A/N: Um, Ok, this is my first fan fic and I'ts an Elricest. I've never written anything like this before so I'm hoping people will welcome me to Ok, um, were we go. This takes place almost right after the end of the movie!

Disclaimer: Nope don't own. Go find another case

Chapter 1: His Secret.


The feel of it on his skin. The droplets kissing his cheek dampening his cinnamon brown hair. He looked up to the window to see his brother shooting him a confused yet worried expression.

"Alphonse, get your ass in here before you catch a cold." A cold. That's what Alphonse Heidrich claimed he had when he was actually suffering from a disease that shortened his life. He remembered when he saw his friend's lifeless body; shirt smeared with blood. He had hoped to introduce the two Alphonse's and see just how much they similar. But that idea was washed down the drain.

Alphonse pouted, "You're no fun!" he called up. But he answered himself with a sneeze.

"I told you." Edward shouted out the window, "Get in here! Soup's done!"


That's what they had been eating for the past three days. Ever since they returned from their world. But neither of them minded. Especially not Alphonse. Whenever his brother wasn't looking he would sneak in a bit of milk. No surprise Edward couldn't taste a thing. For if he did he would be screaming his head off.

Alphonse stripped himself of his coat and shook his brown hair free, "Did you and the other Alphonse just live off of soup?"

Edward sat down and ladled out some of the liquid mixture into two bowls, "Oh damn it."

Alphonse looked over to see half of the soup had landed in his brother's lap, "Way to go Ed. That's the second time in a row."

"Shut up." The older brother hissed, "If only alchemy worked on this side huh? I could clean myself up just by transmuting."

Well as you know brother, Alchemy doesn't work. So you'll have to settle with me." Alphonse walked over to the kitchen sink and returned with a warm wash cloth, "Brother hold still. Considering we'll be going to bed soon, you might as well just stay in these until dinner's over.

Edward waited patiently for his brother to dry him off, "What about our food though. Al, I gave you money to by some food now what happened to it.? That's the last of the soup and there's nothing in the fridge."

"Well, forgot to tell you. I got a job at Gracia's flower shop." Alphonse said hoping to take his brother's mind off of the money issue.

Edward looked at his brother stunned, "A job already?"

"Yeah, when I explained our situation she hired me on the spot. Plus when I was training with teacher she taught me all sorts of things including how to take care of plants with and without alchemy." Alphonse explained.

"So when do you start?" Edward asked.

"Oh, I started yesterday and she paid me already." Alphonse responded, "I figured she just wanted to help me out."

"How much did you get?" Edward asked.

Alphonse walked over and pulled out a handful of francs, "Oh, I'd say enough to get some decent food."

"You waited now to tell me about this?" Edward asked.

Alphonse stepped back, "Brother, calm down. I figured I would tell you about it tomorrow since I have the day off. It is Sunday after all. Then you and I could go shopping for some food. I thought that the soup would be enough for tonight."

Edward calmed down, "I'm sorry Al," he stood up and walked out of the kitchen, "I'm going to bed."

Alphonse watched as his brother disappeared and felt tears coming to his eyes, "I'm sorry Brother." He whimpered, "I don't mean to lie to you."

Edward could hear his brother but only faintly. Lie? Why lie? What could his brother be hiding from him? Knowing he couldn't stand being in these soup covered pants any longer he slipped them off and removed his shirt leaving him only in his pale blue boxer shorts. He removed his ponytail and shook his golden hair free from it's prison

Alphonse looked in to see his brother standing in the middle of the room almost half naked and the first thing that came to his mind he couldn't believe, Why haven't I noticed just how good brother looks? I mean when we were traveling he would see him naked sometimes when he was bathing. But we're guys! What's wrong with that? I mean, he's my brother. It's not like I haven't seen him before."

Edward looked up to see his younger brother staring, "Careful Al, you keep your moth open for long you'll swallow that fly." He teased.

Alphonse snapped his jaw shut, "Sorry brother." He walked out and shook his head. The tears starting to come again, "I'm so sorry."

Edward looked at his brother's back puzzled. Why was he apologizing so much? What in the world did he have to be sorry about. It was starting to get on his nerves, "That's it." Edward stormed out of his room and literally banged on the door of his brother's, "Al?"

"Go away Edward!"

Edward knew then and there something was up, "Alphonse open this door!"


That was it. Edward was getting scared, "ALPHONSE ELRIC EITHER YOU OPEN THIS DOOR OR I'LL BREAK IT DOWN!"

Alphonse gasped, "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would and trust me I don't care if I break a limb I'm going to get this door open and you are going to talk to me." Edward responded. To his surprise he heard the click of the lock followed be the sound of a body hitting the ground. Edward opened the door to find his brother on his knees. Tears literally streaming down his cheeks. No hesitation came to his thoughts as he kneeled down and pulled his sobbing brother into an embrace, "It's ok, Al, I'm here."

Although Alphonse returned the embrace just as hard he couldn't stop crying, "No it's not ok. I…" he hiccupped, "I lost the money that you gave me and I was afraid you would be mad at me for it."

Edward knew there was something else troubling his brother. There was no way loosing a couple of francs would make him cry this much. But he knew better than to pry so he merely held his brother closer, "I'm not mad Al. I'm just disappointed that you didn't tell me the truth." He looked down to see Alphonse still crying but his eyes were closed and his breath had grown a tad bit shallow. It was no surprise he had cried himself to sleep, "Oh, Al, if only I could tell you the truth. There's so much to tell. But for now, I'm going to enjoy this." He leaned down and place a gentle kiss on his brother's forehead, "I love you Alphonse," he whispered, "I love you."

A/N: It sucked I know it. I'm not going to get any reviews! Well, I'll write chapter two if I get atleast 2 or possible 3 reviews!