English Class

Chapter One

Paper Ball

Sakura sat at the front of the class eye's beaming with excitement. It was English her favorite subject. She looked forward to English not just because she had the hottest teacher; it was because she generally enjoyed all the interesting aspects as well. "Good Afternoon Class." Kakashi smirked, he was the hottest teacher at the academy but he sure was late all the time. Kakashi glanced at his watch 12:30, it read he was half and hour late as per-usual he raised his head just about to carry on with the lesson when he saw all his students with irritated looks on their faces.

Kakashi gulped before casting his gaze back to his watch. 'I wish I didn't turn up at all,' He thought before turning to the black board behind him. Sakura cast her eyes to her neatly set out equipment picking up a pen, she wrote the date. Then began to chew at the end of her pen a habit she had made very English lesson. She stared at the table it was covered in drawings and writing. She looked at a drawing. It was of an angel its wings spread across the table, with writing over its chest.

She lifted up her book wanting to find out who this beautiful artist was, when a large paper ball smacked her in the back of the head .She put on a deathly glare and turned slowly behind her, looking for the culprit to send her glare to. When she was stopped by Kakashi calling her name. "Hai." She called standing up; she looked around her, every person's gaze transfixed on her. 'What a stupid thing to do.' She mentally thought.

She quickly turned her attention to her caller Kakashi. "Enthusiastic are we?" He asked cocking his head to the side. "The can you come out here please." Sakura took a deep breath the one thing she hated about English was when you had to do something in front of all the people in the class, sakura in short was easily embarrassed.

"…..Haiii." She whispered walking past sniggering students and an even larger group of smirking girls. She stood in front of the teacher. He looked around the class, and caught sight if a very bored looking boy surrounded by hordes of girls throwing themselves at him. Kakashi sighed, "Lucky guy." he muttered under his breath.

Sakura looked up at him and giggled slightly at the fact that her teacher was jealous of a 16 year old. "Uchiha" he yelled this sent the whole classes' attention to the bored looking guy. He was nudged by the guy sat next to him; he stood up clicking off his MP3 player.

"Come here Uchiha" Kakashi called. The Uchiha made his way through his mounds of fan girls and shrugged each one of the off until he stood in front of Kakashi. "Give it to me" Kakashi called putting out his hand. Sasuke shrugged pulling out his chewing hum placing it in the middle of Kakashi's hand before closing it back up. Giggles where herd, sakura giggled softly at the Uchiha's action.

He looked at her for a while then smirked. He walked away form there stunned teacher and placed his hands back into his pockets. Kakashi looked at his side he saw sakura giggling softly at his expense. Kakashi made a devious smirk looking back at the Uchiha walking away from him. The Class looked at Kakashi and were instantly quite. "Uchiha come back a second." Sasuke sighed he was almost right at the back

Of The class near his seat he turned around walking through mounds of girls once more, an irritating task as the fan-girls seemed to stretch for miles.

This is the end of the first part of my short story English Class!

I don't know how I came up with the idea and I was a little stuck to see if I should carry it on or not.

But anyway Read and Review ask me questions'. I don't mind

I know I'm not the best writer or editor but I hope you can forgive me I really did try and edit these.

Thank you for reading

