College Struggles; Sequel to School Trip & School Chaos

Summary: The gang go through tough times at university with family illnesses to having to deal with babies. Will they all still be friends by the time they've finished? Who will suffer heartache and will all the couples all still be together by the time they've finished?

A/N: Hey thanks for all the reviews. I'm so sorry that I have taken forever to update. Fan Fiction wouldn't let me post this over the past few days when I've tried. This chapter was really hard to redo because I had already written it out and then my computer broke so I lost all my documents including all my half written stories I was doing. I want to thank Jackiesmynamexshoppingsmygame for her help in getting this up. Just a bit random but I just looked at my stats for older guy for some reason and I saw that the first chapter has been well at least clicked on if not read 15,655 times but also its had nearly 60,000 hits. My jaw quite literally dropped. Anyway I hope you all like this last chapter and please R&R one last time!

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing except plot and any original characters.

Chapter 52

Troy and Gabriella were each holding one of the twins while Jason held Michael and all their friends stood around them. Their families were talking behind them. They had all just graduated and were about to head back to New Mexico. Troy and Gabriella along with Jason and Kelsi had brought houses down there. All the others who were planning their weddings had decided to wait till after the weddings so that they could save up a bit more first. The day had so far been happy for them all apart from Gabriella who found it hard but was coping well.

"I can't believe we've all finally graduated. Even Chad graduated." Taylor said as they all laughed.

"Yeah we have all graduated ... hey!" Chad finally realized what Taylor had said. The others shook their head while Chad pouted.

"How is it I think we've all matured over the past few years apart from Chad?" Ryan commented as Chad glared at him.

"What is it? National pick on Chad day?" Chad asked as Troy pated his back.

"No it's just us all stating the truth." He explained as Chad looked at him.

"I'm not that stupid. If I'm that stupid how come I'm the only one who has noticed Gabs has walked off?" Troy quickly looked behind him where Gabriella had been and noticed Chad was right.

"Well if you knew she had walked off how come you didn't say anything? Or even follow her?" Sharpay hissed at him.

"Because I knew you would all get on to her when I for one know she likes to be alone when she has stuff to think about." Chad pointed out as Sharpay and Taylor slapped him.

"Hey why do I all of a sudden get picked on again? I don't like the hitting. I thought you had stopped that." Taylor shook her head as the others just ignored him. Troy walked of leaving the gang there talking.

With Gabriella and Christian

Gabriella decided to take one final walk around while the others cheated.

"You do know you should be happy?" Gabriella turned to see Aaron leaning against a tree smiling at her.

"And who said I'm not happy?" Gabriella challenged as he walked over to the two as they carried on walking.

"I can tell because you look like you have a lot on your mind." Aaron pointed out.

"And since when could you read my mind?" Aaron laughed as he took Christian from her.

"He's amazing. I can't believe how much he's grown." Aaron told her.

"Tell me about it. I can't believe they will be one soon." Gabriella told him as they sat down on a bench.

"What's up and don't say nothing because whenever there is something up you become very quiet." Aaron asked as Gabriella sighed.

"I kind of need to tell Troy something but I don't know how to if you know what I mean." Gabriella told him as Aaron nodded in understanding.

"You scared he might not agree?" Gabriella nodded as she allowed Christian to take her hand. "I'm sure he would be fine. Why wouldn't he? He loves you trust me. I've been on the other end of receiving his long declarations when it's been guy's nights."

"I don't know. I'm so confused. I guess, it's just the twins take up so much time the two of us don't really have much of a relationship at the moment." Aaron was shocked.

"Gabriella Bolton you listen to me. Look at this little boy right here. Look at him. If you and Troy didn't have a relationship would he be this happy. Think of the little girl who is with her father right now. You might not realize it but if you didn't have a relationship you wouldn't have two very content kids and you wouldn't have your other little dilemma. The two of you are like invincible no matter what. Even if you don't feel things are the same as before they are but you are growing up and still adjusting to everything. Just give things time and I'm sure if you talk to Troy about things you will realize you are just being paranoid." Gabriella smiled as she looked at her son.

"Why do I feel like I'm stupid?" Gabriella asked as Aaron laughed.

"Because you're a mom and you don't get very much adult conversation time and on top of all that you two have been so busy with all your studies and exams you haven't had much time to yourselves." Gabriella laughed.

"And since when did you know so much about me?" Aaron shrugged as he lifted Christian up to face him.

"Since I've seen how much you love being a mom and the fact your husband is standing right behind you." Gabriella turned round to see Troy smirking at her. She turned back to Aaron and glared at him.

"You are still so mean." She told him as he stood up.

"I know and that's why people love me. Now I'm taking these two back to their grandparents while you Gabriella sort your little situation out with your husband." Aaron told her taking Alexia from Troy.

"Thanks dude." Troy said as Aaron walked off.

"You are evil sneaking up on me and eavesdropping on my conversations." Gabriella scolded Troy as he sat down.

"Well if I didn't how would I know that you have some kind of secret you aren't telling me?" Troy smartly said as she smiled.

"Well I don't know if I should tell you know because you listened to my private conversation." Gabriella teased.

"We both know that you can't keep secrets very well from me." Troy reminded her as he pulled her closer to him.

"Maybe I have learnt to and you can't do anything to get it out of me." Gabriella continued to tease as Troy turned her around and pulled her onto his lap.

"Oh we'll see about that." Troy pulled her into an earth shattering kiss as the two sat there making out for a few minutes making the most of not having the twins around. Troy pulled away. "Still think you can keep secrets from me?"

"Maybe not. Troy ..." Gabriella whispered her news in his ear.

With Chad and Taylor

Chad and Taylor were standing around talking to the rest of the gang and the adults while waiting for Troy and Gabriella to come back.

"You think Gabi is ok? She was really quiet today." Chad asked Taylor who turned to him and smiled.

"Trust me Gabi will be fine. She is just scared and she has every right to be." Taylor told him as Chad stood there confused.

"Ok I don't understand a word of what you just said." Chad said as Taylor rolled her eyes.

"Gabriella found something out and now she's a bit confused about how she feels but she will be fine." Taylor explained.

"Can I know what it is?" Chad asked.

"Nope." Taylor replied.

"You are so mean to me." Chad stated as Taylor raised her eyebrows at him.

"I'm mean to you?" Taylor repeated as Chad nodded. "Well if I was mean to you would I do this?" Taylor gave him a quick kiss.

"Ok I guess you aren't that mean." Taylor smiled as Chad looked behind her confused at what he saw. "Erm guys why does Aaron have the twins?"

"I have no idea." Zeke said as they all looked at Aaron. Jack stepped forward.

"Hey Coach Troy and Gabi are talking in private and I said I would bring these two back to you." Aaron explained as Jack took Christian and Chad took Alexia from him.

"Why do Troy and Gabi need to talk?" Jason asked as Aaron smiled.

"Gabi needed to explain something to him." He told them before walking away.

"Is it just me or do you sense something is up?" Ryan spoke up as everyone agreed. Chad and Jack held the twins while they waited for Troy and Gabriella to come back.

Jason and Kelsi

Jason and Kelsi decided to go for a walk while they waited for Troy and Gabriella to return.

"You ok?" Jason asked Kelsi while he held a sleeping Michael in his arms.

"Yeah I'm just kind of sad that we will all be back in Albuquerque soon and I'm worried about us all growing apart when we start doing our own things." Kelsi admitted.

"I don't think that any of us will ever grow apart. We've all been together through so much that no matter what happens in the future we will all be together." Jason told her as she shrugged.

"But what if we're not? What if someone falls out and the gang falls apart?"Kelsi suggested nervously.

"Kelsi stop. You are worrying over nothing. I promise nothing will happen and if it does we will always be together. The three of us." Kelsi smiled and kissed him.

"How do you always know what to say to me?" Kelsi asked as Jason shrugged.

"I'm just amazing like that." Kelsi laughed as the two made their way back.

Zeke and Sharpay

Just like all the other couples, except Taylor and Chad, they were walking round before they headed to the airport.

"Zeke why are you still with me?" Sharpay asked as Zeke stopped.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I mean I can be the most horrible person in the world sometimes with being so bossy and wanting everything perfect. Why would you stick with someone like that? You should have dumped me a long time ago because you deserve so much better than me. You..." Sharpay was cut off by Zeke kissing her.

"Will you shut up Sharpay? You are talking rubbish. I love you and no one else. If anything I'm surprised that you haven't dumped me. You could have anything you wanted and yet you choose not to and you stick with me. The baker boy." Sharpay laughed.

"Yep but your my baker boy. Well baker man because you have grown in many ways since high school." Zeke laughed.

"Come on lets head back you before we sound anymore stupid." Zeke said taking Sharpay's hand.

Ryan and Annabelle

"I can't believe we leave soon. It's going to be so sad having to go back home. I will really miss it here." Annabelle told Ryan as they walked together hand in hand.

"Don't I know it? I think this is the first place I've actually ever really felt accepted for being me." Ryan announced.

"I think I feel the same way. Coming her e people saw the real me straight off. Not the cheerleader that everyone back home saw but the other side of me that only you and the gang really know." Ryan kissed the top of her head.

"I promise when we get home we will get married however you want and no matter what others think I will always be here for you." Ryan reassured her.

"I love you Ryan." Annabelle told him.

"I love you too Belle." The two carried on walking hand in hand knowing that everything was right.

Back with Chad, Taylor and the parents

Taylor watched as Chad played with Alexia, a smile playing on her lips.

"One day you two will be like that with your own." Taylor turned to see her mom and Mrs Danforth smiling behind her.

"And you mom are getting way too far ahead of yourself." Taylor told them as they laughed.

"What? We just want our kids to give us some grandchildren soon." Mrs Mckessie said as Mrs Danforth agreed.

"Well we are getting married and just enjoying life before we even think of that." Taylor strictly stated as Chad came over to them.

"Hey what's going on?" Chad asked seeing the look on his mother's face.

"We were just telling Taylor we are expecting some little ones soon seeing how good you are with this little one." She told him tickling Alexia tummy which made the little girl snuggle into Chad.

"Well you will have to wait a few more years yet for that." Chad told them as Taylor smirked.

"Told ya." She teased as she and Chad rejoined the others just as Troy and Gabriella came back with goofy smiles on their faces.

"Ok Bolton's what's up with the goofy grins?" Sharpay asked, well more like demanded.

"Nothing that you need to worry about yet." Troy told her as she looked at him.

"Bolton stop messing around and tell me this instant!" Troy just shook his head at her and took his son from his dad while Gabriella took their daughter from Chad.

"Ok before any of you start arguing let's get going. We don't want to miss our flight." Jack said interrupting as the parents all made their way to their cars.

"Well I guess this is it." Gabriella stated sadly.

"Yeah it is." Kelsi said wrapping her arms around Jason and Michael.

"This is so sad." Annabelle said as Ryan held onto her.

"The past few years have been a struggle but we're all out of it and finally ready to start the next chapter in our lives with new additions to our gang but no matter what..." Troy started.

"We're all in this together." They all said together before they all headed off to their cars. They were finally on their way back home. Back to New Mexico to start the rest of their lives.

A/N: Ok so this story is over. I'm so sad. You probably know Gabriella's dilemma but if not it will be revealed in the sequel. Thank you to everyone who reviewed throughout this story. Right I have a question for you. Because I don't want to start the sequel till I have time to write I'm doing a small quick story but before I start writing it again I want to know whether or not you think I should do it. It will be an M Rated fic if I do it but I have some one-shot planned too which won't be M. It will be a Romance/Humour if you want me to do it.

Summary: Troy and Gabriella have been together 3 years. They are 18 and ready to take their relationship to the next level but are nervous. When their parents go away will they go through with it?

What do you think? Do it or leave it? Oh and if you have any ideas about the sequel please give me some because I don't have many. Please Review. Thanks!