Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible; everything in or related to Kim Possible belongs entirely to Disney. I'm just using the elements in Kim Possible for a personal non-profit fan fic work, so don't send monkey ninjas after me!


Kim Possible: Another Episode "Go! GoStoppable!"

Author: Namuro

Pairing: Ron Stoppable & Shego

Episodes Relation: None


Episode 1: Pilot


Amongst the densely grown trees and blinding bushes, two figures slashed their ways through the vegetative maze. Both of them kept silent as they headed stealthily towards their destination. After much plowing through the overcrowded jungle the two came out into an open area that highly contrasted its surrounding; a dome shaped building fitted with all sorts of hi-tech looking pipes and tubes that reached into the muggy swamp around the base. The mysterious intruders crept past the poorly hidden security cameras and continued behind the thick smoke pumped out of the many exhausts which clearly classified the place more of a factory than a headquarter; they scouted the premises until it was apparent that the only accessible entrance was through the front.

"What now?"

"The usual, see the ventilation shaft up there?"

"Great…more crawling in the dark and dank place. You're paying for my laundry bill okay?"

Just then a big muscular guard in a red overall armed with a standard electric prod came over to where the pair was and opened his trousers zipper, whistling as he did his business unaware of the crater lid that hung loose above him.

Inside the large factory were odd looking machines with multi-purpose arms that worked in perfect synchronization on the passing devices as they moved along the conveyor belt. Atop the control tower that oversees all was a man in a deep blue uniform, he sat lazily on a chair with a glass of chocolate milk in one hand and a magazine in the other.

"Hmm…What's so interesting about these teen magazines anyway? All they talk about in here are lame tricks for picking up boys or just showing all the fancy clothes nobody could possibly afford!" The ill colored man complained between his sip of the thick brown liquid.

"Isn't that the same as your Evil & Mad Monthly? All they have in there are lame tricks for taking over the World and catalogues of overpriced doomsday devices." A voice more feminine came over from another corner.

"Not true! My magazines are far more useful than the garbage you read I'll have you know! Why I remembered the time I used the tips from my magazine in announcing my name, Dr. Drakken to the World for the very first time and officially launched my criminal career!" The mad scientist laughed maniacally and gulped down the rest of his drink.

"Yup…That was real clever alright, shouting out your name from the rooftop of the White House." The girl who had her back to her boss reminisced. "And just when I thought you couldn't be anymore stupid, you tried to kidnap the president with a potato sack."

"Hey, that was a good plan! I mean I managed to put the sack over his head at least…" Drakken mumbled.

Suddenly an alarm blared, sending the surprised Drakken out of his chair and he rushed over to the window. Below on the ground level were two people fighting off the guards in a fiery scene as the machines started blowing up into flaming parts.

"Gahh! It's them again!" Drakken growled and turned to the girl behind him. "Get them!"

At the command, the young sidekick threw the magazine aside and leapt out from the control room, all the way down to the first floor and landed skillfully. She then proceeded to attack one of the intruders but was halted by a green fireball that missed her by an inch.

"Hey watch out will ya Ron? She almost got you!" The older woman said to the younger blonde.

"Thanks Shego!" The boy beamed back to his raven haired partner.

"Now go and disable the main control while I'm holding off Kimmie here!" Shego motioned for Ron to take a clear path behind her and readied herself into a combat stance.

Opposite the heroine in a green jumpsuit stood her eternal rival in a black tank top and grey cargo pants: Kim Possible.

"Alright princess." Shego clenched her fists as they burst into verdurous flames, "How do you want it done, medium rare, well done or extra crispy? I highly recommend the latter."

"No thanks I already ate." Kim smirked and fitted her hands with a pair of red gloves. "But how about trying out my new knuckle sandwiches, they're to die for."

"Sheesh, talk about a cliché' line, I heard better comebacks from a naked mole rat." Shego shot an intimidate smile back at her foe.

As the taunting greet came to an end the two girls launched at each other with furious growls and clashed.


Meanwhile young Stoppable was making his way up the winding staircase that seemed to go on forever and he began to lose his breaths.

"For…a hi-tech lab like this…why…can't Drakken…build an…ele…vator…" Ron gasped for air as he climbed up the last flight of stairs. "Finally…I swear I'll…faint if…I have to climb…even one more…step!"

Ron kicked the door of the control room opened and yelped in surprise when he saw Drakken behind a big ray gun machine which fired at him. A hot streak of purple energy beam skinned the boy as he rolled out of the way and pressed flat behind the wall to keep out of the line of fire.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" Drakken sang with his thumb floating over the button, ready to fire on notice. "You can't hide forever you buffoon!"

Ron twitched at the insult and was ready to pounce on the villain but kept cool. He formulated a plan and smiled upon finding one; he gently tapped the side pocket on his pants to get the attention of his pet rodent as it scampered on to his shoulder. The owner whispered to his tiny helper who nodded in response with a thumb up, the mole rat then quickly sneaked through the door, too fast for the blue villain to notice and ran up behind the weapon.

Ron slowly walked out of his hiding and strode into the room casually, straight into the pointing death ray. Drakken was confused by the boy's action but decided to take his chance and fired the laser point blank onto his target. To the evil man's surprise, nothing happened as the laser gun puffed out a smoke and died; he shook the machine and pounded with all his might, trying to revive the weapon.

"What happened? Why didn't the buffoon gets fried!?" Drakken yelled as he continued his attack on the lifeless object when he noticed a pink rodent crawling out from the base with a bitten-cut wire behind it and his face went red. "You, you stupid rat!"

Drakken jumped at Rufus in anger but Ron quickly stepped in and tripped the fuming man over, launching him into the control panel. Drakken's face went slamming on a big red button surrounded by a yellow and black striped panel. Drakken rose up in a daze and gasped at seeing what he just inadvertently pressed.

"Look what you did you idiot!" Drakken ran in circle in a panic, "You just made me activate the self-destruct sequence!"

"After all these times we fought and you still haven't learned?" Ron sighed along with his pet.

"B, but it says so in Evil & Mad Monthly that it's essential for every villains to have a self-destruct button built into his lair!" Drakken flipped open the magazine to show the secret lair decorations page.

"Maybe you should read something else dude. Anyway, let's get out of here!" Ron joined Drakken in a panic dance and raced for the door.


At the same time on the ground level where it had been deserted but for the two girls who were still going at each other in a frenzied fight, unaware of the countdown announcement from the surrounding buzzers.

Shego panted heavily as she hurled her trademark fireballs one after another mercilessly at Kim who calmly swatted away the energy spheres like they were flies. Confused and angered, Shego charged at her younger opponent and launched a straight plasma filled punch to the face where it was intercepted with a simple grab, Shego quickly connected with a plasma kick which ended in Kim's grasp also. Trapped in an awkward position that she couldn't get herself out of, Shego felt the hard surface of a boot in her lean stomach and was sent tumbling on the floor.

"Why? Why isn't my power working?" Shego lifted her bruised self up and let out a painful cough. "Is it because…those gloves?"

Kim grinned evilly and advanced towards the wounded Shego, cracking her knuckles as she said "Bingo, Drakken made these gloves using the stolen GJ technology and as you might have figured out already, they were designed to absorbed plasma and radiation based energy, so basically your power is useless before them."

As Shego tried to move she felt a sharp pain running through her torso and collapsed back down. "W…What the?"

"By the way see my outfit here? Custom built bio-muscle suit that enhances the wearer's physical strength by three times." Kim demonstrated with a backhand to the steel beam besides her and it bent from the powerful impact. "I figured that kick should have given you some fractured ribcages, so if I were you I wouldn't try to move around too much."

"Hmph, cheater!" Shego growled furiously.

Kim's smile faded and her eyes narrowed as she grabbed Shego's head and lifted her up with inhuman strength and tightened her grip causing the captured girl to scream in excruciating pain. "Ba-Bye Shego."

But before Kim could finish off her adversary, her forehead was met by a gloved fist which sent her staggering back. Shego bit the pain in and kicked her captor in the chest, breaking herself free and somersaulted away to gain some distance.

"Please princess, don't think you can take me down with those silly toys of yours." Shego smiled confidently even though her body was ready to give in.

An irate Kim sprinted in full steam and rammed her fist into a wall behind Shego who jumped over her attacker just in the nick of time, the thick concrete wall exploded from the potent impact. Kim quickly glanced up to see a fiery drop kick which she barely blocked in time with her armored arms. The airborne Shego used Kim as a platform, jumping onto one of the assembly machine before letting loose hails of plasma powered balls. Kim cart wheeled back avoiding all the projectiles and sprung onto a wall where she launched herself into a powerful dragon kick that brought the whole machine down along with the woman on top of it. Pieces of metal chunks and circuits rained around Kim as she stood over the fallen Shego with a death glare, Shego was too hurt to move anymore and Kim knew this well.

"It's game over for you Shego." Kim said as she grabbed a piece of falling debris and crushed it into fine dust. "You put up a good fight but let's face it, you're no match for me…you never were."

Shego wiped her hair out of the way and broke into a soft laugh as she pointed over to her would be executioner "I told you didn't I princess that you can't win with those silly toys of yours."

"You're a sore loser aren't you? Just accept your defeat…" Kim paused when she noticed she couldn't move her legs and gasped in horror as she looked down. "What did you do!?"

The villainous girl's feet were trapped in a glob of molten metal that hardened into a solid lock. She tried to move her feet, thrusting her legs as hard as she could and when that did not worked she started slamming the chunk with her powered fists. But no matter how hard she tried to break it, the metallic trap wouldn't budge, instead her fists sunk right in as if she was punching into soft clays.

"You know what they say Kimmie, brain beats brawn. When you destroyed the machine I was on, it gave me the chance to melt the metal pieces around you." Shego dropped on her back in exhaustion. "And it seems the metal goo has not hardened enough for you to break it either…You lose princess."

"What do you mean? We haven't…" Suddenly Kim understood exactly what her foe meant as the countdown announcement finally hit her ears. "No…"

"Yes!" Shego smiled widely. "The place's gonna blow and we're going together Kimmie!"

"Arrrgh!" The trapped teen struggled to break free in a futile attempt as the countdown was reaching the end. "I can't go down like this! I won't"

"Heh, and you were telling me I was a sore loser." Shego uttered softly.

While one girl was in a fearful panic the other was still and calm as she accepted her fate. Shego began to think back to all her past adventures with her best and most trusted friend and murmured as the place shook in a great tremor "Ron…I hope you got out."


The called woman looked up in surprise to see the form of a blonde savior swinging down from the control room on a metal chain. "Ron?"

Ron swooped down and took his fallen female comrade in his arm and swung them both through the hole in the wall from the fight earlier leaving the stuck red head behind. When they got out of the building, the duo rolled into the swamp in front and duck as the place behind them blew into a great ball of flames with a mushroom shaped smoke that went up sky high. Only pieces of flaming debris and a large crater were left after the explosion.

Ron surfaced along with Shego as they gasped for air. Ron then helped his limping friend over to sit at a nearby trunk before tending to her wounds.

"Thanks Ron." Shego said as Ron finished tying the bandage on her torso. "But that was stupid of you to risk your life coming back for me. Next time you pull a stunt like that, I'll kill you."

"Yeah, yeah, you always say that but you'd do the same for me, right?" Ron said with a playful smile.

Shego didn't say anything but simply returned the smile to which Ron knew what her answer would be anyway. Shego wasn't the type to say nice and sweet things but her actions cover more than enough of her lippy attitude as they say "actions speak louder than words".

"But you know, I wonder if they managed to get away…" Shego said on their way back out of the jungle to the rendezvous point where a plane waited for them.

"You mean Drakken and Kim?" Ron shrugged, "Knowing them, they should be fine and ready to take over the World again in no time."


On the other side of the jungle a slightly burnt blue man grumbled in annoyance of his defeat as he followed the memorized path leading to his emergency hovercraft.

"Once again those two foiled my plan, and it was such a brilliant plan! I swear I'll make them pay…Ow!" Drakken was interrupted when something solid bumped into his head. "Kim watch it!"

Kim peeked up from below as she followed her employer in a hand-walk; her feet were still embedded in the metal chunk which bumped into the scientist's head. Kim had managed to get away by plowing into the ground around her and lifted her whole body off, carrying the chunky lump with her as she made her close escape.

"Anyway, I gave you the power gloves and the bio-muscle suit. How is it that you still managed to lose?" Drakken yelled angrily.

"Hey, if it wasn't for your self-destruct button I would have been able to finish her off, so don't blame me for your failure!" Kim swung her blocky feet into Drakken's side sending the man to the ground in pain.

"But…the magazine…" Drakken tried to make his point but stopped when he noticed Kim was beginning to swing her feet again.

The mad scientist rubbed his side to ease away the sore and quickly resumed his trek for the vehicle with his upside-down sidekick.



From the author


Well that's episode 1 done and done and while I tried my best to illustrate how I see this story in my head which is pretty clear to me but might not be so for everyone else, I just hope it turned out okay.

I actually started two RonGo fanfic projects and worked on them simultaneously which is good in a lot of ways and really bad in many ways. The good things are that I can use ideas that do not apply well in one story on the other and that I can work on another story when I'm stuck on writing the other one. But the bad things are that I keep getting the storylines mixed up and I also feel like I have not pay full attention to each story enough. But since I already started out like this I guess I just have to carry on.

I thought it will be fun writing a fic that is still like the original Kim Possible but with a change of role, having Kim starting out as a villain instead of turning into one somewhere along the fic or Shego turning good (or simply joining the good side to be with Ron) at some point like in many of the fan fics I read. So in this fic Shego would be the one to grow up with Ron and be his best friend while Kim is the ex-hero turned villain and became Drakken's helper. I'm pretty sure someone must have done this sort of fic already (though I haven't seen one) but I want to have a go and see where I can go with it.

I'm working on episode 2 right now which should be finished soon and I'll be posting up the other fic (Me and Shego) too so check it out if you're not too busy!

Well I hope you all enjoy my RonGo fic and please give me your reviews, I'd like to hear what people think of my work, thank you all in advance!

See you in episode 2!