(A.N.: Hurray!!!! I'm out of school so I finally have some free time to write! Yes, I am a senior and I am a free senior!!!! I graduate on May 20th. So, since I have no school, I can devote myself to my fan fics and get chapters up.

So anyways, hurray for new chappies and yaoi and I still don't own FMA.)

"Perfect," Roy whispered, placing a second candlestick beside a bottle of wine. He still marveled at the fact that he'd managed to ask Edward to come to his apartment that night. He had been wanting to bring the young alchemist over for a few days now, but he'd always managed to avoid the subject. He'd been nervous that Edward would reject him.

How funny is that? he thought. The hero of the Eastern Rebellion is afraid of getting shot down by some eighteen year old kid.

"Wait a second." Roy snapped his fingers beside the candles, the wicks instantly lighting. "Now, it's perfect," he said.

He quickly examined his watch. Five to six. Guess I'd better wait for him. Roy ran his hands along the front of his white, button down shirt. Once his shirt was smooth, his hands jumped to his hair. His fingers ranked themselves through his jet black bangs.

Lay flat, damn you! That command to himself made Roy stop. What am I so nervous about? Roy wondered, plopping his body onto the couch. I'm one of the most eligible bachelors in all of Central. This kid's already crazy about me, so what do I have to worry about?

Roy's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the doorknob twisting open. His ears perked up like a cat's as his eyes glued themselves to the door. Chill out, he commanded himself. Play it cool. He forced his body to lean back against the couch. You don't want to seem like you've actually been sitting here waiting for him. Roy smiled despite himself. When the figure was revealed, Roy almost jumped off his couch.

"What are you doing here?"

Edward rubbed tears out of his eyes for the fiftieth time that night. He had never felt more worried or lost in his entire life. One side of his brain was telling him to run to Roy and forget Winry; he had a date that he should go enjoy. However, the other side of his brain was telling him to consider Winry's words.

"Because you're gay now…How can you not know? You're tonguing a guy, aren't you? Don't you think that qualifies as being gay…What could you possibly need to think about? The best way to come out? Well, I've got to say, nothing says, 'I'm into guys' like cheating on your girlfriend with another man."

Was he really gay? Or was this just a one time fling? Maybe he just wanted something different. Maybe he wanted something to look forward to everyday besides Winry and Alphonse. How selfish is that? he challenged himself. Winry and Al have always been there for you.

But it's not because I'm sick of them or anything, he reasoned. He cares about me and I care about him. But that doesn't make me gay, right?

If he was honest with himself, he never would have given Mustang a second thought for a relationship. Even if I were gay…which I don't think I am…Mustang would never have been my first choice for a guy.

Edward slid down the brick wall beside the main entrance to Mustang's apartment. His gaze crawled up the wall to the window that he suspected was Roy's room. "What do you want from me?" Edward asked the window. "What do I think I'm going to find in there?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Gee, I love you too."

Roy stared stupidly at Hawkeye as she threw her jacket at his face. "I thought you had a mission today."

"It's hard to have a mission when your mission dies in a crossfire between mobsters and the moronic police force," Hawkeye snapped. "Yes, alcohol," she said, obviously noticing the wine bottle on the table. She quickly poured herself a glass and raised it to her mouth. The rim of the glass was barely at her lips when she paused, her gaze lingering on the second wine glass. "Who were you waiting for?" she questioned.

What does it matter to you? You're not suppose to be here! "Long day. One glass of liquor wasn't going to cut it," he said shrugging.

"Right," Hawkeye said, draining her glass.

"So, gunfight, huh? How'd that go?"

"It was a gunfight. There was shooting and people died; namely the guy I was tailing."

"Well, that sucks, huh?" Roy said, pulling his pocket watch out of the pocket of his brown slacks. Where is he?

"Oh God, what a day," Hawkeye said, sliding into the arm chair beside the couch. She kicked of her boots and placed her feet on the wooden coffee table.

"You know what you need?" Roy asked, pushing his watch back into his pocket.

"Something stronger than this?" Hawkeye said, pointing to the bottle.

"Nope. A nice, long, lonely evening of filling out paperwork. Yup, nothing is more relaxing after a long day of work then even more work."

"Uh-huh." Hawkeye raised her eyebrows at Roy. "Well, it's not as though I don't love paperwork, but unfortunately this isn't my case anymore. I don't have to do anything."

Are you freaking kidding me? "Oh, come on. There's got to be something you can do. Come on," he said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the chair. "I'll even walk you out."

"Roy, is something wrong?"

"No," he said, pausing by the door, "nothing's wrong. Why would anything be wrong?"

"You've been acting squeamish since I came in. And you don't get nervous…about anything."

"You're reading too much into it," Roy assured her, releasing her wrist. He returned to the coffee table and picked up the second glass. "I'm very happy to see you, Riza. Really," he added, seeing her cocked eyebrow. He filled his glass and refilled Hawkeye's. "And I'm glad you came home alive." He wrapped his arm around her's, linking them together like a married couple. "So, here's to your safe return." The glasses clinked together as the couple sipped out of each other's glasses.

"I love you, Roy," Hawkeye said, leaning closer to Roy.

"Me too," he replied before his lips were locked into hers. He felt her fingers slither up he left leg. Her thumb and forefinger gently pulled the tails of his shit up. It took Roy a few seconds to realize what she was implying by the small action. He pulled his lips off hers and pushed his shirt back down. "What are you…"

"What? We haven't done anything in a while and I just thought since we're alone, we could do some…" she grinned mischievously, "you know."

Not tonight. I don't even want you here right now. "Look, I've had a really long day and I don't feel like…"

"Listen, I just shot down four gangsters and chased a mafia leader. If I've got enough energy for sex, then you sure as hell do."

She pushed on his chest, causing him to trip over the coffee table and collapse onto the couch. Stop it, he thought as her body landed on his and her hands tore apart his shirt. If Edward sees this…No! I don't want that! I love him! I love him more than anything and I want to shout that at you right now!

Roy opened his mouth to speak, but was surprised when he realized Hawkeye wasn't forcing his shirt off anymore. Her focus was, instead, on the doorway.

Oh, no. Please don't tell me! Roy pushed himself up, his shirt sliding down his shoulders. Sure enough, there he was, a streak of dried blood and tears mixing in the agony of betrayal in his face.

"Wow…" Edward's face immediately turned from agony to the type of face Roy assumed was appropriate when a person walked in on a couple beginning to have sex. "Um…sorry, I didn't realize you were…uh, yeah…I just needed to talk to Ro-Musta-the general about some final details on the mission. Because…the…paperwork, yeah that…it was…um…yeah…well, I'm just…gonna…go…now…" He swung his hand at his side, almost desperately, reaching for the doorknob. "Okay…well…uh, as you were." He closed the door, leaving Roy with the heart-tearing memory of Edward's face, the youth's eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Edward breathed deeply through his nose. Well, that could have gone better.

He began to walk forward, feeling oddly lightheaded. He decided it was the stress of the day making him swagger. Why does won't the floor stop moving? Edward wondered as he slammed into a few walls and other doors.

Was the hallway this long the first time I walked down? He thought as he slapped his palm against the down button on the elevator.

He was thankful that he didn't have to wait long for the elevator to come. He wanted to leave this building as fast as possible. He should have known this would happen. The whole thing was too good to be true. Why would someone as attractive and witty as the General start playing for the other team? He could easily have any woman he wanted. What was the point?

"Just to prove he could make a guy fall in love with him," Edward said, answering his own rhetorical question. "What was I thinking? He couldn't really love me. Obviously, he prefers blondes with breast. Besides, what's attractive about being with a whiney kid with a grumpy ass attitude, let alone a guy at that?"

He looked up as the numbers lit up one by one, the elevator slowly descending downward. "It's funny. My life seems like an elevator now. Slowly, ever so slowly, just falling down."

Edward slammed his left palm onto the panel of buttons beside the elevator door. The elevator screeched to a halt, jerking Edward against the back wall.

"What the hell…" He examined the buttons to see that the emergency button was pushed against the metal panel. "Oh, well, that's just perfect! I'm just fucking up everything around me!" He slammed his right fist into the wall of the elevator, small bits of wood chipping his face. "Even the goddamn elevator wants to hurt me," he said, bitterly. He could feel new tears welling in his eyes.

"I'm so sick of crying," he hissed, sliding down the wall. He pulled his knees to his chest, the tears leaking down the worn trails in his cheeks.