Please note that this is a crossover with Boston Legal. It's mostly about Sam and Dean, but Alan Shore and Denny Crane do make an appearance.

Spoilers : To be safe, everything in seasons one and two, but especially Skin, Everybody Loves a Clown, The Usual Suspects, and Night Shifter. Spoilers also for second season Boston Legal especially the episode Truly, Madly, Deeply.

Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Kripke and Co. Boston Legal belongs to ABC and David E. Kelley. No infringement intended.

Warnings: This is a work in progress, but I'm already deeply into it. Hopefully, there won't be too long of a wait between chapters. All episodes after Night Shifter are not applicable.

Author's Notes: Although very Supernatural-centric, this is a crossover with Boston Legal. It might be helpful to know a bit about those characters. You can read their bios at would be loved and appreciated. Thanks!

Chapter 1

"Go. Now!" Sam said to his brother as they hunkered down behind a display case of human skulls. "We're not arguing about this anymore. Go."

The glare Dean shot at him was bathed in blue and red. "No. No way. I'm not leaving you behind, Sammy."

Sam rolled his eyes, inwardly cursing his brother's penchant for throwing himself in harm's way all in the name of family. "Yes, you are," he answered, trying to keep his voice calm and reasonable. "I can handle this. You need to go."

"Are you out of your fucking mind, Sam? The FBI wants us both. Or have you forgotten that?"

Sam gritted his teeth. He was getting tired of repeating himself and they were running out of time. "No. I haven't forgotten. It's the Philadelphia PD out there not the FBI."

"Bullshit!" Dean ducked lower as a high beam of light flashed through the windows of the museum. "You know it's more complicated than that. Those cops get a hold of you and the feds will be here before they're done fingerprinting you."

"That's why you have to get the hell out of here, Dean." He shoved his brother toward the back exit. "You're the one wanted for murder. Not me."


"Stop, Dean." Sam stared hard at his brother. "It'll be fine. They've got nothing on me. The curator invited us, remember?"

Dean's mouth was set into a grim line. "What about Milwaukee?"

"Dean, please, just trust me. I was pre-law, remember?" He laid a hand on his brother's arm, his eyes pleading.

"The key word in that sentence, little brother, is 'pre'," Dean grumbled, but Sam sensed he was starting to waver.

He pushed it to his advantage and tried a small smile. "I was ahead of the curve. Now go."

"I don't like this," Dean muttered.

Sam resisted the urge to throttle his brother and save the FBI the aggravation. "I don't like it either, but this is the way it's gotta be. Please, Dean, you have to leave now. It's going to be okay. I'll be out before you know it and I'll catch up with you."

"You better." Dean stared at him and Sam easily recognized the emotions flickering in his eyes. When it came to his feelings, Dean was restrained sometimes to the point where others believed him to be callous and cold. Sam, however, knew better. He'd been interpreting Dean's moods his whole life. And right now he had no trouble figuring out what was going through his brother's mind. He felt the same way. "You be careful, too." He reached out and gripped the collar of Dean's leather jacket. "And, Dean? Stay away from the police station. In fact, stay away from the law. Period."

Dean frowned at him.

Sam tightened his grip. "I mean it. Don't do anything stupid. Stay away."

Dean's frown deepened, his gaze never straying from Sam's face. Finally, he gave a short nod. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, you will." With his rock salt-filled shotgun, Sam gestured toward the back of the building. "Get the hell out of here."

Dean tipped his own gun in salute before running into the darkness.

Sam watched him go, feeling vulnerability creeping up on him. He sighed, hoping he hadn't just made a big mistake.