Disclaimer: I don't own High School Musical.

Troy was on his way home after an excrutiating month of basketball practice. It was their training season, and the coach was working them harder than ever before.

Confused now? Let's start from the beginning.

Troy Bolton graduated from East High over four years ago. He went to college at UCLA, and as soon as he graduated college he got an offer to join the L.A. Lakers. He accepted without hesitation. That was a couple of months ago.

Now Troy has a break for a couple of weeks before training season starts again.

As soon as he made it into his apartment he fell onto the couch. "It feels great to be home," he said to himself. Noticing a blinking red light to his left he turned his head to see that he had messages on his machine. Clicking play he listened to them. Most of them were from his parents and friends from college. None were from any of his high school friends. Heck, he hasn't talked to any of them in year. Well, except for Chad. He was about to turn the machine off, tired of hearing the same ole boring messages, when the last one caught his full attention.

"Hey Troy. It's Zeke. Obviously you aren't home right now, probably at practice or something, but I figured I'd let you know this anyway. Me and the gang are coming in next week because I'm opening a new restaraunt there. I figured we could all catch up. Well call me back when you get this. My cell is 565-4435. Later dude."

Before Troy even realized what he was doing he picked up the phone to call Zeke. 'What if this message is really old, and they came already?' Troy thought to himself. 'Oh well. Might as well call anyways.'

He dialed the number and waited for Zeke to pick up. On the third ring he finally answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Zeke. It's..um..Troy. I got your message."

"Hey Troy! After I talked to Chad a few hours ago, I knew you'd call. He told me that you two have been at training camp."

"Yeah. Just got home today."

"That's cool. The gang and I will be in tomorrow morning around ten o'clock."

"Ok. That's cool. I was worried that the message was really old and you all came in already."

"Nope. You're in luck," Zeke said with a laugh. "Well, I have to go finish packing, so I'll call you and Chad when we get in tomorrow."

"Alright man. See ya soon."


"Later." Click. 'Well this should be interesting.'

Next Day

The next morning found Troy going crazy. He didn't know what to expect when his high school friends got in. He hadn't talked to them in so long.

Chad and Troy decided to meet everyone at the airport. Instead of calling Zeke to let him know, they figured they'd surprise them.

"10:15. Good. We're early," Chad said as they walked into the airport. "Let's go find the gate they will be at." Troy and Chad set off. By the time they reached the gate it was 10:30. "Are we good with timing or what?" Chad said laughing.

"Yeah. We're so good with timing, even though you're late for 99 of the things you have to do," Troy said laughing, but he immediately stopped when he saw his old friends walking out the gate. Chad noticed that Troy had stopped laughing and saw what he was looking at.

Jason was the first to notice them. "Look who standing over there!" He said with excitement to everyone. They all looked where he was pointing and saw Chad and Troy. "Come on!" Jason took off running to them. "CHAD! TROY!"

"JASON!" They hollered in unison. Jason made it to them and they gave each other a manly hug. The rest of the gang finally caught up with Jason.

"Hey everybody," Chad said. Troy just waved.

Gabriella and Taylor didn't know what to do. They weren't expecting having to talk to Troy and Chad this soon.

Zeke, Kelsi, Sharpay, and Ryan all gave Troy and Chad hugs. Ryan introduced his girlfriend Megan to the guys. After a little while an awkard silence fell over the group.

"So..umm..where are you all staying at?" Troy asked.

"Umm..Haven't really figured that out yet," Zeke said with a laugh. Chad and Troy shared a look before Chad replied, "I have one guest-bedroom and a sofa-sleeper at my apartment."

"Yeah. And I have two guest-bedrooms and a sofa sleeper," Troy said. "So you can all split up and stay at our apartments, but don't worry. They're in the same apartment complex. I just rented out a bigger apartment than Chad."

After a little discussion the group decided they'd take Chad and Troy up on their offers. Once they got everyone's luggage Chad led them to two limos. "Get in whatever one you want. And we'll decide who's staying where when we get to the complex." Without hesitation Gabriella, Taylor, and Sharpay jumped in the second limo. Zeke reluctantly followed Sharpay. He really wanted to catch up with his friends, but he didn't want to be on Sharpay's bad side.

Ryan, Megan, Jason, and Kelsi followed Troy and Chad into the other limo. "To the apartment." During the twenty minute car ride Troy and Chad found out just about everything that's been going on with Ryan, Jason, and Kelsi. Ryan was an assistant director, trying to make a name for himself. Jason became a P.E. teacher at East High. Kelsi was still writing music, and she wrote some hit songs for quite a few known artists. She was one of the most sought after songwriters in the industry. They also learned that Megan and Ryan met at a set for a movie that Ryan was helping direct, and Megan was one of the make-up artists. They hit it off quickly and have been dating for a year and a half. Everyone was relieved when they made it to the apartment complex. They were tired of sitting in the limo.

"Did everyone decided where they were staying?" Troy asked once everyone was out the limos with their luggage.

"Yeah. Me, Sharpay, and Taylor are staying at your place Troy. Gabriella is staying at Chad's. I don't know about everyone else," Zeke replied for his limo.

"Well, umm... Me and Jason will stay at your place, too, Troy," Kelsi said.

"So I guess that means me and Megan are staying at Chad's."

Troy and Chad led the group of people to their respective apartments.

Troy's Apartment

"So here we are. Make youselves at home," Troy said welcoming them to his apartment. Zeke, Sharpay, Taylor, Jason, and Kelsi were amazed by how beautiful and big his apartment was.

Troy started walking around giving everyone a tour. "This is guest bedroom one. This is the bathroom you are all sharing. This is guest bedroom two. This is the laundry room. This is my bedroom. And of course that is the living room and that is the kitchen."

Sharpay and Zeke took guest-bedroom two while Kelsi and Jason took guest bedroom one. Taylor was going to sleep on the sofa sleeper.

Since everyone was hungry Troy decided to call Chad and see if they were ready to go eat.

Meanwhile at Chad's Apartment

Gabriella, Ryan, and Megan were showed around the apartment by Chad as soon as they walked in. Ryan and Megan decided to let Gabriella stay in the guest bedroom, and they were going to stay on the sofa sleeper in the living room. While they were all getting comfortable and having light conversation, Chad's house phone started to ring.


"Hey. It's Troy."

"What's up, man?"

"Everybody over here is hungry. Do y'all want to go grab a bite to eat?"

Chad talked this over with Ryan, Megan, and Gabriella before answering. "How about we cook up something and just go out to eat tonight for supper?"

"Alright. You all going to come over here then since you never have any food there?"

"You know it!"

"Alright. Later."


Later That Evening

Lunch didn't go that bad. Zeke wouldn't let Chad and Troy cook so he cooked everyone some burgers and fries. Everyone caught up with each other since they all weren't in the same limo on their way to the apartments.

Now everyone was getting ready. They were going out to Mike's Bar and Grill. It was a cheap place to go, but they all knew it would be fun.

"Welcome to Mike's!" said the blonde waitress as they walked into the restaurant. "How many of y'all?"


"Ok. Follow me." They got to the table very fast. "Here are the menus. Tonight is karaoke night, so everything has a musical type name. I'll be back in a few minutes to take the orders."

"Great. Karaoke night. Just what we fricken need," Troy muttered to himself.

Everyone ended up having a good time, and they all got along. Then, someone got up on the stage. "As you all know, it is karaoke night here at Mike's. We're about to start so is everyone ready for some good and bad singing?" Everyone cheered and clapped. "Alright. The waiters and waitresses got the names of everyone at their tables. We put all the names in a hat, and we're going to be choosing the singers that way. If you don't want to come up here and sing then just tell us and we'll pick someone else."

After a few minutes the first name was picked. It was some blonde from a few tables away from where the gang was sitting. She looked drunk, and she sang, well slurred, "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood.

Instead of leaving Troy, Chad, and everyone else at the table decided to stay. This could be a really fun night. Five bad singers and one decent singer later a name was called that made everyone at their table shut up. "Troy from table six." 'Oh crap. I really don't want to go up there,' Troy thought to himself.

"Go on Troy."

"You know you want to go up there." After a few more moments of being told to go he finally got up there. The man in charge of the whole karaoke thing let him pick a song from about five of them. Troy decided on one a few minutes later.

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

Troy looked out into the crowd and saw his friends cheering him on. Well everyone but Gabriella. She wouldn't even look at him.

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

Gabriella finally looked up at him, but she still wouldn't look him in the eyes. He so desperately wanted to look into her beautiful brown eyes again.

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

Their eyes finally locked. Troy sang the rest of the song while staring straight at Gabriella.

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go

Troy finished singing to a very loud applause. Everyone loved him. But he wasn't worried about him. He was only worried about the beautiful brunette that he saw walking out of the restaurant. Before he even realized what he was doing he was outside chasing her down the sidewalk.

"Gabriella! Stop! Gabriella Montez!" Right before Troy could grab her arm she stopped and turned around.

"What Troy? What?"

"Why are you leaving?"

"Because I can't deal with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't seen or heard from you in years, and when we all come here to visit and catch up with you and Chad you think me and you would pick up where we left off?"

When Troy didn't say anything Gabriella kept on. "Why haven't you ever called me back? I called you so many times during freshman year, and you never once called me back. Why Troy? WHY?"

"I..umm..I was busy."

"Yeah right." Before Gabriella could say anymore Troy leaned in and kissed her. Hoping that she'd kiss him back he tried to deepen the kiss. What he wasn't counting on was when she pushed him away. Before Troy could even say anything Gabriella turned on her heel and walked away.

'Nice job, Bolton,' Troy thought to himself. 'You lost the best thing to ever happen to you.'

So there is a new story from me. It's a one-shot for now. What did you all think? If a lot of people want more then I might write more for this story. Review: