Title: Unknown Future
Author: Psyc0gurl0
Disclaimer: nope! None are mine! If they were Chris, Cole, and Prue would still be alive and kickin. But they aren't so I don't own anything...tear. Only thing that is mine is Phiona.
Summary: Cole comes back after 3 years to find that things have changed, a lot. Set in the beginning of season 6 with Chris.
History: Cole stays gone when Phoebe 'vanquished' him in season three. Eventually Piper and Prue find out about Phoebe not vanquishing Cole and about Phoebe's pregnancy. Phoebe has the baby in season 4 and the child is good. Prue stays alive and isn't killed by the demon in season 3. The 3 sisters never find out about Paige. This is set in the beginning of season 6 right between Valhalley of the dolls and Forget me...not.
Couples: Cole/Phoebe Piper/Leo Prue/Bane
Authors Note: So this is my first Charmed fic, and I'm really excited for it. So let me start with a few glitches. Wyatt and Phiona are basically the same age, even though Wyatt it isn't one by season 6. They are both 2. Another thing is Prue is still alive so Paige isn't even introduced yet, I'm not sure if she will come in or not, I'm not a big Paige shipper. Chris will indeed be in this story because I love him, all the mystery that he was in season 6 is still there. What else...I think that's it, I hope you enjoy it! I know it's been done before though but this will be different I promise!
Wyatt Matthew Halliwell: 2 years old. Can orb, basically everything he can do in the show.
Phiona Victoria Halliwell: 2 and a half. Conjure objects, and shimmer.
CHAPTER 1: Premonition
Phoebe sat in the conservatory reading a letter from one of her readers and drinking a cup of coffee. It was Saturday and she was trying to get most of her work done for Monday.
Tiny feet came running in at that moment and a voice screamed, "Mommy! Mommy! Guess what!"
Phoebe looked up and smiled at the little girl patiently awaiting her daughters newest discovery."What is it Phiona?" she asked.
"Look what I can do!" the little girl exclaimed.
Phiona held her hand out and suddenly a knife formed in her hand and Phoebe gasped.
"Oh sweetie don't do that!" Phoebe yelled standing up and kneeling beside her daughter, Phiona pouted.
"Why I thought you'd be pwoud of me!" the little girl said her lower lips quivering.
"I am I just don't want you forming sharp objects its not safe!" Phoebe said shaking her head.
Phiona nodded excepting the answer then looked at her mother's brown eyes. Phoebe sighed as she always did when she looked into Phiona's green ones.
Phiona was so much like..Cole.
"Ok, what can I form?" Phiona asked after a few minutes.
Phoebe picked Phiona up and set her in her lap.
"Well, don't form anything in front of anyone but aunt Piper, uncle Leo, Wyatt, or Prue. If you must form something, nothing sharp, I don't want you getting hurt and don't use your powers to hurt other people, that's what demons are for." Phoebe said shaking her head at her daughter.
Phiona nodded, "ok I won't."
They sat in silence while Phiona played with her mothers earrings and Phoebe tried to type the rest of her column. Piper came down carrying Wyatt and her purse. She walked into the conservatory and looked at her little niece and her sister.
"Hey Pheebes. Can you watch Wyatt while I go run some errands?" Piper asked looking at her younger sister.
Phoebe nodded and looked at Wyatt who was set on Phoebe's other leg. Phiona looked at her younger cousin then at the laptop sitting on the table. Phiona looked at her mother then back at the laptop.
"Yes, Phi?" Phoebe asked a little preoccupied with Wyatt.
"What's this?" Phiona asked pointing to the computer.
"Phi, don't touch it, it's mommy's work." Phoebe said looking over at her daughter. She turned to Piper who was digging in her purse and asked, "have you seen Chris?"
Piper shook her head. "No, I haven't seen him since yesterday, why?" Piper asked confused.
"Well you know he's been on that demon bender since getting here. I think he would need a break after awhile."
Piper nodded distracted then looked at her sister. "If he wants to hunt all those demons down its his choice but leave me out of it. I'll be back in about 2 hours." Piper said kissing Wyatt and heading towards the door. "Bye, Pheebes! And thank you!" Piper yelled as she closed the door and headed towards the car.
Phoebe nodded then looked down at the two, two year olds on her lap. "What shall we do today?" Phoebe said in a baby voice.
"Park." Phiona said smiling at her mother.
Phoebe smiled and nodded, "ok, let's go."
Phoebe got up still holding them went upstairs to get a diaper bag ready and change clothes. As she was packing the bag she heard the familiar noise of someone orbing.
"Phoebe?" Chris asked as she shoved diapers into the bag.
"Yeah, Chris?" Phoebe asked distracted as the children played at her feet.
"What are you doing?" he asked looking at her then the bag.
"Packing to go to the park, what does it look like?" Phoebe asked looking up at him.
"We need to go vanquish some demons." Chris said crossing his arms.
"Where's Prue?"
Phoebe rubbed a hand along her face trying to find the energy to deal with her whitelighter. "She's sleeping last time I checked, she got in late last night with Bane." Phoebe replied.
"Well wake her up we need to vanquish these demons." Chris said glancing down at the two kids on the floor who were looking at him.
"Not now, Chris, I want a demon free afternoon. Wyatt, Phiona, and I are going to the park, so deal with it. I'm writing Prue a note to tell her where we went. Don't wake her up, and don't go after those demons, just wait."
"Phoebe–" Chris started looking back down at the kids.
"No Chris! I want a life right now, and we are going to go to the park and enjoy it. You are welcome to join us if you can tear yourself away from your demon troubles for 2 seconds." Phoebe said dryly.
Chris rolled his eyes but chose not to reply as Phoebe walked out of the room and down the stairs with the two kids in her arms.
She went into the kitchen and scribbled a note for Prue to tell her where they went. She went to go get the stroller and buckled the two kids up, she made sure she had everything and the pushed off towards the park a few blocks away.
"Yeah?" Phoebe asked talking into her cell, distracted from watching the kids.
"Where are you?" Jason her boss asked.
"I'm at the park, why?" Phoebe asked making sure to keep her eyes on the kids.
"Well, we were suppose to have a lunch date." he said a little annoyed.
Phoebe gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh god, I'm sorry, was that today?"
"Yeah, but that's ok, we can reschedule, right?"
Phoebe nodded forgetting for a few minutes he couldn't see her. "Yeah, I'm sorry. What about tomorrow?"
"Mommy?" Phiona asked coming over to her mother who sat on a bench.
"Yes, honey?" Phoebe asked taking the mouth piece away from her mouth as Jason talked on.
"Can people eat sand?" Phiona asked her green eyes wide.
Phoebe laughed, "what's so funny?" Jason asked hearing Phoebe laugh.
"Oh, sorry I was talking to my daughter."
"When am I going to meet this mysterious daughter?" Jason asked laughing.
"Soon, she wants to meet you too." Phoebe said lying slightly.
"Mommy, can you eat sand?" Phiona asked again tugging her mother's pant leg.
Jason laughed on the other line. "She sounds like a riot."
Phoebe smiled down at her daughter and shook her head. "She is." Phoebe muttered then turning to Phiona answered her persisting question. "No, baby, people can't eat sand."
"Oh, well Wyatt is trying to."
Phoebe looked at her daughter then at the sandbox Wyatt was in.
"Crap, Jason I have to call you back for the details."
"How about we have dinner at your place tomorrow."
"Sounds fine. Bye." Phoebe said not paying attention and going over to scoop Wyatt up before he could eat sand.
"No Wyatt! No!" Phoebe said carrying over to the stroller and putting him in.
Wyatt looked at her with wide eyes and Phoebe tried to clean off his sandy hands.
Phiona giggled, "told ya." she muttered, as Phoebe lifted her up and put her in the stroller beside Wyatt.
As she buckled her daughter in she felt the familiar pull of a premonition.
She gasped as the premonition took her over and she saw the future. In the Premonition she saw Cole turn into Belthazar and murder a demon in front of Phiona and her. Then she saw her and Cole talking and a doorbell rang interrupting them.
As Phoebe's premonition ended she looked down at the two kids looking at her.
"We have to go, now." Phoebe said standing up and pushing towards home.
(A/n: how was it? I hope it was good, lol. I hope you liked it so far.)