viki waiting in to the lobby. "Mom? I wasn't expecting you. I hope you haven't been waiting out here long."

"No, I just got here. I hope I didn't come at a bad time." She said noting Curran's red eyes with concern.

"The reel came in for this weekend's movie. We always preview it first, you know just to make sure there's nothing wrong with the film." Natalie explained.

"Of course." Viki nodded knowingly. "So, what is the feature for this weekend?"

"Imitation of Life." Curran answered, quietly.

"I tried to warn you about the sad movies." Natalie shook her head.

"I love that film." Viki said. "Which version are you showing?"

"The 1934 version with Claudette Colbert."

"I always liked that version better than the one starring Lana Turner. It was a beautiful movie."

Curran nodded. "Especially the ending with the horse drawn hearse and when her daughter comes back . . ." Curran's voice broke. "I don't think I want to talk about it anymore."

"He always gets like this when we watch sad movies."

Viki patted his back soothingly and exchanged a smile with Natalie. Curran took a deep breath and straightened himself bravely. "I should go get the ice for tonight. You know before Jonas finds out the one we bought has never actually worked." He grinned as he walked out the door

"I just wanted to make sure you saw this." She handed her a copy of the "Banner"

"There's a write up about the Paladin." She gave her Mom a suspicious look.

"I didn't have anything to do with it." She promised. "The theater has generated a lot of interest and you should all be very proud."

"Jonas will be thrilled. He's been so nervous about this place."

"Well, sweetheart, it's very difficult for the small independent theaters to compete in today's market."

"It's not just about that. He's trying to recreate something from his childhood here. Jonas so desperately wanted to escape this neighborhood but this was the one place where he was truly happy. He clung to that long after he left here and if they had rejected this place it would almost have been as if they were rejecting him too. Does that make any sense?"

Viki looked at her with surprised amusement. "I think that was very perceptive. You must have grown quite fond of Jonas."

Natalie thought about that for the moment. The idea of being fond of Jonas seemed almost funny, like people who name their pet Pythons fluffy, but she had to admit she did like the old curmudgeon. "I think Curran has been a bad influence on me."


"He has all these weird ideas about how this life isn't just about us, we're here to help people and sweep up their ashes."

"That doesn't sound so strange." Viki smiled. "Well, except for that last part.'

"Well, no, not in the abstract but . . . it's like the humidor and the ice bucket."

"Excuse me?"

Natalie pointed to the shelf behind the concession stand. "Those two items are sort of symbolic of the way Curran sees things. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other but he sees a connection, not just a connection, but a significance. Even though the people who own them don't even . . ." She passed for a long moment as she stared up at the shelf.

"Are you okay?" Viki asked."

"I'm fine." She laughed. "I was just thinking that the only connection between the two is me and Curran. You know, if John and I hadn't been having problems then I might never have met Curran and I certainly never would have volunteered to drive him to Tennessee. I have no idea what would have happened to Aunt Becky?"

"Aunt Becky?"

"I never would have met Jonas or smelled popcorn. Maybe he wouldn't have bought this theater and found Abigail. He never would have bought those posters from Richard and . . . this is starting to make me very dizzy."

"Me too." Viki agreed.

"I screwed up everything I thought was important. I got myself kicked out of the forensics program and I destroyed my relationship with John. I felt like such a failure but maybe Curran was right. Maybe he was . . ." she shrugged and gave an embarrassed laugh. "I think I've been watching too many movies."

"I really should be going. I still have a lot to do before tomorrow night." Viki said, glancing at her watch.

"What's tomorrow night?"

Viki gave her a look. "Asa and Renee's anniversary party. You haven't forgotten?"

"No, of course not."

Natalie and Curran ordered a pizza that night and sat in her apartment and made plans for an upcoming event. The neighborhood was planning a sort of block party to kick off the summer and Jonas' idea was to hold a 1930's type radio show out of the theater. Natalie was still surprised by how much she enjoyed working there. She had worried that once the chaos of the opening was over she would get bored but she found it anything but dull.

She absently tossed a note pad onto the table where the chess board was set up. They had been involved in this game for weeks now and she inadvertently knocked a piece to the floor. She knelt to pick up the castle and she looked at it thoughtfully as she turned it around in her hand. Curran knelt beside of her and she turned to him and smiled.

"Fast within the walls of somewhere. On the streams of bye and bye. I can see it's turrets rising. Close against the distant sky." She said softly and handed him the castle.

"Through its lofty hills I wonder. While the moonlight sheds its beams. On each treasured thing of beauty. In the castle of my dreams." He finished as he looked into her eyes. She lost herself in them for a moment and then she finally stood.

"You know it." She said, not really surprised.

"I love books and movies. It's the only time people give you permission to peek inside their dreams." He smiled.

"You know I think I finally got what you were saying about the humidor and the ice bucket."


"You know, I kept thinking of the reasons why I lost John. I felt like a failure, like it was all my fault but maybe it had to happen that way."

"Could it be that you're beginning to believe in destiny?"

"I don't know if I would go that far but maybe we're like that chess piece and we just had to be moved to the right position. Maybe you were right about us being there to help.'

"Maybe I'm right about a lot of things." He smiled

"Do you want to go to a party with me tomorrow night?" She blurted out and then wondered what had gotten into her.

"Are you asking me out?" He grinned at her and there was no trace of smugness, just delight.

"It's my grandfather's anniversary. I know its short notice and it's not really a big deal."

"Don't worry. Finery suits me." He told her with a grin.

John stepped into his office and stared unseeingly out the window as he listened to his messages. Only one caught his attention.

"McBain, you owe me one. It took some doing but I think I found someone who might be able to give you some info on that coin. Here's his number."

John quickly grabbed a pen and jotted the number down and then sat down at his desk staring at the slip of paper. He wasn't used to walking away from something with so many questions left unanswered. His gut told him that there was something here but he kept thinking of Natalie. He had told her he wouldn't pry and he didn't want to risk losing her friendship if it was possible. He sighed, wadded up the piece of paper and with just a moments hesitation he threw the number in the trash.

"Did you give the chef at the Palace my instructions?" Asa asked for the third time.

"Yes, don't worry; everything is going to go fine tonight." Clint assured him as he tried to usher his father out of Llanfair.

"Of curse it will." He said with his usual bravado.

Clint smiled as he opened the door to usher his father out and found a young man standing there, flowers in one hand the other poised to knock. He was wearing a tuxedo but the shirt was open and the tie was just draped around his neck.

"Can I help you?" Clint asked with a bewildered smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just hoping . . ." he looked past them to where Viki had just entered the room. "Hi, mom." He said cheerfully.

"Mom? What the hell have you done now?" Asa demanded.

"Don't be silly." She admonished. "Hello Curran."

"Natalie invited me tonight and I came by to beg for help. Me and ties, you know." He gave her a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Come on inside." She said leading him into the study where she helped him with his cuff links and tie.

"I don't know how to thank you for this. I spent an hour just trying to pick out the right cologne. Do you want to smell me?" He asked, just as Jessica walked into the room. She raised an eyebrow at her mom and Viki just smiled.

"Hello, Curran" Jess greeted him.

"Hi. How's my . . ." He hesitated as he glanced at Viki. "How's Bree?"

"She's perfect. I just wanted to warn you that Natalie is here."

"Can you stall her for a moment dear? We've almost got this.' Viki said as she straightened the tie and stepped back to admire her work. She felt like she was getting her daughter ready for prom night.

"So, what do you think?"

"I think we have achieved irresistible." She told him. "I'll send Natalie in." She stepped out into the foyer where Natalie and Jess were talking and greeted her with a hug.

"You look beautiful." She told her, noticing that Curran wasn't the only one taking special pains with their appearance tonight.

"Thank you. Is Curran here yet?"

"Yes, he's in the study." Viki answered and as Natalie started by her she stopped her. "Natalie, be sure and tell him he looks nice."

Natalie had to confess that she felt a sense of pride as she walked into the Palace that night with Curran. She could see heads turn as they walked into the room. Curran was just as at ease in this setting as he was at the movie theater. He was charming but genuine and was even able to win Asa over almost effortlessly. She found her eyes being constantly drawn to him as they mingled among her family and friends. His eyes always met hers at those times, as if he were seeking her out too.

"You look beautiful tonight, Natalie."

She turned at the sound of John's voice and the way he was smiling at her made the breath catch in her throat. "You clean up pretty good too, McBain."

"I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye the other night but you looked pretty busy." He said and Natalie had to resist the urge to point out that he was the one who had to interrupt their conversation to talk to Marty's son.

She laughed. "I guess, my life is usually pretty crazy so I guess I didn't notice."

"Yeah, I guess so." He said, finding himself stealing a glance toward Curran. He was talking to Asa who was listening intently and smiling. For some reason John found this a little annoying. "You know, we still haven't been able to find a replacement for you at the station." He wondered why he had just blurted that out.


"Your uncle has threatened to put it a revolving door." He smiled. "The last one was doing her filing by the Greek alphabet or something."

"It can't' be that bad."

"Yeah, it is. Why don't you come back, as a humanitarian act."

"No." She said without hesitation. "I didn't want to just shuffle papers there for the rest of my life."

"As opposed to sweeping up spilled popcorn?" He said and winced. He was expecting a firestorm after that stupid remark.

"Leaf blower."

"Excuse me?" He looked at her with confusion.

"We just use a leaf blower to blow all the popcorn and stuff to the front." She explained with a laugh. "John, I know it's hard for you to understand and I know it doesn't seem like a very important job but I like it there. The theater is becoming a part of the community, it's more than just a place where people go to watch movies. We're already getting bookings from people who want to use it for different events. I'm a part of something there. I'm in a good place."

"I just thought you wanted more than that"

"I'm happy there, John. I never wanted more than that.'

Natalie had somehow sensed that Curran wasn't in the room anymore and she found him outside. He was standing on the edge of the fountain, tossing coins high into the air and watching them splash into the water.

"Making a wish?" She asked and he turned and smiled.

"And it worked." He said holding out a hand to her.

She hesitated for just a moment before taking his hand and letting him pull her onto the ledge next to him. "We can share one." He said, holding out a coin. He closed his eyes, placed the coin gently to his lips and then tossed it into the water.

"So what did you wish for?" He asked.

"You're not supposed to tell your wish."

"You can trust me with your wishes. How else can I make them come true?"

"What did you wish for?"

"I wished you would dance with me, right here, right now."

She allowed him to pull her into his arms and they began a slow waltz around the edge of the fountain. The thought of falling never occurred to her. She trusted him completely to guide her around the narrow edge of the fountain. The moonlight was cast sparkling light across the water and she laid her head on his shoulder. "Tell me a story about us." She whispered.

"Well, the first time we ever met you held me in not so quiet contempt. You thought I was little more than a scoundrel and no matter what I did to try and prove my worth you dismissed it as either dumb luck or villainess."

"I don't think I like this story." She said and he laughed.

"No, it was okay because it made me fight that much harder to prove myself to you. I wanted to stand out in a crowd for you."

"Is this where you do your Jack Nicholson impression?"

"You make me want to be a better man." He said in perfect Nicholson and they both laughed. "You deserve to have a man among men, Natalie. Then and now."

They paused and he leaned close to her. The moment his lips touched her she felt overwhelmed by emotion and sensation. She felt as if every sense were heightened and images and memories began to flash, fade and merge into one another, like a kaleidoscope. She felt as if someone where whispering all the secrets of her life into her ear. She felt him pull away and she heard herself whisper a name before everything went dark.

"Natalie." She woke up to find her father leaning over her.

"What did you do to her?" She heard John's voice, the worry and the barely constrained anger.

"I could never hurt her."

"Honey, do you know where you are?" Clint asked.

"On the ground." She answered and he gave her a relieved smile.

He helped her get to her feet and they led her inside where her Mom could hover over her. She saw Curran take a step toward her but John took his arm. "Why don't we just give her some space?"

Curran glanced at her, leaving only after she had given him a barely perceptible nod. John took his arm and led him back outside.

"Do you want to tell me just what the hell happened out here?" John demanded.

"I did nothing to harm her. That's all you need to know." He answered calmly.

"You're a real cool customer, aren't you. I just want you to know one thing, I won't stand around and watch her get hurt."

"Well, then in at least this one matter you will be able to find some peace. I will never hurt her. You have my word."

John hated his assurance, his calmness and he also hated that he believed him. "Why don't you just stay right here until I've had a chance to talk to Natalie."

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Viki asked

Natalie thought about it for a moment. She found herself recalling the night of Curran's car accident and she laughed. "Like I've been hit by a train." She said but regretted it when she saw the look of concern on her Mom's face. "I'm fine, really. Could I maybe get a drink of water?"

"Of course."

Natalie breathed a sigh of relief when she left her alone with Jessie.

"Okay, what really happened out there?" Jess asked.

"I'll tell you all about it but I need a pen first."

Jess gave her a strange look but managed to find her a pen. She quickly wrote a name down on her palm and then closed her fingers over it gently. "I kissed him."

"That's it? You kissed him."

"I kissed him and then I fainted." Natalie said, beginning to pace. "I've been kissed before but that . . ."she noticed Jess's amused smile and realized she was fanning herself.

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. It was just . . . it was timeless."

"Are you okay?" The sound of John's voice startled her and she turned to face him almost guiltily.

"I'm fine, really." She answered and prayed that he wouldn't press for more details. "Where's Curran?"

"Natalie, if he . . ."

"No, of course not. He would never do anything to hurt me."

"Then what the hell is going on with you?"

"I'm trusting my cape."

She stepped outside and found him standing there, his face turned up to the sky, the wind tousling his hair and the moon illuminating his face. the scene felt so familiar except that she somehow knew that she should be able to smell salt water in the air and hear the gentle rhythm of the ocean.

"I like who I am when I'm with you." She said and he turned to face her. "I've spent my whole life being afraid. I was afraid of being alone, that no one would ever or cold ever love me. I thought that would end when I came here and found my family but it was always there. I could never really trust it and that fear made me . . . I didn't always like who I was. I'm never afraid with you and I . . ." she paused and laughed. "How am I supposed to do this? Look at you." She said as she reached up to brush away the tears that were streaming down his face.

"I can't help it. Feel my heart." He said and pressed her hand against his chest. She could feel his heart racing beneath her fingertips.

"I just wanted to say that I understand now." She said as her own tears began to fall. "I was set apart for you and I have always loved you."

The End???


"My Castle"

Fast within the walls of Somewhere,

On the stream of Bye and Bye

I can see its turrets rising,

Close against the distant sky;

Through its lofty halls I wander,

While the moonlight sheds it beams

On each treasured thing of beauty,

In the castle of my dreams

Could I take you to my stronghold,

You would ask that you might stay,

Where the birds in joyful chorus,

Chant the songs of yesterday;

Where the golden light of fancy,

Like some distant beacon gleams,

Guiding on to scenes of rapture,

In the castle of my dreams

Florence Barner