Chapter 5


Walking out of the class room there arms and fingers locked together tightly. "Hey teme" Naruto called looking at him with a smug smirk on his face. Then he turned to sakura, there was a faint blush on her cheeks. Naruto's grin widened, "And who's this Teme?" Naruto asked looking at the blushing sakura who now turned and snuggled her nose lightly into the Uchiha's Neck, Her face hidden from view.

A devilish smirk crossed Sasuke's face, "just a friend" he answered. Sakura looked up at him; her innocent facial features were slowly disappearing. "JUST A FRIEND!!!" She screamed anger boiling; she glared intently at the youngest Uchiha. "Excuse us, just a second" he called and pulled sakura by the arm, she struggled not wanting to go with him but soon she gave up seeing as she was a lot weaker then the Uchiha. A.N: I'm not saying she's weak In Naruto but she is weaker than Sasuke in my story ok?

They entered a small class room, right at the bottom of the hall. "Now Sakura, you're looking to much into this" He said, sakura folded her arms and turned away from him, Sakura started to walk away from him towards the other end of the classroom. "Come on sakura" he called moving round one of the tables trying to face her. She continued to move, "Sak's?" She stopped her eyebrows raised. "Sak's?" She said again. He looked a little embarrassed; he had never called anyone by a nick name before. "Well then Sak's at least you're talking to me now?" he smiled; sakura let a small smile brush past her face. They were bickering like an old married couple.

"I didn't say I was talking to you. Did I" sakura said cheekily a smug smirk on her face. Sakura jumped onto a table her pink hair bouncing up and down. She towered down onto him "Well you are now?" he said and put out a hand in front of her, sakura obliged and stuck her hand out to he pulled her down. He wrapped his hand around her waist, a smirk on his face as she was so close to him.

There nose were touching a smile spread across sakura's face her eyes closed. "I'll talk to you now" she whispered softy. "I'm glad" he replied just as quietly. There was a loud crash. Both teens looked up to see a little bewildered Naruto standing there. "uhh… did I" Naruto said fairly quietly. Sakura unhooked herself from Sasuke's grip, and placed a gentle hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"It's ok Naruto" she said and lightly pushed him in the way of the door. She smiled lightly, "Now Naruto" she said a sweet smile on her face. "If you tell anybody I'll just have to have you tortured for the rest of your life. Right Sasuke?" her mood swings could easily change, and that was something that Naruto just found out. She turned to Sasuke to get a stuttered answer "uhh... Yea Naruto you will." He said quickly not wanting to make sakura mad again.

"Great now Naruto you go off to your little games again" she said and pushed him full force out the door. Even though she was not nearly as strong as Naruto he was caught so off guard that he couldn't stop himself from falling on the floor. He looked up at sakura like a lost cat. Sakura smiled sweetly before slamming the door hard in Naruto's face.

She turned her back to the door leaning against it. A tired sigh escaped her lips, "I think I went a little bit over dramatic" sakura said innocently. She closed her eye's and sighed once again. She opened her eye's to see onyx orbs staring back at hers. A smile found its way onto her face.

She lightly draped her arms around his neck Sakura looked deep into his eyes a smile on her face. "And where were we" Sasuke said quietly smirking; he gently wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Sakura Felt her lips soon become very warm. Her hand moved from his neck into his hair. The midnight blue in her pale hand; they slowly dropped to the floor in each others arms Sakura's back laid against the wall. Both there eye's closed and smirks on there faces.

And yet again another crash but this wasn't coming from the door behind them. "What the hell is it now dobe?" Sasuke said rising from the floor pulling a madly blushing Sakura with him, his hand still around her waist. "Oh I'm sorry just it's..."Muttered a quite voice. Both of them looked up, there stood a very tall man in the darkness. His features all invisible because they were covered by the darkness over the other side of the room. He coughed once more and then continued his speech in a, much more confident voice. "It's just it's my class room and I don't want a pair of stupid kid's making out in the middle of it!" the said loudly moving closer to the two teenagers.

'The voice was very familiar,' Sakura rattled her brain for who it could be. But then the shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. It was none other than Kakashi sensei. "Sensei?" Sakura called her voice quite. Kakashi looked over to her at her a small smile on his face. It seemed she wasn't the one in trouble at all; it confused her seeing as they were both there, in the class room.

Kakashi turned his gaze to the Uchiha; well it was more of a death glare, instead of just a gaze. "Now Uchiha Explain Now!" he said emphasising the now part. It was obvious that he was as serious as he could get. "Now Uchiha" Kakashi said tapping his foot on the floor in front of them.

Sasuke unhooked his arm from underneath sakura. "What if I don't want to explain" he shouted glaring intently as Kakashi's face, his face a few inches from his teacher. "Then I'll just have to give you a detention" he said with a smug look on his face. Sasuke just smirked to himself once again, "So detention no big deal". Kakashi's smug look never left his face. "But not just you" he said and gave a quick gesture to sakura. "And the only student with a spotless record" he called and began to walk back to the cupboard door in which he first came from.

Sasuke turned to be face to face with sakura. She seemed to be in a bit of a daydream, her pink hair falling around her shoulders and some stray strands falling around her face. Sasuke lifted his hand brushing away some of the stray strands. Sakura looked up at him and smiled. 'He was acting different all of a sudden' sakura thought.

"I don't want you to suffer for my actions" he said all of a sudden sakura looked up at him he was being sincere she could see it in his eye's. "But I'm not suffering" she said quietly placing a delicate hand on his shoulder as a small smile spread over her face.

"Don't play dumb sakura I knew you herd" he said his voice softening as he thought that maybe he had stopped he from having the career she wanted.

"Your right I herd but that doesn't mean that it's a big deal it's one detention it won't effect the rest of my life. You just throwing it a bit out of proportion that's all?" she called sweetly placing a small kiss on his cheek. She slowly got up from her position against the wall. Sakura dusted off her skirt. She turned to him and outstretched her hand. Somehow she felt a little more comfortable around him all of a sudden. He clasped his hand in hers and he slowly undid the door to the classroom.

The halls were quite, a bonus as it meant that they wouldn't get hassled by anyone. Not even Sasuke's own fan girls who had left a little while ago after seeing his car being drove off. Thanks to a blonde haired boy who actually knew that Sasuke needed a little alone time with his new girlfriend. He thought he might repay the favour and actually get out of a beating, which obviously meant that Naruto didn't know sakura to well.

"I guess we better get this over with then" sakura said a small smile on her face, She was a little relieved to know that at least she was not doing a detention alone at least there was someone who was there for her. Sakura unhooked her hand from his and moved closer to the door. "Ready?" she called looking back at her partner.

"Far from it!" he called and moved closer to the door pulling her in his grip again. Sakura let out a small squeak it was all so surprising. Sasuke held her close her long pink hair in his face. Sakura closed her eyes the warmth that Sasuke was generating was keeping her warm. A smile crossed her face how she loved it in his embrace even after knowing him for only a day or a little longer than one. Sakura moved her hand behind the back of his head the strands of midnight blue covering her pale hand. Each strand dropping back into its normal position.

A small smile spread across his mouth. He felt somehow a lot different; her hand was comforting in his hair. It made him smile more than usual. He looked up at her. Sakura's eyes were closed a smile on her face as she brushed through his hair with her hand. His smirk grew wider, Sasuke approached her face cautiously even though sakura had a feeling this is what there hug had resorted to. He brushed his lips across hers sakura smiled and leant in to feel the full impact. Her hands grabbing profusely at his hair, Sasuke's hands around her waist somewhat protectively.

She felt like she was flying her hands in his hair a smile on both there faces. She was about to let go of his hair when she felt no ground underneath her. She broke away from the kiss to find herself in Sasuke's grasp in the air. In short he had lifted her up. She smiled as he gently settled her down on the ground. She hugged him tightly the whole time she felt safer that way even thought she was pretty safe the whole while.

She hugged him tighter as she was settling in front of him. "Thank you" she said quietly her head resting on his chest his breathing was almost like a lullaby. She found herself snuggling into his chest then something brought her to snap her eye's open in shock. "Alright Uchiha your not going in there alone." Muttered an annoyed voice from behind her, She looked up Sasuke was glaring straight at the person opposite them both. She unhooked herself from his embrace once again. There stood Kakashi hands on his hips he looked really feminine. It made her snigger lightly in Sasuke's chest.

Sakura turned and stood up straight she was facing Kakashi now. He didn't look too amused at the fact that they had been hugging right outside the place they were supposed to be in. Let alone he had no clue of what else they had been doing and that they had been there for over a half an hour. "I'm sorry Kakashi sensei" sakura called as she brushed passed Kakashi and entered the room.

Sasuke stood in front of the doorway were Kakashi was standing. Sakura turned to look at him a sly smirk on her face. Sasuke looked back up Kakashi and muttered a quick "sorry" before walking in after her. Kakashi stood in the doorway reminiscing on the happenings that had just occurred. "I can't handle kid's theses days" he said to himself before closing the door with a click. The halls were empty and there was no sign of anyone.

The playing fields were empty and so was the entrance hall. There was only the faint muttering coming from one of the classrooms. There was a loud crash and lots of screaming before the doors to the school opened and out came to bounding figures. Hand in hand they raced away from the entrance of the school and over to the end of the street. A few minutes later the doors to the school burst open again but this time it was one single man looking extremely tried out. Breathing heavily at the outside of the school, before he went back inside leaving once again the entrance to the school empty and silent.


Sorry about the long wait this is the final chapter sorry if it isn't as good as my usual ones it's something I put together quickly well the idea anyway it took me a long time to write I decided to write it a lot longer than my usual ones so I hope you happy read and review and thank you for all my readers.

Keep reading my stories and giving me feedback I love the ideas you people give me
