Mother turned Rookie-Diva Champ

Disclaimer: I do not own the WWE nor any of the wrestlers in this story so try and sue me!

Summary: A Widowed mother with one son loses her husband in the war; she later joins WWE for a new start in life and finds herself a diva not well liked in the WWE for her 'style'. The WWE wrestlers such as John Cena, Dave Batista, Rey Meysterio, D-generation X's Shaun Michaels and Triple H are in this story (and a FEW MORE!). EXPLICIT LANGUAGE! BEWARE!

The story starts off a few years before Kyra joins the WWE.

Chapter 1: Broken hearts

Her husband just got the call for him to report for transport overseas

"Kyra! I need to have a word with you!" Joe, my husband called up the stairs.

"Okay, I'm on my way down, let me finish putting Tristan up!" I hollered down the hall.

"Hurry up! It's important!" Joe called back up to her. "Damn woman, she knows that I've got to go." Joe muttered to himself.

"Yes Joe?" I said coming down the stairs, curious as to why he was in a hurry…

"Honey…" He looked at me, with a sad expression, and then glanced downward. I saw his bags next to the door. I gasped.

"No… not now, not after, what about… no… you can't!" I said, tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

"Baby, I've got to go, I just got the call. I'm really sorry, I… I truly am."

I ran to him and he embraced me, trying to calm me down.

"Sugar bear, look at me! I promise I'll be back. I will! I'll write you everyday! I hate to run, but I have to go…" He kisses me in a deeply-passionate kiss. "I will come back! I love you, and I love my son! I WILL come back, namarie." Caressing my face he said his goodbyes. "Farewell, my love, my life. I will return." Joe leaves without looking back. I collapse on the steps in a burst of tears…

"Why now! I just had our son! He's not but a year old!" I cried to myself as I stumbled to my feet, carrying my way to our son's bedroom.

I picked Tristan up and carried him to his play pen and sat him down. I sat down in the chair not far from there and watched him play… I reached over to the radio and turned it on. The country station that I had it on was playing Rodney Adkins song 'Watching you'. I got to thinking of what might happen to Joe overseas… would he ever be able to have his son do this with him?

"Tristan, no matter what happens; we'll pull through… won't we? I only hope you understand what a hero you father is." I spoke aloud to Tristan. He just glanced at me and giggled.

A year later… Tristan is now 2 yrs old. J.J. is Kyra's best friend since high.
I was cleaning the kitchen from my dinner with Tristan and J.J. when the doorbell rang. I walked over to it, drying my hands as I went, I wondered if J.J. had left something… Tristan was playing with his toy soldiers in the front room when I answered the door, it wasn't what I expected.

"Yes? May I help you?" I asked the man in uniform at my door, it was normal to have one come to your door most days, after all, it was a military based housing development.

"Mam, I hate to be rude, but may I come in?" the soldier asked politely, he must have been told I was a superior. After all, I was an Air-Force Colonel.

"Of course, please do." I move so he may enter, he walks in, gingerly. 'Hah! They sent an E-1 to do their dirty work! He probably just got out of boot camp!' I thought as we made our way to the front room. "Please uhh… Mr.?" I asked.

"Private Pullman, mam, U.S. Air force."

"I know you're in the Air force Private. I'm a goddamn Air Force Colonel." I snapped. "Please Mr. Pullman; have a seat… would you like water or some other refreshment?"

"No thank you, mam, I have come here on strict business. I request that your son might go to a different room for a moment, or we go to a different room for this matter."

"Why?" I ask, curious.

"You might want to have a seat then first, mam. I have caught to many women these past few weeks doing this job." the private replied.

"Okay…" I take a seat in the kitchen and he sits then reaches into his shirt.

"Mam, I have been given orders, to give you this letter. On behalf of the U.S Air Force, The U.S. Marine Corp sends you their condolences on your loss. I am sorry, I will let myself out." He stands and leaves… a moment later I hear the door shut.

I look in utter confusion at the letter on my table. Barely comprehending what just happened. I reach over slightly and grab the slender envelope and lightly pull at the seal. I take out the letter inside and begin to read.

the letter…
Dear Mrs. Martin,

This is on behalf of your husband, Joseph Terrence Martin. Sergeant in the United States Marine Corp. Due to complications on the battle field, such as terrorists, your husband was shot. He thus was taken to a field hospital. In the hospital, an attempt to save his life failed and he passed away. You have our Condolences.

With regrets,

Jeffery S. Lewis

Commandant of the Marine Corp

End letter…
I begin to cry, not knowing what to do… I reach over to the phone and I dial J.J.'s number… she answers.


"J.J. I need you here now." I say sobbing…

"Okay. I'm coming Kyra, what's wrong?"

"I… I… I got a letter!" I stutter between sobs.

"Okay… I'll be there in ten minutes!" She says before hanging up the phone. Tristan stumbles into the kitchen and tugs on my shirt… I glance up at him, and start crying more.

"Mommy? What's wrong?" Tristan asks curious to my sobbing…

"Tristan… please go play with your toys. Mommy will explain later… okay?"

"Ok… promise?" he says.

"I promise." I sit my head back on the table, I hear J.J. stumble in the door… and ask Tristan where I was.

"Kyra!" I glance up when she walks in the kitchen. "Oh no… this ain't good…" she says… looking at the state I'm in. "Come here… I'll help." I jump up and into my friends outstretched arms I stumble, crying… she slowly takes me upstairs and into my room, lays me down on my bed and I curl up into a ball… "I'll be right back, I'm going to put Tristan to bed… then we'll talk. Ok?" she goes out of the room, only to come back ten minutes later. She nudges me to sit up so I can cry against her, and I do. She sat behind me, comforting me…

"HE PROMISED!!!!" I start to cry out. "He promised he'd come back!"

"It's okay… things happen. You know that." J.J. tried to comfort me. It wasn't helping. "It's okay, you have Tristan to take care of, and you need to be strong!" I cried myself to sleep in my best friends arms that night.

A week later, my husband's funeral was held, and my son still did not understand what had happened. All I could tell him was that daddy left and was never coming back. I decided that leaving the military would be my best bet for my son's life. So I left and moved to a small apartment back near my home in Virginia, and got a job as a substitute photography teacher at the local high school and as a photographer at the local newspaper till I got a better job.

Well, that was the first chapter… I hope you like! It gets to the WWE in the next Chapter! So R&R PLZ! WILL POST SOON! P.S. this is a revision of a fanfic I wrote a long time ago then lost it!

Love ya!
