This is my first fic. So please don't criticize me to much. Hope you like my story.

Disclaimer: I don't own High School Musical, but if I did, I would be lucky.

Out of League

Chapter 1: Hopelessly in love

Sharpay looked good that day, but as she would say herself: She does that every day.

She was wearing a mini skirt which was brown and sand, to that a bronze belt and a pink top. Over the top she was wearing a blazer in white, it only reached below her breast. She was wearing black boots.

Zeke starred after her.

He didn't notice Troy was saying something to him.

"Zeke! Zeke! Did you hear what I was saying?" Troy asked.

"No, I was focusing on something else. What did you say?" Zeke answered.

"There is practice after school today. Then we will be 100 ready for tomorrow. You are coming right?" Troy said.

Zeke nodded and started to walk over to his locker. He was getting his books to next lesson.

He took the seat in the back of the classroom he used to.

Sharpay entered the classroom.

She looked at Zeke for a short while. Or was it just something he thought? Well, he wished she did.

Sharpay took the table she used to in the front.

Zeke always had a seat in the back during the lessons, where Sharpay also where.

Then he could look at her without her knowing.

Zeke loved the way she looked. The way she was. Everything about her.

Zeke didn't get much out of the lesson, because he couldn't concentrate. He was too busy watching Sharpay. How she moved and acted. He couldn't get enough of her.

The bell called. Finally class was over.

The only thing left for today was practice.

He packed his stuff together, and went to the gym.

On his way, Chad and Troy joined him.

They talked about the subject: Girls.

Zeke actually hated when they talked about that, because he didn't have a girlfriend himself.

So he kind of kept out of the conversation.

Chad talked about Taylor. How sweet she was and how good she looked. He also told about their date.

"She's actually a very good kisser, although she is a total nerd. I mean, it's a good thing. She helps me with my homework. So I'm no longer behind. Well, how about you and Gabby?" Chad said.

"Fine too. We had our first kiss. I won't say she is an excellent kisser. She could be better. Do you remember Lisa, from 9th grade? She is the best kisser of all the girls I've kissed." Troy said.

(A/N I don't know much about the school system in America. So I have just used the one I know from Denmark.)

"Zeek, how come you don't have a girlfriend? You can bake and everything. I just don't see why." Chad asked Zeke.

"Well, there is a girl I like, but she simply sees through me. What can I do?" Zeke asked.

"Why don't you ask her out?" Chad said and they both looked at Zeke.

"Because she would just reject me." Zeke said and looked down.

"Well, who is it anyway?" Troy asked.

"Sharpay", Zeke mumbled.

"You did not say Sharpay, right?" Chad said with big eyes.

Zeke nodded. For a while there was silence.

Zeke asked quiet: "Do you think I should ask her out someday?"

Troy nodded and said: "If you really like her, I think you should. But be careful and choose the right moment".

They changed their clothes in silence and then they went in the gym.


Sharpay stood by her locker when Zeke came by.

He took some deep breaths to get the courage. Oh, she was so cute, Zeke thought.

He walked up to her. He could do this.

"Sharpay?" Zeke tried to get her attention.

She didn't react. He tried again. No responding.

Ryan came by.

"Are you coming?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, I'm there now. Oh, Baylor are you there? What do you want?" she asked.

"Well, actually…no, it doesn't matter." Zeke said with a low voice.

"Then why are you standing here!" she jelled and followed Ryan.

Zeke starred after her. How could a girl look so sweet, but be so mean?

Zeke went to his next class.


Later that day, he met Sharpay again.

Zeke thought he could ask her, if she wanted to watch the game later today.

Wildcats against The Almighty Tigers.

Yeah, maybe she wouldn't reject him.

Zeke walked up on the side of her.

"Hey Sharpay! I thought you maybe wanted to watch the game today?" Zeke asked.

"Why are you asking, Baylor? I can go if I will. I don't need an invitation!" Sharpay answered.

"Well, actually I am just asking, because I like you. And I thought maybe you did too" Zeke said.

Sharpay stopped walking.

"Why would I like you? I already have enough in myself." She said hard.

She started to walk again. Zeke didn't move.

How come he like liked her, when she was so mean to him?


Before the game Zeke told his friends what had happened.

Troy said it didn't matter and that he would find a new girl to like.

But Zeke didn't agree. Sharpay was definitely the one for him. He wanted to know her better. Maybe she wasn't so mean if you knew her? But who knows? She was so mean to everybody.



The game had begun.

The Tigers got the ball.

The playmaker had the ball. He shot the ball to one of his team mates.

They scored. 0-2.

Wildcats had the ball. 3-2.

Zeke looked at the crowd. He couldn't find Sharpay between the crowds.

He was disappointed.

They won the game. 72-55.

After the game, Zeke thought he would go a longer way home. Around Sharpay's house.

He went to shower and changed clothes. Said goodbye to his team, and left the gym.


He could hear a ball. Someone was dribbling with it.

A girl with red mini shorts, a white top, socks which reached below her knees and a ponytail, was playing.

Zeke could not see who it was.

Suddenly she turned around.

It was Sharpay.

Zeke got off his bike and walked to the hedges. He looked at her.

She had not noticed Zeke. She kept shooting for the basket.

She didn't miss many of her shoots.

Zeke was addicted to her. He couldn't stop looking at her.

He stepped on a branch which lay on the ground.

Sharpay heard the sound it made. She turned around, but couldn't see anybody because Zeke had hidden himself behind the hedge.

"Is anybody there?" Sharpay said, scared.

Zeke thought he should show where he was. He stood up.

"It's me, Sharpay." Zeke said.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sharpay yelled.
