Hey yall. I'm baaaaaaack. Sorry its been forever! I am currently in the middle of finals, and thought that this is way better than physics. Oh yah.

So sorry if it sucks, but I like it. The original is so great I didn't want to change it much! You can probably expect more soon, nothing puts a fire under my butt faster than not wanting to study for finals.


p.s.: omg go see 300.

Man in black: I can't afford to make exceptions. I mean once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft people begin to disobey him and its nothing but work, work, work all the time.
Poor Princess Serenity had barely a chance to revel in her sudden freedom from the annoying Mercurian before she was whisked away by Tuxedo Mask. Almost the moment he took the blindfold off her eyes, he was pulling at her arm to follow him.

Serenity took that brief moment after the deblindfolding to catch a glimpse of the man who had come to….do something. She still wasn't quite sure what. As she allowed her eyes to adjust to the light, she saw his strong, chiseled jaw line and few wisps of black hair, but not much else. Before she had time to really study this man, she found her self running deeper into the hills.

"Where….are…we…going?" Serenity puffed out between breaths. She stumbled everyonce in awhile over a rock, but Tuxedo Mask was unrelenting in his running pursuit.

"That is not for your business, Princess." Was the only response she got.

And so the duo ran on, one leading the other. Serenity could see, however, that the castle in the distance was starting to get closer and closer. She feared that this man was sent to kill her and blame whoever was in that castle; as a Princess, such kidnapping plots would not be uncommon to those supporting a political upheaval.

After quite a bit of running, Tuxedo Mask stopped and flung Serenity onto a boulder. She gratefully took this break to rest.

"Catch your breath, Princess. We still have a way to go." He was standing only a bit away from her, staring off into the distance a bit. The rocky hillside that they stopped on had a deep slope just below his feet, and at the bottom of the hill stood a wide forest. Tuxedo Mask seemed to be surveying the land.

After a few deep breaths, Serenity plucked up enough courage to speak. "Please, if you let me go, I promise you that you will get whatever you desire!"

Tuxedo Mask turned his head to the Princess, smirking slightly. "Honestly, Princess? Anything I want? No, I learned awhile ago what the promise of a Lunarian is worth…you are very funny, highness." With one last pompous grin, he resumed staring out into the horizon.

Serenity's fury grew in leaps, and she jumped to her feet. "I was giving you a chance. You can take me anywhere, and I promise you, you will be found. Prince Diamond is the best hunter around. He will find you." Serenity added extra emphasis to these last words.

Tuxedo Mask turned his full body to the petite girl and crossed his arms. "You think your dearest love will save you?"

Serenity backed away a bit and looked down. "I never said he was my dearest love. But yes, he will save me."

Seeing her cower Tuxedo Mask took a step closer to Serenity. "What, you are saying you do not love your fiancé?"

It was Serenity's turn to stare into the distance. Quielty, she murmured "He knows I do not love him." Her silvery hair blew around her as a gentle breeze picked up. Her eyes glittered with loss and grief.

"You mean, you are not capable of love!" Tuxedo Mask snapped.

Turning back to attention, Serenity's eyes flared with anger. "I have loved more deeply than a killer like you has ever known!"

Tuxedo Mask closed the distance between them and roughly grabbed Serenity's arm. "Careful, Princess." He hissed into her ear. "Where I come from, there are penalties when we tell a lie."

He released her, and she sank back onto the rock.

"Now rest, Princess."

A little ways away, a grove of horses stood in wait.

Prince Diamond was holding a small vial in his hand. He cautiously took a sniff.

"Nothing. This is but a sleeping draught, made to look like Metallica poison."

"Metallica poison? How do you know?" Asked Saphirre.

"Um…I just do. It's the typical vial for it." Clearing his throat, Diamond stood abruptly. He glanced at the blue-haired girl that was keeled over on the ground, but ignored her.

"There are the Princess's footprints. She is still alive, or was very recently. If that has changed, I shall be very…perturbed…"

Still resting on the rock, Serenity was curiously staring at Tuxedo Mask.

"I know who you are." She said softly.

Tuxedo Mask turned to her.

"You are the Dread Pirate Rubeus, aren't you?"

Tuxedo Mask eyed Serenity carefully. "What, is it the dashing cape and hat that set you off? Aye, I be him, what can I do for you?"

Serenity drew up to her full height and looked the masked man straight in the eye. "You can die slowly, blasted into a thousand pieces."

Tuxedo Mask shook his head. "Tsk, tsk Princess. Such venom, why loose it on me?"

Serenity's gaze never wavered. "You killed my love."

Silence swept the two. A bird called out in the distance, searching for its mate, but received no answer.

"It is possible. I kill a lot of people. Who was this love of yours, hm? Another icy Prince, cold, calculating, ugly?"

Serenity, overtaken by emotion, backed away from Tuxedo Mask. "No. He was…yes, he was a Prince…but so warm and loving, with eyes like the sea after a storm…"Serenity lost her focus for a moment, as her mind wandered to happier days. However, unwilling to let the mysterious man see a moment of weakness, she snapped back immediately. "In the open space between the Moon and Earth, your ship attacked. The Dread Pirate Rubeus never takes prisoners!"

Tuxedo Mask teetered on his feet. "Well, I cannot very well make exceptions. I mean, once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft, what reputation do I have then, hm?"

"You mock my pain!" Serenity cried.

"Life is pain, Princess!" Tuxedo Mask lost his amusement for a second. Collecting himself, he continued calmly, "Anyone who says different is trying to sell something." He paused for a moment. "Ah yes, the Prince….tis hard to forget royalty. This would be what, four years ago? Does this upset you?"

Serenity refused to look at him. "Nothing you could say could bother me."

Tuxedo Mask nodded, and continued. He walked to the edge of the hill, looking out. "He died well, I remember. We boarded and killed all others on ship, and lastly I got to him. He didn't cry or wail like the others. He simply said 'please, please, I have to live.' I was surprised he didn't make the normal bribe attempt or deal, so I asked him what could be so important in this life. 'My true love,' he replied."

Serenity shivered slightly, even though the air was warm.

"He spoke of a goddess, I assume he meant you, with hair as lovely as the moon itself and a heart as warm as the sun. Her undying love and faithfulness, he spoke of. You should thank me for destroying him then."

"And why is that?" Serenity defiantly asked, still refusing eye contact.

"He talked of faithfulness, Princess, of your never ceasing love for him. But now I see you are nothing but a sucker for a man with power. Tell me, did you get engaged within the hour to your Prince Diamond, or did you wait a whole week in respect for the dead?"

Serenity was livid. She stood abruptly, eyes clouded with anger. Overhead, dangerous looking thunder clouds gathered, and lightening flashed across the sky. The wind picked up speed, and the air turned crisp. "You mocked me once, never do it again! I died that day!"

The sudden arrival of horses hooves broke the tension. Both Serenity and Tuxedo Mask looked away to see a troop of horses in the distance. Diamond.

Serenity triumphantly looked back. "And you can die to, for all I care!" She gave Tuxedo Mask a mighty shove, sending him off his feet and rolling violently down the hill.

"As…you….wish…" He yelled as he tumbled.

Serenity's eyes widened. She recognized that voice. It was….

"Endymion!" She breathed. "What have I done?" She flung herself down the hill after him.

Further proof that capes should be made mandatory: Gerard Butler in 300. swoooooon. (Oh snap! He wore a cape in Phantom of the Opera too!)