That's what it said on the cover of the file.

After a paternity test Peter Chagnon was identified the father of Sophia's baby. Unfortunately, because Peter was not to blame for Sophia's death, he only received twenty-five years in prison for rape and endangerment of minors. After some forceful "negotiating" Peter signed over his parental rights to Sophia's child.

Mary Chagnon was stripped of her title as foster mother and received two years in prison. All four remaining of the children were moved into a group home until suitable foster or adoptive homes could be found.

The death of Sophia Davies was ruled an accidental death and the only thing Sophia's best friend received was the regret that he could have stopped her death. A young girl was dead, and only because she tried to do what was best for her unborn child.

This case was closed.


So I decided this fic needed to be finished to my best ability before the next episode aired. I still, even after rereading, couldn't get my writer's block straight so I summed up everything I wanted to tie up in this little reportesque chapter. BUT, there will be one moreā€¦ A sort of maybe-possibly-who knows-here's your happy-maybe ending. So you'll just have to wait and see.