Everyday Life is Hell For Squall

Chapter 1: The Beginning

His Gunblade was stuck in the ground. Squall attempted to pull it out but it just wouldn't give.

"Come on you son of a bitch." Squall snarled as he continued to try and pull the sword out of the ground. "Rahhhh!!"

His rival, Seifer, snorted with laughter at him. "You can't even pick up your sword!"

"Fuck you," Squall growled, "I'll just kick your ass unarmed!"

Seifer looked like he wanted to snort with laughter at him again. "Bring it!" He challenged.

Squall rushed at Seifer – while Seifer did a vertical slice to Squall's head, knocking him back.

Squall watched the blood pour on to the ground and a new rush filled him; he pulled his Gunblade from out from the ground and gave one last charge at Seifer… only to awake in the infirmary with a massive headache.

"Damn hangovers…" Squall murmured to himself.

Dr. Kadowaki, noticing he had awoken, walked over. "How do you feel?" She asked politely.

Squall clutched his head and replied with, "Like I have a fucking hangover."

Dr. Kadowaki hummed to herself and nodded. "Say your name for me."

"Default." Squall replied dully.

"Alright, you're ok then," Dr. Kadowaki told him, "I'll call your instructor, Quistis."

While Dr. Kadowaki walked off, some random girl walked in. "Squall, you're my last hope." She said to him, before walking away.

"What the…?" Squall mumbled to himself.

Quistis entered and got Squall. They began to walk down the hallway

"Squall… is there something wrong?" She asked.


"Are you sure?"



The two walked into the 2nd floor classroom. "Class," began Quistis, standing behind the teacher's desk, "Those who completed the written test are free. The rest of you must clean the bathrooms," Some groaning was heard – obviously from the ones who had not completed said written test. "Oh!" She continued, "Seifer don't injure your partner in training… and Squall I need to speak to you."

All the students left but Squall, who walked up to Quistis. "Did you go to the Fire Cavern yet?" The Instructor asked.


"Ok…" Quistis said to him, her face twitching in annoyance. "Meet me out the front, ok?" She told him, before walking out of the class.

Squall walked out of class, not long after Quistis, and went down the hall and then…


Something hit him like a ton of bricks. "Sorry," The girl – who turned out to be what hit him, apologized.

"…" Squall sighed in response.

"Is home room over?"

Squall nodded.

"Oh no!" She began mumbling to herself, "This is so much bigger than my last Garden…" She looked up to Squall, and asked, "Could you give me a tour?"

Squall nodded and took her to the directory… where he gave her a brief tour, before he went off to meet Quistis. "Are you ready?" She asked as he arrived.


"Alright…" She spun around to face him. "Just real quick let me explain-"


Quistis began to cry. "Fine!" She sobbed, "We'll just go then."

The two arrived at the Fire Cavern's entrance.

"Squall…" Quistis began, "You do know how to-" She stopped when Squall glared at her. "…"

"10, 20, 30, 40," One of the Garden Guys standing at the entrance said.

"10." Squall replied.

"Good luck." Was all the Garden Guy said, before he and the other Garden Guy moved out of the way. Quistis and Squall walked in.

"You know, Squall…" Quistis murmured to him in a sweet voice, "Most boys choke when I accompany them on this test."

"Really?" Asked Squall, raising a disbelieving eyebrow at her. "I think it's because your psycho dribble bores them to suicide."

They moved through the Fire Carven at a blinding speed and they reach Ifrit's lair.

Ifrit popped out of his lava hole. "I'm Ifrit fear m-" was as far as he got before Squall leapt into the air and with on slice felled the beast.

Quistis just stared. "H-how did you do that?"

Squall smirked and held up a little black disk. "Gameshark," He said proudly, "Never leave home without it."

They left the Fire Carven and head back up to the Garden. "Squall, go prepare for the SeeD exam."


Squall went to his room, put on his student uniform and headed over to the directory.

"Squall!" Quistis called, "Over here!"

"You'll be in squad B," She continued as he walked over, "Let me see… your partner is… Zell Dincht, quite a lively fellow"

Squall snorted. "He's not lively… just ADD."

Squall looked up to see Zell doing kicks and flips, however… he forgot to stop and slammed into the directory.

"Owww…" Zell whined, "That hurt!"

Squall inwardly groaned. 'Great… I'm stuck with hyper retard.'

Zell got up, and looked at Squall. "Wow, I'm with you cool…" Zell got a look on his face – as if he remembered something. "…Didn't you get your ass whooped by Seifer?"

At this comment, Squall grinned and then head butted Zell, which Squall followed up by a knee to midsection, and finished with a backbreaker. Squall looked down at Zell. 'Wax on wax off that you, dumb fuck.'

"That Seifer you speak of," Quistis interrupted, "Is your squad leader."

"Shit… fuck."


Seifer and his posse strolled up.

"This is my squad?"


"Just great… we're fucking screwed… I got a retard and wuss boy."

At this, Squall grabbed Seifer and slammed his head in to the directory, then, clotheslined Fujin, kicked Rajin in gut and elbowed him in the head and, just for good measure kicked Zell in the nads. "I'll be in the car." He told his fallen squad + Fujin and Raijin, before he walked off.