Life 14 – Concrete Angel

Somebody cries in the middle of the night

The neighbors hear, but they turn out the lights

A fragile soul, caught in the hands of fate

When morning comes it'll be too late

Through the wind and the rain

She stands hard as a stone

In a world that she can't rise above

But her dreams give her wings

And she flies to a place where she's loved

Concrete angel

A statue stands in a shaded place

An angel girl with an upturned face

A name is written on a polished rock

A broken heart that the world forgot


A/N – When it says 'The End' the first time, keep reading. It's not the end of the storyP

I stood staring down into my sister's open grave. All emotion had been drained from me ages ago, and now I was just an empty shell staring at the last place I had seen my angel's face. She had finally gotten what we both desperately wished for: peace. And her peace came at the price of my broken heart, but I was happy for her. She was okay where she was. I just wished so hard that I was okay where I was.

Feeling a pair of comforting arms surround me from behind, I placed my hand on top of his. "Thank you for staying behind, Spike."

Spike just nodded into my hair and kissed the top of my head. His tears fell constantly and the feel of them in my hair caused another breakdown from me. "Why wasn't it me? I deserve to be there so much more than she does. She should be here, living for real."

He just sighed, his hold on me tightening ever so slightly. "Buffy, you do not deserve death."

I scoffed, "She was my baby sister and I failed her. She's lying in the ground now, and I'm up here. What kind of a big sister gets her killed? What good am I?"

Spike turned me around and placed his hand on my stomach. "This is what good you are. All those babies we're going to have together. Everything that we are going to share in the future will be ours, and we will do it for her. Because of her you have the chance to live. Because of her we have a chance to be happy. Baby, don't you see? Dawn died to save you, because she loves you so much. She's your guardian angel now. She's up there watching over you and protecting you with all her heart and soul." He smiled a little, "I should know, I've got my own up there too."

I nodded into his chest, my tears soaking his shirt. "Our first daughter is going to be named Dawn, you know that right?"

Spike just let his smile get wider, "I wouldn't want anything but that, luv." Looking up into the sky he took a deep breath, "This one's for you, Nibblet."

3 years later.

"Buffy Anne Summers."

I grinned as I stood up to walk across the stage. I could hear Spike cheering me from the stands and I grinned over at him proudly.

It had taken a lot to get me to that point. I had started to see a psychiatrist not long after Dawn's death and now everything was just right. I was finally graduating and in three weeks me and Spike were leaving for England. We weren't staying over there like originally planned, but rather scouting the area out. We wanted to find a nice quiet community to settle down in and raise our children.

After the graduating service, I met up with the gang for our final time in the library. "Wow, I cannot believe how much I'm going to miss this place," I said as I walked in, Spike right behind me.

Jenny hobbled over to me awkwardly, "Congratulations Buffy." I hugged her, careful so as not to upset her very pregnant belly. Giles and Mrs. Giles were expecting their first child in less than a month. Spike and I were both hoping that Jenny would have his little brother before we left.

As I touched her rounded stomach, the baby kicked and Jenny laughed. "I guess Tyler wants to congratulate you too, Buffy." I grinned and then hugged Giles.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Buffy," he whispered into my hair.

"Giles, don't get my started! As it is, I'm surprised my make-up has survived this long." We both laughed and I went to go sit at the table with everyone for the last time.

Willow was sitting in Oz's lap. They were both accepted to Oxford and planned to move to England to be closer to me and Spike. Willow just couldn't bear the thought of leaving me alone for more than 15 minutes. They planned to live off-campus in an apartment and we had to promise not to choose a house to far away.

Tara and Callie, still going strong, weren't going to college just yet. They had decided to join a Wicca retreat and were headed out to the Nevada desert for 9 months starting in September. Afterwards was still anyone's guess.

Xander, who wasn't with Cordelia anymore, was staying in Sunnydale to work at a Construction site. He had always been interested in it and took the opportunity when it had arisen.

Cordelia, however, was all too happy to leave little old Sunnydale. She and Xander were still friends, but she was moving to LA to pursue an acting career.

Looking at every one of my friends, I grinned at how wonderful everything was turning out to be. Sure we were all splitting up but that didn't mean that it was over. It was just a change of hangout for the Nerd Herd.

When the library doors opened up my father walked in, followed by most everyone else's parents. Congratulations were passed around and my Dad even gave me a locket with my picture and Dawn's picture inside. Fastening it on I smiled up at him with tears in my eyes. "Thanks, Daddy."

Of all the people there, I'd miss him the most. He was moving back to Paris now that I had graduated and he wasn't needed in Sunnydale anymore. But living with him had been a dream. It was like night and day from Ted Roberts. Dad bought me anything I wanted, let me stay out as late as I wanted, and was just the coolest dad around. Without him with me the past three years, I'd have probably given up long ago.

Sitting back in my chair, I noticed Spike was looking more nervous than ever. "What's wrong, Spike?" I asked staring at him in confusion.

Reaching behind the library counter he grabbed a certain purple musical box I hadn't even thought of in three years. Placing it gently in my hands he smiled slightly. "Open it, luv." Doing as he said, my eyes grew wide at the beautiful diamond ring sitting on the inside. My eyes got even wider as Spike dropped to one knee in front of me.

"Buffy, I have loved you forever. I'm sorry I didn't save you and Dawn from Ted, but I promise to protect you forever. You are my heart and soul and I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm so in love with you I can't think straight. Every morning when I wake up you're the first thought in my head, and when I go to sleep you're the last image in my mind. Everything I do is for you, and you'd make me the happiest man on Earth if you'd just do me one favor and marry me."

Staring at him with tears in my eyes, my face split into a wide grin and I practically threw myself at him. Pulling back to look him in the eye, my thumb rubbed his cheek. "Yes, William, I'd love to marry you." Leaning forward I met his lips in the most tender of kisses I'd ever experienced. I knew at that moment the rest of my life was going to be the most perfect experience ever.

The End.

Buffy smiled and clicked save before closing her laptop. It had taken her eight years and a lot of tissues but she'd finally finished her novel. Sighing in relief she looked down at her two year old son, Alex. "Hey baby, go find Daddy and Dawn. We're going for ice cream." Alex squealed and went to go do as he was told.

Spike came in a moment later with the 5 year old hanging off his legs. "What was this about 'muhscumabut'?" he asked mimicking Alex's tone and crazy language.

Buffy giggled, scooping up the 3 month old little girl in the wicker basket and rocking her gently. "I'm done! Let's go for ice-cream and celebrate."

Spike grinned, "Bloody hell. Took you long enough."

Buffy glared, "You try writing a story about your life and see how hard it is." Spike stuck his tongue out and picked Alex up, going to get the oldest two ready. Buffy grinned down at Marie, "See I was right. My life was perfect." Looking up to the ceiling, Buffy blew a kiss, "This one's for you, Dawn."

The End.

A/N – Thank you so much for sticking by me through this! I know it's been a tough ride, but I'm so happy to have finally finished it. Not that it wasn't amazing to write, but I wanted to see the end as much as you guys did. Halfway through the story I had veered from my original plan so this was a surprise for all of usP Thanks to everyone who reviewed, and a special thanks to my best friend Marie who encouraged me to keep writing this.

Stay tuned for some one-shots I'm currently working on.

Songs used throughout the series are as follows: Hero – Bonnie Tyler; Anything But Ordinary – Avril Lavigne; Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Green Day; Nobody's Home – Avril Lavigne; Invincible – Pat Benetar; Photograph – Nickelback; Never Had a Dream Come True – S Club 7; Mockingbird – Eminem; Awake in A Dream – Kalan Porter; There Goes My Life – Kenny Chesney; Full Of Grace – Sarah MacLachlan; It Doesn't Matter – Alison Kruas; and Concrete Angel – Martina McBride.
